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The rebel and the knight (1x1 with SplendaWeReGoingDown)


New Member
Name: Vincent Sheridan

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Looks: Vince (3 links- V, in, ce - until I can figure out a few more)

Personality: Vincent is not your typical prince. He is introverted, someone who enjoys exploring the woods after nightfall alone instead of attending any of the lavish balls that are thrown in the castle. Despite being the oldest of his siblings, he doesn't want the throne; he would rather have his younger brother, Antonio, take the crown because he believes that his sibling would be a better ruler. His parents would describe him as rebellious; he rarely attends his lessons, and is more often trying to sneak out of the castle gates than anything else.


Mother- Lucille Sheridan, 42, not very close, but still friendly

Father- Marcus Sheridan, 45, slightly bitter for forcing him to act as a prince, but admires him as a king and a father

Brother- Antonio Sheridan, 14, very close and dear to Vincent (who tries to act as a good role model and keeps him out of trouble; basically, trying to turn him into everything Vince is not)

Sister- Vanessa Sheridan, almost 17, kind of a love-hate relationship, but they are close and friendly overall

Friend- Alexander Blakesley, 21, knight who acts as Vincent's sparring partner and confidant, they've been friends since the royal family took him in as a squire at a young age


Clash of metal, sword on sword. Each blow rang in the air like a triumphant shout as the battle raged on. Circling his opponent, neither side was willing to surrender. A knight never lowers his sword unless forced to yield, and neither intended on losing. The blades crossed again, the momentum of the collision nearly knocking the young male off balance. But still he held firm, his dark eyes set upon his adversary.

Stepping back again, the two continued their pattern of pouncing and stalking, like rival panthers slinking through the undergrowth of a steamy jungle, glaring with pearly fangs bared. Too focused on winning was the younger opponent that he took no heed of his surroundings. His opponent slashed out swiftly, missing by an inch as the target ducked away. He struck out in response, but was met by no more success than the attack aimed at himself.

"You shall not win. Give up now while you still have the chance." "Are you so sure?"

Their dance of stabs and clashes trudged onward for a while longer, a few blows hitting while others were unable to cut nothing but the wind. Sweat beaded their faces beneath their helmets, and breaths became the panting gasps of an exhausted stallion. One blow fell close to the handle, jarring the weapon from the younger opponent's hands. Unarmed, he ducked and scrambled to recover his lost sword, but all for naught.

Only when his back met the rough bark of a tree did the beaten lad cease fighting. He tried to calm his breathing, lest he pierce his own heart upon the dull blade that threatened him. The victor grinned at him, his dark eyes glinting with a triumphant light. "That makes three times."

"Well, when you're a prince," Vincent responded wearily, retrieving his sword. "You're not free to train the day away like you do." Alexander chuckled at this, sheathing his sword. "You could, with how often you skip your lessons. Your father is going to hide your sword again if you're not careful." "Then I'll just find another one to use. Who cares for those foolish lessons anyhow? What good do they do anyone?"
Petra watched the duel before her from her spot under a tree trunk. She currently had the torso of her armor off while she polished her Claymore on her lap, occasionally glancing up and watching the movements and fighting before her. She analyzed the most minute movements, noticing where there were issues in stance and form as well as aspects that were hindering movement. She was hardly one to critique form, however, as she certainly lacked it. Her upbringing has made her rough around the edges with an unrefined fighting form and she tends to rely on brute force more than anything, however, she has watched the soldiers train enough to recognize what a proper sword-fighting form is supposed to look like.

As Petra let the cool breeze wash over her, she let the banter between the prince and his favorite knight wash over her. The two were very familiar with each other and they made good sparring partners, although Petra doubted that His Majesty would be able to best one of the best knights in the Royal Army. Alexander was quite talented indeed, and Petra was impressed by his skill, she herself learning much from simply watching the man in battle.

As the battle came to an end, Petra turned her attention back to the large, oversized blade she was currently polishing.

"Then I'll just find another one to use. Who cares for those foolish lessons anyhow? What good do they do anyone?"

