The Princess's Hand


Netherworld Overlord
It was early morning. The sun was still rising and so were the working class of Azador. They were going to work whether in their fields or in the forest. Some were getting ready to open shop. Guards were changing duties, those of the night going to get some rest and those in the day coming to work. The sounds of birds and animals and children talking and the clanking of tools filled the air, some just barely reaching the tall castle.

The capital of Azador, Shinn, was a busy one. It not only held the castle but several noble houses, a large library, the office in which minor complaints that were far too petty to demand the Queen's attention were told, and a beautiful river that cut the place in half. One one half was the "important people" like the nobles, the royal family, and higher ranks artisans and scholars. Across the bridge the middle and lower working class and the peasants lived, reaching to the Tylan Forest.

The castle itself held the dungeon where important prisoners were and an area for the more exotic and dangerous creatures that the Queen had started to collect. There was talk that a small, young dragon was down deep beneath the castle.

Kiel looked out from his balcony which faced the city and he watched as all the people moved about, all small to him from the height. Kiel knew that some of the places would be abandoned for today started the competition. All those who would be competing would come and present themselves before the Queen and Princess, giving gifts to the young girl and proving that they deserved the honor of competing to his mother.

A knock at the door made Kiel sigh. He too would be going before his mother and sister today.

'Prince Kiel. Are you dressed yet," his manservant asked. Kiel stood and walked back into this room, nodding. He worse his black satin pants and good boots, along with a silk undershirt and his dark red velvet vest and his also dark red jacket.

"Excellent. The Queen will be pleased to see you are taking this seriously."

"Mother told me I would compete. I do as she asks."
Rosa stood quietly outside the room of Princess Leirah. Her eyes were pinned on the sun which give the signal to knock on her Mistress's door. The opening ceremonies of the competition were to start in a few hours and in that time Rosa needed to get the Princess ready. Of course the Princess would most likely not want to get up or put up with the festivities but who knew. Leirah surprised her everyday.

As she waited Rosa moved so that one of the many daggers hidden on her body shifted. The hilt had been digging into her arm and now it lay smoothly against her skin. She had been waiting here for hours for it had been her shift to guard the princess. Everyday between the hours of two in the morn and ten in the eve she guarded the princess but she was also her maidservant at all hours of the day. Which meant if the Princess at midnight needed someone to do her hair it was Rosa's job to fix it.

Finally the sun rose that extra few inches giving Rosa the okay to wake her Mistress. She picked up the basket containing all of the ribbons and ornaments to be used in her Mistress's hair that day and knocked twice before entering the room. "Princess Leirah?" she called softly.
Travlor looked at the castle. It had been on what was once a mountain and so it's base was several feet off the ground. The castle itself was tall. He could barely imagine himself as the King living in that castle, but he was sure that he would get use to it..

"If I win," he said. He touched his bow and quiver tempted to count to make sure he had an adequate number of arrows, but he didn't. He looked at the sun and then to the castle. It would be time to get to the castle. He patted his pocket. His gift was small, but he thought that the gift was good. He hoped the Princess would like it. Besides if it brought him closer to...her. Queen Atra. He would win and put her away.

Travlor touched his bow again and started back towards the castle.
Azador; it was the home to plenty of different types of people, it was Kristella's kind that made sure the unsavory types didn't stay around long. With the tourney quickly approaching, there were bound to be crooks following it. As a bounty hunter, she knew this would be where the big fish would lurk. Kris didn't even know what she planned to do with the money she was raising through work; it was merely something that kept her mind off of more complicated thoughts, the kind that normally just made her head ache.

Rising with the morning sun, the bounty hunter simply slinked down to the tavern downstairs, she was staying at a shady inn called "The Muddy hog" near the agricultural district. Nothing much was going on at the moment, but she'd at least be able to get some food without working for it, a nice luxury of city life.
(Lol, sorry I'm late for the party. Didn't know we started.)

Eve chugged down her drink as the drunks at the tarven rattled on and on about stories of their past. Eve laughed at a few, and raies an eyebrow at most. She enjoed the tarven, nice place to cool down and have a drink. "The Muddy Hog" Such a strange name, she always thought when she entered the place. After she finished what she thinks was her third, Eve stood up, "Thanks for the drinks." she said nodding towards the owner, Eve had already paid him when she came. That's what she always did, Eve knew exactly how many drinks she was having when she visited the place. As she stepped out, there was a cold aura around, and it irritated her a bit. "The queen must have woken." she mummbled to herself. Eve decided to go visit her dear friend, the farm boy. That's what all the locals called him, they always found it funny he became a farm boy instead a bodyguard. She shrugged when he told her, she could care less, less competition that way. Then she remembered she had forgot one of her knifes there. The drunks wanted to see who's relexes were better, this was before they drunk 20 some drinks. Eve made her way back into the tavern. She held out a hand to one of the regualars, "Hand it over." she said, somewhat serious. That dagger was one of her mementos, and she wanted it back.

