~~The Pound~~Will You Survive?


Whether you are a stray dog, or a worker, you have washed up to your final resting place. Or maybe you're nothin' but a hound dog and you slunk in through the well-concealed hole in the wall. Maybe you are to stay just for some nourishment during the night,or maybe you'll be caught by the staff and placed in the pound. Sure, the staff feed you plenty and you get fresh water, but it comes with a price. If you can't attract some attention for yourself, you get the Back Room. And no one who get's the Back Room lives to tell the tale. Maybe you will have pups and become adopted, or maybe you'll meet a more unfortunate end.

Come one, Come all, to The Pound. Will you survive?

John, the dog warden, dumped the young, shivering pup on the receptionist's desk.

"He's from my last rounds…I'll do another check"

He slinked away as Maria, the receptionist, carried the puppy into the Puppy Kenned and fixed him up with a blanket. That puppy was one of many.
Kleft, a small black puppy with red eyes, watches the new arrival, understanding the fear and hurt it must be feeling. Kleft cowers in the corner as the pup is added to his cage.
Spot lay silently on the ground. He closed his eyes, but sleep would not come. He couldn't sleep for awhile now. The five year old collie mix sighed. He shifted to lie on his side. His black and white fur was covered with a layer of dirt. He lazily blinked his blue and brown eyes as he watched the activity of a woman coming in to let a pup in a kennel, to his doom. He blinked again, the blue eye that once sparkled from the dark patched spot on his face was now dull at the sight of such horrors.

Spot had heard the mumblings of humans, he couldn't understand much, but he knew his time was up. He was only a ticking clock now, a clock that was counting down his death. It would only be a matter of time. He let out a whimper as images of Annie flashed in his memory, he had lost her, and he desperately wanted her back, to see her again. But he'd lost the fight, he was stuck here with no way out. He could only hope that Annie wouldn't miss him too dearly, that she would move on and find another companion. He surmised that the dog would be the most fortunate dog in the world to have a girl like Annie.

Without getting up or batting an eye at the new arrival, his forlorn voice said "I'm sorry pup, I really am" No use greeting him, they were all doomed to the same fate, of course, the pups are always the first to be rescued. To escape their fate, nobody wants to see pups die. It was always sad to see ones so young in the kennel, and he felt bad for the young ones. These pups have never had one to love, and should they die it would be tragic.
When the safe cover of darkness fell, a slim, light brown, dog unlatched his cage with his nose and jumped to the ground.

"I heard we got some new arrivals today, welcome to your doom. But it ain't so bad, we can roam the grounds during the night. Anyway, let's open the Hole In The Wall for some entertainment. Oh, and I'm Lemmy, senior pound member. I'll show y'all the ropes."

He unlatched the puppy kennel and Spot's cage. Then he nosed a panel of cardboard so it fell to the ground with a soft thud, unveiling a hole in the wall.
Spot got up and gave a blank stare at the dog Lemmy "Senior member? If you've been her longer, shouldn't they have killed you by now?" Spot crounched through the hole and squeezed through it. His somber demeaner remained unchanged despite his freedom, however "So, if we can escape the knnel, why not escape the pound entirely?" Spot asked as he sat down and his multicolored eyes studied the brown dog warily.
Walking out of his kennel with the new pup, Kleft answers, "Well, ever heard of hiding in shadows? And some of us are too cute to kill." He turns towards Lemmy and follows him through the hole, willing to learn more tricks of pound survival.
He could understand how the pup would be able to stay alive but he was still curious as to how the 'senior kennel member' survived without being euthanized. He stood up and shook the dirt out of his fur, only to sit down again and scratch the itch in his ear and nibble at the itch in his shoulder. Spot looked around the pound warily, if it was that easy to escape the kennel, why not escape the pound itself. He realized he forgot to introduce himself "I'm Spot, by the way"
"I'm Kleft, now come on unless u rather just sit there all night getting eaten by fleas." He looks at spot with his blood red eyes, wondering what Spot will decide to do as the new pup cowers behind Kleft. "Our friend is taking off without us, and the pup is freezing so...ur choice," Kleft says as he turns to follow the senior member again with the pup in tow.
"So you're wondering how I haven't been killed? It's because this place is like Hollywood. It doesn't matter if you get adopted, as long as you put up a good show and get more people in here to see you, they don't kill you. Word of mouth is better than money sometimes. Besides, the adoption rates are sky high. Oh, don't worry about the pup, they clean the little ones up real nice, you'll see."

Lemmy walked over to a chipped, plaster-dusted place in the pound wall.

