The Place We Call Home


Idk man
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Welcome to the place we call home!

Needs Humans!!

Our journey continues as we adventure out into the world and learn things new. Friends will be made, but we may lose many. The story is up to you!

The place we call home has been a old roleplay of mine which has been going on now for a little bit over a year, however this doesn't mean we just want us to write! TPWCH, (the place we call home) used to be on a chat website named Tinierme. However, now that Tinierme has been shut down, we need a new place for our story. New members are always appreciated. So don't hesitate to join us!

Perspective of Neko: There is always wars going on. It seems that most of the time we just have to sit back and watch as the world changes around us. Mutations. That's the only thing they think of us. Many of us have been slaughtered already. Not so many of us remain. We are the test subjects, born into this world, only to be hunted. We've been living in peace for years, but suddenly something has seemed to stir them up. They want to kill us only because we have tails and ears? What's there problem? *sigh* I keep forgetting. We are not people. Why would I expect something other from a foolish human... The boss of us, had taken each of us from a state when we were very young. He raised us. Taught us everything we know. He has trained us to become agents. To do what? I'm not so sure myself. I think it's to stop the humans, but if that's the case, we are going nowhere. The biggest problem with the war is, who can we trust? Nothing seems to make sense. I just keep getting the same question in my head over and over again.... We are the good guys......right? ~ [classified agent ]

Perspective of Human: The filthy creatures have been crawling around our world for ages. I think it's time to stop them once in for all. They may turn on us and end up wiping out the planet. They are not always the kindest of folk, always seeming to complain about us and they are starting to think this is where they belong. We will be the saviors of our mistake. The flea bitten monsters are a disgrace. We will rise as they shall fall. Now is the time... to destroy what was never meant to be.

What is a P.C. ?

A P.C. is a small spirit like person that has a power. A P.C. has a special power chip, and if the power chip is harmed in anyway or destroyed, the P.C. will die. You MUST have a character to wield your P.C. You can't just have one floating around on it's own. The only acceptance is that while in the RP your character has died. A P.C. can only have ONE power, and you can do many things with it as long as it's related to your power. (Ex:Psychic-teleport, telekinesis, etc..). An average P.C. is created when A full P.C. has been tortured and then scared to split into average sized sized P.C.'s. When a P.C. gets incredibly scared, they split into smaller P.C.'s. You may not own a Full P.C. unless given permission. The power from a P.C. is designed to be so that rather the neko or human can control it. Only neko agents get them(to start with. you CAN get one as a human, but you have to show us how in the story).




Nickname: Maine


Species: Neko

Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, and black tail with ears. He is tall

P.C. Name: Sigma

Ability: Strength

Personality: sometimes rowdy, once angered he can go into a complete rage until he has his way. Otherwise, or at least, once your his friend he can have a deep understanding of you and just be there for you when you need him.

Bio: Taken from his parents when young, he was forced to join with the director, as well as his little sister allison, who's from texas. Maine used to be a hard worker for the director and was very loyal, however ever since the first few P.C.s were given to the agents everything fell out of hand. He used to do missions a while back to fight humans. Maine is terrified to death of any form of bridge and will not cross it no matter what. This is due to a serious injury he had gotten on a mission of where he was shot in the throat. Now he can not speak, so now Sigma speaks for him.

State: Maine (duh)


Nickname: Wash



Appearance:Brown hair, Green eyes, and a darker brown tail with ears

P.C. name:Xavior

Ability: anything physic

Personality: He is usually calm. He is always trying to do the best thing, but doesn't always get what he bargained for. Sometimes he can get upset, but otherwise he cares for his friends.

Bio:I'm not going to explain to much yet, but for now this is what you get. So back a long time ago, David was actually able to stay with his family until he was five years old. David tried to make the Director proud, but he always had punished him for making the most tiniest mistake and not being 100% perfect. David didn't let it get to himself though, however he began to not bother trying to make him proud, which lead to disobeying. The director started to think he was worthless and began to think that he was lazy. And that his laziness wore off on others, causing him to begin to get blamed for every mistake made by every other agent. David ran away, trying to find somewhere to belong, but he was forced to return since nobody would take him in. He never talks about his past, but has a secret hate for the director. He is best friends with Maine.

State: Washington


Nickname: Connie


Species: Neko

Appearance:Very very very short brown hair and long bangs. She has brown eyes, a black tail, and black ears

P.C. Name: Beta

Ability: can make clones of things

Personality: Kinda mysterious, and not one who is trusted. She claims to say shes doing the right thing, however, it really doesnt seem like it.

Bio: also not gonna give away much but here; So Connie was/is an agent who has worked for the director. She has gone missing many times, only to be figured out recently she has been working for a evil P.C. hellbent on destroying everything that moves. After people found out and her P.C. was stolen by the evil one, she stopped working for it, yet still doesn't seem to be on our side yet. .... who is she working for then?