Ian woke up in a puddle of his own sweat. Every night he'd hae the same horrifying nightmare. And every morning he'd wake up in rivers of sweat. You'd think after aehile it would stop, but no, not for him. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand as he rised from bed. After he got cleaned up Ian decided to feed the animals early before Eve came over. She'd always come at the same time, every time. It was nice getting visits. He didn't know anyone after the..... incident. He shuddered when the memories started to floow bakc into his mind. But he quickly pushed it away before t could manifest itself there. When he stepped outside the sun shined bright down on the small farm he owned. Ian loved his job. Even when he was a small kid he loved famring. Ian cracked his knuckles before beginning. After a half an hour, he stopped to streach his arms above his head, and yawned. "Stupid nightmare..." he muttered before continuing with his work.
Lierah was upon the floor, sitting at the foot of her bed with her blanket wrapped about her shoulders as she held a candle beside her book. The curtains were drawn and her chambers were dark, despite the obvious daylight that can illuminate the room should she have parted the thick velvet. The large book was upon her lap, which she'd angeled close to her face, eyes drifting about the page as she chewed on the rosey red of her lips.

The book was a kind foreign to her. It spoke of adventures. Princes and Princess. Ones who spoke words of love. Another of which was foreign to her. She was only allowed to read from history books, ones she found hair-yankingly boring. To which she had always ended up ruing, due to her frequent attacks of sleep. She'd quickly succumb to slumber, wrinkling the pages as she rested her head and arms upon the books. This always angered her mother...

She she did not allow for her thoughts to linger in such a sore subject, she had no desire to feel darkness within her chest when she held such a great book within her hands. She'd recieved two, recently, both from Zeira's library. Which of course, she refused to name. A slight which she is very displeased with. For, if there were more stories like this, she'd very much like to know their source. She'd send her maids for more books.

She gave a start at the sudden voice, however soft. Startled, she instinctively snapped the book shut, proceeding to hiss under her breath upon realization that she'd just moronically lost the page in which she wished to read. Her vivid emerald eyes rose to the door, her voice holding a slight squeak, having not recovered from the start that sent her heart pounding against her ribcage.

"You may enter."
Travlor yawned and paused. He was still in the lower part of the city. He had a feeling at his pace that he could relax for a bit. He turned to the first traven he could find and saw it read 'The Muddy Hog'. Travlor stared at the name and shook his head. He had heard worse names, like 'The Poxing Virgin' which had kept him from talking to the traven's daughter.

Travlor went inside to order a drink. Maybe a slight buzz would help him get through this morning. He could already picture the Queen, her cold gaze staring at him, sizing him up. Travlor involuntarily shivered.

"One ale please."


Kiel slipped out of his room. He looked down his hall. Both his and his sister resided in the east wing of the castle, but he was one floor above her. If he looked down off his balcony, her's would be below somewhat to the right of his. Kiel had always wondered if he could make it from his to her's.

Kiel walked slowly, not paying attention to the servants who bowed or the ones who looked at him afraid. Kiel was going to retrieve his gift to his sister. Even if he did not want part in this he knew better. If he did not try, his mother would be angry.



Liselle hissed as she looked up from where she sat in her cell. Atra stood in the doorway, her long, flowy gown seeming to flutter about her feet as if some wind was following her. The cells were in the mountain, so while it was dank and dark, there was no wind.

"Liselle. It's been so long." Just hearing her voice caused Liselle to shiver and made her want to go deeper into the cell to get away from the Queen.

"Not long enough."

"Do not worry. I have a plan for you. My daughter is going to be getting married soon."

Liselle knew this. Guards still loyal towards her told her various information about the happenings of the castle. She knew that Atra planned to have her son win the Princess's hand.

"Why are you here?"

"To tell you soon you won't be seeing me anymore. You've been alive too long."