"You can leave the pound, but you have to come back in the morning. There's only one dog warden, John, and he knows each and every one of us. One, if we leave they'll find the hole and ruin our freedom, and two, John will find you. He has a reputation of the finest dog warden in the city for a reason. We kind of trust each other to come in before morning."

The pup peeks out from behind Kleft. It doesn't understand what's happening to it. One second he was with Mother and his brothers and sisters, and then he was in a net. The others ducked into the darkness, not wanting him. Except for Spirit. Spirit got taken too. The pup felt very alone.

Lemmy notices the pup's sadness and nuzzles it gently. At first, it winces and shrinks away, but then it leans in to Lemmy's kind nuzzle. Just by sniffing the pup's sweet scent, Lemmy can tell it's a girl.

"You got a name, sweetheart?"

Lemmy asks the pup softly. The pup opens it's little muzzle and peeps


Lemmy nuzzles Faith some more as Faith talks about Spirit her missing brother, the only one that stood up for her. Lemmy assures that Faith will be seeing Spirit soon. And then they hear a noise.
(sorry, still new to rp so i try to make as long as possible but i still post short)

"So, be adorable or entertaining to attract good attention, return to kennels by morning, and stay on the good side of the warden. That about cover it?," Kleft asks, thinking that should be easy enough to handle.

Kleft peeks through the hole and sniffs the air. Turning back, he says, "I think both me and Faith would feel safer if we followed you rather than taking off alone." Looking out of the hole for a second, he shivers at the thought of being alone out there in the shadows and horrors of the streets at night while still a pup.
(That's ok :D )

"Yeah, that covers it. It's not too bad. You do get fed and cared for. And there's fresh air, and entertainment from the Hound Dogs; that's my nickname for the sorry suckers who crawl through that hole into the pound, desperate for nourishment. We feed them, give them water, cover them for the night, but sometimes they get caught and taken into the pound. Can't say it's worse then their conditions. And then there's dogs that come in here just to see who washed up. They're regulars, and friendly too."

Lemmy shook his head, smiling.

"If you do venture out, it is best to stick to me. We won't go far. 'Specially with Faith, in the state she's in. Don't worry baby, we'll find Spirit."

And with that, Lemmy ventured out of the Hole in The Wall.
"You will have to introduce us to the others when they show up." Kleft follows behind, keeping Faith between me and Lemmy so as to help her feel safer outside of the Hole. Walking carefully, and keeping a careful eye around us, he is glad that his fur is pitch black and can easily blend in at night. "Bet I would scare of a few of the possible dangers out here when they see two blood red eyes staring at them from out of some dark shadows," Kleft scoffs, mainly to himself but the others can hear.
"Certainly, they…enjoy newcomers. Careful with those eyes, they can attract the wrong kind of attention."

Lemmy tours the pups around the pound, all the while looking for Spirit. The sooner they find this pup, the sooner Faith will be adopted. Lemmy knows she shouldn't be stuck in this hole forever. He always tries to get the pups out of here. But he likes Kleft. Cocky…visitors will eat him up. There's lot's of adventures to be had with Kleft, he can feel it.
Kleft smiles as he thinks to himself, 'Seems i forgot to mention that my eyes are not the only weird thing about me. I don't know the reason why, but I seem to have a nack of reading minds.' Following Lemmy and Faith, he also searches for Spirit, trying his best to help Faith find her brother.

"I have no control of my eyes being the color they are," Kleft replies to Lemmy.
Spot lies down in the grass as he watches Lemmy show the pups around. There was a lot to know about the pound, he wonders if he had any chance to get out. But it didn't seem so bad. But the problem is, how do you be entertaining. He wasn't much of an entertainer as he was a friend and a cuddly companion. But people didn't care about that too much. Most people get small puppies or purebred doggies.

He got up and walked over to Lemmy "Has anyone ever...you know...not made it." Spot was scared for his life, he honestly wasn't sure if he could live for long here, He sniffed the air of the night. It wouldn't be so bad if they could leave the pound frequently.
Lyla, a small wolf/husky mix woke up in the kennel. She wimpered and backed up into the kennel door, looking around at what she could see. A loud wimper-yelp escaped her throat as she laid down, covering her bright blue eyes with her paws. Lyla's body shook, she had no clue what was going on, or why she didn't get chosen in that box of her brothers and sisters, or where she was. She folded her ears as tight against her head as she could, and stole a glace around, wondering what would happen.
Lemmy walked back into the pound. There was business to be taken care of before morning.

