The Queen's Madness (Open)


Not made of lies and deceit
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
The Queen’s Madness, formerly known as Seer and Sword, was a medium sized tavern, situated in the poor end of the marketplace in the city of Draede. This city, being the capital of the Kingdom of Lathien, was large and bustling and constantly full of activity, drawing merchants and visitors from around the world.

The kingdom itself was well enough. It wasn’t perfect, but they were fairly prosperous and happy. Over the past couple of years, however, things had begun to become rougher. There were more guards, more laws, some of them ridiculous, the punishments were becoming more severe. The capital itself lay mostly untouched, which people speculated was because of the large number of foreigners.

Rumors were spreading about the queen. At one time she’d been a fairly sociable woman, often traversing the kingdom and meeting with her people, staying for a period of time at the various other cities, holding balls and parties and festivals. Over the past couple of years she’d withdrawn more and more. The laws and punishments had become more and more severe the more she slipped from the public eye. People were saying that she was going mad, that her mind was slipping away. There were even rumors of a rebellion growing to overthrow her and restore peace.

And so we come to our tavern. The owners, a brother and sister, took quite an offence to how the kingdom was being run, and so their name had changed from Seer and Sword to The Queen’s Madness. They’d been a fairly popular tavern to begin with, but their open mocking of the royalty drew people in swarms. There were frequent orders to have the place shut down, but even the guards and soldiers frequented the place, and thus were rather… lax when it came to the rules regarding it.

So come on in, take a seat, grab a mug, enjoy some food, don't step on the cat, and try to take your mind off the fact that our kingdom could soon come to war.

The Official Synopsis of the Roleplay So Far
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"Are you having a vision Emmony, or are you as spaced out as usual?"

The woman shook herself before grinning ear to ear at her brother, bouncing over to him. "A bit of both, actually." Allan arched an eyebrow at her, silently telling her to continue. Though she couldn't actually see the expression, she well knew what his silence meant. "It's just going to be an interesting day is all." She bounced away then, before he could ask what she meant, deftly avoiding chairs and tables, her long hair flowing behind her as if it was a cape.

Allan rolled his eyes. As if that was of any use. While generally highly useful, the Seer did still manage to pump out rather useless information. Interesting? That could mean so many things. Was the tavern going to catch fire? Were guards going to descend upon them? Was a fight going to break out, destroying all of their tables? Would they find rats in the grain? Why were all of his theories pessimistic? He shook himself, going back to polishing the mugs, putting Emmony's useless premonition from his mind.

In the mean time, Emmony scuttled around in the kitchen, preparing things for the evening and in general getting in the way of their cook. She was eventually shooed out, and instead bound up the stairs and down the hall in her usual overly energetic fashion. The empty rooms were cleaned and fresh sheets were put onto each bed. Preparations complete upstairs, the woman flopped into her own, cozy room. She sprawled across her bed, eyes closing, and froze suddenly. Visions appeared, dancing across her eyelids. Generally, she could interpret the images she saw, but these were non sensible, which was worrying. They stopped then, as suddenly as they had appeared, and she blinked her eyes to clear away the fuzziness.

As per last time, she couldn't remember any of the images, which left her with a pit in her stomach, and that vague feeling that this would be an interesting day.

"Emmony, if you're done lazing about, I could certainly use your help downstairs before the evening crowd," Allan said, leaning on her door frame. She shook herself again, before bouncing up, some of her cheeriness returning.

"Of course my dearest brother," she crowed, launching herself at him. He sighed, slowly peeling her off of him, before leading the way to the main room. The only thing the twins seemed to share was their dark hair, almost the same exact shade. Everything else was nearly opposite, in looks and personality and temperament. The fact that they had managed to remain so close to each other despite their differences had long confused patrons of their tavern, both new and old, but most eventually grew used to it.

They busied themselves with the remaining chores, ensuring every inch of the large tavern was spotless, though it wouldn't remain that way for very long. Soon the evening crowd would be stumbling through that welcoming open door, drawn by the sign that hung over it. It proclaimed 'The Queen's Madness', with an image of a crown below it. The crown itself appeared chipped and almost broken, a representation of how their kingdom was falling apart. It was a surprise they'd yet to be shut down, being the only people or establishment yet to openly proclaim their distaste of things. But perhaps that was, in itself, the reason they'd managed to stay open.

Everyone loved a rebellion.
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A quite beautiful girl with a lavish set of dark-green and golden Eastern robes on would play with her scarlet hair as she charmed a young local into

bringing her into the bar. Her arm around his and her face pressed against his shoulder, the foreigner would speak to another customer within the tavern, her voice having a noticeable Schnarian touch to it; a Northern accent.

The young woman would sit with her charmed fellow nearby the hearth-fire, eyeing the broken crown curiously before shifting her gaze over towards

Allan, whom had just heroically defeated a stain on one of The Queen's Madness' tables. Her hazel eyes would dance around the innkeeper's face before she beckoned him over with a loud whistle, smiling widely afterwards. Her companion seemed rather jealous at this coo, holding her closer with a slightly nervous grin.

