The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Nothing can save you now!!! Lol jk)

Ruineth turned to the door. Leaving sounded like a good idea to her. "I'm going to the big tailor shop in the middle of town. I need to talk to someone. Please, come get me when it is time to leave. I will stay there for the duration of our stay." She said, leaving before anyone could reply. She made her way to the old woman's shop where Mireth was now staying.

When she arrived, Mireth jumped from a chair and greeted her. "Where is the old woman?" Rune asked as she gave the young elf a hug. "Retta? She's in her room upstairs sleeping. It's really late, you know. What are you doing here?" Mireth asked. Ruineth closed the door and locked it. She went around locking doors and windows. "That woman needs to learn how to lock her house at night. What are you doing up? I came here to see you. The place I was staying at nearly burned to the ground, so I figured it would be safer here." Plus I need a break from magic. She thought.

Mireth huffed. "I don't sleep much. Besides, I couldn't sleep. This place is so...cold." She said. Ruineth shook her head. "Go to sleep, Mireth." She said. The Dark Elf curled up on a couch reluctantly. Rune gave her a blanket and sat at the other end of the couch. You should sleep, too. Ruineth stayed awake for a while, eventually drifting off into a light sleep. The old woman could deal with it when morning finally decided to show itself. Still, Ruineth was afraid. Already she missed the others, and her dreams kept directing her back there. But she didn't care. She wouldn't have anything to do with magic until she absolutely had to. Besides, one could barely sleep a wink around those elves!
The elf suddenly balled up his hand and swung at Valandil's head. The sudden action shocked him, before he grabbed the elf's outstretched hand, and threw him to the ground. He then quickly got down on his knees and pulled the elf's left hand out, while pressing his knee on his neck. "Ach. My neck..." gasped the elf as he tried to push away with his right hand. "I'll get off only if you tell me why you were following me." said Valandil. The elf nodded the best he could. Valandil slowly lifted his knee and pulled

the elf up. "My name is Elwe, and I protect the people of Auchertown. You seemed like a suspicious character, so I followed you to make sure you weren't up to trouble." Valandil was a little upset at the elf for interrupting him in his search for the others, but also relieved that the elf was not truly hostile. "So your a wanna-be vigilante or guard. You expect to stop people, when you don't even know how to protect yourself. It was way to easy to throw you."

"I'm still working on the whole defense thing." said Elwe. He reached around, rubbing his lower back. "Geez that was a hard throw. You should teach me how to do that some time." said Elwe. I barely know you, and you expect me to teach you something? I guess I can teach you the throw , but I have to find some of my friends first. Follow me." Valandil turned and kept walking down the street.
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(Sorry about not posting last night, I was out til like 6:30 and then I had to eat and then my friend kept me up til 11 playing games.)


I yawned and nodded at Juniper. "Let's go back." I said. I began to walk with Juniper when I saw a faint orange glow that looked far too familiar. "Fire..." I breathed, realizing it was coming from the direction of Ava's house. At this point I ran, making sure my bow was secure on my back and sprinted, each step making me wince in pain as my left arm twinged with every step. Suddenly the glow went out and my heart seemed to crush as I felt it drop, yet felt elated. In my current state of exhaustion I couldn't tell if the fire had gone out or if something worse had happened, so as my heart skipped a beat I picked up the pace as I began to pant. Running around a final corner past what looked to be Val and some other elf, I saw the tree. It was scorched like someone had lit it on fire, but the fire was out now. I could see the tree shaking slightly and the floorboards of the treehouse were beginning to give way. "That's going to collapse.." I said to myself before running up the walkway to the front door, but I stopped as I saw something out of the corner of my eye. "That's Cerah..." I muttered to myself. I made a split second decision and chased after her, silently moving from shadow to shadow so as to not alert her. The others will make it out all right. Faye will make sure of it. I thought to myself.
(( -____- Just went and took my permit test. CT is such a joke. They make you pay $40 each time you retake the test, there's 25 questions and you can only get 5 wrong. Wanna know some of the questions on there?

"What does ABS stand for?"

-Automatic Braking System

-Air Bag System

-Automatic Brake Locking System (or something)

So, I'm like, uhhh air bag system? 'Cause that seemed like a normal choice, it was automatic braking system. Like, how am I supposed to know that hahah? I'm going for my learner's permit that's it. AND THEN

"What is the penalty for speed racing?" I got this right, the answer was a 1 year suspension, but still, how do I even speed race when I need to be with an adult every time I drive with my permit? Lmfao, and then there was a question about a child restraint system and the options were about how many pounds the kid must weigh and how old, so it was less than 1 year and less than 20 pounds. I got that right by guessing, but I'm 16, I don't have a freaking kid lmfao. Idfc.

