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Fantasy The Recruiters | CLOSED |


New Member


✦ Summary:

Yo[SIZE=14.6667px]ung people have begun to develop abilities, most of which go undetected due to their lackluster effects. However, for those who do develop stronger abilities, there are organizations that aid them to a successful career accommodating their unique powers. They sign on and are given jobs of power and exchange for a small cut for the company. In order to keep the relaxed outlook of those given such abilities, bright minds are hired to search out and recruit new people to their respective firm. Because there are several powerful companies in the field, employees have become competitive on how many recruits are brought in.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]These groups are trained to go undercover in a variety of situations to move in next door or get a job alongside a potential candidate, scouring every part of the country and going to drastic means. Because these means can lead to the group having to arrest or subdue a candidate if things go awry, they are trained for up to a year before they are released into the field, and are practically a family by the time they are sent out. Once a recruit is found, if things go well they will either be added to the group or interviewed and offered a job suiting their abilities.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]This RP will follow a starting group of three closely bonded young adults as they track down people of abilities, some of which will be added to the group as your characters. If you're not a part of the starting three, you’ll write an intro for your character detailing their living situation, whether they’re working, have a family, are students, teachers, criminals, ect., and from there I’ll use my character’s abilities to lead the group to them. Note: you'll be prompted by me when your intro is needed. Also, if you're not joining as one of the first three, it may take some time for the RP to progress to your character. Once every character has been picked up, I'll adjust the plot so they have a different objective. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Every page or so, I will give detail to the setting to keep a plot rolling and throw different situations at them. The out of character chat can also be used to give suggestions about the plot if you have your own ideas. Overall, because the world is nearly identical to our own, we can have a lot of freedom and play it as we want, divided into arks of sort where our characters have to blend into different settings. If you have any questions, feel free to message me. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]I've lightly outlined some characters because I wanted to make sure that the dynamic within the group would be interesting, but if you have a strong idea about a character, message me your idea and I would consider adding it on. [/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]This is my shot at designing a superhero inspired RP with as much originality as possible. I'm sure I accidentally copied 1000 other things out there, but I gave it my best shot. Below I’ve outlined what I had in mind for some characters, as well as my own character. If you're interested, let me know, and if I get enough people on board I'll get this RP rolling.[/SIZE]

✦ Starting Group:


The Ringleader-

[SIZE=14.6667px]This character is a charismatic, outgoing man that has a passion for aiding the interests of others. Ultimately calls the shots within the group. Before his abilities emerged and he was offered a fat paycheck as a recruiter, he worked as a counselor at a small clinic. The need to understand and resolve people’s emotional issues is still with him to this day. Because he seems to hold everyone’s best interests in mind, those who’ve known him long have learned to be weary that the fault never lies on him. He can get away with murder because he presents it as being done for someone else. Regardless, his intentions are usually good, and he’s well loved by those around him. He was gifted with a pair of wings, increased strength, and an infectious personality. Thinks of the Firestarter as a sister and babies her from time to time, occasionally struck by something resembling a romantic feeling. Has been known to get into arguments with the Seer because of their contrasting personalities. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px](Note: if people don't feel comfortable playing this character because it's somewhat of a lead role, I can always double up and play him as well.)[/SIZE]


The Firestarter-

[SIZE=14.6667px]A sharp and intelligent girl that acts as the muscle if the situation turns violent. She was fresh out of high school when she was recruited and is the currently the youngest of the group. She tends to be blunt with her friends, which has got her far as long as they maintain thick skin. She only means it well, even if the truth hurts. Despite her being the main fighter of the group, she’s proficient with words, and was planning on an english major before she found she could coax fire from her hands. She’s aware of the ringleader’s feelings and tend to be weary as a result. She’s close with the Seer and smokes bowls with him on their days off. [/SIZE]


✦ Potential Characters to be Recruited:


  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Beast-Tamer- A character that can control animals to fight for them. Could start with a large attack dog and build a small army of critters. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Technician- A character whose ability allows them to manipulate electronics. Would probably enjoy snooping in other people’s business.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Kleptomaniac- A character who excels in sleight of hand and can turn temporarily invisible. Potentially a criminal or troublemaker.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Telekineti[/SIZE]c- [SIZE=14.6667px] A character who can move things with their mind. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]As long as it isn't too overpowered, I would be more than interested to hear your own ideas on characters. [/SIZE]