Pressing against her man were quite a few items that seemed rather peculiar. A golden mask that appeared as if it could have been from the trading city of Venesia: Intricately and almost alienatingly beautiful, as if made for a masquerade. Next to that were a series of pouches and satchels, a sheathed dagger with quite the flashy top: A silver dragon design for the handle. The gleaming half of the blade was positioned next to a very specific kind of container that jingled with supplies. It was an alchemist's pack, small but easy to flex so that it may carry whatever ingredients the Northern girl wanted to gather on her travels.

"Oy, tavern-keeper, too busy to service us, or just intimidated by a Northerner?", she'd ask playfully towards Allan, whom she kept her gaze on. What drove him to be so bold against the Queen? Was it just his nature, or did he have assets? Ulterior motives, like somehow claiming the crown for himself? He wouldn't have been the first low-life peasant to usurp a throne, which truly intrigued Ciara. Or, should I say, Thoros of Narcel.

Allan had heard the whistle but didn't immediately react, hoping that Emmony was in the area to take care of it. When he didn't hear her overly cheerful voice bouncing throughout the room he sighed, straightening and tucking the cloth he was holding into the belt of his pants. He turned, eyes flicking quickly across the pair. They passed almost immediately over the man, who'd been seen in here many times. The woman was interesting however. Many foreigners passed through his tavern, but he didn't think he'd met a Northerner yet.

The corner of his thin lips twisted up into a charming smile as he ambled over to the pair. "You insult me, my lady," he teased. "It's not your Northern heritage that intimidates me, but your loveliness." His eyes swung then to the man, smile becoming a grin. "And I'm always happy to see you in here, friend."

Once again his bright eyes flicked curiously over the woman and her possessions. It was put from his mind to be carefully examined and questioned later, once the woman had some ale in her system. He found most people it tended to loosen the tongue of even the most stoic of people, as long as you applied enough of it.

"How can I help you two this evening? Some ale? Some food?" The was a crash in the kitchen moments after his questions and released a long suffering sigh. It was probably Emmony. Again.

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Ciara would giggle after hearing the crash, carefully observing Allan's reaction before eyeing her jealous lover. "Well, if you've got a room to spare along with that ale, I'd be happy to oblige with its worth in silver crowns," the girl would answer as she eyed her companion. "Wilson's had an exhaustin' day, he'll need the ale sooner or later," the Northerner insisted upon the yawning man, who only nodded in response.

"Right, fetch us more wine, Allan!", the man bellowed loudly. Wilson was always a rather submissive young man, only bullying those he could bully, taking what he could take without problems. He was always pushed along to do things by his older brother, James, who had gone off to join the Queen's military north of Draede, in the Royal Forest's training grounds. "Can't let my woman die of parchment!"

Ciara smirked as she rested her left hand on Wilson's chest, eyeing Allan with a strange look. It was as if she was trying to tell her something, but the message was blurry, unclear. However, the woman was clearly up to more than just accompanying her man to the Queen's Madness for a drink.

"Ahh, I remember when this rusty old tavern was called Seer and Sword! Now you've gone off and forsaken your queen? Well, at least the ale tastes better now that it has a hint of rebellion and a distaste of taxes and the like, haha!", Wilson would go on to yell, laughing loudly by the end of his speech. Aye, Wilson was a submissive man, but he was comfortable enough in the tavern to act like he owned it.

Allan's smile stayed pleasant and welcoming, used to Wilson's ranting by now. The fool was in here often enough, and his money was as good as anyone else's. Besides, in the four years since they'd decided to change the name, they'd received a heaping of negative responses, ranging from as mild as Wilson's to thinly veiled death threats. The positive support far outweighed the negative however, and the siblings had friends in every level of the city. Those who attempted to cause real trouble generally found themselves in a very bad place, without Allan having to ever raise a finger.

"I take offense to that, you drunken fool," he laughed, grinning at Wilson and clapping him on the back. "Rebellious we may be, but you could never accuse this old place of being rusty. Two ales coming up, and always room for paying guests." A wink was directed at the woman before he ambled towards the bar, calling out as he did so. "Emmony, if you're done breaking things, it would be nice for you to actually get some work done."

She scampered from the kitchen, looking slightly frazzled, the scarf around her eyes askew. "I'm always getting work done Allan, what a cruel thing to say." She pouted as he retied the scarf.

"Ah, yes, how cruel I am. I shall be sure to punish myself later for my poor attitude. In the meantime, I would greatly appreciate it if you'd prepare a room. Please." He tacked the word on at the end, knowing it would draw a brilliant smile from the woman and make her forget her pouting. Part of their request tackled, the man quickly filled two mugs to the top and ambled back, careful to keep from spilling anything.