The female knight grimaced as she heard the words. "Those lessons," she spoke, after having been silent this whole time, "are to help prepare His Majesty to be the leader this kingdom needs - they are not some empty tasks meant to keep you busy," she lectured, her eyes leaving her blade only for a moment to send a stern look at the prince.
Vincent glance in Petra's direction, instantly recognizing the tone of her voice; he had heard it often enough. "Those lessons, are to help prepare His Majesty to be the leader this kingdom needs - they are not some empty tasks meant to keep you busy." 'I beg to differ. I don't see how memorizing years of history on all known countries, ally or not, would do anything but hinder a king's mind.' "If my father would see that my brother would be a better choice for heir, everyone would be happier for it." He responded. 'And what are you except a babysitter set up by my parents to watch me like a child.' With that, the prince's attention turned back to is friend.

"If my parents don't say something, she will." His voice had fallen to a murmur. "As much as I appreciate that they haven't disowned me for disobeying their every wish, I would rather not have to be followed around everywhere I go. It's demeaning."

"I disagree." Alexander responded. "I have heard that there is unrest outside the kingdom and it is beginning to seep through the borders. Be glad the king and queen are letting you out of the safety of the castle walls. If things are progressing as they have been for months, we are all in grave danger." This was the most information the prince had received on the subject. He had been keen enough to notice something was going on in public affairs, as the subject had been all the family ever spoke of barely a year ago. Now, asking about things outside of the borders resulted in silence. 'Ironic, since I am being trained to be next in line for the throne, yet I know nothing about these affairs.'

"Still, they don't have to keep me on a leash. I am their son, not their dog."
Petra pursed her lips as she heard Vincent complain that he should not be on the throne. She, personally, disagreed but she kept any comments to herself. In her opinion, Prince Vincent would make a fine leader, if he would only open his eyes and realize that. And she did not think this simply think this because he was the eldest. From her experience serving under various leaders (both good and bad), she felt that the best leaders were those who did not actively seek power, just as the prince himself was reluctant to step up to the plate. They were less likely to take advantage of the power they had been given, which was why Petra firmly believed he could do great good in this kingdom. But alas, it was not her place to comment. She did not know the reasons why Prince Vincent was so reluctant to take up the crown - perhaps it was the responsibility or the fear of failure or something else much more personal -but it mattered not to her, her duty was to simply ensure that he came to no harm. And that was precisely what she intended to do.

Petra set her sword down gently as she stood up and stretched her back, causing it to crack a bit from the stiffness of sitting in the same position for so long.

"Alexander is right," she assented. "I've heard from the merchants down in Low Town that their convoys have been attacked on the trade routes, and there are more raids on the villages that border our neighbor, Panthera. 'Tis a rough time indeed." What she did not mention was how this was starting to affect the lower class. Few of those who worked in the castle cared for the people of Low Town and the rural villages that made the bulk of this kingdom, so few realized that the attacks on merchants were taking its toll on the people who lived off of those goods. The gangs in the area were starting to take advantage of the situation, and Petra went down to the Low Town when she could, but she was just one woman and could hardly make such a difference. She feared what would happen to the townsfolk should the situation worsen.

Pushing those thoughts aside for the moment however, Petra turned back to the conversation at hand. "The King and Queen are concerned for you," Petra said. "They fear that your rebellious streak may put you in danger one of these days, so they have asked me to look after you. Is that really so wrong of them?"
The more Vincent heard about the troubles brewing in the kingdom, the more curious he became. There was no chance of him getting out of the castle to see anything first-hand, he knew that. But surely the guards knew more than they were letting on. Petra's words proved that assumption to be correct. Getting information from her, probably not likely; but maybe. Maybe he could convince her, 'for the sake of the knowledge'. After all, the would-be king should know about the state of the kingdom. 'But that would insinuate that I intend to become the king. If I give her even a sliver of suggestion, she would hold that over me. And worse, if my parents hear that.'

"The King and Queen are concerned for you. They fear that your rebellious streak may put you in danger one of these days, so they have asked me to look after you. Is that really so wrong of them?"

