The Queen's Madness - OOC

@KillThemAll ... Forsaken player back in the day... >.> Preferred my WC1/WC2 evil horde not these sissies they became in WC3 and WoW, so I played the only faction with any balls left... which is hilarious as I doubt the Forsaken zombies have any.. but... you know..

Haven't played WoW since Cata.
Garrosh and Thrall fought one another to the death through mak'gora. Thrall cheated by using the elements and using his armor like a bitch while Garrosh followed the rules.

Also, Garrosh and his True Horde had some balls. Genn Greymane has balls.

Forsaken has the biggest, though. It does usually bite them in the ass.

Just waiting for Sylvanas to tip over the edge of sanity...
... Sounds like the scales were balanced again since Garrosh only beat Bloodhoof because he had poison on his axe (the only redeeming factor being he wasn't aware of that fact).

No, Garrosh was terrible. That entire thing was godawful. "Hey, guys, we know how much you loved sacking Orgrimmar! Because, hey, fuck the Horde! Anyhow, we decided to make him go.. BACK IN TIME!!!!!!!! And you get to fight.. MOAAAAR ORCS!!!!!!!" Yeah, fuck blizzard.
Yeah, but he has balls.

Had the balls to call Sylvanas a bitch and slap her,

and to fight the Alliance more than any other Warchief.
@KillThemAll He was an idiot.

"Oh, you mean that lady that is single handily holding the entire eastern continent with her army?.... You.. mean the only one of us on the Horde side that can seem to manage to win against the Alliance?...."


"Yeah, I'ma go and piss her off..."
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@KillThemAll Yes, it does. Having balls means you are brave. However, there is a line between brash and brave and then stupid.

She is on the brash and brave side of the line. Garrosh is on the stupid side.
You can be brave and stupid. I completely disagree with you.

Stupid is a manner of intelligence, you don't need intelligence

to be brave.
@KillThemAll Being stupid means you don't understand the risk of your actions. Being brave means you do the deed despite the danger.

If a dog runs across the street and gets hit by a car, was it brave for going across the street? No, it did not understand the risk involved.
A US Soldier is ordered to stand down, his friend being under heavy fire. He wants to go save his friend, but if he does so, he will most likely die and the US Military will have simply wasted time with him. He runs into enemy fire anyway, but ends up getting shot to death. Brave or stupid? I think brave, but his actions itself were simply stupid and a waste.
@KillThemAll Did you just somehow manage to totally not understand what I just said? Like at all? ( O.o )

Said Soldier understood the danger of his actions. The fact he died has no impact on that. He understood, again, the danger of what he was about to do, but did it anyway, overcoming his fear. That is bravery.

That has NOTHING to do with what I just said and you managed to miss it completely.

Again. Someone stupid, like Garrosh, doesn't understand the danger involved. They simply do. Like a dog crossing a street. The dog doesn't comprehend the danger of cars, as such, crossing the street is not an act of bravery in any shape or form.

Garrosh did not comprehend his actions. He did not think them through. He merely did and never gave thought to the danger or consequence of his actions, hell, he managed to grow even sillier and dumber as WoW progressed to the point where he was nothing but a foaming madman incapable of even the simplest forms of complex thought. Someone like that is not brave.
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Meanwhile, in the Warhammer corner. Go Grimgore Ironhide! Squash them humies and stunties! Don't forget the dead unz! Dah boyz 'ill tear 'em apart.

Sorry, I got a bit orcy. Wathammer orcy, propa orcy.
I've only played the dawn of war games, the good first ones like soulstorm not dawn of war II, and total war warhammer. But the warhammer universe facinates me. I can't wait for them to update Kislev. Or the other two games which will have major factions like the elves and Skaven.
@Beowulf Ohh, I hear you. I was super disappointed that Kislev, Tilea, Border Princes and Estalia were just given Empire rosters.

Kislev will be great, I can't wait to see the Bear Riders and Ice Mages.
I'm not sure if they will, but they are so large that I wout be surprised if they were. They have their own tab in diplomacy for crying out loud! Their's all the orc tribes, dwarf holds, and then Kiskev. Plus Bretonnia migh he added for the campaign but honestly I doubt it. And if they add the specific followers of Chaos gods thing, like followers of Tzeench are blue or something, that'd be a nice little touch instead to the massive and over priced blob that the chaos roster currently is.
@Beowulf They said they would release a FLC race which is going to be the Brets because their roster is almost done already and they already put a legendary lord in for them (you can grab a mod of the workshop that fills out their roster and makes them playable). They will probably just fill out the roster, add some quest and toss in the Fey Enchantress.

Worst comes to worst, I will just have to wait for the Mods that fill out the minor races.

Yeah, being able to dedicate units of Chaos to the specific gods would be wonderful. Tzeentch is usually blue and gold (sometimes purple and yellow), Slaanesh is often pink/purple. Khorne is often black and red (sometimes brass and red) and Nurgle.. is.. a gross green/teal color. But will add a lot of stuff, can't wait for the other magic lores (Empire should have 8 in total, and Chaos should have their god specific lores)

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