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Wilson would take both mugs and sit them down on the table he and his woman occupied. Ciara giggled at this before eyeing Allan curiously once again, shifting her gaze over to the ale as she grabbed one of the mugs and began chugging like a true Northerner. Wilson laughed at this, playing with Ciara's hair before eyeing Allan with a raise of his mug, resulting in some ale spilling on the nearby table.

"To Allan and his sister, the lot who have enough balls to really tell the Queen what-for! The true rulers of this damn city!", Wilson yelled expressively, riling the crowd at the tavern up quite a bit as he attacked his ale with confident vigor. Ciara would only giggle at this, once again glancing over at Allan before whispering to Wilson. The man only nodded along to what she said before drinking more of his alcohol. Ciara would smile at this and eye the fire that laid in the inn's hearth, staring over at it blankly for a moment before returning to servicing her man with compliments and small-talk. Clearly, though, she wasn't interested in Wilson in the slightest.

Quietly, another person would enter the tavern, a woman with slightly pointed ears and a tanned glaze over her skin. She'd enter with a smirk, amused by the yelling she had heard before entering the Queen's Madness. Removing two bloodstained leather gloves, the lady quietly took a chair and began rubbing away at the gloves with a splash of water from her waterskin and with a worn rag. On her side was a doctor's kit, which had seen much use due to a skirmish between guards and a few thugs earlier that day. The woman would quietly think over on those she had managed to save, thugs and guards both. Her focused chocolate-brown eyes would eye her rag as it danced around her stained apparel.

@ianbabyyy @SirFlabberghaspy

Miziki Kurone

It'd been a long day for the poor fox girl, honestly she was very tired. She hadn't healed but on person and already incurred enough damages to her clothes and that one potion stalls goods to put her in the red. She looked terrible and her clothes were a mess. She was covered in dirt, leaves, and bruises from falling down a hill and hitting a tree at the bottom. How she was still alive after today was beyond her. Now, she normally had bad luck, very bad luck, and was clumsy as all hell; but never today. Today took the cake for sure. If she could reset and do the day over again, she'd sleep through it. But knowing how the day went she'd mess it up too! No, at this point she was done- one hundred percent done.

Honestly she was ready to curl up under the nearest tree and goto sleep until the next day, that was until the 'Queen's Madness' tavern caught her eye. Maybe she could convince them to let her stay and help for a room and some food. Or at the very least allow her to sleep in a secluded corner of the bar area. It was worth a shot, right? Not like she had any other choice. Sighing she pulled a few leaves out of her hair and tail before walking in. "
Um, hi. Can I talk to the owner please?" She asked awkwardly, looking around the room warily.
Allan chuckled at the man's praise. "You give me too much credit," he said, "we're simply giving words to the people of our kingdom." He noted the woman's curious gaze and again wondered what seemed so different about her. At this point, however, the curiosity in her eyes didn't surprise him. As a relatively small human, with no known magical abilities, standing quite openly against the queen, he'd become a bit of a curiosity. Though, there were those who simply said he had a death wish, but who knew.

He winked at the woman before taking his leave, having noticed another come in and take a seat. The gloves in her hands quickly caught his attention. Or, rather, the blood that stained them did. Taking a bit of a detour, Allan made sure to approach her from the front, so she'd have time to notice and he wouldn't startle her. "If you'd like," he said, "we have a soap that works well at removing bloodstains."

Emmony bounded down the stairs with her usual enthusiasm, her appearance met with several cheers and greetings. Making her way deftly through the tables, she greeted each person individually, laughing with them as she made her rounds. Mugs were refilled, food was served, cheeks were kissed. All the usual for her.

"Um, hi. Can I talk to the owner please?"

As she didn't immediately hear Allan's voice, she scampered towards the doorway, where she approximated the question had come from. "Hi, yes, I'm Emmony. My brother and I own this tavern. How can I help you miss?" She was 93.7% sure the voice had been female. Hopefully.

@Mitchs98 @SirFlabberghaspy
Gareth awoke that day already tired. It would be yet another long day of searching for a job, as a caravan guard or as a guard in general. That was the downside of formerly being a member of the Queen's Guard, he was so specialized in one area that he couldn't properly function in any other. But so far all the caravan masters or merchants claimed to not need any other guards. And all the more prestigious inns and taverns already had a bouncer, and didn't need or want an armored man as well.

But that did not stop him from getting up and completing his daily ritual. This ritual was simple. He woke up and polished his armor, then honed his already razor sharp sword, bathed, and got dressed. Glancing breifly at his armor he debates on whether he should struggle through putting it on. Opting out, he instead just straps his greatsword on and decends the stairs to begin his laborous day.

***Evening the same day.***

Gareth came back defeated, once again. The world seemed to weigh on his shoulders as he trudged into "The Queen's Madness". It was a decent enough place, the name however could stand to be changed. But the rates were low and the rooms clean. Going to a rather vacant table, he couldn't expect them to be empty nearing the evening, he takes off his greatsword and sets it next to him as he takes a seat to rethink his strategy on getting a job.
Siara would raise her eyebrows as the man approached her, offering her soap to clean her gloves. The woman would smile at Allan, nodding thankfully as she eyed her gloves once again. "Thank you, sir. I would very much appreciate it," she'd murmur in response as she suddenly gazed back up at Allan. "Wait, this must look really bad... I didn't hurt anyone, I swear! There was a fight between some people and guards earlier, I just tended to wounds," the girl quickly insisted.