"It's not like I'm wandering the town. I am not an idiot, nor am I child." He responded. "I've been training, I can fight. I don't need to be protected every second of the day. Especially not if the rest of the guards are doing their job properly."

((sorry, I got called out at the last minute. Would have been longer))
Petra walked back over to where her sword and armor lay and busily began tying her armor back onto her torso. "The way you behave tends to say otherwise," she challenged, even if she knew that she was stepping beyond her boundaries as the man's guard. "The guard is hardly the most efficient system, and you'd be a fool to rely on its powers to protect you. That is why I am here." There was fear among the higher-ups that with the unrest there may be those within the castle walls that would wish to do the crown harm. Most of it could be dismissed as petty gossip and paranoia. After all, rumors like this surfaced whenever any conflict arose in the kingdom. But it did do well to serve on the ere of caution. Especially since a single person within the castle's infrastructure could do more damage than the largest of armies. The generals and royal court were taking no such chances with this.

"It's not like I'm wandering the town. I am not an idiot, nor am I child. I've been training, I can fight. I don't need to be protected every second of the day. Especially not if the rest of the guards are doing their job properly."

"Your entitlement and your avoidance of responsibilities is quite childish if I may say so." Petra very well knew she may not say so, but she went ahead anyways. "And while I am not saying I agree with or even condone what the king and queen and their decisions are concerning you, I am saying that I have been given a responsibility to make sure you do not come to harm and I am upholding that responsibility that I have been given. His majesty should try it sometime," she sent him a stern glare of the lecture variety before turning away and hefting her Claymore onto her shoulders, to distribute its weight evenly across her shoulders as she prepared to do some sparring of her own now that her sword was properly polished.

((No worries!))
"Your entitlement and your avoidance of responsibilities is quite childish if I may say so. And while I am not saying I agree with or even condone what the king and queen and their decisions are concerning you, I am saying that I have been given a responsibility to make sure you do not come to harm and I am upholding that responsibility that I have been given. His majesty should try it sometime."

If Petra's lecturing didn't strike a nerve, her glare sure did. Vincent didn't trust himself to speak softly in response, so he kept himself silent. However, what his mouth did not say, his actions did; but Alexander stopped him from doing anything rash. "She has a point." The prince pushed off the hand that was holding him back, trying to keep his frustration in check. "Don't take her side!" The knight shrugged. "I merely speak my mind, your highness. Nothing more, nothing less." He sighed and leaned his shoulder against a tree, glancing toward Petra.

For a woman, it was amazing for her to have risen to such a high position of prestige. However, her persistence and loyalty made her just what the prince needed to keep him from straying into harms way. Anyone with lower intelligence would have been duped by him several time; yet Vincent had only once succeeded to sneak away from the castle without her catching him (which had not been due to negligence, as he remembered). Anyone of less persistence and loyalty would have begged to be reassigned to some other task; but never Petra. No matter how bitter the prince acted toward her- and the knight knew just how bitter Vince could be- she remained loyal and determined to serve her purpose and objective. Her gender made no difference in his mind.

Prince Vincent didn't see things that way at all. He knew nothing of her beside her reputation and the fact that she was tasked with guarding him with her life. He didn't doubt that she would protect him; in his mind, he thought her as a sometimes tolerable nuisance, but only when she kept her opinions to herself. It wasn't all that often that she did slip up and speak out as bluntly as she had moments before, but it was times like this that created a wall between them. He didn't desire to have another voice of criticism in his life. He got enough of that from his sister and his parents. You'd think that such criticism would push him to obey the desires of his family; but to him, it justified rebelling even more. He was not his father, nor did he want to be. Freedom to make your own decisions was not among the list of perks to wearing the crown.
Petra glanced at the prince and his companion knight, silently grateful for Sir Alexander holding him back. If the prince chose to, he could strike her no matter how right or wrong she was and Petra could do little but take the hit. She highly doubted Prince Vincent to be the type to do so, but for a future leader he sure had quite the temper on him and certainly enjoyed throwing his tantrums especially when it came to his succession and his "lack of freedom" as he so called it.