State: Connecticut

Name: Soror

Nickname: Ark

Age: 16

Species: Neko


P.C. Name: Raider

Ability: Telekinesis

Personality: Cautious and untrusting with new people. Loyal towards her friends and family. Turns indifferent when she's having a breakdown.

Bio: Soror was the youngest within her family, her older brother died in a mugging that she constantly blames herself over. Because of this she didn't know where to go, so with her newly-obtained P.C she went towards the Director's base for missions.

State: Arkansas



Age: 17


Appearance: She has a dark red hair color with bright blue eyes. She also has a black tail and ears

P.C, Name: Theta

Ability: Invisibility



State: Texas


Nickname: The Director

Age:??? (a bit older then everyone)

Species: Neko

Appearance: A darkish grey almost black hair, Blue eyes, tall and not fat but, not to skinny. He has White ears and a white tail

P.C. Name: ??



Bio: took each agent away from there families as a child in hope of one day making the strongest nekos who ever lived. He planned to have them end the war, but that was a failed project. Now days he hides himself away from the world, still working on something, of which nobody knows. He released his agents to live on there own, but there are a few who still want to help him, despite the fact he may be cruel.

State: None. He's the boss of the agents

Carolina(no info yet)

New York- (no info yet)

Name: Roy


Age:16 (almost 17)

Species: Neko

Appearance: Brown hair, with dark brown eyes, within average height and weight range for somebody his age.He has a light brown tail and ears

P.C. Name: Riley




State: Florida

Name: Onyx


Age:(i forgot 0-O )

Species: Neko

P.C. Name: Zack

Ability: Healing

Personality:You'll see

Bio:(no given info yet by character owner)




Nickname: Raptor


Species: human

Appearance: Dark brown hair with green eyes. He is very tall and thin.

P.C. Name: None

Ability: None

Personality: ??

Bio: A human soldier who fought part time in the war, but now he is allied with the nekos




Species: Human


P.C. Name: None

Ability: None

Personality(optional):Janie has been told since birth that Neko's are terrible and fed sotries if the terrible things they do. She had never encountered one and thus the stories are all she knows of these creatures. She is scared more then anything else of them. For the most part she tries to stay optimistic. She is she and nervous around new people.

Bio(optional): Janie grew up since she can remember being told stories about the terrible creature's called Neko's. She was kept sheltered and never encountered any


1)Have Fun!

2)take a hit every now and then

3) please dont be rated R when it comes to Romance...

4)Don't play other people's characters unless given permission

5) Don't kill anybody without permission







P.C. Name:




State(neko's only!note only one agent per state):

Thanks so much! More information will be given out soon!Please let me know if you have questions!
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Name: Soror

Nickname: Ark

Age: 16

Species: Neko

P.C. Name: Raider

Ability: Telekinesis

Personality: Cautious and untrusting with new people. Loyal towards her friends and family. Turns indifferent when she's having a breakdown.

Bio: Soror was the youngest within her family, her older brother died in a mugging that she constantly blames herself over. Because of this she didn't know where to go, so with her newly-obtained P.C she went towards the Director's base for missions.

State: Arkansas
(ok, anyways, mind as well continue)

David coughed, he continued feeling the sickness spread throughout the area around him.
(Alright :3 Hopefully new people show up later on )

Soror groggily sat up from the concrete floor and tried to gather her surroundings. She couldn't see very well as everything seemed to be blurry, as she continued to blink, in hopes that her vision would clear up, she lightly touched the side of her head only to wince in pain.
(so um...should we continue on TMfriends until it freezes again and then once it does move here?)
(If you want to. :3 I know that the site is probably going to stay open for one week tops until it freezes again. :/ I'm going to assume that the rp here is going to different than the one on TMfriends, right? )
(um, I think its gonna be the same, but like... we will just continue it there until it freezes one last time. Once it freezes, we will continue what we did on TMfriends. Sound like a good idea to you?)
(ok well it froze again. Time to continue here!)