She eyed Allan, almost fearful that he'd kick her back out without giving her a chance to explain herself completely, or at least give her the cleaning agent she needed to purge her gloves of its bloodstains.


Ciara sighed as she curiously eyed two newcomers to the tavern, namely an interesting Kitsune, not the first the Northerner had seen. The other of the pair that caught her eye looked like a hardened warrior. However, she saw frustration in his expressions, wondering what was going on with the man. She'd dismiss herself from Wilson with a quiet kiss on the cheek before retreating from her table and approaching Gareth.

"You seem frustrated, ser."

The foreign accent would bite at his ears with an almost competitive noise, as if Ciara herself thought she'd had a worse day then the newly arrived. Inviting herself in, the woman would take a seat across from Gareth at the table he had claimed, eyeing Wilson carefully to ensure he wasn't watching before proceeding with gazing over at the fighter.


"You could say that." Gareth said, returning her gaze and not rising to the bait. He didn't care if she thought she had it worse, that was none of his concern. But why she asked him in the first place made him curious. And why she glanced back at the man she had just left. Perhaps it was a lovers quarrel, simply making sure he was still there, or something worse. If it was something worse he was sure he would be able to handle himself. What were two thigs to a trained soldier?
"Do you think you could help me carry something? You're a strong lad, I'm sure it'd be worth it for some coin," the red-haired lass would insist upon Gareth as she leaned back in her chair with an inviting smile. The young Northerner eyed Wilson once again, giving him a wink as he gazed over at her. Firstly, the man gave a jealous glare towards Gareth before smiling at his lover and resuming his talk with an old gray-haired drunkard.

Ciara would look back towards Gareth with the same smile, raising her eyebrows as she set a pouch of silver dragons onto the table. "Will you, then?", she'd ask, "Or are ye Southerners too whimsy to do such a thing? Buried in yer luxury and your whores."

ianbabyyy said:
Allan chuckled at the man's praise. "You give me too much credit," he said, "we're simply giving words to the people of our kingdom." He noted the woman's curious gaze and again wondered what seemed so different about her. At this point, however, the curiosity in her eyes didn't surprise him. As a relatively small human, with no known magical abilities, standing quite openly against the queen, he'd become a bit of a curiosity. Though, there were those who simply said he had a death wish, but who knew.
He winked at the woman before taking his leave, having noticed another come in and take a seat. The gloves in her hands quickly caught his attention. Or, rather, the blood that stained them did. Taking a bit of a detour, Allan made sure to approach her from the front, so she'd have time to notice and he wouldn't startle her. "If you'd like," he said, "we have a soap that works well at removing bloodstains."

Emmony bounded down the stairs with her usual enthusiasm, her appearance met with several cheers and greetings. Making her way deftly through the tables, she greeted each person individually, laughing with them as she made her rounds. Mugs were refilled, food was served, cheeks were kissed. All the usual for her.

"Um, hi. Can I talk to the owner please?"

As she didn't immediately hear Allan's voice, she scampered towards the doorway, where she approximated the question had come from. "Hi, yes, I'm Emmony. My brother and I own this tavern. How can I help you miss?" She was 93.7% sure the voice had been female. Hopefully.

@Mitchs98 @SirFlabberghaspy
Miziki Kurone

As she waited a bit away from the door she looked around the interior of the tavern. It looked like a pretty nice place and well kept up. Definetely better than most places she'd been to. She'd be surprisingly okay with sleeping on the floor if that was the only option. Soon enough a girl introducing herself as Emmony called out from upstairs addressing her. "
Um. I was wondering if you had any rooms available for the night and some food. I don't really have any money to pay for it but..I'd be happy to help you guys out tonight. Or failing that sleep on the floor somewhere away from everything else." She replied, fingers crossed.

She somewhat doubted they'd be willing to let her stay at all, especially without any money. But there was always hope she would she guessed. Soon enough a guy that pretty much dwarfed her entirely walked in, causing Miziki to stare up at him wide eyed and shrink away from the door more to allow him entry. He might just decide to trample her if she didn't move. That done she decided to just sit in a nearby chair and at-least rest for a bit incase she was turned away.
Kinder Lamb member of the Ban and one of the few pure Ban left in the world, she was currently undergoing a rite known as the Aramente among the Ban this was the only way to become the leader but by all that is was not an easy ordeal. Kinder had been away from her tribe for three years this means that most likely another from her tribe was sent to undertake the Aramente since it shouldn't take that long, however with the bounty on the Ban thanks to them declining the queens offer it made doing anything rather hard but it was a job that has to be done. Kinder had been wondering about for days without food or water but finally she saw civilization, it was the city of Draede the capital...what a great place for a Ban to go but right now she had no choice.