Ungrateful is what Petra called it, however. Prince Vincent grew up in this world so his view of the world was from the inside looking out and it certainly warped his vision. Very few in this world were ever truly free to make their own decisions. Prince Vincent was ignorant of its people and just how they too were trapped in the trades of their families. A blacksmith's son would always become a blacksmith, just as a courtesan's daughter was likely due to the same fate as her mother (although Petra was one of the lucky ones). When Petra had tried to leave the gang she was the sword for, they nearly took her life in exchange. Was that the so-called freedom the prince sought? He was but a boy in her eyes, ignorant to the world and yet with so much potential to do so much and influence the kingdom for the better. Yet those opportunities were squandered by this man.

"If you want some independence so much, His Majesty and Sir Alexander are welcome to join me in the marketplace down in Low Town. I must stop at the Smithy and retrieve a longsword that is being repaired around noon this day." It was as much of an olive branch as Petra could muster at the moment, and while Low Town was certainly no place for a prince (especially with the Reds and other gangs gaining more territory as of late), perhaps it would do the man some good to get out for a time. She would never say so aloud, but she was honest when she said she neither agreed nor condoned the king and queen's actions regarding their son. Leaving him in the dark was more dangerous than anything, especially if he was to insist on being so rebellious and constantly attempting to sneak out. If the king and queen did not wish to tell him about how the current unrest with the neighboring Panthera was affecting even its capital, then Petra would allow the prince to see for himself. Although, perhaps they may be safer sticking to High Town where the middle to upper class lived.

Petra herself was never a fan of the nobility in High Town, they sneered at her as if her mere presence were insulting them. But if it was safer.. And Petra knew she could buy a longsword better than that of Low Town, but her devotion would always be to Low Town and its people. And that was the best place for her to hear the happenings of what was going on in the kingdom what with merchants and farmers all abound. And not to mention, the area was fairly safe. During the day.
How is a prince who has been cooped up in the castle all his life supposed to know anything about the plights of anyone lower than him? Especially Vincent, whose life had forever been spent within the walls of the castle and the courtyards within the gates. Personally, he believed himself to be justified in his desire for freedom and choice. Shouldn't anyone be able to choose their destiny? Of course, that was never really the reality for the majority of the kingdom's population. Taking the hardships of others into consideration had never been a strong point of his; nor a necessary skill, so far as he knew. If he was ever going to become the king, all of that needed to change.

"If you want some independence so much, His Majesty and Sir Alexander are welcome to join me in the marketplace down in Low Town. I must stop at the Smithy and retrieve a longsword that is being repaired around noon this day."

Her offer caught the prince off guard, but he knew better than to turn down an offer as rare as this over a difference in opinion. However, he was a bit weary of the idea. "Wouldn't you have to ask for permission to bring me along? Surely the king and queen would disapprove of the heir leaving the safety of the castle walls if the kingdom was truly in such great peril currently." He was ready to call her bluff; he expected a trick, for her to offer such a rare experience and suddenly snatch it away again to spite him.

"Are you saying you don't want to go?" Alexander asked, glancing down at the younger male. "There are easier ways of doing so."

"That is not my intention at all. I was just saying..." The more he thought about this, the more deceiving his first impression was of Petra's suggestion. Alex sighed and shifted his gaze to the other knight. "It would be a pleasure to accompany you on your task. A report on the conditions in Low Town has been desired for some time as well; the king is anxious to see how badly the foreign affairs have influenced that section of the kingdom."
"There is no safer place in this kingdom than with me at your side," Petra said with the utmost confidence. "Especially with Alexander coming along, we are sufficient protection should something happen. You are more likely to be stabbed in the back at the king's court than in a Low Town marketplace." And it was true, Low Town markets were bustling with business and activity, with its biggest dangers being pickpockets during the day. Low Town was a bigger danger to those that lived within it than those simply passing through.

