The Queen's Madness - OOC

Dwarves are one of the mightiest races in the Realm, renowned for their craftsmanship

and tenacity in combat. Often known as heavy drinkers and a rowdy type, Dwarves are

a tough and powerful group. Many of the Dwarves range between 3' to 5' in height, often

possessing slightly wider bodies than their human counterparts. They are often fat or

muscular, skinny Dwarves an extremely rare oddity.


The Iron Dwarves are the most common type of dwarf, namely known for their

ability to construct massive establishments with unnatural effectiveness, along with their

ability to smith the finest of materials into legendary weaponry and armor. The Iron Dwarves

dwell in underground cities and massive fortresses, working for other races by trading

materials and equipment. The Iron Dwarves closely guard their smithing secrets, only entrusting

a few outsiders to ever venture into their behemoth cities. The Iron Dwarves are also made up

of extremely skilled warriors, often arming themselves with the most effective of apparel and

weaponry in order to deal the heaviest damage to their enemies. While extremely influential and

powerful, one of the flaws of the Iron Dwarves would lay in their fear of magic, often distrusting

its use with an extreme and almost paranoia. The practice of magic is outlawed in many Dwarven

Strongholds and in their territories, resulting in Iron Dwarf Mage Hunters often clashing with various

Magi Guild around the Realm.


The Honey Dwarves are surface-dwelling dwarves who are known for their

rowdy nature. Made legendary for their ability to create the finest of brews, the

Honey Dwarves make their living off of the trade of their alcohol and the selling of

their loyalty in times of war. The Honey Dwarves are specialists in crafting wood, often

hired to create houses or fortress walls by various villages and nations. The Honey Dwarves

also craft through other earthly materials, such as clay, mud, and sand-stone. The

Honey Dwarves often butt heads with their Iron Dwarf brothers, whom consider them

weaker and softer because of their affinity for the surface, rather than the Dwarf's ancestral

home that is the subterranean caverns dotting the world.


The Lost Dwarves are a greatly feared entity around all other types of Dwarves.

Talking of the Lost Dwarves is considered taboo and often frowned upon, as the Dwarves

fear the Lost almost more than they avoid magic. The Lost were a kingdom of Dwarves

who thrived more than any other. Ultimately, however, they were overtaken by the dark

magics of the Deep, transformed into monstrosities by entities deep below the surface of the

world. These Dwarves are often lighter in weight, and possess unnatural agility. They have sunken

looks to them, and possess a variety of skin color from a pale white to a pitch black. Their

eyes glow a fierce red, and they have a bloodthirst quenched only by constant killing.

While most have lost their sanity, some Lost Dwarves have actually broken free of their

creator's control, serving as wanderers and mercenaries around the Realm.

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The Highborne are a blessed race of human-like beings. Although often larger in size,

the Highborne have lived amongst the humans of the world throughout history. While

Pureblooded Highborne are considered a rarity, those with Highborne blood may often find

an affinity for "Holy" abilities. Originally an angelic race, the Highborne are the descendants

of Angel-Human hybrids who thrived in the Realm. When a demon lord by the name of C'thal

destroyed their magnificent homeland, the scattered Highborne found themselves adopted

into various other human societies around the Realm.

The Highborne's abilities with the Light are legendary. A honed pureblooded Highborne is capable

of healing groups of people and even reviving others, often also wielding enough power to

banish various types of demons back to the place of their creation. Highborne blood is also an

extremely sought after trait in those practicing the Holy Arts. The more Highborne blood in a

person, the more they can withstand channeling the Light through them. While mortals with

little to no Highborne blood can power through such challenges with sheer will, those with a

large concentration of Highborne blood would find it much easier to call upon the Light.

Now, many Highborne and Highborne descendants travel around the world to

protect the innocent and carry out their religious teachings. Still, many Highborne

reside in human societies and serve under the major churches of those countries.

