The Pets of Waterbrooke Manor [Inactive]


Care Bears... prepare to stare!
Nico submitted a new role play:

The Pets of Waterbrooke Manor - These aren't regular pets. (Master x Pet RP)

When a group of wealthy men move into town they buy the Waterbrooke Manor, only to find it The boys upon looking around town to hire some help find a pet shop. Inside is pets, shapeshifters if you will. Who were abandoned by their former owners and left to die. The men take them in as their pets and workers. The masters aren't normal either, born with extraordinary eyes, they have powers no normal human should have. The power over the mind and elements....

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Lian Millan

Time: 8am - Location: Seth's Room/Sewing Room

Lian woke up with arms wrapped around him. He smiled and turned to look at his sleeping master. He wiggled out of the arms and kissed Seth's cheek and started to get dressed for the day. He wagged his fluffy white tail and made his way through the manor to the sewing room. He wasn't exactly hungry and he was sure breakfast wasn't ready yet.

He has to start getting dresses and suits ready for the Masquerade ball that evening. He started by doing inventory. Checking the threads, ribbons and fabrics. He sighed, he wasn't sure what kind of dresses and suits the others wanted. He might have to wing it, or let them tell him what they wanted.

He sat down in the chair and started to sew with a needle and thread. This was his own mask, he had been working on it for awhile.

Waking up bright and early Will slipped out of bed his feet almost silent as they touched the floor the master doing his best to not awaken the pretty redhead who shared his room. He had never been one for the whole master slave thing but he could see where it have it's positives. After all it wasn't any average bloke who awoke next to such a beauty but for some reason he was gifted with the right.

That wasn't exactly how life was though and Will knew it, he hadn't gained all this power through just honest means, no he had an advantage and as he moved to the bathroom he couldn't help but reveal it to the world. His eyes, the things that marked him as unique, almost glowed a bright green color the color that marked him as a telepath. Wilhelm was not one to simply accept his marks though as he put in his dark brown contacts always hoping to appear normal. With this along with the the rest of his morning ritual complete he decided it was time to wake his companion.

Dressed in a simple pair of blue jeans and a mostly buttoned up gray shirt the brown haired man opened the windows combining that with the skylight to brighten up the room. "Morning Vixen we have a busy day ahead of us and as much as I enjoy the idea of spending it in bed we are compelled to make an appearance." He announced before turning to look at her his powers already scanning her outermost thoughts even if he did his best to give her some space. "Come now if we get all of our preparations done before the masquerade we can spend the remaining time out in the garden." He added after a moment having noticed her obsession with digging holes and wanting to get on her good side.
Blearily opening his eyes to the sound of a buzzing alarm Arugale crawled out of bed, flopping onto the floor, after listening to the alarm siren off for a few minutes he stood up rubbing sleep out of his eyes and slamming the alarm off.

After getting dressed in jeans, a plain black hoodie and brushing his teeth he thought of the ball that had been organized by someone or another that evening, figuring it would be a good idea to get Esther's and his own clothing ready as soon as possible he headed over to wake her up so they could pick something out. Walking swiftly he knocked on her door calling out "Hey Esther, you awake? I thought we could go get our stuff for the ball organized before all the others start queuing up."
Vixie groans a little in protest as the sunlight awakens her before stretching her limbs, her red hair fanned out around her. "Too early..." She turns her gaze on Will half tempted to pull the blanket back over her but the sight of him made her decide otherwise. "He looks nice today, contacts are in... definitely like his green eyes better though. Hmm, I wish we could stay in bed all day he's always nice and warm"

