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Fantasy The Random Hotel (A walk-in RP) Guests Always are Welcomed~

Molato Granger
Molato walked alongside her as she approached the water. "Sixty?" he laughed again. This girl says some wild things. "Your crazy! Who would take a job like that? Do they at least give you breaks, man? 'cause that's some crazy number." In his head, he had the number sixty repeating. Might not be much for a weregirl though. Panic Panic
"Yes I do get breaks," she said in a matter of factly tone. "And days off if I, you know, wolf out." She didn't know how else to say it.
Molato Granger
He gave her face a good stare, checking if she was being serious or not. Her tone seemed pretty serious. "Wow, well then," he sat onto the edge of the pool, letting his legs get wet. "Don't wolf-out on me, kay~" he chuckled as he watched his two legs morph into one large, red-scaled tail-fin. Panic Panic
Molato Granger
he let out another laugh, "Yeah, and I would have never known I could walk on land, if it weren't for this hotel." He swung his tail back and forth in the water, "This hotel.. is a blessing." Panic Panic
Wanderer. Wears a white t-shirt, jeans, and beat up black shoes. Fledgeling adult. Brown, unkempt, short hair. Pale. Rectangular, dirty glasses. Skinny. Square jaw, large nose. Appears to smile alot.
German shepherd. Slightly fat. Very happy.

Dog smiled. Fawna worried too much, but she usually had a reason. "Heh, don't loose too much sleep over it," Dog said, a glint in his eye telling onlookers he seemed to know alot more than he let on, "Everything'll work out fine in the end." Daisy's tounge lolled out as she looked from Fawna to her companion, sneezing in response to her name. Her happy demeanor mirrored Dog's words, everything was going to work out fine in the end. "Thanks for keeping the room ready for me and Daisy Fawna, It's been forever since I've had an actual bath." Despite his said lack of bathing, Dog didn't smell at all. Daisy's ears drooped at the mention of the word bath, however, but Dog eventually coaxed her inside the elevator. Waving goodbye once again to Fawna, the doors closed only as elevator doors can.

SachiGrl SachiGrl

Stepping onto the floor that began with room 700, Dog passed someone carrying a bucket of ice. "Watch your step kiddo," he called over his shoulder. The person tripped, but quickly regained their footing. They bore a face of dibilief as Dog unlocked the door to room 706, letting Daisy in first and reassuring her that she would recieve no bath.

The room was comfy, to say the least. Your typical hotel room, like a stay at a Hilton, Best western, or Holiday Inn back on earth. But space and time moved wiredly in other dimensions, and this one was no different. Dog didn't have any belongings, but there was still a simple steel bowl he'd left from last time by the foot of the bar. Dog didn't drink himself, and only wine on special occasions, but hey, bars were some of civilizations finest architectural creations. Dog was pleased to note that the humans were the first to create them. Snapping his fingers, he gave Daisy a pat on her head. "Go eat," he said. Daisy went over to her food bowl, and sure enough, she did. Dog went and took a shower.

It was still amazing, after all this time, that Daisy still could remember everyones faces, everyones demeanors, who was friendly and who was not, where was the best place to get food, when it was time for things. Dog smiled as he washed himself off under the hot running water. Yep, even with the invention of modern plumbing, people still did not deserve dogs.
Amara's nose twitched. A blessing? Hmm... She took a breath. "Bet you can't catch me." She stuck out her tongue and disappeared underneath the surface of the water. It was a dumb idea challenging him, but nothing bad was likely to happen.
Molato Granger
Honestly, if he had ever met a silly girl, he has never met one as silly as Amara. "Bet I can," he said right before he dived right behind her, barely giving her a chance to get away. "It would be very shameful for Merman, like me, to lose to a werewolf," he shrugged as he got a hold of her foot, "Just being honest." Molato then laid on his back and relaxed under the partly cloudy moonlight. No point in racing with her, he'd win every time. Panic Panic
Molato Granger
"Hey Amara," he looked at her as she floated along side him, "Thanks for just... chilling with me." He ler out an awkward chuckle. "I'm getting pretty tired though," laying like he was in the water, his natural environment, it would make sense that he would be drowsy within it. "I feel if I don't go to my hotel tank, I'm going to sleep in this pool!" Panic Panic
The guests of the hotel can hear a wheezing sound accompanied by a blue box with the words "Police Box" on it, materializing near the front of the hotel.

((The Box enters something like this.
I know it's a little short, but I still have one other thing to reveal!))



