The Queen's Madness - OOC

You know what, I'm going to put Buras somewhere and let you lot take it from there, until my return. Now where would be a good place to set him and get the propa fightin' done.


So Aurora is terrified of heights and Emmony likes them.

I'd imagine Aurora avoids certain stimulations like heights and doing the do while Emmony partakes in them because they're enhanced in a way by her blindness.
I'm going to put Buras somewhere, I must. BUT WHERE IS EVERYTHING!?!? All I know is that places exist. Camelot, at least where Whytwind is, wouldn't be a good idea since he's a Histyr so that's off the list. And I don't want to put him right next to the Queen's kingdom (Queendom, whatever). So....
Hehe, alright~

My parents say my name differently, which is one of the biggest things they argue over.
@KillThemAll Pssh, my mind is still kinda blown from the fact you are a woman.. >.> totally thought you were a guy. Normally, I don't care one way or the other, you know? Online, people are just people, but... when you think one thing for a long time and find out the opposite is true, you are just flabbergasted.

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