"Good morning" She says huskily, her voice of course sounding like she just woke up. She sits up and attempts to flatten her hair down as he spoke of the masquerade. "That's today? I wonder what Lian's making. I hope it's green" She snaps out of those thoughts when she registers he mentioned gardening and a smile appears on her face. "Mustn't waste time then!" She pushes the blankets off her long legs and slips out of the bed, her thoughts going to what she wanted to do with the garden today and what needed this or what should be moved where. She pauses to place a kiss upon his cheek as she passed by, something that became her morning routine with him. Just a way she liked to show she appreciated him since he was one of the nicest masters she ever had. She makes her way to the bathroom, grabbing her clothes on the way in. She brushes her teeth and hair and changes from the extra long shirt she was wearing as pajamas into a pair of brown tights and a long green shirt. She puts her hair up into a high ponytail and makes her way out of the bathroom. She grabs her boots before sitting on the bed and slips them on. She quickly makes their bed before looking back at Will. "Well then, let's get going! We've got a busy day after all" She says, looking a different sight than the bed-head, groggy voiced, sluggishly making her wake to the bathroom girl she was a few minutes ago.
Esther was well awake by the time her master knocked on her bedroom door. She had gotten dressed in a simple black dress with a pastel blue belt at the brink of dawn and brushed her hair up into a tight bun before running through a few ballet exercises. Humming softly to herself, she stepped away from the ballet bar and answered the door, putting a polite smile on her face. "Good morning, master." Shutting the door behind her, she bowed her head a bit in greeting with her tail swishing peacefully. "That's a good idea, sir. Lead the way."
Eyes cracking open at the sound of his computers alarm entering his ears from his headphones, Lyle glanced around his room to gain awareness. He was in his private room, like usual, except he was sitting at his computer desk, face marked with the keys it had been resting on. The search bar was full of a long, seemingly unending line of v's. Shutting down his computer, he drowsily made his way over to his mirror, looking at his messed up, bed head hair. "Eh, it's fine. No need to fix it." After changing into a new set of clothes, Lyle walked over to where the door to his private room was located and stared at the location of the lock. Using his telekinesis, an unlocking sound was heard, and Lyle cracked open the door ever so slightly as to only let himself out without anyone seeing inside. He quickly shut the door and locked it with his power again. The door was practically unnoticeable to most people, just looking like a part of the wall, but he was always overly cautious.

Directly on the other side of the room was a second bed, where he had designated his pet, Mariki, to sleep. Even though they technically shared a room, his private quarters was where he mainly slept, and when he wasn't in there he would sleep on the couch. He didn't mind her, but he didn't have any feelings for her, either. Indifference was a way to describe how he felt. Getting close to people wasn't exactly his forte, after all. Sighing, he walked over and grabbed a book off one of his shelves and plopped himself on the couch, bringing his feet up on the table. There was a masquerade ball if he remembered correctly, but he wasn't in any hurry to prepare for it. Besides, he decided he'd better wait for Mariki to wake up, and he didn't have enough care to do it himself.
Miki stretched as her eyelids fluttered open. She gave a wide yawn, exposing her slightly pointy canines. She blinked a couple of times before standing. She straitened out her shirt and headed to the bathroom. She brushed her hair and walked out, still in her pajamas. She took a book from the table beside her bed and sat next to Lyle, opening her book. "Morning." Miki commented, starting to read.

Her and Lyle were on sort of good terms, not necessarily more than friends. He could be a bit much to handle sometimes. He had a bit of an ego, but as long as he didn't bug her too much, she didn't care. She never got that close to him. All the other pets where close to there masters, but she never cared much.
"How long have you been up? I swear it's inhuman how early you get out of bed" Arugale remarked noticing she clearly had clearly been awake for at least an hour, Not bothering to wait for a reply spun on his heel and began to head towards the Sewing room.

"Seeing as you know about dancing and stuff, what kind of suit do you think I should get? I'm personally in the mood for something flashy with one of those... poofy things on the chest, never had any idea what they're called though.. eh, to hell with it Lian should know." Arugale rambled over his shoulder as they headed to the sewing room
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Esther produces a genuine smile at Arugale's remark. "A few hours, not long." She replied quietly, quickly drowned out by her master's ramblings. She didn't mind, she had grown accustomed to this, in fact it was one of the reasons she liked her master, it made him a bit quirky in her opinion. "If you plan on dancing, you need to get one made out of a breathable material that fits you well and looks right even when moving. "And I'm afraid I don't know what it is called. " Esther bit back the urge to start talking about her dress ideas, not wanting to derail her master's train of thought.
Lyle just nodded as Miki took a seat beside him, not taking his eyes off his book. It wasn't that he hadn't heard what she said, just that it wasn't necessary to respond. After a few minutes of silence, Lyle snapped his book shut and placed it on the table, turning to face his pet. "Well, we should probably go and get our stuff for the ball all set up. Lian probably has some clothes for us to wear. For the time being, get some proper clothes on and hurry up. I'll be waiting just outside of the room." He swung his feet off the table and stood up, walking out of the room. Through the open door, Lyle looked over his shoulder. "By the way, could you grab one of my handheld game systems for me? I left them on the table, doesn't matter which one." On the table were multiple systems, ranging from the oldest to newest devices. With that, he closed the door and propped himself against a wall just outside.

