The Queen's Madness - OOC

@KillThemAll Mhm, told you... I have had long hair since... 8th grade... so... imagine that face, that hair, that beard (I started growing shadows at 12...) with teenagers? Yeah. That nickname sticks.

@Beowulf D-Did.. you think I was blond?
@KillThemAll Should say that in a waiting room sometime. Just be on your phone, lean over to the guy next to you, and say it. Know that, somewhere out there, a Cosmo is laughing.
I'm an atheist and was making a joke that no one would understand. Bit of a poor choice in hind sight.
The manananggal is said to favor preying on sleeping, pregnant women, using an elongated proboscis-like tongue to suck the hearts of fetuses, or the blood of someone who is sleeping.

That's all I got from Wikipedia, but I could ask my mom.
A novel based on the tv series Supernatural features the main characters battling an Aswang in the Sierra Nevada mountains during a blizzard. The creature in this novel sucks human organs out through a proboscis and inserts body parts of other humans into the victim then seals the hole. The main characters make a whip tipped with a stingray barb and coated with spices to kill the creature.

Aswang is essentially "demon"
All this too

  • Penanggalan - A vampire akin to Manananggal from the Malay peninsula
  • Tiyanak - Blood-sucking creature in a form of a baby that turns into what is known to be the child of the devil
  • Krasue - Floating vampiric female head and entrails that is similar to a manananggal
  • Chonchon - Mapuche creature that also detaches its head
  • Nukekubi - Japanese creature that also detaches its head to feed on victims
Manananggals are sometimes referred to as tik-tik, the sound it makes while flying. Folklore dictates that the fainter the sound, the nearer the manananggal is. This is to confuse the victim. Black cats and crows often signal a tik-tik's presence, and deformed faces or bodies in children are allegedly signs of the aftermath of a tik-tik attack.
@Cosmo Im still waiting on that PM. So I think you lie!! You haven't complained to me. I think you said that to make Cosmo look good.
@LadyArdent Cosmo looks good on his own. He don't need no help.

(Wait, did I need to send you a PM for some plot thing? Because, I will feel bad if I did and I forgot.)
No!! Lol I was joking you said you made a long PM complaining. So I made a joke of your words. No I'm waiting for the new day to start.
@LadyArdent Lol good, I thought I was being a jerk or something, whew. I mean, I am a jerk, as are we all, but I thought I was being a super jerk at that moment.

Don't scare me like that!
@KillThemAll @Cosmo @Idea

Ya'll know that I hate you, right?

Like, not hate hate. But, like, five fucking races to get into the lore tab you assholes. I'm just now getting it done. I still have one left and I'm like 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'

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