The Queen's Madness - OOC

[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Aaaaaoooohhhh I see. He's still there on the floor isn't he?

No, because he'd be dead then.

Follow the scent of yeast.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]

Erikur Cetrix


It took Erikur a few seconds to register what the man next to him had said but it humored him to hear it. When asked his name he thought of what to say for a moment but before he could the man started acting a bit odd. He hadn't a clue how but he could tell something was off about him, such as the liquid that could be seen on his forehead and temples in the light. Erikur looked at him in utter perplexion before he tumbled over out of his chair and landed on the ground, that was when Erikur stood up to see just what the hell was happening to him. It looked like he was having a severely bad stomach ache or was going to be sick, likely both! And if that already wasn't a reason for him to try and help him the man didn't even wait around to say anything he just started stumbling to the back room where the door then shut. It left a lot of the ones in the tavern area confused and stunned from what they just saw and none of them followed after him until they heard a thud coming from the room and then silence. Erikur was the first to go check it out, walking slowly to the back storeroom. What the hell came over him? Was the one and only question going through his mind at this point, first tavern he had been in after arriving at this city and some crazy random incident happens. "Hello?" Was what he said when he opened up the door, then a bit more, and a bit more until it was completely open and he finally saw what happened. Nothing. He wasn't even there. It was as if the man just walked in the room and vanished. Wait a moment his sword is still here. Why do I that yeast? Things were now beginning to get more confusing by the minute! He began sniffing the air for the smell of it, carrying the man's sword as well following the scent.


I hope my post makes more sense then @Halohbottech I edited it.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]I hope my post makes more sense then @Halohbottech I edited it.

Hey, there ya go! Noice. I'll be replying in a bit. Vibin' right now to some downright awesome tunes.
Cosmo and I are doing a little back and forth in PMs so please be patient for a moment ^_^ won't be long, I don't think, so you needn't fret.

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