The Queen's Madness - OOC


I hate this mental wall that's blocking all of my creativity

The only thing my body wants to do is submit to narcolepsy


The husks of proud and mighty people, the strange Sunken are remnants of a long forgotten

time. Often thought to be the ancestors of modern Giants by scholars and curious researchers,

the Sunken are large, stone-like and shrunken creatures of massive height. They stand at an

average of 35' to 40'. Their limbs are twisted and constricted to their joints, lacking any sort of

living tissue or muscle. While they appear to be made of hard material, their peculiar flesh is

best described as a charred and stiff sponge. They seem to lack any sort of blood, but do make

sounds such as deep moaning or pain when encountering adventurers. The Sunken are extremely

hard to kill and are said to be resistant to much damage and regenerative in nature. However,

the dark abyss that seems to unnaturally absorb their face are their one true weakness. A simple

exposure to open flame within the hole will slay the Sunken. First, they will rear due to the pain and let

out high-pitched screeches, which are painful to the ears. Second, their skin will begin to be striped

with a glowing orange undertone, as if veins suddenly appeared through their harsh, gray skin.

Lastly, the colorful display of amber will expand until it envelops the entirety of the beast. They will

scream for a few more seconds before suddenly bursting. Collapsing and falling apart, their body is

reduced to nothing but ash, leaving no evidence that they ever treaded within the dark reaches of

their underground caverns and ruins, and creating quite the number of frustrated scholars.

While often a rare encounter, the Sunken are mostly faced by the Dwarves, who often accidentally

mine into the creature's shadowy dens. There, the ancient ruins of a lost time are the only sign that

the vengeful giant is near. While Sunken are almost never encountered in groups, the few rare cases

agree that they seem to act as one unit, working together almost flawlessly to tear away at their prey

in order to protect their long forgotten history.

There are, namely, two ways to handle the Sunken. You may either simply engage it before it poses

a threat to you, lighting a torch and forcing it into the beast's orifice, or you may simply remain passive.

While the Dwarves do often encounter these beasts, some have been reported to be ultimately friendly.

They silently stare at the short and stubby men, often sitting or even, to the disturbance of many,

humming tunes only known by the sands of time. These quiet and calm Sunken, often dubbed "Weepers",

are left to dwell in their homes, a fate often pitied on by many across the Realm.

(Not exactly a playable race, but I felt like making it to get some bricks off the Mental Wall)

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