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well, if we are doing THAT game, then I´ll put some more input of my own:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-39-46.png.7b83b2e80be5b022c47919329ff4e278.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-39-46.png.7b83b2e80be5b022c47919329ff4e278.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-44-15.png.b85bed71d976386e07b28bf2448d4ddd.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132843" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-44-15.png.b85bed71d976386e07b28bf2448d4ddd.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-45-31.png.a5152136fba67b752bd4591869f5d84d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132844" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-45-31.png.a5152136fba67b752bd4591869f5d84d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-41-21.png.bb8e4ee8ef88bbeb0ddbf6111d737d42.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132841" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-41-21.png.bb8e4ee8ef88bbeb0ddbf6111d737d42.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-42-22.png.7dbf141e6e13e00b808aebcbf308e877.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132842" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-42-22.png.7dbf141e6e13e00b808aebcbf308e877.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-39-17.png.968e6fd34b7c2bebb18fe6a714b75f17.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132839" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-39-17.png.968e6fd34b7c2bebb18fe6a714b75f17.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-38-49.png.9e389555e0425305e95bc4bba927b96f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-38-49.png.9e389555e0425305e95bc4bba927b96f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-38-1.png.606e372a17e082013ec83a4064f54dba.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-38-1.png.606e372a17e082013ec83a4064f54dba.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-37-20.png.b71c9df172cf1928f9d0c508a9061713.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-8_10-37-20.png.b71c9df172cf1928f9d0c508a9061713.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Demons, also called devils, having a series of subspecies are an amorphic race descendent of corrupted angels. Their bodies were deformed over time, many of which losing their actual shape, whereas other reassemble humans with horns and bat-like wings or a tail. Demon society is divided into classes regarding mostly their power.

One distinct trait about demons and ALL their subspecies is their natural envious, greedy and sadistic instincts, and their inability to feel any form of positive emotion, empanthy or anything of the like. Nomatter the situation, a demon is unable to control it´s impulses, be those for destruction or for manipulation, both of which always aim at causing suffering.

In spite of this, demons can be extremely adept at deceiving. Not only are they beings of enormous raw power on their own, they are capable of surfacing negative feelings which require great mental fortitude to ignore. Through those, demons can convince people to form pacts, thus allowing the demon to possess not just objects or animals as they normally can, but that person as well. The person possessed by a demon will NEED to have whatever is offered granted, but the moment the possession takes place, their rational mind and their identity are both destroyed forever.

Demons took a great kindred to fire in their culture, and are creatures that despise work, having year-round celebrations often ending with some form of explosions or with the big roasting of someone important.

Demons, besides their subspecies, can also be divided by the type of feelings they usually surface on their interlocutor. Envy, greed, lies, lust, wrath, etc... This is alos representative of the form they take towards any given person. If the interlocutor is envious of a friend, for example, the demon will most likely that a shape that either represents the reason for that envy or the shape of the friend itself.



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Well, if we are just throwing out races, I'ma submit the other custom race I made like a year ago that is, easily, one of my favorite things I have ever written/created:

The Vavin


The Vavin are an odd race, a combination of plant and mammal. They are bi-pedal and tend to be tall and lithe standing anywhere from 6'6 to 7'4. They have three digits on their hands and feet, two 'fingers' and one 'thumb' (or merely toes for their feet that, sadly, cannot be used to grip like their hands), each one tending to be longer than human counterparts. Their hips are thin lacking the protruding hip bones that human bodies tend to have. The largest difference, and most shocking to most other life, is their heads. They have long slender necks and tend to favor long flowing hair of various colors and styles, but their faces lack many of the tributes that other races have, particularly noses and mouths. The Vavin do not have either orifice and so cannot smell nor can they speak, or, speak as other races do. Instead, their face is smooth from the bottom of their eyes (which range in color from vibrant reds to deep indigo) to their sharp chins. The Vavin do not grow facial hair of any kind save for thin arching eyebrows, their ears are small and slightly pointed at the tips and hear in far better ranges than humans.