"I'll inform the king and queen of our venture myself, if you wish. We shan't be gone for more than a few hours, if they cannot trust me to look after you for such a short time than I am unfit for my role as your guard.

"And Sir Alexander is correct. We need some intel on the recent goings-on. Although you may want to.. dress down so you are not immediately recognizable."

The king and queen would certainly not like this prospect, will likely dislike Petra for even suggesting as much, however, Petra can kindly remind them that a trip to a market, getting to know the capital is much safer than the prince sneaking out at night and finding out for himself. On that, they can all agree. They also knew Petra would give her life for the prince and that she would not allow harm to come to him on her account.
Taking Petra's explanation into account, her offer didn't seem so much of a scheme anymore. Vincent had yet again misjudged her character; he had a habit of doing that. It would make sense after all, her being tasked with guarding him and him accompanying her. There's not much good that the guard could do if she is outside the castle gates and the prince is still within them. Perhaps she wasn't so restricting after all.

'She's just doing her job as my babysitter. However, if I get to leave the castle, I can endure a bit of back up should anything happen.'

"I'll inform the king and queen of our venture myself, if you wish. We shan't be gone for more than a few hours, if they cannot trust me to look after you for such a short time than I am unfit for my role as your guard. And Sir Alexander is correct. We need some intel on the recent goings-on. Although you may want to... dress down so you are not immediately recognizable."

First impressions would have implied that Petra was asking the prince to dress in the manner of a peasant, which was highly insulting. Why on earth would he have such an outfit? On second thought, walking through the streets of Low Town in finery would attract a lot of unwanted attention; and flaunting your wealth over those who have little would be unfair of royalty. 'Not that it matters. I'm sure Antonio will end up succeeding over me.' As much as he hated to admit it, Vincent did have thoughts consistent with a proper heir to the throne. More often than not, though, his redeeming thoughts stayed silent and overshadowed by others of the opposite effect. "That would be wise, I guess. I shall be back, then." With that, the prince returned to the castle.

Alexander sighed, shaking his head. "I almost pity you. His majesty is quite a difficult youth. A most disagreeable prince, when he has his mind set against you." He glanced away from the castle as Vincent disappeared inside, turning his gaze to Petra. "With your guidance, perhaps that could change."
"My very presence is an insult to him," Petra spoke as she watched the prince's retreating form. She turned to Alexander and gave a small sheepish smile. "You give me too much credit, Sir Alexander, my existence here is unlikely to change anything. His Majesty is a stubborn lot and will not see change unless he himself wills it." She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. She didn't let it show often, but the prince could certainly be a handful and at times she had doubts whether she was capable of her position or even doing more harm then good. Perhaps a more lax knight who let the prince get away with his antics would result in a more laid back and subdued prince since he wasn't cooped up at all times. But that was also a bad idea, Petra knew, for these were trying times and the prince was in constant danger when there was unrest within the kingdom of Orova.

Petra shook herself out of her musing as she went to address Alexander. "If you'll excuse me, I must go inform the king and queen of our plans." She pursed her lips, "They will be none too happy I am sure, but nonetheless, be ready to head out by noon."


To say the king and queen were none too happy about the announcement was an understatement.

"Lady Petra, you realize what you are asking of us?!" Queen Sheridan's voice bellowed through the throne room. If Petra were a meeker sort she might have cringed at the accusing voice before her.

"We do not even send our own soldiers down to Low Town let alone my son," the King spoke, and Petra wanted to point out that there in-lied some of the many problems in Low Town but refrained from commenting.

"I must do a supply run and Sir Alexander was given order to gain intel on the recent happenings along trade and merchant routes," Petra went onto explain. "I do not wish to leave the prince unattended while I am gone, we all know how he can be." She paused and as the two seemed to have gone silent as they realized the truth in her words.

She pressed on, "His Majesty has been getting restless as of late which bodes ill for all parties involved And," she paused as she considered her next words before lowering her voice slightly. "I know there are pressing matters that Their Majesties the king and queen wish to discuss with the court without Prince Vincent's knowledge. Is this not the perfect opportunity to discuss freely?"