Kinder who had been mask-less for a while finally placed her mask back on the main reason why she hasn't been spotted before is because all Ban are meant to wear masks. Using the masks enchantments she looked around at the entrance to the town two people dressed in armor most likely guards which meant she had to pass them...or kill them. "Wolf go and grab one of the two and send it flying so the other one follows." Kinder said to anyone else she was speaking to herself but to her she was talking to the spirit known as wolf. "If that's what you want." The spirit replied before it flew over a fast moving Kinder followed behind it. The spirit charged ahead and knocked right into the side of the guard and continued charging sending it flying, to anyone else it would just look like the man was sent flying. The second guard just like Kinder wanted stood there shocked before calling for help and charging after. A few seconds later another group of guards came out and in the mist of the chaos Kinder walked past them all.

Upon entering the town Kinder was shocked, she had been in towns before but never anything like this, it was amazing giant as well but sadly as a Ban she couldn't admire the scenery too much. Kinder's stomach grumbled and her eyes felt heavy, she needed a place to sleep and eat which meant a tavern would be the best stop. Kinder felt many eyes on her, her unique appearance and her mask gave away what she was but with most people around her being just civilians if they tried anything they would lose, it was just the guards she had to worry about.

Kinder spent a while wondering about until she came across a tavern it had the name "The Queen's Madness" and to Kinder that sounded just like the place she wanted to's the hopes that they weren't guards inside. Kinder approached the door only to quickly stop, she moved her hand to her face and grabbed her mask, she was contemplating if she should take off the mask or leave it on. She decided to leave it on...she was Ban and proud to be and right now she didn't want to be anything else.

Kinder finally entered the tavern, she guessed she had enough money to pay for a room and some food thanks to her hunting and working as a mercenary for a while. Kinder walked right up to the bar counter and just sat down tapping on the counter.

SirFlabberghaspy said:
Siara would raise her eyebrows as the man approached her, offering her soap to clean her gloves. The woman would smile at Allan, nodding thankfully as she eyed her gloves once again. "Thank you, sir. I would very much appreciate it," she'd murmur in response as she suddenly gazed back up at Allan. "Wait, this must look really bad... I didn't hurt anyone, I swear! There was a fight between some people and guards earlier, I just tended to wounds," the girl quickly insisted.
She eyed Allan, almost fearful that he'd kick her back out without giving her a chance to explain herself completely, or at least give her the cleaning agent she needed to purge her gloves of its bloodstains.
Allan held up his hand to quiet her explanation with a soft smile. "There's no need to explain. Even if you'd been up to trouble rather than fixing it, we wouldn't be judging you here. I'll be right back with that soap." The man disappeared back into the kitchen for a few moments before returning to the woman's table with the soap and a clean, wet cloth, setting them both on the table before her. "Is there anything else I can get you? Some food or some ale?"

His eyes slid across her again, more analytically this time. "You didn't get hurt in the fight, did you?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed, worry threading his voice.


Mitchs98 said:
As she waited a bit away from the door she looked around the interior of the tavern. It looked like a pretty nice place and well kept up. Definetely better than most places she'd been to. She'd be surprisingly okay with sleeping on the floor if that was the only option. Soon enough a girl introducing herself as Emmony called out from upstairs addressing her. "Um. I was wondering if you had any rooms available for the night and some food. I don't really have any money to pay for it but..I'd be happy to help you guys out tonight. Or failing that sleep on the floor somewhere away from everything else." She replied, fingers crossed.
She somewhat doubted they'd be willing to let her stay at all, especially without any money. But there was always hope she would she guessed. Soon enough a guy that pretty much dwarfed her entirely walked in, causing Miziki to stare up at him wide eyed and shrink away from the door more to allow him entry. He might just decide to trample her if she didn't move. That done she decided to just sit in a nearby chair and at-least rest for a bit incase she was turned away.
Ah, yes, definitely female. The woman deftly maneuvered her way through the tavern, helped along by the men who courteously moved their feet out of her way. As she reached the area the voice came from, she paused, head tilted slightly to the side. What was it she had said? She didn't have any money? Poor dear. Emmony frowned. She certainly wasn't going to allow someone to go hungry on her account. Or sleep on the floor!

As she settled as close as she could to where the voice had come from, Emmony held out her hand. "I would never let some poor dear go hungry. Come on, I'll take you to the kitchen and you can tell me why you sound so weary." She wiggled her fingers, as if beckoning the girl forward.

@SirFlabberghaspy @Mitchs98
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  • Seriously, some people... To think I would honestly sell the product for some mere silver coins, pfft! I was a businessman, not a random fool! I wouldn't throw away my profit without an investment. But that was it, right? The last person I had ever seen on that tavern, the fat meaty human who dressed up for the food... Naturally, Karkinos meat was delicious they grew enormously for their excellently nutritious diets. So, he could pay a LITTLE more for a first-grade product, right? Just because it fell to the ground a couple times didn´t mean anything.