Liselle looked at the floor, swallowing hard. She heard the cell down slam and lock. He had to get out of here soon.
It was always obvious who didn't belong in an old dusty place like this, they stuck out like sore thumbs. Of course Kris didn't much fit in either, her powder-blue travelling cloak was the only one of it's kind, the secret to it's creation lost with the rest of her village; and the snow white hair didn't help much either. The bounty hunter felt naked without her bow, and had a terrible itch in her fingertips without it, near defenseless with nothing more than a simple carving knife.

Taking a seat at the bar, Kristella motioned for the breakfast special wordlessly, she tried to keep her mind off being alone in such a seedy place. A couple of people inside seemed rather stand-up for a change; not rousing any real rabble or even doing 'business'.
He slurred his response. "Beat it, woman." Behind her dark cloak, a wide smirk appeared on her face. "You best give that back to me, now." Eve didn't have time to play with this stupid drunk, she had to important things to attend to, and it wasn't one of those things you could be late to. But that guy was too drunk to realize what kind of threat she was, plus he was a guy drinking, which created more problems for Eve. The man stood up and slurred while trying to sound intimidating, which didn't work. "Or what , wo-woman." Eve found it disgusting how men think just because your a female, you can't be a deadly threat. Guess this man will have to learn the had war. She thought mischievously. "You made the wrong choice." she said before she took her drink and smash the glass on his head, then she punched him in the nose.

Ian sighed deeply when Eve didn't come. She's always on time so this made him a bit nervous. "What has she gotten herself into this time." he mummbled to himself. He looked at time, and figured it out." Crap, she's probably getting ready!" he said while he scrambleld into his small home to get ready, he already had his gift to the princess ready, just needed to... pick it up. I hope "I don't screw this up." he said nervously as he dressed in his most formal clothing. "This also better be worth it Eve." he said through gritted teeth. When Eve first suggested the plan, he declined right away. No way he'd risk his life, bu then Eve remind him of all the cruel things she did to the both of them. It took months of persuading, but he fell into the tempetation. And Eve wasn't even trying to persuade him. He had asked her why she was doing it, and her answer made him risk it all. The memories started to flood into his mind....

Eve porued the last bit of her drink down her throat.

"So why you doing it Winter?" A usual asked her.

She looked up at him, "For my family of course" she said as if the answer was obvious.

Ian looked at her with a disgusted look, "So, you'd risk your life for someone who's dead?"

She slamed her fist down on the wooden table, "Well wouldn't you!?" she yelled loudly at him, with a bit of hurt in her tone.

Ian just looked down at his almost full drink, and said nothing more...
(Sorry for being so late but I had no idea this had started until just a few minutes ago when I got the notification I had been tagged.)

Takashi had not slept the night before and even now was still awake. He was not tired, not even a bit as he had slept during the day before. The competition interested him very much. If he could get the Princess' hand in marriage by winning then that would make putting the kingdom under his clan's control all the easier. Still, he needed to get rid of Atra when it was over. He couldn't risk having her around afterwards. He had also done a bit of sneaking around the castle using some of his shadow magic to allow him to gather some information about the Princess. If he could give her something that she would enjoy greatly then it might help him in the long run. He sighed as it was now time to put his plan into action. He looked down on his surroundings. Maybe it had not been such a good idea as he had thought to have spent his time sitting on the castle roof but then again, nobody had seen him yet.

He weaved a hand sign and suddenly, he seemed to turn into a black mass which broke apart as it divided up into a flock of crows which flew off in different directions before meeting in the alley next to a bakery. He went inside and bought a pastry. He wasn't paying attention to which one they gave him as he just asked them for something sweet and placed a few gold coins on the counter, telling them to keep any change and put the pastry in a box for him. As soon as he received it, he walked outside and used the same spell as before to speed up his trip to the castle. The other two pieces to his gift were already on his person. They were a book telling a story of romance and adventure involving princes and princesses falling in love and getting married and the other was more to ensure his validity as a competitor. The latter was a gold necklace with a diamond in it. Having so many contacts was coming in handy no more than ever but he needed someone local who had influence and would be able to assist him in getting rid of Atra. He knew just ho to go but he knew time was of the essence in freeing this potential ally.
Zeira wasn't at all pleased upon recieving knowledge that the competetors had arrived. No, she, in fact, felt anger rising from the pit of her stomach as she weaved through the bustling crowds in the markets. Convenient was it that she was sent on an errand right when the possible future husbands enter town. And now she was as far from the princess as can be, and whatever danger she may be in, she may never get there in time.