It was tense for a moment but eventually the king sighed. "Very well, Miss Petra," the king relented and Petra . "You have convinced me. But here this, if something should happen to my son, it will be your head," he warned. And Petra nodded in understanding before taking her leave.


Making her way back to their meeting place around noon, Petra thought back to the conversation. She disliked the way the king and queen acted as if this small area of their city's capital were the worst place imaginable and actively chose not send troops to protect its people because they seemed to believe it was beyond saving.

But that was a discussion for another day. For now, she was satisfied in that she had achieved her main objective.
"My very presence is an insult to him." "If I may say, your presence is necessary for him in this time of trouble." Alexander responded earnestly. "His majesty is narrow-minded, and knows nothing of what's going on. If he was more informed, or chose to put aside his pride for his own sake, he would see he has much to learn from you." "You give me too much credit, Sir Alexander, my existence here is unlikely to change anything. His Majesty is a stubborn lot and will not see change unless he himself wills it." "And he shall only will it if he sees the error of his current ways. A push in the right direction would not harm him." Petra, the knight believed, was the role model Vincent needed; an ever-present reminder of the loyalty of others. The loyalty that is due by a prince to his duty as the heir of the throne. A knight who allowed him to roam and do as he pleased would only serve to strengthen the young man's already rebellious spirit.

"If you'll excuse me, I must go inform the king and queen of our plans." "Of course. Let me not detain you further."


By the time Petra was returning to the gates, Prince Vincent had changed and was waiting alongside Sir Alexander. He donned a dulled brown cloak, as suggested by his sister, and beneath it an outfit he deemed "dressed-down enough to satisfy his guard; not that it mattered much because it couldn't properly be seen through the fabric of his cloak, only flashes here and there when he walked. "Are we cleared to take our leave of the castle?" Alexander asked as the female knight approached. 'More importantly,' Thought Vincent, not wanting to speak out. 'am I allowed to travel as well?' He was anxious to leave the gates of the castle, an event that he had (with permission) only had the pleasure of experiencing once. And that was a different time, a more peaceful age in the kingdom. What would it be like now?
On her way to the meeting spot, Petra thought back to the last conversation with Alexander. The man was a good honest friend to the prince and she appreciated his supportive words although she really doubted about his confidence in her or positive influence in the prince's life, but she appreciated the sentiment.

"Are we clear to take our leave of the castle?"

Petra turned to the voice, "Of course, we are all cleared to go." She paused, "The King and Queen were none too happy but I managed to convince them to let us go for a few hours time, so let us not delay," she said as she turned away from the pair and made her way to the castle gates.

She chanced a glance at Prince Vincent who was dressed more humble than she had ever seen him. She was impressed that he had taken her advice seriously, he would certainly blend in, however his speech might give him away as someone from the castle if he remained too proper.
"Of course, we are all cleared to go." Vincent took a moment to make sure he had heard her correctly, before a grin quirked the corners of his mouth. He followed Alexander toward the gates, having expected his parents to refuse this chance; perhaps instead forcing him to sit through a boring tutoring lesson on information that was either common knowledge, common sense, or irrelevant (in his mind anyways) to becoming a king. Personally, he believed in learning from experience, not from a book. Seeing is more powerful than reading. If he tried using that excuse to convince the king and queen to let him out of the castle walls, there was very little chance of it being a success.

"Shall we be traveling the whole ways on foot?" Alexander inquired. He wasn't particularly bitter if they were to travel the distance themselves, it was simply out of curiosity that he asked. The prince, however, would indeed be bitter toward such a task. 'How far from the castle is Low Town? Surely they would not have me walking for a lengthy journey.' "What good would that do us but increase the risk of attack and delay our arrival and return?" However lowly dressed he was, Vincent was not dressed for a journey without the aid of a horse or carriage. "A steed for each of us would make the journey faster and easier, I say. If the stable can spare a couple horses."