Instead of speaking as other races do, the Vavin speak telepathically. They cannot read another's thoughts, instead, they 'project' their thoughts into the minds of others. A one-way link to send whatever information they wish, Vavin can reject such mental links if they desire. When speaking to beings of other races, the Vavin will project their 'voice' and 'words' into their minds where the reciprocating mind will 'reshape' the information into something it understands, while the being cannot send information back (unless they are also a telepath), they can merely speak the words as Vavin can hear and comprehend spoken words assuming they have been taught that language.

Vavin feed from solar energy, akin to plants, however their skin tends to be a very pale sheen instead of the deep green one would assume they have, but few will ever see a Vavin's sensitive skin. The Vavin do require water and can absorb liquid through pores in their skin, they can control this process to 'close' their pores to not allow moisture in, or even widen them to draw in more if needed. They do not have a strong constitution and so poison (such as alcohol) effects them strongly and incredibly quickly. cold weather is also harsh on their bodies. They can regulate their sweating as needed to attempt to control dehydration or quicken the cooling process, Vavin sweat has a distinct sweet smell to it akin to dew from plants.

While Vavin do have mammal reproduce genital it is unknown if interbreeding with other species is possible. Few self-respecting Vavin would ever consider lowering themselves to mate with 'lesser' lifeforms.

The Vavin culture is complex and when meeting a Vavin the first thing other beings tend to notice are their very distinct mask that all Vavin wear. The mask is something that has long been a part of the Vavin culture, and they believe their mask contain their 'soul' and 'identity'. A Vavin will no sooner give up their mask then they would their own limbs. A Vavin is given his, or her, mask on the day of their birth. The mask is designed by their parents and tend to be rather plain and void, to reflect their first breath and step into the world. As they grow older, additions for the mask will be added, art pieces, gems, whatever reflects the child's growth, development, family, and personality. A child will go through several mask, destroying the old one and, usually, preserving pieces of it for their new mask to go with their face. The parents are the ones who manage the mask as they mold it as they mold their child through his youth. When a Vavin is sixteen, they are given a 'coming of age' celebration where, afterwards, they create their own mask for the first time. It is important to note that even when going to war, their mask remain. They are often hidden under their helms to protect them, although some helm designs are made so part of the mask will show through.

To see a Vavin without their mask is a great honor and privilege for to remove their mask is the ultimate sign of trust and intimacy a Vavin can give for it is them 'baring their soul' to the viewer. Usually, only immediate family and lovers will ever see another Vavin without their mask, and there is no greater crime and insult among the Vavin then to forcibly remove a Vavin's mask or, worse yet, destroy it. To do so is a perversion and invasion of not only their person but their very soul and sense of self. Due to their... void faces, their mask tend to be an outwardly expression and are rather extravagant getting more so for the higher the station of the Vavin, many heads of families have great plumes, feathers, or even horns coming from their mask to express their wealth, power, or virility.

Thanks to the masks, the Vavm rely greatly on body language to help their communication, the slightly nudge, twist, or turn is just as telling as whatever their minds project, and it is very easy for someone to insult them without their knowledge. This complex social system is convoluted even further by their intricate bloodlines that every Vavin keeps a track of because such things are important as they help decide ones fate in their universe and their position in it, to say that the Vavin social world is a labyrinth of pitfalls, cliffs, and tangled pathways would be a gross understatement. Because of this complex system, the Vavin have something called 'The Great Game' that almost all of them play, the game to increase their, and their families, position in the world and federation. It is a cruel and brutal game that has sparked wars between Vavin, families, and even entire cities. The grudges spawned in even a small feud can last centuries as the Vavin are not a forgiving people. Along with such mask, Vavin tend to wear extravagant gowns and robes as well as gloves, it is very rare to see the pale skin of a Vavin beneath their decoration, the act of revealing skin in public being a social taboo.

A recent development is the adding of... orifices to the mask such as noses, snouts, cheek bones, mouths, etc as Vavin are 'inspired' by other races and animals. Many Vavin diplomats do this to make their fellows feel more at ease in their presence.

Besides this Vavin have a deep love of artistic pursuits from paintings, to sculpting, to crystal bending (a unique art from using Farron crystals), jewelry, music and theater. It is often said that few can match the works of beauty that come from the Vavin even if the art piece's history is drowned in the blood that has been shed in its making during any point in the Great Game.

