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Fantasy The Rookies- OOC

I think you could just add diminishing returns to his rate of growth. His power currently grows linearly, but you could change it to be logarithmic so it approaches a limit.
I will take this into consideration. It would be interesting him trying to find ways around the plateau effect.
WeaselThor WeaselThor Is it cool if we make a few villains? Nothing like, amazingly strong, but within the brass copper silver limit? I don't really have anything planned, just curious.
I will be opening up villain creation very soon. We just need to see who is and is not going respond. Give it another day and ill move forward with the cast we have.
Yes and no. Its not full body holograms like in star wars. But holographic keyboards and such like from iron man do exist. Unfortunately it is by no means portable. Its like a large table you can erect hologram maps on.

Also side note. You all may want to check with Dr.Hearth before you head out. Investigation is a part of heroics and you don't want to be caught flat footed.

Hmmm that may be true, but remember that they are rookies. They might not think of it until it's too late.

Also, SunWukong08 SunWukong08 Does Victor wanna party up with the 'Irrelevant' or is he going to do his own thing?
Hmmm that may be true, but remember that they are rookies. They might not think of it until it's too late.

Also, SunWukong08 SunWukong08 Does Victor wanna party up with the 'Irrelevant' or is he going to do his own thing?

I'm still kinda debating on that, because on one hand he'd want to get there as quick as possible, but on the other hand he'd definitely like a chance to have an audience for his superiority... He'll probably end up going with the bunch.
I personally agree with Lexielai Lexielai given his backstory and as mentioned years of training in his character I think the best would just be to lower him down a tad. All in all that's just my thoughts.
I was actually thinking of reworking him altogether. Perhaps make him more focused on one aspect. Like mayhaps remove the adrenaline and give him a faster healing factor. That removes the super op Aspect while still making him useful, as for growth he could improve his skills and eventually.
He has an interesting concept definitely and is someone that it would be awesome to interact with rpwise but his power dwarfs everyone else's. A simple rework to bring him more in line with the group power level will get rid of the problem without you losing your prefered character. WeaselThor WeaselThor

I noticed that and think it could lead to an interesting dynamic between them and her. OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi

Btw Sorry for the hold up posting I didn't want to be one of the first and I forgot to watch the thread and totally didn't realize that things had started.
He has an interesting concept definitely and is someone that it would be awesome to interact with rpwise but his power dwarfs everyone else's. A simple rework to bring him more in line with the group power level will get rid of the problem without you losing your prefered character. WeaselThor WeaselThor

I noticed that and think it could lead to an interesting dynamic between them and her. OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi

Btw Sorry for the hold up posting I didn't want to be one of the first and I forgot to watch the thread and totally didn't realize that things had started.

Don't sweat it, I didn't realize things had started either before.
Ok joseph is done i will be editing his posts then i will progress the Mission posted by Dr.Hearth.
Also just in case this has gone unnoticed.

Being A hero is a paid gig.
Brass heroes live off of commission and tips like a waiter.

Copper heroes bring in between 24,000-98,000$ a year.

Silver heroes bring in 100,000-350,000 a year.

Gold heroes make between 500,000- 1.2 million a year.

Platinum heroes bring in anywhere from 1.5 million to 10 million a year.

(This is just hero salaries, your character can also have whatever other income they choose. However being the 1st richest in panorama is not available as that title is held by an NPC named Midas.)
Uasal Uasal

Stepping on Accelerator's toes so f*cking hard right now (the faceclaim does not help either~)

i actually never watched that anime. The face claim was a complete coincidence. Besides after reading the wiki on accelerator I don't think the two have the same power. Accelerator can manipulate vectors to both attack and defend. While my character can only manipulate vectors to speed herself and others up.

I get what your referring to now but it actually was a complete coincidence. If you must know the power in question is actually a lot more similar to that of the witch from soul eater.
i actually never watched that anime. The face claim was a complete coincidence. Besides after reading the wiki on accelerator I don't think the two have the same power. Accelerator can manipulate vectors to both attack and defend. While my character can only manipulate vectors to speed herself and others up.

I get what your referring to now but it actually was a complete coincidence. If you must know the power in question is actually a lot more similar to that of the witch from soul eater.

Medusa, vector plates
i actually never watched that anime. The face claim was a complete coincidence. Besides after reading the wiki on accelerator I don't think the two have the same power. Accelerator can manipulate vectors to both attack and defend. While my character can only manipulate vectors to speed herself and others up.

I get what your referring to now but it actually was a complete coincidence. If you must know the power in question is actually a lot more similar to that of the witch from soul eater.

YeahsurewhateverbroIbelieveyou (:

Watch it, though. It's pretty good. But there are like...two different shows. And it's weird to watch them both in order. .-.
Ok just edited joseph and his posts. Not much has changed he is still wandering off to find some other heroes case to help with.

I am beginning the post with the doctor that will set off the mission. Good luck guys.
No you don't have to wait. Y'all an progress towards district X. I should have it up by early tomorrow

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