I had 3 questions left but then I got 6 wrong, so it was like YOU FAILED LOL. and it shut down and didnt let me look at the answers I got wrong again. I can't wait to leave this state, it's clear they just want another $40. Like, that had nothing to do with driving. -_-

Sorry, needed to rant. That was just so freaking dumb. Now I know why my friend failed twice. I STUDIED OVER LIKE 200 QUESTIONS FOR THIS TOO. Ugh. ))
(I took my permit test and passed first try back in March. I can get my license on the 28th of next month :3

Here in Arizona, it's 30 questions and you can get 6 wrong. You have to get an 80% or higher, and they put it so that if you get 25 right you don't have to take the rest of the test. I got 2 wrong and on question 27 it said "You have passed!" because even if I got all the other questions wrong, I'd only have 5 wrong which is still higher than 80%.

I studied the Arizona handbook for like, a week straight, even taking it to dinner with family and making my cousins quiz me on every little minor detail. The thing is is that you have to memorize the entire manual because they could ask any sorts of questions, from things like DUI's to racing to when can kids ride without a car seat. It's because it's the DRIVERS LICENSE manual, and it's ALL OF THE DRIVING LAWS. They want you to know them before you get your permit so you can focus on driving rather than learning the laws.

The actual driving aspect is much more complicated than just the laws, and if you know the laws before you even get behind the wheel, then you're that much better off. That's what they're going for. When did you turn 15?

I agree though that $40 is bullshit... if you want I could help you study if you want to take it again?)
Ava was suddenly pulled to her feet, turning to see Lanli beside her. The girl began helping her towards the door, but as they were making their way over it seemed Ava stepped on a weak floor board. The board fell to the ground and Ava took a step back, keeping Lanli from falling as well. She peered down into the hole, seeing just how high up they were. Not that she didn't already know, but just seeing that there was a chance the entire floor could collapse right beneath them now took all her breath away.

Faye carefully put her bow on her back and gradually stepped across the floor boards. She allowed her fingers to brush against the wall as she walked as if that was going to help her in some way. She eyed the burnt door just a few feet ahead of her, knowing she was closer to it than everyone else.

Eventually, she was standing about two feet away from the door. However, as she took one more soft step forward, the completely black floor board fell beneath her and she jumped back gracefully, her eyes widening as a massive hole broke down right in front of the door. She gulped, reaching forward to try and grip the handle, but she couldn't reach.

Faye's brows furrowed, her eye twitching a bit with fear as she slowly pulled her bow off her back. She extended the bow out and allowed it to hit the door. She pulled back again, reaching out and knocking the door slightly harder. This time, the whole door broke down, revealing the wooden walkway. The top seemed a bit burnt as well, but other than that the rest seemed to be in good shape still. She noticed Varexes rushing after Cerah.

She looked down at the massive hole in the floor in front of her, knowing it wasn't safe to just go and jump. Her eyes looked upward again, landing on Varexes.

"Varexes!" she yelled, "Come here, I need you to give me a hand!" 
(( I studied sooooo much. I even know insurance fees! :l And I know the majority of the laws. I don't have a book, but I take the online tests. There's like several with 40-50 questions each and I studied them all.

and okai, I got this question wrong, but it makes absolutely no sense:

"Throughout the first 8 months of having your license, who can you not have in the car with you?"

-An 18 year old friend

-A younger sibling

-An adult

So, I chose a younger sibling and it said that was wrong. It said you couldn't have an 18 year old friend with you. wtf? -_- They wanted me to fail. Lmao.

I just want to move to NH ;~; with the little villages and smiling Conservative people. Everyone at the DMV today looked like they hated life. It was gross and terrifying. Oh, but after I failed my test there was that one guy that said in a bored tone 'Have a nice day.' and I just kept walking lmao. I was too sad to be like 'You too!' and shy, but whatever xD I could've turned around and said "ABS? Not all cars even have those." then left xD

And you need to be 16 to get your permit in this liberal state, so I turned 16 March 27th.

And yus, I'd appreciate a study buddy even though I know so much shit already ;w; ))
(You're not allowed any people younger than 18 in your car because it's like "oh hey, you're 16 and you just got your license... we're not going to let you risk your friends lives." that makes sense to me.