((stupid computer. I wrote this before I went to sleep last night, but it never posted XP Sometimes I hate technology))
"We will indeed be travelling on foot," Petra declared towards Alexander as she made her way to the castle gates. Feeling lighter without the weight of her heavy armor, she was instead wearing a simple tunic and trousers tucked into boots. The material of the tunic was of simply linens bought from a weaver in Low Town a while back and had many mends and stitch repairs that Petra had done over the years. It was a modest and humble attire, but very light and comfortable and just right for achieving the objective of the day.

"What good would that do us but increase the risk of attack and delay our arrival and return? A steed for each of us would make the journey faster and easier, I say. If the stable can spare a couple horses."

Petra kept her face neutral as the Prince went on about the need to take horses into Low Town. "Horses are unnecessary," she claimed, just as they were walking past the stables just outside the outer gates of the castle. Anyone would recognize one of the castle steeds immediately, they were bred to be of the highest class and it was far too noticeable, the townsfolk would know who they are immediately "The horses are far too difficult to maneuver through the throngs of townsfolk roaming the markets this time of day. And it is not as if we are marching to another village, we are going to be taking a simple walk through the town that should take no more than an hour's time at the most," she paused. "And besides," the knight decided to add, "knights are used to marching several miles in a single day when necessary, walking through town is nothing to us. It'll be good for you to experience the town like the rest of us do, Your Majesty."

She was surprised that the prince was worried of an attack on them if they walked. Secretly, she wondered how often the prince ever left the castle, but refrained from asking. They would not be attacked by anyone, she knew that for certain. The only place they had to worry for attack was if they were taking the merchant routes but it was not as if they were leaving the city. At the most, the prince would have to worry about being pickpocketed by a citizen of Low Town, although she was certain the prince could surely spare a few coin for someone who needed it more anyways. Even the gangs didn't attack regular citizens, much preferring to fight each other over control of territory than anything.
Vincent barely managed to suppress a bitter sigh at her response, deciding against speaking. There was no point in being the agitator of an argument. Besides, his opinion obviously was no being considered among this party of travelers. Her explanations for the horse's unnecessary presence were reasonable, but not overtly convincing. 'True, it may be difficult to move through town on horseback, but I had no idea of the distance. She acts as though I was some foolish page of hers.' "And besides, knights are used to marching several miles in a single day when necessary, walking through town is nothing to us. It'll be good for you to experience the town like the rest of us do, Your Majesty." 'And am I not a bitter heir to the throne? I am not going to be a knight, therefore I should not be treated as such.'

Alexander glanced toward the prince, who was obviously brooding, and nudged his shoulder. "You need not look so down, your highness. Wasn't it your desire to leave the castle?" "I'm not down. I feel my presence is unwanted." For obvious reasons. Funny, as he was always acting as if Petra's presence was the unwanted one. He turned his attention to the female knight. "Had I known it was such a short journey, I would not have mentioned traveling by horse. I have not had the allowance of leaving of the courtyards or castle to perform tasks; my parents feel it is unnecessary, and I feel it is not so. If I had the chance to travel more often, the kingdom would be more well known by me. Is that not a good thing for a future ruler to know?"
"If I had the chance to travel more often, the kingdom would be more well known by me. Is that not a good thing for a future ruler to know?"

"And that is precisely why, milord, I faced the king and queen's ire in order to get you to come along," Petra said as they arrived towards High Town. This was the area where the kingdom's elite lived, many of the nobles that worked in the castle lived here and it's market sold luxury goods from all over the land and sea and foreign nations. She occasionally came here when she could afford to, Petra was a frugal sort though and did not spend her hard earned coin on that which was not absolutely necessary. The most she would usually buy from High Town markets were its leather armors. A smith from anywhere could make a decent heavy armor, but there were few of those craftsmen out in the world that could truly make fine leather goods and High Town only had masters of their trades vending inthe marketplace. But she did not need anything from High Town at the moment. She had a perfectly functional (albeit a bit beat up) leather tunic she had bought a while back that did the job just fine. She never bothered with buying weapons in High Town, though. Yes, they were finely crafted, but Petra was not looking for fine. She was looking for durable. The weapons made by Low Town smiths? Just that. After all, the folks of Low Town could not afford to be constantly repairing a weapon, they needed something that would last, that was sturdy and powerful. That was just what Petra needed.

