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Realistic or Modern The Place For The Broken

"No no you didn't intrude I was just going to walk around and I bumped into Ace. You boys go ahead and have fun with your drinking game, I'll see you guys later." She turns around and starts walking down the hall turning at different places.
Grey picks up wolf, still smiling that smile. "Here, there's someone you should meet his name is Cheshire." He starts walking.
She sulks as he carries her. "Why do you always carry me? I have two perfectly fine legs; I can walk on my own." She sticks her tongue out at him. "I'm not some kid."
"One, you wouldn't come with me if I didn't carry you, and two, you certainly act like a little kid." Grey soon finds Cheshire. "Oi, Lightweight! I have a friend for you!"
Cheshire spun around to find Grey carrying a young squirming girl. The girl was swearing and sticking her tongue out at Grey. Cheshire snorted. "You should treat a lady with respect, tall one. Put the pretty creature down. Plus, I'm not a lightweight."
"I'm only carrying her because she's such a child. Have a new toy, Cheshire." Grey puts Wolf down in front of Cheshire. "Wolf, don't try to hurt Cheshire, he'll cut you and light you on fire. Then cut you again."
Wolf spit on Grey. "Fuck off. That's final. I don't want your bullshit, I don't want to meet some freaking guy named Cheshire, I don't want your damn pills. I don't want to be in this house. If he cuts and burns me I don't care. Maybe what I want is some heroin, or a knife, or something to get me high, because I am not dealing with this sober." She yelled and threw her bag at him. "Want to help me? Tell me something useful you pisshead!"
Cheshire chuckled and casually wrapped his arms around Wolf. "Careful, tall one, this wolf might take a bite out of you. She's tougher than your pretty snow girl. You're right, sweetie. Grey here is a useless idiot who takes too long to do what you ask him to do, but I will admit he's quite fun to have around."
Ace sighed and looked over at Katrina. 'I'll just stick with you. It seems Cheshire has enough excitement on his hands."
She hears him call down the hall and she turned around. "Then come on" she says with a smile, she was slightly happy that he decided to stay with her. She continued walking figuring he would just catch up to her.
"I am living a nightmare." Wolf groaned and slumped to the ground. "I am living a nightmare beyond nightmares, where no one listens but people care. Where idiots carry you round like a kid and then hand you pills. What kind of person are you?" Wolf demanded Grey. "To offer me pills but no food."
Ace quickly caught up to her and smiled, "So, how are you feeling?" He tilted his head slightly in curiousity.
"Well, fine has multiple meanings, you know?" Ace looked at his feet and sighed, "You could be like super depressed and I'd never know."
"That's the understatement of the year" she says under her breath. "I promise I'm not depressed" she says giving a reassuring smile.
"Well, I'd hope you aren't depressed. Nobody needs to be depressed while they're in this shit hole of a place."
"Well I'm not really, or I wouldn't describe it as depressed, I don't even know what to describe it as" she says pondering her mind trying to come up with some word that would fit.
Ace shrugged and continued to walk by her side, "I guess it doesn't really matter if there's a word for it. If you're happy, I guess it doesn't really matter. But that's if you're happy."
She just nods. She wasn't really sure what she was feeling. Either if it was happy, sad, angry, or a mix of all of it. She wanted to scream but then she wanted to cry and she really didn't know. Or maybe she was just numb.
Ace hummed to himself quietly, looking at the walls and and doors as they passed them. "I think I'm feeling.. I don't know. I'm happy, then I'm sad, then I'm angry. It's stupid."
"It's not stupid" she says understanding exactly what he was saying.The difference was she didn't know which emotion was which anymore. She was seriously exhausted and was just trying to keep her eyes open as they walked.
"It's my fault my parents died, you know. I actually started the fight. Someone pulled out a gun and.." His voice trailed off as it filled with rage.
Her guard went up when she heard the rage build in his voice and she tensed slightly due to habit. She gets up every single cell of courage in her body and tentatively places a hand on his arm and stops walking and looked at him. "It wasn't completely your fault, the person who pulled out the gun is just as much at fault or even more at fault" she says trying her best to try and comfort him.

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