The Pound for Nekos [Accepting!]

Roland gasped, covering his mouth. Syke sat on his bed and curiously looked at Nichole. "What are youdoing?" He asked, helping her up.
Syke shrugged, put his important belongings in a little bag, and climbed up the vent. "Well...Oh, hi Roland! Xandi's in the courtyard, I think. So are those twins. Nikki's running around wild. I can hear him run past my door every once in a while. Another girl neko is with her ice dragon, and Jade is in the common room. Leo is following a guard." Syke explained.
Nichole opened another vent leading outside and jumped down behind some guards. she smirked and they came at her. she dodged all their punches and sedate darts. she pulled her fist back getting a running start punching the biggest one. he crashed into the others knocking them out.
Roland's eyes widened. Syke made a weird face. "Dang." He said.
Roland and Syke looked at each other. "Aren't we going to free the others?" Syke asked.
Roland and Syke followed her. Xandi was sleeping against the tree.

(But...I did...and I replied to the Soul Eater one! I should depict, huh? xD )
Syke nodded, smiling. Nikki was still chasing the wind-up toy mouse. The mouse moved towards the backdoor, and Nikki chased it, bumping into the wall. "MEEEEOW!" He screamed. He slowly picked himself back up, shaking his head.
Nikki looked at her. He tried to pounce on her tail. "Nya!" He said, missing.
Nikki's eyes sparkled. "I can have laser? Nya!" He said, getting distracted by a butterfly.

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