the quest for the gems

Max pushed Maxine behind him and whispered, " Don't make a noise. They could be Enemies." Maxine sighed, " But, what if their not?" Max smirked, " What if they are?" Maxine was silent and continued to watch.
Nichole heard voices and froze. she drew her sword and said''WHO GOES THERE?!" grace growled. Nichole said''grace and i will check it out lief.''
Max smiled innocently. Locking his fingers togeher, Maxine stepped onto his palms. Into seconds she was lifted into the tree. Maxine held out her hand and helped him up in 5 seconds flat. Just like the practice. Now they sat in the tree, watching below.
Maxine pulled out a blade, Max grabbed his sword. "Stay away from us!" He growled, swinging at the crow. Missing it by mere inches.
Kree kaaed and looked at Nichole. she nodded grabbing a branch and leaped from it. she stood in front of them her sword drawn. she said''who are you?''
Maxine glared to the boy. " I'm..." She began. " We're none of Your Considration. " Max said, raising his blade. Suddenly, Max gripped his sisters wrist and jumped out of the tree. Before anyone could realize it, they had dashed away. At he foot of the tree, laid a blade. In the handle was engraved '​Max & Maxine'
Max & Maxine dashed until they were way out of sight. " I dropped my blade.." She said, panting. Max nodded qand looked back. Listening to that one girl scream behind them. "It's okay. We'll retrieve it when they leave."
Maxine closed her eyes and leaned up against the truck, a goid 14 feet off the ground. Max watched the surrondings anxiously.
Yoshi stood on the very top branch of a large oak tree. He watched both groups, keeping an eye on them to see what they were up to. He adjusted his vest and yawned as he stood up there.
Yoshi started drifting off. He forgot to lower himself onto a thicker, more stable branch and ended up falling all the way down. "Aw crap!" He grumbled under his breath after he hit the ground. "At least nobody saw that.." he dusted himself off.
"What is up with me and falling out of trees today?" Yoshi asked himself. He tend to have a thing with talking to himself, probably because nobody else was around.
"Oh no! No no no!" Yoshi kind of panicked, realizing that his favorite dagger was nowhere to be find. He quickly started searching the ground. He was so busy looking for his dagger, that he didn't even notice the girl watching him. "It can't be lost...I need it..."

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