Fair tresses whipped about as she picked through the crowd, green eyes darting about as if to map out her escape from the surging mass of peasants, merchants and possible warriors participating in the competions. Either way, she just shoved through them, elbowing past large men and brushing past small women. And whilst this, she held in her hands the heavy baskets of fruits cooks had asked of her. The baskets swung about with her movements, slowing her approach to the palace and ocassionally hitting the passing shoppers. Some even had a nerve to turn and curse after her. Which, needless to say, only fed the flames of her irritation.

The mud off the path stuck to her shoes, clinging onto her boots as if unwilling to allow her to pass. And with each disgusting squelch of her steps, her fears grew. For all she knew, the princess could be in the hands of a man already. She may have already be taken and forced to give her hand unwillingly to a man as cruel as Atra-- no wait... Atra was the manifestation of evil, no one could possibly rival such a hag. Still, she cannot shake the lingering churning, as if something was amock. Zeira sped her pace.
Atra moved with speed as she made her way through the castle. Servants who were in her way, hurried to be out of it. Atra paid them no attention. This morning had gone well. The King was sick and so he would be for the remainder of the competition. Everything would be left up to Atra the way she wanted it.

Atra finally got to the door she wanted and knocked before entering it. "Princess..."


Kiel had made it down to the sables and started getting his horse, Tremble, ready. A sablehand was going to protest, but one look from Kiel had silence him and had him scurrying away. Kiel sighed and finished what he was going and got on his horse.

"Ya. We need to hurry Tremble. We have to be in the throne room soon."


Travlor started as the girl nearby started to attack one of the guys in the bar. He stood and placed a hand on his bow, but stopped. He didn't know what was going on and getting into a barfight before he met the Princess would not do him any good.

Travlor paid for his drink and left. It was best to get to the castle now.
OOC: Just wanted to let you guys know that my character, Eve, is wearing a cloak, so you might now be able to tell that Eve is agirl.)
Lierah was startled already. Though more so when the voice of her mother, smooth, velvety and beautiful, drifted about her chambers. Her chest contricted with the ocassional fear that struck at her heart whenever her mother was about, green eyes darting about for a possible hiding place for her book. And as she searched, she mumbled a soft 'be right there,' in the sort of accidental informality her mother dislikes so much. Lierah settled for the small crook under her dresser, her breath shortening with each passing milisecond.

She was still undressed, hair loose and hung downwards, reaching to her mid-thigh. Green eyes were wide in fright, though she'd forced down the lump in her throat as she stood to answer the door. Her mother must've been irate now that she had to wait, more so if and when she sees her state. And in only a short while before the competition. Lierah was in unease, gaze darting about for a trace of her maid, Zeira, who'd failed to come and aid her in preparing.

Her arms strained as she tugged open the heavy door, almost expecting her mother's clawed hands to wrap about her throat and yank her outwards. And still only clad in her sleepwear and a thick blanket, she looked quite pathetic for a woman in her status. Lierah blinked her almond-shaped eyes as she parted the door from its frame wide enough to allow her view of the outside, daring to peek through despite the pounding of her heart.
Atra stared down at her daughter and sighed, it coming out almost like a hiss. She looked the Princess over and shook her head, making her way into the room. She shook her head at her daughter.

"Are you planning on greeting your suitors in that," she asked, looking about the room. "Where are your maids? Shouldn't they be here to help you dress? The first suitors will be here soon and we do not want to keep them waiting do we?"
Eve grinned under her cloak as the guy fell instantly, she reached down and grabbed her dagger. One the usuals, those were people who drink there regularly, but not enough to get drunk, laughed at what Eve did and commented. "And thta's why you don't mess with Winter." then he turned back to his drink. Eve turned to the owner, but before she could say anything, he tatlked first. "It's ok, he deserved it. I'll make him pay for the damages." he said nonchalantly. eve nodded in response, "Thanks." she said in a hoarse voice. Eve walked out happy that nothing major happened, and she got back the present for the princess. On the dargger there was a special blue gem. Eve had planted it there to keep it safe. She streached lightly before remembering that she had to meet Ian so they could go to the castle together. "Better not be late farmboy." she said walking to the old well.