Fawna waved a goodbye to Dog. Her smile, officially, genuine now. He was right though. The young looking old man. This issue she's dealing with is just another bump on the road. Maybe her life was at stake, maybe it wasn't. For now, she'd just have to stare at the random, old fashion, blue phone-booth looking structure materializing right in front of her hotel's door. Her furry ears twitched at it's strange wheezing sound. Her tail, also, shivered at the discomfort of the sound. She only hoped that whoever was in the booth, could hurry because she's close to calling the night. Maid2605 would have to take over as the front desk receptionist again.
Alstromeria Alstromeria Soma Fel Soma Fel
Amara smiled, and looked over at him. "Is that our cue to leave then?" Amara asked. She stood up.
The doors to the police box open, then a man with a bowtie steps out and takes a look at his surroundings. This man, also known as The Doctor, then turns to his box and says "This is not the planet earth in the year of 1999! Oh well...I guess I'll have a look around." Then turns to see Fawna. The Doctor Approaches Fawna and says "Excuse me, are you the owner of this establishment?"

SachiGrl SachiGrl

Molato Granger
"hehe, yeah, yeah, give me a second," he sat himself up again on the edge of the pool, lifting his fin out of the water and letting it dry. "It takes a few seconds for my tail to split up," he watched his legs as they creased in the center, slowly separating and becoming two limbs covered in scales. "There you go!" He jumped up on his two newly formed legs and waddled to Amara's side. "I'm in room 200 if you ever want to call my hotel phone," he said with a smile then gave Amara a wave goodbye. Panic Panic


Fawna smiled as the corky figure approached her once he emerged from, on a closer inspection, police booth. "Hi there, welcome to TRH! I do own this particular hotel. Would you like a room?" She propped her elbow in a tired manner onto the front desk as her other hand lazily crawled onto her computer''s keyboard, ready to type his information.
Soma Fel Soma Fel
The Doctor says "Well, seeing as how my transportation is being rather stubborn.." as he looks towards his police box, also known as a TARDIS, then back to Fawna as he says "I'd like a room."


A chuckled escaped her lips and she nodded and typed away, looking up available rooms for The Doctor. "I hope you don't mind, but I thought it funny to provide you 999. Sadly, we don't have a thousandth floor, so 999 is the closest number I could get to 1999," she activated his card key and waved Maid2605 over to take her position. "Thank you, 2605," the robotic maid nodded in response, fawna then looked to corky gentleman with a smile, "I hope you enjoy your stay" and she hands him his entrance card key. Without further adieu, she walked off to her room.
Soma Fel Soma Fel
The Doctor smiles and says "Thank you, I think I shall retire to my room." and takes his key card and promptly goes to his room.
Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The room numbers range from 200-999. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. Please select a room you're interested in and if you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application

Please remember: Before posting, you must provide an image/description of your character and his/her name.
Unknown visitors will be killed/blocked/banned on sight.​
Vincent's Wanderings
Name: Mr. Vincent Hemmingwell
Status: A bit injured, but fine

Vincent wasn't sure if should be giving his thanks to a machine or not but didn't think much of it as he said thanks under his breath. He scanned it quickly, only to realize his destination was just a few steps away. Still, this brochure looks detailed, and things... Vincent kind of hoards these kinds of small things.


Vincent went out of the Marketplace a bit quickly with a paper bag full of cotton and cold compresses, thinking he shouldn't be staying too long (although he did). The attendant there was exhibiting auras of grumpiness and drowsiness, which was very infectious at this time of the hour. There was a lot less people on sight, so he decided to return to his room via an elevator. Before it could close, however, a small child with their parent entered the elevator before it closed. Vincent caught sight that the adult dropped their hand before pressing any of the elevator buttons. They're going to the second floor, too. He didn't notice while he was thinking to himself that the small child was tugging at his tail. It was definitely awkward, and he couldn't shoo the child with his hand since he had to hold his stuff with two hands. The parent was busy looking at their smart phone and they were standing close to the doors of the elevator. Vincent thought to let this slide quickly instead of making a drama.

Within moments, the elevator opened and sure enough they slowly leave. Their hand was outstretched while the parent was doing this to hold their child's hand, and Vincent was going the other direction of the hallway. Vincent heard a small shout by an adult and he spun around, finding the kid was following him. Before Vincent could say anything, the adult whisked their child, saying something about not trusting weird people. Hmf.

Upon entering his room, the paper bag he was holding was set aside and out he picked up were just five cold compresses, one for each head. He leaned his heads closer to his arms and applied them on. It was like some kind of circus show, as Vincent balanced all five of it with his heads. Yawning in exhaustion, Vincent lied down on his bed after turning the lights off, drifting off to sleep within two minutes. He could sleep like no other, almost impossible to forcefully wake up even with pushing him, and once in his childhood hibernated a month away. Never tried it again; he had much better things to do than stay in bed for weeks.
Vincent's Profile
Name: Mr. Vincent Hemmingwell

Gender: Male

Age: ?

Biography: So far, a guest of The Random Hotel.

Appearance: Tall because of his long neck. Has many heads, although only one seems to lead. Has black scales and a horned tail.

Currently, wears a red and white polo jacket, black slacks, and white shoes.

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