Maine and Connie breathed heavily as they entered the bunk room. Beta had the look of terror in his face. "think he'll come after us?" Maine asked. "I don't know." Connie replied quickly. Once the two regained there breath, Maine snarled and grabbed C.T. by the throat and held her against a wall. He hissed. "You traitor! Working for him!?" Maine growled. C.T. looked worried she stayed quiet for a moment. Beta hissed at Maine. Maine got a tighter grip on her throat. "Tell me!" he hissed. "I-It's not what it looks like!" C.T. said struggling to escape. David's ears bent back. He could here something going on nearby. He turned away from soror. "what's that?" he said facing the bunk room. He began to walk towards it but it turned into a run. "what's going on in there?!" david said worried. He opened the door and saw maine and C.T. David instinctively went to maine and shoved him almost making maine fall to free C.T. She escaped and stood to the side. She dusted herself off. Maine growled at him. "Damn you David!" maine said trying to go around him to attack C.T. again but david kept moving so he's be in the way. "Hey Maine calm down. What's all this fighting for?" David asked
Soror quickly followed David. Her ears perked up as se heard the sounds coming from the bunk room. She Maine choking Connie. Soror merely obseved the situation as David intervened, confronting Maine on whats going on. She stood in the doorway of the bunk room and closed the door as Connie was dusting herself off. Soror crossed her arms, her eyes indifferent and her mouth was in a frown, she stayed in front of the door blocking Connie from her escape route. "You better have a good explantion for this."
C.T. Looked worried. She snapped to her straight face on. She gave a threatening look at them. "I dont have to tell you anything.I cant or I'd get into more trouble" She hissed. She tilted her head slightly. Beta sent out many copies of connie and then beta cawed very loudly. Large swarms of crows gathered. There eyes glowing red. One pecked lightly at the door as if knocking.Others glared in through the window ledge. "now if you let me through we can forget all of this ever happened." She said. "yeah like we are gonna let you off the hook that easy" maine spat. David looked at the crows. He felt a deep growl rising within him. He looked more closely. He saw the dark pc approaching. He growled. The p.c. went into the room and looked at them with a toothy grin
Soror tensed up and narrowed her eyes at Connie, refusing to allow her passage through the door. Her tail swished angrily behind her as Beta made multiple copies of C.T, annoyed that she was resisting. 'She is hiding something..' Soror thought. Her eyes strayed towards the window, seeing the rearrival of the birds of death she buckled her jaw to prevent the low growl to escape. One of her ears folded behind her as she heard one of the crows tapping on the door. Bracing for a fight, Soror lightly scanned through the room to see anything useful. As she did this she saw the Dark P.C appear into the room. Soror kept her eyes on the p.c, refusing to let it out of her sight. Everything was silent, until it was broken, "Your working for it, aren't you." Soror accusingly said as she cotinued to face the P.C
C.T. looked at sorror. She was make decisions. Connie made all the clones get in a fighting stance facing the dark p.c. The crows did the same. The dark p.c. chuckled. "Come on now Connie, no time to play. I'm going to need to borrow Beta for a while alright?" the p.c. said with a evil twisted smile. Beta clung to C.T.'s shirt. "no!please no!" he said nervously. Connie looked desperately at the door. But then she thought sorror wouldn't let her out and she looked at the floor. She gently pulled beta off and held him in her hands. Beta began to cry and he grab on tightly to her hand not wanting to go. Connie tried to reassure him. "It'll be ok... I promise." she said quietly. Beta let go and jumped down from her hands. He walked to the dark p.c. " won' know it wont. You just dont want me is that it? that's why you want me to go huh?" beta said. The clones vanished. As well as all but one crow that appeared in front of Connie. Beta looked at the floor and followed the dark p.c. Connie watched him go until they were out of sight. Her ears drooped and her tail lowered. The crow cawed loudly and then flew at Connie and began pecking and scratching her. She hissed then snapped her fingers and the crow left and flew off in the direction of were beta was last seen. Connies tears dripped onto the floor. "that's not the reason..beta." she mumbled through tears. She wiped her tears away. David now knew why she wanted to escape so badly. He made a small side and walked over to her. "go away Wash" she said. shoving him. David just stood his ground and shook his head. "You ok Connie?" he said gently. "what do you think?!" she snarled. David just looked at her. She looked at the floor again. "It's my fault..." 
(I typed a reply way longer then this on my phone but my phone didnt post it and i turned off my phone >_< )
(Its ookay, I haven't been on that much > ^ > )