    Now I had to choose a new place to scout for clients. I had several criteria to pick them from. I had long since learned that choosing the wrong clients can lead to that silly game of cat and mouse, just packing everything and moving towns again. A very annoying process, and quite a hit on my business, usually. Damm it, that idiot of a king could just have let his embarrassment take over and tried to hide the fact I was ever arrested, instead of publicly announcing that I escaped so every kingdom would want a chunk of my exoskeleton.

    The "queen´s madness" was the talk of the town already, so it might be fun exploring. I hadn´t gone there yet since I wanted to finish up on the other one first. Maybe I´d even meet with some new clients. I wondered what they all could want... Super tough armor? Gnome tech? A powerful poison? Siren musicals in a shell? Well, regardless of what they wanted, as long as nobody asked me for a love potion, it should be fine.

    I closed the magicomium, locking it. The only one that could use it as me, ever since I soulbounded it, though I still kept it hidden, since the book wasn´t capable of self-defense, unfortunately. It could very well be stolen, but I had been careful: Nobody knew the book existed, not even that the location I kept it in existed. With that reassurance, I climbed the stairs, passed the curtains and exited my shop.

    It would be night soon, I noticed. Perfect. Night was when all the shades came out of hiding and headed for a drink. Night was when you could make a profit out of drunk men who don´t know any better. Night was when the fun began. I wrapped myself in a robe, to assure myself I wouldn´t be spotted by eyes I didn´t want to and journeyed to the bar itself.

    The bar wasn´t TOO busy, it seemed, unless it had much lower standards that what I was led to believe. I sat by the balcony and raised an arm hoping to order a drink. I wondered if they had any sap ale?


Gareth was about to politely but firmly decline the offer to be a servant boy up until the point when the pouch of silver dragons was set on the table. Silver dragons, and a lot of them. Not as good as a couple Gold Crowns, but certainly better then a bag full of Copper Lions. And so an internal war was briefly fought inside him, and the winner was opting to take the silver lions and help. "Alright, I'll do it." he said before scooping up the pouch and glancing at it's contents to make sure they were in fact Silver Dragons. "Lead the way." he continued as he firmly secured the pouch to the front of his belt and grabbed a hold of his greatsword.
ianbabyyy said:

Allan held up his hand to quiet her explanation with a soft smile. "There's no need to explain. Even if you'd been up to trouble rather than fixing it, we wouldn't be judging you here. I'll be right back with that soap." The man disappeared back into the kitchen for a few moments before returning to the woman's table with the soap and a clean, wet cloth, setting them both on the table before her. "Is there anything else I can get you? Some food or some ale?"

His eyes slid across her again, more analytically this time. "You didn't get hurt in the fight, did you?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed, worry threading his voice.


Ah, yes, definitely female. The woman deftly maneuvered her way through the tavern, helped along by the men who courteously moved their feet out of her way. As she reached the area the voice came from, she paused, head tilted slightly to the side. What was it she had said? She didn't have any money? Poor dear. Emmony frowned. She certainly wasn't going to allow someone to go hungry on her account. Or sleep on the floor!

As she settled as close as she could to where the voice had come from, Emmony held out her hand. "I would never let some poor dear go hungry. Come on, I'll take you to the kitchen and you can tell me why you sound so weary." She wiggled her fingers, as if beckoning the girl forward.

@SirFlabberghaspy @Mitchs98
Miziki Kurone

Miziki smiled and sighed with relief when Emmony said she'd get her some food, a room wasn't exactly
mentioned but food was good enough for her. She was perfectly comfortable sleeping in the floor as stated. Nevertheless she stood up and walked over to her, "Thank you, I really appreciate it. Like I said I'll be more than happy to help you wth whatever needs doing." She told her. "I don't really know much about running a tavern but I'll try." She explained. She then blinked, realizing she didn't introduce herself. "Oh! I'm Miziki by the way. Nice to meet you."
"I'm sure we can find something for you to help with, the tavern always needs something done," she said, laughing. She could hear the relief in the girl's voice and it made her feel warm that she could help in even this little way. "But first we'll see about getting some warm food into you. And then after closing, a warm place to sleep as well."

Her hand stayed outstretched, lips twisting into a somewhat wry smile. "I do need you to take my hand though, so I know I don't lose you on the way back to the kitchen." Her free hand tugged lightly at the scarf around her eyes. "Blind, you know. Makes seeing things a little difficult." She giggled at her own joke.

ianbabyyy said:
"I'm sure we can find something for you to help with, the tavern always needs something done," she said, laughing. She could hear the relief in the girl's voice and it made her feel warm that she could help in even this little way. "But first we'll see about getting some warm food into you. And then after closing, a warm place to sleep as well."
Her hand stayed outstretched, lips twisting into a somewhat wry smile. "I do need you to take my hand though, so I know I don't lose you on the way back to the kitchen." Her free hand tugged lightly at the scarf around her eyes. "Blind, you know. Makes seeing things a little difficult." She giggled at her own joke.