The Vavin Federation of Independent Families is what it sounds like, a gathering of independent city-states each ran by an influential family of Vavin, no family may legally rule more than a single city at any given time. Each family sends a member to act as its will on the Vavin High Council, situated at the Vavin city of Xartos, where matters involving the VFIF and its affairs including, but not limited to: Military actions, colonization, trade, currency and matters of state, take place. Xartos, itself, being too valuable for any single families hands is run by the Low Council, a council of Vavin voted in to their position by the populace of Xartos to guide and govern the heart of the Vavin people.

The Five Greatest Families, a position that often changes hands, have the power to 'veto' decisions in the High Council requiring a 3/4 vote to pass whatever was vetoed. It takes three members of the five to veto, but if all five veto, the decision is denied until one of the Great Families changes their stance. The Vavin tend to be a matriarchal society, so the heads of the family and most of the seats of the council, both high and low, tend to be female.

The Five Great Families

The Tosin Family
, rulers of Yack, the city with the largest industrial might in the Federation. The city is completely covered in massive industrial complexes that stretches up towards the sky for miles from years of production and over-population. Yack produces all sorts of goods from military weaponry, commercial goods, trinkets, and any other thing the Tosin family may find of value to trade or sell. While they also produce large quantities of ships from their docks, they are not the largest ship producer.

The Koshak, the rulers of Dontin the only place in the known world to contain the Farron Crystals, beautiful crystals that react and bend to the will of telepaths. The Farron crystals cannot be synthesized, and it is unknown how they are formed despite decades of study into it. When worked on by a 'Shaper', they change color, shape, consistency, and size at whim until they are satisfied with the result, once the crystal leaves the confines of Dontin, it hardens and can no longer be changed even if the crystal is taken back to Dontin at a later date. The Farron art produced from Dontin tend to be some of the most beautiful and bizarre works in the world and are highly sought after.

The Divines, rulers of Cramator, not so much a family as a collection of high priest. Cramator is a beautiful city where the sky is constantly shifting as particles react with the solar rays creating beautiful spectacles across the surrounding land. Cramator is the spiritual 'capital' of the Vavin and has grand temples dotted across the city and nearby mountains each a shrine to a Vavin deity. Cramator is a popular tourist destination and pilgrimage site for the Vavin and, along with Dontin, the only city forbidden to any and all outsiders. While outsiders may not comprehend the power the Divine's wield, they need only to look at their military to understand. The Divines have some of the best trained and equipped Vavin in the Federation, the Temple Guards of the various Gods all have their own combat doctrines and are dotted across the Federation that can be called to arm when the need arises, paid for and up kept by Vavin across the VFIF donating to their local temples when they visit or pray. The Divines are the only 'family' to have always had a seat on the council since the birth of the Federation.

The Ra'tapa, rulers of Domantis. They are at a unique position, the only point where the mountains near the ocean, as such, they have a wealth of both minerals and trade, and so they capitalized on it. The Ra'tapa family is the Federations greatest ship building city easiyl outproducing four or, even, five other coastal cities.

The Xhiss, rulers of Yayon, the newest great family, the Xhiss rose to power by displacing that last great family... by... dubious means. Yayon is not special, itself, in fact, it never was and never will be, the only thing of importance is its strategical location in the middle of the VFIF. Information and trade flows through it from one side of the Federation to the other, credits and information trading hands constantly and this is the source of Xhiss power. Not military, or produce, or economics, or religion, but information. The Xhiss are the Vavin's greatest information brokers and when one imagines how convoluted the Great Game can become, the undertaking is colossal and almost unimaginable for the mortal mind to process. Their influence is mightier than any blade and a single whisper in the right ear is all that it takes to discourage invasion. Their diplomats and spies are second to none, and they are often the ones to be sent to negotiate with other nations when the need arises.