✦ My Character: 





[SIZE=14.6667px]Name: Ivan Read[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Age: 23[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Gender: Male[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Seer- He can interpret signs, dreams, and visions to lead him to a desired outcome. In most cases, the outcome is discovering the location of a potential recruit. Ivan has to focus on an outcome that is specific enough to make the signs readable. If the focus is vague, so are the clues. If he was to meditate on how to score a load of cash for example, it would be doable but challenging due to the numerous paths/actions that would lead him there. He might see himself robbing a bank or landing a successful job, but the onslaught of images would be difficult to sort through. However, if he had an image or belonging from a lead on a new recruit, it would be a straightforward premonition. Being secluded from necessary sensory distractions aid the process.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The younger of two brothers, he grew up in a rural area a few miles from the west coast. While his older brother Gareth succeeded in physical, practical tasks like hunting and fishing, Ivan was more of a creative mind. From a young age, he adored art and the whimsical side of things (the later of which he outgrew in his teens). This was all good and well until his later years of middle and high school, where he struggled with a sense of uselessness at the hands of disinterest/inefficiency at practical skills like math. Despite the blow to his confidence, he found a ring of friends in the other art minded students, reaching strides in his happiness through their support. Like most good things, this reached an end as drama within the friend group brewed, with love triangles and hormones wreaking the once perfect balance. Ivan found himself as a pawn in the group’s attempts to gain some revenge on their ex-friends, and by the end of his last year in high school, he felt like he was living out a cheap soap opera. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Feeling victimized and betrayed by the experience, he disappointed his parents by using his college fund and scholarships to move a few states over and attend an expensive art school. The blazing party scene was the perfect match with his negative view on his fellow human race, where he enjoyed drinking himself sick and making fleeting connections with strangers and never seeing them again. Regardless, things were going okay again, and Ivan sculpted, painted, and sketched his way to solid grades and light recognition from his professors. A tad off the rails, he was completely shoved off the tracks when he began having frighteningly strong dreams and premonitions. With an overwhelming amount of deja vu occurring and visions popping from ripples in fountains, he was afraid he’d fried his brain on drugs and sought a doctor. He’d heard of people developing abilities, but it had always been something fantastical like sprouting wings or breathing fire, so it never occurred to him that his problems stemmed from the same seed. Frustrated at the seemingly lame serving of luck, but relieved to have answer, he dropped the art school and joined a group of recruits. Within the year, he had been assigned to his own recruitment group and was sent on missions due to quick progress and a knack for finding potential candidates. He’s been with the current starting group for 2 years. Ivan stays in contact with his parents and keeps the illusion that he’s away at college, lying about assignments and finals. The same goes for his older brother, although Gareth makes less of an attempt to stay in touch. [/SIZE]




[SIZE=14.6667px]Ivan exhibits the traits of an introvert, as time alone makes him feel recharged, and he takes time to adjust to new people. Because of his past luck with friends, he hold a negative outlook on his peer’s intentions and avoids group politics if at all possible. He uses the buffer of being weird or faded as an excuse to avoid effort in making connections. Although it isn’t necessarily a conscious act, he uses it to keep himself from being embarrassed or hurt about how he actually feels or thinks. For longer standing friends, it’s equally a matter of Ivan letting down his guard and them seeing straight through his shifty barriers. Thus, he keeps a fairly normal relationship with those in the starting group. Similarly, it’s worse for new people because Ivan doesn’t know how to present himself. He often suffers from a sense of disassociation, giving him a sense of watching everything through a TV, or that he forgets he actually exists as a physical person. For this reason, he feels like he’s a different person depending on the hour or mood, although this rarely shows from the outside.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Ivan tends to be more vague about his premonitions than he needs to be because he feel vulnerable about the nature of his power, that he doesn’t have any fighting capabilities. He can take the vagueness of his ability for granted in a power play of not explaining if his want for something is part of the premonition or just something he simply wants. If he wanted thai food, the rest of the group would have to weigh whether giving him what he wants would lead to a new recruit or just satisfy his craving for noodles. His traits aren’t entirely negative however, because he does love his fellow group members and cares for them despite the headache he can cause. He can also up the professionalism if it’s truly called for, tying down to be quiet and polite (as possible) on first meeting with a new recruit. After all, there was a reason he was given the job. Romantically, he isn’t concerned with dating as long as he’s sober, but he’s been known to fool around with anyone with a heartbeat after a few drinks. Despite this, if he were to date a group member, his preference would lean towards men. He rarely makes a point of telling people this because he doesn’t view it as a big deal. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His possessions are fairly minimal, with an armful of clothes and a collection of crystals and runes making up the majority of what he owns. He loves the smell of peppermint, the stronger the better, and been known to keep peppermint oil on hand. Ivan favors jazz and ambient music to abrasive rock and has always been a morning person, often awake first and catching a few moments to himself before the day begins. [/SIZE]