As she watched Beta being sent towards the Dark P.C. Soror wondered why didn't Connie just push her away from the door, she could have done it as she was currently weak. Soror lightly shook her head, thinking the what-ifs won't change the present there was probably a good chance that the crows would have taken Beta by force. "Its not your fault" said Soror, as she looked at the window avoiding Connie's tear-stained eyes. "We also have some blame. Traitors have been common and trust is weak among us. Plus your association with crows only added more fuel to the flames. Even then it doesn't excuse our actions, but were are prone to mistakes the only thing now is to decide what to do from here. Its your choice." She closed her eyes and turned around to face the door, "Remember Connie, 'What matters is not the fall, its whether you get back up.' " Soror then opened the room and left Connie alone as she really needed the space. Soror then walked towards the infirmary and sat quietly on her bed. She rubbed the back of her eyes exhausted but she didn't want to sleep just yet. A part of her is scared that this is some weird dream her brain came up to cope with her brother's and boyfriend's death. As she once had illusions of the past before.
Connie head towards the door. Maine snarled at her as she passed. David looked at sorror and tilted his head. "whats the matter?" David said with a small purr trying to lighten the mood a bit
Soror kept the back of her hand against her eyes, her ear twitched leting David know that she heard him. Letting out a sigh, "Its everything...." she admitted, "..I don't know what to think anymore...I just don't know..." Soror covered her face with her hands as her ears fell flat on her head. "..wheather this is real..or some twisted..hallucination..I thought of..." Her breathing became a bit shaky and her body became to tremble in fear. Soror began to take deep breaths in an attempt to calm down.
David let out a small sigh. "hallucination? Why would you be hallucinating?" He asked curiously.He kept following her.
Soror exhaled her breath and lowered her hands from her face. Her eyes showed signs of exhaustion but Soror didn't want to give in, not yet as she knew her nightmares are waiting behind her closed eyelids. "...Cause it happened before.." Soror answered. She then turned towards David and said, "Don't worry about it though...It would go away." before giving him an unconvincing smile.
David slightly tilted his head. He gave a small smile in return. "whatever you say." He said. He could tell she was tired, so he figured to give her time to relax. "You seem tired.... I'll stop pestering you for a bit so you can sleep. If you need me I'll be hanging out with maine." He said and began to slowen his walking to a stop. He turned away from sorror and began to walk off to maine, a few coughs escaped him as he did so.
Soror nodded her head, "Ok." she said. She turned her head and watched David go to Maine. Soror knew she had to sleep eventually and that refusing to sleep will have terrible side affects to her body and mind. Plus she didn't want to worry David even though she would rather be sleeping next to him. Mentally sighing, Soror continued to walk and made it to an empty room. She didn't want to sleep in the infirmary as she didn't want to wake anyone up just in cause she does have a nightmare. Soror settled down, leaning against the wall and curled up in a small ball. She tried to slow down her breathing and closed her eyes waiting for sleep to pull her into the darkness.
David made a small yawn. He went over towards maine. "hey david." Maine said. Maine was looking out A window To view the night stars. "hey Maine." David said. "whats up?" David said trying to start conversation. "oh uh..nothing... Just thinking about something." Maine said. "oh yeah? Like what?" David said curiously. Maine Seemed embarrassed. "nothing!" He replied Quickly with a nervous Smile. David smirked. "Oh come on you can tell me." David said playfully shoving him. Maine returned the playful shove. "...I dont want to talk about it..." Maine said. "Im tired" Maine said followed by a yawn. "night david" he said then wandered off. David sighed. His stomach growled. He went quietly to the infirmary. He climbed into a bed and fell asleep Quickly. Maine was already laying in a bed, he was all the way under the blanket. His tail hung down from the edge of the bed. His tail flicked side to side nervously. Sigma yawned. He was all the way under maines blanket too. The two looked at each other. "You really gonna do it?" Sigma whispered. Maine stayed quiet for a minute. ".... I dont...I dont know yet...but come on leave me alone about it youve been on my back About it since I told you!"maine whispered. " come on. Lets get some sleep." Maine said. He turned away from sigma and began to fall asleep. Sigma did the same
Soror woke up with a soundless cry, her eyes wide in fright. She darted around and noticed that se was in the empty room that she wandered in. Soror sat up, notiing that she ended up curled up the floor during the night. Soror placed a hand on top of her beating heart and used her other hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead. "...That was a dream..its not reality.." Soror told herself. After a few moments of calming down, Soror stood up and exited the room. She wandered down the hallways until she was in the main room, Soror looked out a window to see that dawn was barely approaching. ".....Everyone is probably still sleeping.." she whispered. "Not everyone." Soror was surprised to hear another voice and turned her head to see Raider. "Nice to see you again, Raider." smiled Soror. "Likewise." said Raider giving a grin to Soror as he walked towards her. "So why are you up so early? Usually you're hibernating." Soror playfully shoved his shouider, "I don't sleep that much." Raider started to chuckle, " don't. You sleep more than that." Soror merely crossed her arms and glared at Raider. "You're such a jerk." "Yeah." Raider agreed, "but if I have to be a jerk to change your mood for the better then I would happily be a jerk for your expense." Soror eyes softened at that comment, she then looked away from Raider to the wooden floors. Her shoulders were slumped in defeat as there was no point in keeping up the impassive and strong facade. "I can't hide anything from you. Can't I?" she said. Raider shook his head, "Nah.I seen you through your worst. So I know when you're upset or sad even when hide youself behind that 'mask'." Soror looked at Raider and gave him a small smile. He gave a smirk and ruffled Soror's hair.
David heard a conversation going on. He wandered over and saw soror on the ground. "what are You doing in here, soror?" David said curiously, followed by a yawn.

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