Aquaria Wolf
Self Proclaimed Cynic
Wolf swore as she tripped on the uneven wooden floor. "Damn this house!" She ran a hand through her already messy hair and pulled it up into a quick bun. On the back of her neck were more faint white scars. She rummaged through her pockets and pinned her fringe out of her face.
She then began to explore her surroundings, most of the doors in this hallway were locked; a few opened to sad looking empty rooms with peeling wallpaper, broken chairs and faded curtains that led to blank walls instead of windows. In one room she found a dusty bookshelf covered in two books and a little china statue of a dog. She smiled and gently brushed her hand over the cool china, letting her fingers drift over the books, but not daring to open them; for fear they'd fall apart.
Halfway through her search she pressed her ear against the door of one locked room, and heard the lilting accent of Ace and the gentle murmur of Kat. Not wanting to intrude she quietly retreated from that hallway.
Finally, when she was tired of wandering she pushed open one last door, finding a piano, two guitars, and a violin. Although the rest of the room was shabby these instruments were polished and clean. She touched the smooth keys of the piano, but did not play, let her hand run along the strings of the guitar, and ignored the violin.
She sighed and curled up under the piano, waiting for something, someone, nothing, or anyone.
She then began to explore her surroundings, most of the doors in this hallway were locked; a few opened to sad looking empty rooms with peeling wallpaper, broken chairs and faded curtains that led to blank walls instead of windows. In one room she found a dusty bookshelf covered in two books and a little china statue of a dog. She smiled and gently brushed her hand over the cool china, letting her fingers drift over the books, but not daring to open them; for fear they'd fall apart.
Halfway through her search she pressed her ear against the door of one locked room, and heard the lilting accent of Ace and the gentle murmur of Kat. Not wanting to intrude she quietly retreated from that hallway.
Finally, when she was tired of wandering she pushed open one last door, finding a piano, two guitars, and a violin. Although the rest of the room was shabby these instruments were polished and clean. She touched the smooth keys of the piano, but did not play, let her hand run along the strings of the guitar, and ignored the violin.
She sighed and curled up under the piano, waiting for something, someone, nothing, or anyone.