The Queen's Madness - OOC

Anyway.... yeah. @ianbabyyy You don't have to reply. I will post soon enough and hope someone is open to it. Thank you for that. Allan is free to go. :-)
They're pretty much friends but since they're both the world's biggest powers they have quarrels over land and resources. Plus, maybe one or two leaders in each of the factions just want each other dead while the others are like "Bro calm down we don't want a World War or anything".
But yeah, they're frenemies.

They end up trying to blow each other's helicarriers out of the sky because

they both want the glory of killing Arthas (The Lich King)
Wait, so I'm going to take some knowledge I gained from the Warcraft games, the rts not the mmo, but wasn't Arthas a prince and he was corrupted by a sword?
Ner'Zhul was a powerful Orcish shaman who had his soul shattered into a thousand pieces and ripped apart violently by Kil'jaeden. He was shoved into the Lich King's armor and was made the Lich King. Kil threw him into Northrend where he gained control of Azol'Nerub (The Spider Kingdom) and the Vrykul there. The Nathrezim (Dreadlords), a part of the Burning Legion (Kil'Jaeden's faction), would help corrupt Lordaeron through planting the Plague everywhere. Arthas was drawn out by Mal'Ganis, who worked for Ner'Zhul. Ner'Zhul eventually corrupted Arthas through his sword, Frostmourne, and spoke to him through it via whispers. Arthas went to the Frozen Throne, where Ner'Zhul demanded his sword. Instead, Arthas shattered Ner'Zhul and they became one as Ner'Zhul was absorbed into Frostmourne.

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