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Very much interested. Would it be alright if I made a character with the ability of teleportation? Definitely though there would be limitations of when and where too they could teleport which I would go into detail on their character sheet.

I could see teleportation working great, so sure! Let me know if you have any questions about anything. 

Once I get one or two more people on board I'll go ahead and get some threads going, but if you or @Cruor Flumine happen to get a character sheet done before I get around to that, feel free to message me the finished character. 

I could see teleportation working great, so sure! Let me know if you have any questions about anything. 

Once I get one or two more people on board I'll go ahead and get some threads going, but if you or @Cruor Flumine happen to get a character sheet done before I get around to that, feel free to message me the finished character. 

I'll throw my CS up after work, I'm going to be chewing on a few ideas until then
Can I ask you to hold the firestarter, but with a different power?

I was thinking something around spawning small black holes, but ill put up a better description when I'm not on my phone. 

I could see teleportation working great, so sure! Let me know if you have any questions about anything. 

Once I get one or two more people on board I'll go ahead and get some threads going, but if you or @Cruor Flumine happen to get a character sheet done before I get around to that, feel free to message me the finished character. 

Great! Thanks!

And Alright I'll be getting started on that soon.
I would be down for this. I'd prefer if we discuss via PM tho for my idea since it may not be acceptable for an intro character.

EDIT - I'd make the PM now but it's currently 3am
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As long as it isn't overpowered it sounds good to me! I'll hold you the spot. 

I was thinking we could see how it goes as a group, and if sparks fly between some characters we could set up some side 1x1s for those characters. I don't want it getting too complicated, so as long as they're side plots that don't affect the main one, that could be fun. (If that was you were asking about haha.)


Awesome, can't wait!


Sure, I'm in the same boat right now with it being late, so a discussion in the morning would be great! 

As long as it isn't overpowered it sounds good to me! I'll hold you the spot. 

I was thinking we could see how it goes as a group, and if sparks fly between some characters we could set up some side 1x1s for those characters. I don't want it getting too complicated, so as long as they're side plots that don't affect the main one, that could be fun. (If that was you were asking about haha.)


Awesome, can't wait!


Sure, I'm in the same boat right now with it being late, so a discussion in the morning would be great! 

To be clear, I mean court in the business sense, not the romantic 

Ah right, I get you.

In that case, my train of thought was that, in the beginning, everyone in the group would be involved with recruiting. Once it gets to be more than five people (if we have more than five people sign up) then I'll assign another correlating task to some of the members. (For example, if the recruit caused some damage/trouble in their local city, some of the members could work to soothe things over. Or take out a powered person who lost their marbles and can't be saved. Or train/go after a member who changed their mind or whatever other drama I can conjure up.) Also if a character is particularly angsty or doesn't respond well to the group then 1x1 would definitely work. I'll see how it goes.  
I'm interested I would love to be the firestarter or if that's already taken; I wouldn't mind taking up another character.
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@Robyn Banks

Oops, Ironrot claimed her yesterday, but they're changing up the abilities if you want to design a character that has the fire abilities. Sorry about that! 
I'm interested I would love to be the firestarter or if that's already taken; I wouldn't mind taking up another character.

Was there a particular reason that you wanted that character?

I'll try to put a draft up tonight, but I'm having trouble deciding on the specifics of the ability (ie. how to make it conform at least loosely to physics and more importantly, not OP. How do you feel about strong powers that can easily get out of control?)

I'm down with a strong, hard to control power (because the unpredictability could make for some interesting scenes) as long as you don't use it in an OP way. But it sounds like with it being hard to control, that wouldn't be the case at all. Maybe you could implement a recovery period as well? For instance making your character feel drained or even temporarily faint after overusing it. (Just an idea, feel free to ignore it.) But yeah, I'm cool with it. 

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