Traditional was one way to describe his relationship with Miki. It was very similar to how most people expected things to be, mainly business orientated. Chit-chat and small talk weren't really his thing, but if there was one thing he did often it was either read manga or play games. That was obvious to anyone who entered his room, as his shelves were full of that. Of course, he hid the extremes of his hobbies in his private room away from public eye. Tapping his foot impatiently, Lyle ran his hand through his hair, turning his bed head into a slightly more organized, yet still messy hair style.
Miki stood from the couch, grabbing one of the systems of the table. She handed it to him, not looking at him, for she was to engrossed in her book to care. She Walked over to the small draws she had and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She walked to the bathroom and shut the door. She laid her back on the door. ' Of all the people why him?' She asked herself, thinking of her egotistical master. She sighed, and looked in the mirror. She looked at her collarbone, strait at the tattoo she had on her collarbone. She traced it carefully, then changed into her regular clothes. She braided her hair off to the side, her ears poking out of her head. She walked out. "Ready?" She asked. She looked at him, his eyes glued to the game.
As he strolled into the sewing room Arugale called out "Hey Lian you in here!? I'm coming in!" And began scanning the room for Lian's white hair, after a few seconds passed he spotted him, approached and threw his arm around his shoulder "Hey, buddyyy can I ask a tiny little favour of you? I'd like you to fix something up for Esther and Me for the ball tonight." asking rather brashly with little regard as to if he had been working on something.

"I'm not sure about her but I'd like something in a 'breathable material that fits you well and looks right even when moving' I get that right Es?" He continued while standing back up "Oh, and don't worry about the mask. I can take care of that myself, if that's all well and good lets do some fittings and I'll be off, Ok?" Finishing with a smile he turned to him and waited for a response.
Esther gave an apologetic smile to Lian for her master's brash actions but said nothing until addressed, "Yes, that's correct." She watched in curiosity as Arugale said he'd be making his own mask. While the two boys did what they needed, Esther took a slip of paper and wrote down what she wanted-a dress to get me noticed instead of pushed in the background- before setting it on Lian's desk. "You can get to mine whenever you want, Lian. I'm sure you'll do everything splendidly." She hoped her dress would be what she wants, Esther was tired of being passed over by Arugale and the others in light for the rest of the pets; she was more than a polite servant.

Seth slept soundly dreaming of something random in his mind,which was often zombies and him killing them.He squeezed his eyes shut when he heard movement in his room but,didn't officially wake up just yet.When he felt a familiar kiss,Seth was comfortable again and his dream went back into full picture after.Only about thirty good minutes later,Seth blinked his eyes open and looked around the room feeling the warm sun on his back,which creeped through the curtains in his room.Yawning loudly,he stretched and flipped over on his back not wanting to get up but,knew that he had to.After collecting himself,he got up and planted his feet onto the floor then stretched again before getting up completely.He flipped his hair back out of his face and walked into the bathroom to get dressed for whatever today might bring,He didn't like the sun shining on his eyes in the morning so,after getting dressed up,he slipped on his dark sunglasses and walked out of the door then down the hall into the main lobby."Sometimes I really think this place is haunted..."he said to himself looking around.It wasn't like this at night.In fact,it's worst because there's nothing but one light shining in the main hall and sometimes that went out.After that light went out,it was completely pitch black and whoever wanted a midnight snack would probably change there mind about going through the main lobby to get there.Anyway,Seth shook himself loose of his thoughts and followed Lian's smells,which lead him to his sewing room,then he went inside."Well,I guess we're not the only ones awake."he told Lian and smiled at the others "Good morning,"he said warmly to them before giving a kiss to Lian and sitting down on the opposite side of the table he was working at.Sometimes,if Lian needed it,Seth would help him out or he would just sit in here and watch Lian from time to time or just fall asleep in the small comfortable chair over in the corner.
Sebastian's long lashed eyelids slowly fluddered open, revealing his bright amber colored eyes. He smiled as the familar smell of his Master invaded his senses, making it hard to want to leave the bed. Unfortune for him, his duties for making breakfast awited him and he wanted to make sure his Master had something warm and fresh to eat, once he woke up.

