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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

ScarlettRose16 said:
"There is no getting out m, someone has even tried to burn it and it didn't work."
"Wow that's great. Fucking wonderful." Crystal said. She didn't want to be here but some part of her was saying it's better than where she was.
"Now your stuck here to. Welcome to hell." She says before walking back into the kitchen. "Well it looks like there is two more people." She says taking a bite of her breakfast. She wasn't all that good with people of you couldn't already tell.

She sighed and began to play a simple song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, she hummed along and then transitioned to the more complex version, the one known in the music world as Twelve Variations in C Major by Mozart. She breathed deeply, this wasn't hard, she knew this song. Start simple, a little song, as you go on add to it . . She focused completely on the piano, on the white and black keys that whispered to her or spoke loud when she asked.

Black and white, things were so easy in black and white; music sheets, maths papers, piano keys. They were strict, but all the rules were laid out. Even if there was a problem chances were that if you just read a little bit more, learned a little bit more, you could solve it easily. People weren't black and white, they were colourful and confusing, illogical and odd. They followed rules but broke them without a thought, if you broke the rules it was a game of chance whether or not you'd be punished. Wolf caught herself before her hand slipped and returned her thoughts to the piano song. Had it always been so long? Yes, a correct version took about thirteen minutes . . .

'Slow down, take your time.' She thought to herself, 'Listen, listen to yourself.' She realised she was grinning, smiling wider and more genuinely that she had in a while. How long had it been since she played a piano? How long had it been since she had allowed herself to escape to music? 'I was never as good a sight reader as she was,' Wolf thought again. 'But I was damn good at knowing the song as soon as I learned it. After I played a song once I had it memorised in my fingers for the rest of my life. I wasn't as good as she was, with her damn curly hair and her smile that everyone loved, but I was myself.' She gently allowed the final notes of the piano to spin off into nothing. 'If I could disappear like a final chord on the piano, how lovely would that be?'
Cheshire looked around. After meeting the wolf child he had gone back to his room and tried to sleep, again. He had fallen in and out of a hazy nightmare infested sleep. He wasn't quite sure how long he had been out, a day? Two? He stretched and winced. This no sleeping thing was going to be quite a pain. What had woken him was the sound of a piano, he knew that song, it was the one Cora loved. Cora who had always been so sweet. He yawned and rolled out of bed and then leaving his room. He ruffled his hair wandered down the hall towards the kitchen. "Oi." He yelled.

"Are there new things here? Damn it, just when I thought we were going to get a break too. Hey, tall thing, come here." Cheshire called out to Grey. "Come back here you lumbering idiot."
Haley just hung out in a corner, keeping her distance from everyone. Especially the males. She just stood there examining the room she was in, and the people in it. @anyone.
Diana woke with a groan, feeling her back ache as she felt uncomfortable from the baby moving around again. It had been this way since the 3rd month, with the baby getting more and more active as time went on. She had just gotten over the morning sickness when the aches and pains started.

Sitting up she stretched again , groaning as she felt the muscles pop. She needed to make a run to the store. Getting dressed, she made her way to the kitchen and grabbed the list from the fridge. She also collected the shopping money as she made her way to her car. She was barely aware of her surroundings until she heard someone shouting for her to wait.

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