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Fantasy The Rookies- OOC

I was starting to wonder what was going on. Sun set himself up as the taxi service for the group and we're kinda stuck without our ride. We could gripe and sling insults at one another as we wait lol
That's what im waiting on. Once you get in the taxi and accept the mission dr. Hearth will send you the breifing.
SunWukong08 SunWukong08 don't take Cass's words to heart. She's a mean girl who takes potshots at whoever has the most ego and who's left her the best opening. Vic just happened to give her an opening.
WeaselThor WeaselThor When would they be getting things like their costumes and chosen weapons? Would they already have them/be wearing them to the ceremony; or would they have to be picked up once it's concluded?
What is a good example of the tech level?
Something like explosive arrows would be pretty easy. I'd figure a jetpack or a autonomous drone assistant would also be pretty easy. More difficult/impactful items are a bit more tricky though. Lore-wise, Dr. Alana would probably be able to build a mech suit or an invisibility device or something like that, but that's something that would need approval from WeaselThor WeaselThor or D duegxybus
Something like explosive arrows would be pretty easy. I'd figure a jetpack or a autonomous drone assistant would also be pretty easy. More difficult/impactful items are a bit more tricky though. Lore-wise, Dr. Alana would probably be able to build a mech suit or an invisibility device or something like that, but that's something that would need approval from WeaselThor WeaselThor or D duegxybus

Would this be for free or for a charge? I'd imagine the r&d department can't afford to just give stuff out
Shotgunpenguin Shotgunpenguin Based on what I understand, the Hero's Organization is going to have a pretty high budget since they're the main line of defense for Panorama City, especially considering that monsters are a constant threat. They're also the main governing body, which is another reason they'd have an incredible budget. That said, since Brass heroes seem to be treated like entry-level workers / interns, that nigh-unlimited budget would likely be unavailable to Brass heroes.

So, I think the rookies have to pay for it xD
Aight I posted

If anyone wants to resize that image that’d be awesome cuz I totes forgot how lol
Aight there fixed it

Idk I saw "transport" and my mind autofilled some kinda plane or something

Mb lol

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