Yawing, Sebastian leaned up and placed a small and tender kiss on his Master's forehead. Rolling over and out of bed, he slowly made his way to this bathroom to shower and get ready for his daily duties. Stepping out and drying off, Sebastian threw on a pair of blue jeans and black button-up shirt, only buttoning it up half way. Giving his Master one last glance, he walked out of the room and headed towards Lian.

Leaning into the doorway, Sebastian had noticed that Arugale was in the room talking to Lian about the outfits for tonight. A grin spread across Sebastian's face as his voice filled came from the doorway. "Well hello there doll-face", he spoke to the white haired boy, "I see you have gotten a headstart on things. I'm going to get stared on breakfast but don't worry, I'll let you get your hands on me for a fitting a little later". Sebastian chuckled and winked as he slipped back out. He couldn't waste any oppertunites to tease Lian, or any of the other house members. For he was a giant flirt after all, though he saved his best work for his Master.

Walking down and into the kitchens, Sebastaian began to set to work making everyone's breakfast. He would worry about the pastires and biscuits while Kaori worried about the main dishes, like the eggs and bacon and so forth. He loved to bake and loved sweets, so this was the perfect job for him. Knowing that beautiful and tasty creations were made by his hands, gave Sebastian a sense of pride and fullfillment. He hummed a tune while he got his tolld ready and began to prep everything.

"I...I can see again!"Misha smiled at Sebastian and hugged him as he looked around seeing the sun again for the first time in eight years.He felt the grass and smiled at the sight of it.Taking a look back at Sebastian,he stared for awhile studying what he looked like "You...look great."he told him with a smile seeing him for the first time.Then,something dark came up and attacked Sebastian killing him "Noo!"he said crying as he banished the monster and ran up to him."No...." He said then the place slowly got darker and darker as he was losing his eyesight all over again.

Misha screamed as he sat straight up in the bed and huffed fast as sweat came down his face.He sighed and held his head into his hands trying to calm himself;it was just a dream.Misha flipped off the cover and turned so that his feet was on the floor.He felt around for his red shades and put them on and got up.He cleaned and dressed himself,then stopped and smiled a little as the feel of Sebastian's kiss was still on his face.Slowly, he wondered where his little flirting guy was but,he knew he was probably baking something for breakfast.Feeling around for the doorknob,Misha grabbed for it and walked out of their room then into the hallway.He followed the smells of baking goods and gave a wave to everyone who was in Lian's room before following where Seb was.Smiling,he snuck up behind him and covered his eyes letting him guess who it was."Guess.."he told him hopefully not making Sebastian mess up whatever he was doing before.
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Tobias awoke from his slumber, glancing over at the clock to see the time. He frowns a little, knowing it'd be a busy day today, the masquerade was today, so no sleeping in for another hour. His head spins a little at the thought of Agni's mood tomorrow when masquerade ball was over and what he could only assume would be more than just a mess left behind. He quickly made a mental note to avoid her as much as possible tomorrow, but for today he would enjoy her company as much as possible. He turns his gaze on Agni, smiling to himself as he watches her sleep for a moment, who would think such a sweet face would have such a temper. He gently moves some of her blonde hair out of her face before slipping out of bed quietly. He made his way to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and everything else that was in his morning routine. He changed into a simple pair of jeans and a black t-shirt for the time being. He makes his way to the windows, opening the curtains and pausing at each one to enjoy the sun that radiated on his face. To him the sun was better than coffee, energizing him and melting away all stress. He turns his yellow eyes on her to see if she had awoken yet, making his back over to her. "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey" He says in a sing-song way. "Big day today... the masquerade is tonight"
The second Lyle had received his game, he immediately began playing. He had been trying to get in the top 50 world leader boards for a while on that specific game, and he was slowly approaching his goal, being number 62. He was so absorbed into the screen that when Miki had asked him if he was ready, he didn't even register she had said anything. A few seconds later Lyle threw his hands up in the air in frustration, still holding his system. "Noooooo! I was so close!" He looked gloomily at the screen as it placed him at 52nd. Sighing, he stashed his game into his pocket and looked towards his pet. "Why are you just standing there? Are you finally ready? If so, then let's go."