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded. Food and a room, she was definetely glad she decided to come in here. She honestly hadn't expected such friendly reception though. She mentally facepalmed when the girl told her to take her hand so she didn't lose her, followed by explaining she was blind. She honestly hadn't even noticed the scarf on her eyes, or if she did didn't think much into it. "
Oh I'm sorry! I didn't even notice." She told her, quickly taking her hand. "I um, I could see if I could heal your eyes, if only partially. That is if you want me to?" She offered. She felt kind of stupid for not noticing, but honestly after her day she was kind of disorientated.
She closed her hand around the girl's, turning and leading her towards the kitchen, even as the girl spoke. "Don't worry about it. It's a little refreshing. Most people notice the blindness first, and they have a tendency to be awkward about it for a bit." Deftly weaving through the tables, she added almost as an after thought, "I'm Emmony. It's lovely to meet you as well Miziki."

It wasn't until they were in the kitchen, where the din of the main room was more of a rumble than a roar, that she addressed the girl's question. "Thank you for the offer, but there's technically nothing wrong with my eyes. It is apparently a trait of my species." She tugged the girl over to a stool before puttering about the kitchen to fix up a plate, generally getting in the way of the cook, once again. The plate was deposited, carefully, into the girl's lap. "There we go, nice and warm and filling." Another stool was dragged over to be perched on. "Now how in the world did you end up in such dire straights?"

Joyce walked at a brisk pace, muttering angrily to herself, "Bloody damn nobles don't know what their talking about.", she kicked a rather large pebble in front of her, forgetting she was practically in slippers. A jolt of pain shot through her foot, causing her to swear quietly. She sighed as she finally arrived at her destination, The Queen's Madness.

Joyce snuck quickly around the back to the kitchen door, fixing her ruffled hair, she took a deep breathe, calming herself, for negative energy was not needed amongst friends, and merriment was to be had. She knocked upon the door, and waited for a response.

The Obsidian Executioner


Asavar's eyelids flicked open and his dark eyes took in the sight before him, tracing the lines between the large stones that made up the roof above him, a familiar sight. Slowly, Asavar pushed himself up, rising to sit upon his hard hay mat that lay open the only stretch of space large enough for him to lay fully out on, the lush goose feather bed merely feet away. Of their own accord, his dark eyes flicked over the large bed, the largest bed he had ever seen or been given, but it was
too soft. He had spent his entire life sleeping on floors, on old piles of hay, the bed was too much for him even if it was the first bed he had ever seen that he could lay out on and not look like an adult trying to sleep in a cradle, well, if he laid out diagonally, he could.

Taking a deep breath, Asavar looked down at the wide expanse of his chest, tracing a large scar that ran across the pale flesh with a large thumb, the dream he had awoken from was no better then the last. It was her, again. Always her. He didn't know who she was, her face was always obscured in shadow, always just out of reach. Each and every time, he can recall himself screaming out to her, a name he can never recall in the morning, trying to save this woman he did not know from an unknown fate, yet, right before he reached her, he would awaken just to see the lines running through the stone of his ceiling once again.

His gaze flicked to the small window in his room, gauging the time and how long he must have slept. No more then a few hours, if he had to guess, which was more then usual, but it was no matter, he had tasks and duties he had to fulfill today, and they would not get done with him sitting and pondering about a mysterious dream woman who did not exist. Rising to his feet, he moved over to the water basin and the cracked mirror that was above it. His larges hands dipped into the pool of cool water and up to splash it over his face, his long black hair spilling out at the sudden movement to fall in waves, but it wasn't enough to block out the mirror. His dark eyes stared back at themselves, multiple reflections each cast back at him, mockingly, from each shard. He could remember how it happened, as if it just happened yesterday, his pride at having been named commander, at being trusted and brought into the Queen's inner circle... then the next morning, the sight of his own face reflected back at him in perfect clarity, he may have had a new title, but he was still just
Asavar. In his momentary madness, he had struck the window, shattering the glass, but it had only made it worse. Now, instead of one, he had to look at thirty small faces peering back at him. Mocking him. There was a lesson in there, somewhere, he had mused, but it did not make him any happier to learn it.

Asavar forced his eyes away, to the stand that bore his Abyssal Plate, it was time.

He moved through the corridors, his eyes dancing from corner to corner, taking in the details ensuring nothing was out of place. Constant vigilance. Without it, he was nothing, failure.... failure was not something he could comprehend. His steps slowed as his eyes picked up murmuring, quiet murmuring, the murmuring of those not meant to be speaking and afraid to be overheard. Likely two Castle Guards, his brow lowered with annoyance, he would need to discipline them, perhaps latrine duty.

Before he could turn the corner, his ears picked up a part of what they said, "The Queens Madness."