After a couple of mintues Ian emerged from his house, all formal and what not. He sighed before walking down the busy market. "I hope your ok Eve." The market was at it's most busy time of the year. Ian hated crowded places so he wanted to hurry. He stopped at a small vendor and spoke quietly. "Here's your money." he said handing him a small purse. The vendor grinned widely. Showing his black and green teeth, which disgusted Ian, but he didn't show it. Not even a second after Ian showed him the money the pruse was snatched from his hands, replacing it with a small, but colorful band (wrist band). "Thank you." he said before hurrying out of the busy market. He exhaled deeply, and hunched over. "Thank god." Ian said to himself before meeting up at the well.
"I-I apologize for them in advance, Mother..." The girl's eyes were averted to the floor, avoiding the view of her mother's dangerous beauty as she shuffled her bare feet. "Zeira must've been sent away at the time..."

Lierah's green eyes were glued to the patterned floor-- or rather, to her toes as she wiggled them upon the cold stone floor. Her grip upon the blankets over her shoulders grew tighter as she looked past her mother and down into the hallways, hoping to her her maid. Though all that met her eyes were darkness. She forced a smile.

--- Merged Double Post ---

U-Uh... Might wanna read the previous posts, 14... T^T I apologize in advance for this,))
(Crap, I was in the middle of posting when I had to go to dinner. I didn't refresh my page before posting okay I will edit....*sigh* I am sooo lazy today)

--- Merged Double Post ---

(I can edit if this seems godmodish to you and by the way Rosa had already come in. That was in my first post)

"Excuse me your highness but I am right here. I was just about to show the Princess the dress you picked out for her. The beautiful green one you ordered in and designed yourself." Rosa said quietly bowing her head. She hated the way the Princess cowered around her mother but the Queen would never cause too much harm. If she were to stay close to the Princess she must not attack the Queen unless she was making fatal moves.

How odd that the maid servant was younger than her mistress but also served the role as guardian and supporter. Rosa knew her place and knew her boundaries but she also knew more about the princess than most anyone. She knew that she loved reading books even if they were forbidden. You might ask if Rosa was supposed to stop that and the answer is yes but she saw no harm in the girl reading romantic fantasy novels.

(It's fine. :) )

Atra nodded at Rosa. She have the Princess a cold smile and ran a hand through her hair.

"You better get dressed then. You must be in the throne room in an hour, no more. If you are late, well. You might have to hear the first event," Atra said, her threaten hanging in the air. She pulled her hand back. "You better treat those suitors well. If you are rude to them there will be consquences."

Atra then sweeped from the room.
A flock of crows flew to the castle and landed at the entrance before fusing to form Takashi, just like before. As the darkness faded from him and he returned to his normal state, he looked around. He was the first of the competitors to arrive. This might look good on his part. He smirked behind the red and black cloth he wore over a bit more than half of his face. He proceeded inside, pulling his gifts out along the way.
Ian paced around in a circle near the well the two were supposed to meet up at. Then horrible thoughts entered his mind. Is she hurt, did someone jump her, is she dead? But Ian quickly pushed them away. No way someone could take Eve, no one. That still didn't ease him, she was late, and they couldn't be late, not today.

Eve placed by the stables, where she kept her horse, and Ian's. She noticed Ian's horse was still there, and she sighed. "Famr boy must have forgot it's a long way to the castle." she said before jumping on her horse. Ian decided to name her horse Lighning. She thought it was childish to name a horse, but she shrugged at the name. After she settled on the horse, she grabed hte rope to his and made her way to the well.

Still pacing Ian cursed under his breath. He looked at the rising sun. So.... calm. That's what he always thought when he saw the sun setting or rising. Then Ian got annoyed, "Damn it Eve, where are you?" he said a bit loud.

When Eve reached the well she saw Ian pacing around, that made her grin, always on time Ian was. She heard him wondering where Eve was, she snuck up on him with the horses. "Getting your horse, don't you remember?" she said nonchalantly, which scared him. Ian jumped at the voice that came form behind him. He jumped around to see Eve in her black cloak, and with two horses. "Oh yah." then he realized what she was wearing. "Your supposed to be in formal." he nagged her as he climbed on.

"I am. I couldn't let anyone in town see me." she said before they both made they're way to the castle.
It seemed that everyone was in quite the hurry, and Kris supposed she should be too.

The soup finally arriving, piping hot and simple; a chicken broth in a bread bowl. A quick double-back followed the abrupt breakfast, retrieving her bow from the room. The weapon itself wasn't particularly special, being entirely mundane, but it was top of the line amongst it's own kind.

The bounty board was beckoning, as nothing else would tell her who needed killing. Grabbing a sheaf of papers indiscriminately, the hunter's daughter hoped someone was at least be worth real money.