Walking down to the sewing room, Lyle noticed that Arugale and a few others were already there. Making an effort to not look at anyone but Lian, He spoke. "Lian. For the ball, don't make me anything flashy. Just a simple, conservative outfit will do for me. I have a mask for myself, so don't worry about that. I don't know about Miki, though. You'll have to ask her yourself." He then turned towards the other occupants and gave a slight nod as to recognize their existence. He had both his thumbs dug into his pockets, and with his hair still messy he gave off an uncaring vibe.
Getting the biscuits, apple turnovers and other assorited pastries into the oven, Sebastian began to get ready to make something else. Just as he was measuring out the dough, he felt a pair of hands slip over his eyes. A wide smile made it's way across Sebastian's face,"...well good morning gorgeous. Sleep well?". Sebastian cleaned off his hands and turned to face Misha, smiling wider once the man's face was in view. He saw his refection in his Master's glasses and frowned. Sebastian knew that his Master hated anyone bringing up the fact that he couldn't see but that never bothered him at all. Misha not being able to see him, didn't change the way that Sebastian felt about him. His respect for his Master, would never change nor faulter. Neither would his loyalty.There was nothing Sebastian wouldn't do for his Master and he made sure that Misha knew that, everyday.

Clearing his head of those thoughts, Sebastian turned around slighty and grabbed one of his newest creations, a one bite mini doughnut. Taking his Master's chin in his hand gently, Sebastian smiled,"..say ahh". He waited on Misha to open his mouth and he carefully popped it mini doughnut into his mouth. Giving his Master a moment to savor the taste, Sebastian sat back. "So what do you think? Does that go on the list as one of your favorite foods?". He loved when he made something that Misha had approved of. It made him feel like he was serving his Master well. He leaned against his working counter as he waited for Misha reaction.
Lian was finishing up the touches on a sash when he looked up to see Esther and Aru come in and start telling him what kind of clothes they wanted. He started jotting these down 'breathable material, that could be cotton' he thought to himself. He looked up with Lyle and Miki entered the room and jotted down what he wanted. "Alright I think I got it. Miki dear, what do you want on your dress?" he said. He smiled when Seth entered the room and kissed him. He kissed back and giggled. "Morning sleepy head." he said in a fond tone.
Waking up early was never a cat's thing- they were nocturnal and that was a fact proven by scientists. Kaori rolled off her master's bed and let out a huge yawn. "Good morning Master Vector," she mewed as she stood up to dust herself off. Of course Lux, her master, hadn't even woken up when she called out to him. It wasn't like him to wake up when she did anyways, so Kaori let him be. The feline stretched her hands out and rolled her shoulders back to start her day, proceeding to change into her servant attire- a red button down cardigan with a collared shirt underneath and a black, pleated skirt. "I'll be going downstairs now, Master Vector," the cat peeped as she kissed his forehead and left the room to run down the stairs.

Downstairs in the kitchen, she seemed to have stumbled upon a love festival and her face shot red. Inside the kitchen were Sebastian and Misha, the baker feeding his master. "
G-Good, good...morning you two!" the female peeped, bowing to Misha and then looking back up to wave at Sebastian. "I'll just be in the kitchen for awhile...I must prepare a meal for Master Vector and start on the appetizers for the ball," She walks past Sebastian and opens up the fridge to grab a few ingredients. While grabbing a pan, she leans into Sebastian's ear and says, "Are you preparing the baked goods for the ball...? My master really looks forward to them, even though he doesn't really show it. Although, I will not speak negatively of him...please do not tell anyone I said that!" She let out a small giggle and then waved her hand dauntingly in front of her face before walking towards the stove to begin to turn a piece of bread into French Toast.
"Something white or light blue. No Cinderella dresses and nothing that will constrict me so tight I cannot breath." Miki requested, smiling politely. She looked over at her master, who had his thumbs shoved in his pockets. She sighed. "Never gets old huh." Miki mumbled. She tried being polite, but it was hard. He was so egotistical, demanding. She wished he would understand that she wouldn't follow him forever. She was getting tired of his antics. Always secluded, suddenly emerging to declare that he just wanted her to make him food or something. She sighed again, tired from just thinking about it.
Esther bit back a sigh as she was once again looked over and put even more happiness in to her smile as she waited for her master to decide what they must do next. "Master, what's next in our preparations?" She asked quietly.

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