"Dogs haven't made it before, it's true. But Spot, honestly you have nothing to worry about. A lot of nice, older couples come in here looking for an older, well behaved dog. These are the kind of people that you'll get attention from. And believe me, you do not want young kids! Crayons and Little outfits…Yuck! They pull your tail! Anyway, an older couple doesn't care if you're a pedigree or not. They just want a companion. And don't worry 'bout those fleas, They'll take care of y'all in the morning."

Lemmy noticed a new, little husky/wolf mix rolled in a ball, shivering. He nudged Faith closer to her, Faith would be the only one to bond with a frightened puppy.


Faith whispered to the new pup.

"My name's Faith, what's yours?"

For the first time spot felt more relaxed and he decided it was best to follow Lemmy's lead. "Alright great, I could use a bath, I need to get these pesky fleas off" he shook his fur again. It was an odd thing to want a bath but that was how bad it was. He hopped into the kennel and saw another pup in the cage. Spot trotted up and sat by the cage "Hello, I'm spot"
Suddenly, someone came in through the Hole in The Wall.

"Bernassi! My man!"

Lemmy shouted as a Neapolitan Mastiff managed to fit through the Hole in The Wall.

"Lemmy! Oh boy, man. The guys might show up with…Woah."

Bernassi, the mastiff stopped and looked around.

"Yeah, man. These are the newcomers! Spot, Faith (that little pup), Kleft, and the wolf/husky mix. We got a lot tonight, man!"

Lemmy laughed, relaxed. He has that sort of Alpha aura around him.

"Oh yeah, buddy! John wasn't losing his touch after all! The guys will love this! Anyway, whatcha got tonight, man?"

Bernassi sniffed around the pound, meeting some of the newcomers.

"Oh, I've missed you man! We got the same old water, but they switched us onto this new food…try it!"

Lemmy nosed a bowl of food and a bowl of water by the Hole. Just then a chihuahua nosed its way through the Hole in The Wall. It sampled some food and water, then spoke.

"El Peso in duh Howse! Hows my main man, Lemmy doin'? Oh, and the guys ain't com in' tonight, man, sorry. They got caught up with that Fi-fi girl, what a…Hey we gots newcomers!"

Lemmy introduced El Peso to the newcomers.

"Spot, Kleft, Faith, and wolf/husky, you need not be afraid. These are some of the lowest hound dogs there are! That big fella ova there is Bernassi, and this little doggie ova here is El Peso. They're regulars, and just comin' to see what's up. You don't have to worry."

Lemmy smiled, and watched the newcomers' reactions to his main men.
Kleft waits behind Lemmy as the others go greet the new pup, so as to to scare it. He hears both Spot and Faith introduce themselves and try to comfort the puppy so it will answer them. To pass the time, he walks away from the Lemmy and the others to go explore the pound a bit on his own, feeling less terrified of the whole situation and getting back his old nerve from before being picked up by the warden.

As he walks, he feels someone watching him intermittently and knows that it is Lemmy, after hearing his assessment of Kleft earlier during their own walk with Faith. After a quick sweep of the pound, Kleft decides to scout around a little on his own in search for Spirit again.

Just then, some outsiders show up and he returns to the group to greet them himself. "Hello there," he says.
[MENTION=3781]Mandy[/MENTION] Sure…just jump in as a dog or something! I don't mind :D

After Bernassi and El Peso get settled in with food and guests, Lemmy turns to Kleft.

"Listen, age means nothing in this place. You have as much free reign as I do, Kleft. I know you wanna adventure and find Spirit and all that jazz, and I'm giving you your green card. This Pound is not meant to keep you locked up. Have an adventure or two, boy. But be careful…Ok?"

Lemmy smiles and watches Kleft carefully.
Okay so i will post my dogs info .....

Name- May

Age- 1 year

Gender- female

Personality- Kind, shy , gental , sweet

Bio- got lost away from her parents and family and now is a stray who got caught and brought to the pound (did i post it correctly)
Kleft looks intently at Lemmy as he listens, his red eyes never wavering as they watched him. "So you have basically just given me permission to do what I want, as long as it is reasonable," he reasons, "That i'm sure I can handle."

Turning around, careful to not whack Lemmy with his tail, Kleft runs off through the hole, quickly becoming lost from sight in the many shadows outside of the pound. From there he decides to try by the railroad tracks in search for Spirit. "If he isn't there, I guess I can try the city park...I hope i can find him, wherever he is," Kleft muses to himself as he runs. Eyes constantly scanning for any trouble, he takes off to begin his search, careful to keep hidden in the shadows of the night.
A mean dog catcher throws May into the pound room and May quivers with fear of the rest and she thinks {what am I going to do i got caught }

looks around at the others

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