Whatever was said before or after was lost in a veil of red, a feral growl rumbling from his chest at the words. They dare disrespect her? They would dare do so in her own castle? They would
dare? Asavar stormed around the corner, his fist swinging out like a sledgehammer smashing one of the guards in the helm, the steel groaning then bending in like paper before the force of his wrath, the guard's head was thrown to the side and thudding into the stone next to him, his body going limp as he collapsed into a heap on the floor. The other guard whirled on his heel, bringing his halberd up, only to stop as his eyes widened in panic. First at his chest then, slowly, the guard's eyes lifted to Asavar's helm, his own dark eyes peering out from their depths. Asavar shot forth like a viper, his left hand battering away the halberd and his right striking out to grip the guards helm like a man holding a fruit. His fingers dented in the helm as he slowly lifted the man off the ground.

The leather strap of his helm, meant to keep his helm on, was now digging into his throat, the weight of his body pulling down against it. The guard dropped the halberd, his legs kicking helplessly above the ground as his hands went to Asavar's wrist trying to pry him off, but it was useless, he had no more chance at dislodging Asavar's grip then he did stopping the flow of time.

"You worm," Asavar growled, his deep voice rumbling from within his chest, "You would dare say that about our Queen... About
my Queen?"

The guard's face turning blue, he struggled harder, his voice rasping out, "T-Tavern."

The word pierced through the red veil that had descended over his eyes. Asavar loosened his grip and the guard plummeted two feet towards the ground, his legs giving out under him as he landed hard on his backside, "What tavern?" Asavar asked through clenched teeth.

"The Q.." The guard started to mumble but stopped and thought better of repeating that phrase, "Sir, it is the name of a Tavern in the city."

A tavern. They named a tavern after his Queen's affliction? They mocked her? Sold drinks to customers who came to mock her? Feet away from their doorstep, they
mocked her? Once more a deep rumble came from his chest, he would burn their tavern down around their heads. He would tear our their hearts and feed it to their children. He was going to tear out their spines and strangle them with it, Asavar took a step forward but stopped, why hadn't he known about this tavern?

His gaze fell down on the guard, Ah, yes, he understood now. No one wanted to be the one to tell him. The Cowards. They had a duty, but, he had a better idea. He wouldn't just destroy their tavern, oh, that he would do, but not right now. First, he was going to use them, then he was going to catch every single one of them, and, with pleasure, remove their heads one after another upon his block.

Leaning down, his large hand gripped the guard's tunic, the other guard mumbling as he was starting to come through, he lifted the guard into the air to meet his eyes, "You, and your.... friends, who visit this tavern."

The guard started to enter a frenzy of apologies but Asavar cut him off, "Oh, no, you are going to go back. Every night. You or your little friends are going to go. Sit down. Order drinks. And
listen. Do you understand?" He asked as he clenched his fist on the man's tunic forcing him to nod, "Good. Every night, you will have the reports upon my desk. I want the names and descriptions of everyone who enters that tavarn, I want to know what they say, I want to know everything. Now go," Asavar said, dropping the guard and marching past them. He needed to work out his anger before he did end up breaking one of their necks, his training post would do for now.

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ianbabyyy said:
She closed her hand around the girl's, turning and leading her towards the kitchen, even as the girl spoke. "Don't worry about it. It's a little refreshing. Most people notice the blindness first, and they have a tendency to be awkward about it for a bit." Deftly weaving through the tables, she added almost as an after thought, "I'm Emmony. It's lovely to meet you as well Miziki."
It wasn't until they were in the kitchen, where the din of the main room was more of a rumble than a roar, that she addressed the girl's question. "Thank you for the offer, but there's technically nothing wrong with my eyes. It is apparently a trait of my species." She tugged the girl over to a stool before puttering about the kitchen to fix up a plate, generally getting in the way of the cook, once again. The plate was deposited, carefully, into the girl's lap. "There we go, nice and warm and filling." Another stool was dragged over to be perched on. "Now how in the world did you end up in such dire straights?"

Miziki Kurone

Miziki nodded. Good. She was worried she'd think she was insensitive or something and be mad at her for it. It was glad to know she liked the fact that she didn't immediately go straight to her blindness. She guessed it was as awkward for her as it was to her when people went straight to her tail. At first she thought she had made another mistake by asking to fix her eyes, seeing as she seemingly ignored the question. Though once they reached the kitchen she responded. A species thing huh? Sadly she doubted she could help in that case. "
Oh. I see. And you're welcome. I'm a healer, so, kind of didn't feel right not offering to help." She replied.

She gladly sat down when moved over to a stool, watching as she went around the room fixing her a plate; much to the chefs annoyance. She nodded and took the plate when it was sat down in her lap, "
Thank you." She told her. She sighed when she asked what had happened. "What didn't happen is more like it. Everything started out pretty well this morning then just kinda went down hill. I only had one customer today, I tripped and rolled down a hill, and destroyed a potion stand when someone nearly trampled me on their horse." She replied. "I mean, I normally have very bad luck. But today was terrible." She continued. "Though, I guess maybe that's turned around since I was lucky enough to find this place and lucky enough you're nice enough to help me out."

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