The Vavin pantheon is packed full of various deities and tales from their long history with many families swearing to one specific deity as the patron of their family, there are a few that stand out from the rest either due to the power of their followers, number of believers, or their... infamy, and they are Calise, the Mistress of Whispers, Tal'o'Van, the Lord of Murder, Vondin, the Grudgebearer, and finally, Xana, the Masked Lady.

Calise, the Mistress of Whispers, is the Goddess of Intrigue, Gossip, Extravagance, and it is Calise who is said to have started the 'Great Game' with her siblings and is the one often prayed to when needing guidance or for luck in their next political movement. Her temples are the grandest of all the gods, despite Calise, herself, not being as mighty as many of the other deities as to earn her favor, one must always be willing to part with gold for information is not cheap and her taste is expensive, as are her priest and priestess.

Tal'o'Van, the Lord of Murder, is the God of Assassination, Death and Silence. His name is spoken only by the bravest, or most foolish, of Vavin, and while he has no dedicated temples to him as praying to him has long since been outlawed; his priest and priestess are still out there, the deadliest assassins in the Federation. The priest and priestess of Talo'Van are a rare, and frightening, sight for a Vavin as a Vavin who has given themselves to Talo'Van remove all the markings on their mask reverting it to a plain, black void thus 'destroying' their soul and sense of individuality in an effort to becoming closer to the essence of their master.

Vondin, the Grudgebearer, is the God of Vengeance and Blood Feuds. The Vavin are not a forgiving people and are slow to forget slights to them or their families. The temples of Vondin tend to be massive archives meticulously maintained by the priest and priestess copying all the grudges, slights, and misgivings between families, with or without their consent, keeping a watchful eye on the Federation as well as handing out retribution when it is necessary.

Xana, the Masked Lady, is the greatest of all Vavin deities. It is Xana whom the Vavin come from, it is her that they return to. Xana is the Goddess of the Soul, the Vavin believe that when they die, their souls join with Xana in her own mask to 'become one' with all Vavin that have ever been and will ever be. Xana only has priestess in her care, and they take care of the departed souls, cleaning their bodies, preserving their masks, and preparing them for the next world. As such, Priestess of Xana are given the unique honor and privilege of being able to see the faces of other Vavin for they care for their bodies after their passing and preparing their mask for their families to keep (many having massive mausoleums where they keep the mask of their family members). There are few Vivan more revered and respected than a Xana Priestess.
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KillThemAll said:
Ian is going to die, (>u>)
Lol that will teach her to stop complaining when she has nothing to do once she has already worked herself into the ground. ( ;) )
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The Akaviri are an Avian race of three

different types. Often fanatically religious

and brutal to other races, the Akaviri are

dangerous raiders and warriors, often attacking

foreign villages for supplies and sacrifices.

They have an extremely efficient metabolism,

fat Akaviri being an impossible concept.


The first type of Akaviri are the Snowstriders.

They usually stand from between 7' and 9'. While

some are extremely muscular, other Snowstriders

are skinny and lengthy. The Snowstriders often use

magic to decimate the enemies of their Gods,

including necromancy, pyromancry, hydromancry,

divination magics, elemental magics, and illusion spells.

The Snowstriders come in two main colors, brown

and white. Brown Snowstriders are often found in

areas without snow, while White Snowstriders dwell

in the northernmost regions of the world. However,

Brown Snowstriders are capable of adapting to a

snowy environment and becoming white-feathered,

while White Snowstriders are also capable of adapting

to a warmer environment and becoming brown.


The second type of Akaviri are the Sandstriders. Originally, the Sandstriders

ruled a large portion of the world's deserts before being driven out by rebellious

humans, the Vavin, and a sudden spring of natural disasters known as "The Sundering".

The Sandstriders carried their colorful culture with them, migrating to the jungles

of the world in order to rebuild their once mighty empires. However, many of the

Sandstriders were hunted down and killed by non-Akaviri who saw the threat more Akaviri

Empires possessed.

By the end of the Great Purge, only a few Sandstrider clans remained.

They became the two main sub-types of Sandstriders that those remaining use to identify themselves.

