The Queen's Madness - OOC

xEmoBunnehx said:
What about the Overview? xD @ianbabyyy
Allan really just wants to impregnate the Queen and produce a legit heir to the throne. Then he'll kill the Queen and puppet-rule Lathien through his son.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]

Erikur Cetrix


The kingdom looked mighty to him indeed. A mighty kingdom needed a mighty ruler, something this kingdom lacked from what he had gathered from asking around. There had been rumors around all across Lathien about the Queen going mad, making ridiculous and severe laws as she went away. That is what led Erikur to the capital, Draede, so he could see if these rumors were true himself instead of assuming that everything he was told was entirely true.

That morning he had spent scouring the capital for any rumors or 'reliable' information that could give him some indication of what he had previously heard would be true but all he heard was more rumors and lies. He may or may not have gotten annoyed with the old seer in one of the shops he passed but that didn't matter at the moment because every place he went someone mentioned a tavern literally called the Queen's Madness. A name which sounded absolutely stupid in his point of view with all the damned laws and punishments in the city, not to mention straight out speaking against the queen. Out of the many questions he had about this place one stood out; why had the place not been burnt to the ground by the City Guard? With all their rules and laws he'd thought that this place would surely be destroyed within moments after news of it reached the Queen and her guard. But no. It was still a place, and a very known one from what Erikur had gathered from the places he'd visited so he decided to see what it was like. A new place to go in a new city, surely it would show some promise.

The many more places he passed in the large city and he finally found this Tavern, while also having to ask for direction from several different people where it was. He was new to the city so what might one expect? From the moment he opened the doors he couldn't help but feel a sense of welcomness but also a bit of oddness both at the same time, it was a fair enough place to say at least and appeared decent. He walked inside a bit more, looking around for someone that worked there "Anyone know of the rumors going on about the Queen?" He asked out loud and slowly headed towards a seat. Hopefully that was alright because he didn't plan on getting up until he was served.​

Anyhow...I'm just going to leave this post there. If anyone in the tavern wants to reply to my post please do.
Oh yeah, I forgot Lathien doubles as a Queendom.

So, if there are twins, who gets to be the ruler? Does

the Crowned one at the moment choose? What if their

ruling parent dies? Does that mean civil war?

Oooh, future plot.
I thought about making another character.. then I remembered that I suck at playing males xD And I want to make a male. BUTTT I may. Later. When it is more relevant to what I have planned~
@KillThemAll Hahahahahaha that's a good question. Would require further thought.

@xEmoBunnehx Ooooooooooh, plot ideas!!!

Yeah, part of my desire to make a new character is because people keep wanting to talk to tavern workers, and there's only two of us. But the character wouldn't be male or female. Or it would be both. Kinda? I wanna make it some sort of shapeshifting type thing, but not the type that we have in the lore.
@KillThemAll Kinda? Like, they can change their appearance at will, male/female, features, height, etc. But people of her species lose parts of their own identities really young. When you don't know your own gender or appearance, it can kind of mess with your mind. A lot of them tend to go insane.

But, I mean, they can't turn into animals or things like that. Just human stuff mostly.

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