The Queen's Madness - OOC

Shapeshifters and Changelings are different, partly because we already had lore on shapeshifters that didn't match what I wanted for my character.

Shapeshifters can become anything animal or human.

Changelings can only change their appearance in human ways. They're not really shifting into different creatures. And yeah, it's totally possible for a Changeling to be like that. Their personalities erode slightly over time, but no matter what form they take on, what they look like, they're still themselves. If all of that makes sense.
Thank you! I was curious about that, thus why I asked. This shall come in handy later >.> MWUAHAHAHAH!! Don't mind me and my deviousness~ xD
-nods- From what I can tell, the Shapeshifters are fairly stable, mentally I mean. Whereas the Changelings lose a lot of their sense of identity, and most of them are eventually driven to insanity. So, I mean, that's one of the big differences. >.>

Like Caelyn. They can purposely pick a gender to change into for a period of time, and will repeatedly forget what gender they are. Everything kind of blurs together.
Also, I think I'm going to make a massive maze out of Spoilers for my Signature...
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We have a posting order...?

I mean, Joran can't really do anything but comment and watch...

Not saying that because I'm lazy or anything
Too tired to nap

And I need to cut the grass before I get fined

I hate cutting the grass because of bees

I'm a coward around insects

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