The Waterwatchers are a group of Sandstriders who fled to the ocean after being driven out

from their tropical forests by outsiders. These Akaviri are capable of flying and have made their

homes on the piercing rocks of the sea. The Waterwatchers are nomadic clan, travelling with

the ocean wind and raiding ships and villages along the way. While considered the lowest of the

Akaviri, the Waterwatchers possess one trait many of the avian race desire: Flight.

The Waterwatchers are mostly skinny and agile, coming in the color white and gray.

The Sunstriders are the largest group remaining in the Sandstrider population,

dedicated to the worship of A'zora, the Sun God, and his eleven sisters. The Sunstriders

are fanatic and brutal, sacrificing any outsiders that dare trespass into their steaming jungles.

The Sunstriders have often relied on extreme skills with their polearm weaponry,

feared around the world for their combat capabilities and indomitable behavior.

The Sunstriders enslave other races and often sacrifice them if they're unable to work

properly. The Sunstriders live in large series of stone tree-houses, using their

ancient knowledge to create massive systems of running water throughout their settlement.

The Sunstriders are of a large variety of body types, excluding a fat variant, and come

in the largest variety of colors. A few feather-colors mean something to these Akaviri.

White feathered Sunstriders are considered just. Black feathered Sunstriders

are thought to be powerful spellcasters and multi-dimensional in thought.

Green feathered Sunstriders are a good omen, often said to be good luck and

are usually sent to harvest fruit due said luck. Yellow feathered Sunstriders

are considered holy and therefore gifted by the Gods. Orange feathered

Sunstriders are thought to be great warriors, and Blue feathered Sunstriders

are considered beautiful and therefore often married off.


The Forsaken are Akaviri who have abandoned their traditional ways

and their original Gods, now adopted into other societies as mercenaries,

killers, and beings of other professions. The Forsaken can

originate from any group or sub-race of Akaviri and are widely

considered unholy and demonic by traditionalist Akaviri.

What in the world? Oh and @Idea I was a little drunk last night so disregard my last post I'm deleting it so I will make a new one.

-Pokes Cosmo.-

how to make a race:

1. Take an animal, physical atribute or element

2. Mix it with a human

3. Give them something "legendary"

4. Create a sect that is against that entire culture
@KillThemAll If I had to guess, Ian probably sent them a PM asking them to change a few things. Being able to freeze everything within a seven mile radius is just silly.
Idea said:
You have no idea some things I´ve seen approved...
Lol well that is on them. Seriously, with a power like that, they could nuke the city whenever they wanted killing thousands of people and making the entire RP pointless.

(8)) Gotta think the powers through people.
Cosmo said:
Lol well that is on them. Seriously, with a power like that, they could nuke the city whenever they wanted killing thousands of people and making the entire RP pointless.
(8)) Gotta think the powers through people.
If you think freezing is bad, imagine the litteral power to change reality. Someone once got away with that.
LadyArdent said:
Hey that's why I took a subtle approach.
That is why I took the Hammer Smash path. ( ;) )

Idea said:
If you think freezing is bad, imagine the litteral power to change reality. Someone once got away with that.
Someone was able to get away with Reality Warping?... Was it... timed at least? Or was it permanent?
I don't think the Light counts as an element, and the Highborne's largeness is just a generalization. (Since those with Highborne blood also count as Highborne)

The Lost Dwarves don't count as a sect, since they don't worship any gods.

The Forsaken aren't technically a sect, they just usually abandon their gods.

Also, Highborne don't have a sect.
KillThemAll said:
I don't think the Light counts as an element
light is not a CLASSICAL element, but it is an element

KillThemAll said:
The Lost Dwarves don't count as a sect, since they don't worship any gods.
The Forsaken aren't technically a sect, they just usually abandon their gods.
I may not have expressed myself correctly when I said "sect" since I didn´t mean a religious cult of any sort, but a segment, a faction

KillThemAll said:
Also, Highborne don't have a sect.
KillThemAll said:
Still, many Highborne
reside in human societies and serve under the major churches of those countries.

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