Barely having time enough to grab the papers, let alone read them; one such man revealed himself, a shady enough looking character, an eyepatch, a couple swords strapped to his belt; a real tool. While he unsheathed his blade and started with his nonsensical ramblings, Kris notched an arrow entirely calm, and loosed it, jamming fletchings-deep in his good eye, dropping him in a mere instant.

Why so foolish?
she asked herself mentally, already going to retrieve the arrow, ignoring the stunned expressions of onlookers.
Kiel rode into town. He heard people muttering things around him. Some were fine and others were nasty. Incest seemed to be on almost everyone's tongue but Kiel ignored it. Incest was no stranger to the royal line. At times cousin married cousin and there was a case of brother to sister once, but that was long ago. Besides Kiel didn't think he would win.

'Lies,' something whispered to him. 'You know your mother will be sure you do. The only way to lose is to flee now.'

Kiel ignored the voice and dismounted and walked into the blacksmith's. The man, a rugged and middle-aged man stared at him and nodded, going to retrieve the item. He handed it to Kiel who took it and paid him.

"I'll be cheering for ye Prince."

Kiel nodded, but said nothing and got back on Tremble. He smiled a little as he rode home. He was sure that his gift would be different from the others and that it would cause a stir. Kiel couldn't wait to present it.
The princess felt the chill of her mother's smile, though she returned it anyways. And as she left, her muscles reluctantly relaxing, Lierah turned towards the maid, her smilestill upon her face, though it held none of the unease at held for her mother. Another kind smile, one that her mother never seemed to have seen directed at her. Rosa had been here already, which startled her to say the least, she'd thought the maid had left, seeing as the lack of response made it seem so. And upon the sudden appearance, her heart leapt within her chest.

"Shall I do my own hair, Rosa?" Lierah smiled, though tentatively, doubting the maid would allow her to do so. Seeing as the last she'd attempted, she'd just let her hair down which displeased her mother. Zeira was absent at that time too, and with that thought, she couldn't help but wonder where her personal maid has gone now. Lierah crinkled her nose, blowing a slight breath through her nostrils. The maid was quite late for her appearance, perhaps she was troubled with something.


And troubled Zeira was. The cook had not allowed her to leave without an earful's worth of nag. Needless to say, Zeira had only half listened. Her mind was to the princess, how the gentle creature might scold her upon her arrival. At the worst, she may refuse to speak with her for some time, but that's the worst she can possibly think of. The girl was terribly naive. She often found herself shaking her head at the thought of the princess's childishness. Perhaps that was the reason she wasn't disliked by many.

Realizing that Zeira wasn't paying as much as half the attention she needed of her, she'd dismissed the maid just shortly after cutting herself off in her speech. Zeira could not even remember much of the dialogue. All she seemed to have noticed was the cold blade of her hidden daggers, pressed against the skin of her thighs. New daggers. She was pleased to have recieved them from the princess, who had managed to have a servant sneak the things to her. Lierah didn't know much, she didn't seem to question why Zeira held such a strong interest with weapons. But then again, the princess was too trusting at times.

Now the "Weapon Girl" was speed-walking down the halls, her boots thudding loudly against the marble floors. But no one was there to hear. She guessed most of the servants and maids were about the kitchen or in the ball room, adjusting and readjusting for the suitors' visit. Which she seemed to think unneeded, for she believed fully that the princess would find a suitable king herself with her heart. Forcing this upon the princess was not something that appealed to her very much. Nevertheless, if the princess did find a husband, the man must be prepared to meet her guardian.
Takashi looked around. He thought he might as well do some sight-seeing inside the castle since he was so early. His potential ally was said to be locked away in a prison in a mountain. The problem was which mountain it was exactly? That was what he needed to find out. If however, he could find where the map showing the location of said prison was then the rest would be easy. Maybe he could interrogate one of the guards for the information? It was worth a try. Not every guard might know but it was a start. The ones in the castle however would be the more likely ones since Atra should generally be around them more than the ones in town. Takashi strolled over to one of the male guards standing at the entrance to a staircase leading to the next storey and said "Excuse me sir but might you be able to inform me of something?" Right then, Takashi's shadow moved so as to be in contact with the guard's shadow and the guard began to look dazed. Takashi stood there for a few minutes before saying "Thank you for your help kind sir." His shadow disconnects from the guard's own and he walks away from the guard, a smile now on his face hidden behind his veil.

(In case anyone is wondering. Takashi wants to set Liselle free to get her cooperation for when he sets in motion his assassination attempt on Atra.)

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