The Queen's Madness - OOC

Lol, @KillThemAll I was about to say you don't even know what it is.

There's a slightly detailed setting but no plot. I don't think it has an opportunity for a plot, except maybe 'let's team up to try and escape.'

In the world, there's a labyrinth. It has no entrance, and it spans miles. The outer wall is a thorned shrub type thing, standing three to four stories tall. Nobody is entirely sure how it came to be, how long it has been around, they just know that anyone who enters never returns. And the people who enter have no choice. They'll fall asleep in their bed, and wake up inside of the labyrinth. There's no rhyme or rhythm to who gets taken. Usually it only takes a person when they're alone, but it's been known to take two at once if they're sleeping in the same room.

(The idea for the labyrinth itself is a little similar to the movie 'The Labyrinth', but I didn't at all get the idea from it.)

The labyrinth itself is almost a living thing. It can change from shrubbery walls to stone walls to what almost appears to be the hallways of fancy castles, complete with a roof. Occasionally you can come across beautiful gardens, or trees and bushes baring fruit. People've been known to even find small wooded areas. The weather can vary greatly, also seemingly controlled by the labyrinth. If you're crafty you can survive inside it, finding food and shelter. Time also doesn't seem to pass inside of it's walls the way it does outside either. Or, rather, it doesn't really pass at all. Days and nights are random, and nobody inside of it ages.

You can find a number of regular animals, and also many nonhuman creatures inhabiting it. Some friendly, some merely nonsentient animals, others vicious. Some feed on humans, others simply enjoy torturing them.

Supposedly, if you can reach the center, you can escape, but as far as anyone is aware, nobody has ever managed to reach it. The labyrinth doesn't like to release it's prizes.
KillThemAll said:
I'll be the guy who gives up hope and kills himself eventually.
Lol. That would be another thing. You'd have to accept the idea that your character could possibly die. But people would have the option to play anything they like, human or labyrinth creature.
ianbabyyy said:
Lol. That would be another thing. You'd have to accept the idea that your character could possibly die. But people would have the option to play anything they like, human or labyrinth creature.
Please, I am ready to have Asavar die in this RP. ( ;) )
So, like, I really wanna make it because it's not plot heavy, like this one is becoming, and allows for character interaction and wandering and that fear that your character might, you know, die. I think it also makes it easier for new characters to insert themselves into formed groups because, you know, they're not going off and doing their own thing, everyone basically has the same goal. I'd also play the labyrinth itself as a character, just to fuck with people.

And there's even a way to the center! It's just hard to figure out. >.>

But I dunno if I can handle two. Or if people would be interested.
ianbabyyy said:
So, like, I really wanna make it because it's not plot heavy, like this one is becoming, and allows for character interaction and wandering and that fear that your character might, you know, die. I think it also makes it easier for new characters to insert themselves into formed groups because, you know, they're not going off and doing their own thing, everyone basically has the same goal. I'd also play the labyrinth itself as a character, just to fuck with people.
And there's even a way to the center! It's just hard to figure out. >.>

But I dunno if I can handle two. Or if people would be interested.
Lol I don't know if I could handle two, but if you made it, I would join to kill off people and lend support.
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KillThemAll said:
Hey, don't d'aw him! D'aw me!

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