"If His Majesty wishes, you may accompany me on these trips to town," the young knight spoke seriously, glancing at the prince as they walked through the streets. After all, it was not as if she disliked his presence, and in fact, thought these trips could be beneficial to the prince. If anything, despite the slight animosity Prince Vincent held towards her, it was still refreshing to have people join her as she went to town. But Petra was never one to speak aloud such thoughts and was not one for communicating, so she left it at that.
((So sorry for taking over a week to respond. Between homework and rehearsals for the performances I have next week, I haven't had any time. I will try to post a few times next week, but I probably won't have much time then either. After next week, I'll be back on schedule though. Again, I apologize for being so slow))

"And that is precisely why, milord, I faced the king and queen's ire in order to get you to come along."

Vincent still was shocked that he and this stubborn, overly-protective knight of his could be thinking the same thing. Maybe now she wasn't so protective; after all, if she was, she would have left him at the castle and told him not to leave his room. 'No, this is most definitely a trick. She's trying to get me to see my responsibility to this kingdom, by taking me out of the castle. She'll use this against me.' That bitterness was not enough to hide his delight at being able to leave the confines of his stony home, however. The moment they arrived in the town, his eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas day. There were so many stores, such fine items for sale, things he had never seen before. Foreign merchants who spoke in whispered tones, in languages he did not understand. If only he had paid more attention to those lessons that his parents forced upon him. Only then did he even begin to regret his choices. The wonder before his eyes was unlike anything he had deigned to pay attention to before now.

"If His Majesty wishes, you may accompany me on these trips to town."

The prince tore his gaze away from the bustling shops to Petra as she spoke. "Do you truly mean that?" He quickly tried to correct his excited tone. "I mean, I would say I must. You are meant to protect me after all." His eyes quickly turned away, not wanting to give away how much he was enjoying this trip. 'She's just doing her job. She would drag me through the mud if it meant she could protect me. She doesn't truly care for my happiness. Why should she?' Though he refrained from straying far from his companions, his gaze and mind wandered through the windows and carts, crowds and empty alleyways as they continued through High Town. Their destination still laid ahead. 'This must be High Town, so Low Town mustn't be far.' He would have complained about walking on foot before then, but he would have regretted the thing he would've missed if they had traveled on horseback or by carriage.
"Do you truly mean that? I mean, I would say I must. You are meant to protect me after all."

Petra scoffed as if insulted, but it was feigned as she was far too amused by the prince's almost child-like excitement that he tried in vain to keep at bay. "I am a woman of my word," she declared with an almost light air to her. She enjoyed getting out of the palace, after all, and away from the barracks. The business and bustling of the marketplaces, be they High Town or Low Town were the same either way and she was reminded of a place that was the closest semblance to a home she ever had for many years.

The knight did not say so aloud, but she felt the king and queen were wrong to isolate their children so. Perhaps Prince Vincent would be more apt to learn if he had gotten the chance to experience the life outside the castle where he could apply those skills instead of ditching lessons and attempting to sneak out every chance he could. Any leader of a kingdom, Crown Prince or not, should always be in touch with their people. At least that was what Petra believed. After all, she had firsthand experience to what happened to the lives of the people when those in power did not reach out to help them.

"Although," she said gravely, her tone growing serious once more as she addressed the prince. "You may end up changing your mind after coming down to Low Town. It is hardly as extravagant as its sister village and this is where I frequent my trips," she said as they approached the stone bridge that connected the two towns. Low Town was, after all, her home, so Petra always favored coming there over anywhere else much to the confusion of her fellow comrades. The townhouses on the other side of the bridge were still fairly well kept due to it being so close to High Town, however as they went further and further away, the houses became smaller, stacked and more cramped, and the streets gradually lost its ornateness that classified the High Town.

((Don't worry about being gone, I totally understand!))

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