In AZ you can get your permit 6 months after you turn 15 and get your license 6 months later. I'd be happy to help you study ^_^ I'm at school so I can't do anything now. My skype is adrianodominguez97. Add me and I'll help you?)


I stopped and turned when Faye shouted. I looked back but Cerah was gone. "Damn..." I muttered and rushed up the walkway to the door. I saw a bunch of holes through the door, one directly in front of the door. "Cerah did this?" I asked to no one in particular, then I held my right hand out. "How many people are there to get out?" I asked quickly, shoving my panic down behind my wall.
(( Yet, you can have your younger sibling in the car? Lmao.

And yeah, I was wondering how you could get your license so soon xD CT is such a joke, so. I'll probably never get my permit at this rate lol.

I mean, I've already driven a couple times, illegally but whatever xD , with my dad out in some place where there's not many cars and I drive perfectly fine.

So, I should just be given my damn permit so I can actually get behind the wheel legally. Should just be 10 simple questions and then they hand it over.

But yeah, I'll add you now~ Thanks~ ^^"

.......and this dude on facebook that I barely know keeps messaging me random things about his love life xD "Omg I can't wait for movie night with Emily!" Hahah, just like out of nowhere. I wasn't even talking to him before that x'D I guess I just go with it.. xD ))

"Yes, Cerah did this," Faye responds quickly, extending her arm over the massive hole in the floor. "Now help me out before the rest of this house collapses and I fall to the ground and break all my bones! We can help the others once I'm out," she orders, awaiting his assistance.
(I've driven a lot, both legally and illegally... xD If I don't show up when you add me on skype, just give me yours and i'll add you when I get home.

That's kind of awkward... I'd be like "dude... guess who cares? not me.")


I grimaced, knowing that one misstep and I'd slip and fall, and since my arm was broken that made it that much harder to do this. I extended my right arm towards her as far as I could. "Jump so we can get everyone else out." I said with a sense of urgency.
(( I added you but it's waiting for you to accept me, I believe :0 But either way, my skype name is namine1111

And yeah, it's that kid who sent me that awkward science joke lmao. He always messages me random things. Like yesterday it was "Omg! Emily and I are dating! I love her so much!" and she's one of Sara's gross friends lmfao, but I was like "Oh, thats so cute! :3" even though in my head it was more like -ahahahahah oh god- xD I can't be mean to people xD The meanest I go is ignoring. xD

Lemme just say, I absolutely hate when people repeatedly go "Hello?" "Hello???" "You there?" "Hey?" "Hello?" "Where'd you go?" "Hello?" I wanna be like, KID, WHEN THEY DON'T ANSWER AFTER ALL THAT IT MEANS THEY DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU xD Lmfao. Okai sorry. xD ))

"Well, I can't just walk across the floor that doesn't exist anymore," she joked, stepping right at the edge of the hole. She knew that any second the floor could break even more, not to mention there was more of a chance that would happen since she was standing on the weak section.

As she leaned forward, she heard the floor boards beneath her creak obnoxiously, causing her heart to race. She gripped onto Varexes's hand tightly and instructed, "Okay, when I jump make sure you pull me back so my weight doesn't drag you back down through this hole in the floor!"

Just as she jumped, the floor collapsed beneath her. Although she assumed that was going to happen at one point, she gasped as she hovered over the massive hole in the floor until she just barely landed on the tip of the walkway. Her landing was so harsh that the edge of that snapped, causing her foot to slip off the edge and make her stumble.

"Shit!" she cursed, her eyes widening as she saw just how high off the ground they were. It wouldn't be anything close to falling to your death, but it would include breaking a bone or two.

When she jumped, she swore as the floor gave out beneath her. I heaved back, willing to knock myself off balance for her to land on me to make sure she was okay. I pulled with all my strength and stepped back at the same time, hopefully to preserve my own balance but I had to twist my body and stand in a slightly awkward position in order to prevent from falling backwards but landing on my rump. I grimaced and stood up to make sure Faye kept her balance, then I released her hand.

"How are we going to get everyone else out...?" I asked, a sliver of panic slipping into my voice.
Faye breathed softly as she nodded her thanks to Varexes then turned to the others who were still inside. Her eyes fell on the large hole in front of the doorway, her pupils trailing back to the end of the walkway that was broken off now as well. She scratched the back of her neck, trying to think of how this would work.

"They may have to make a huge jump over to us. We'd have to make sure we can get a hold of their wrists if they don't make it to the walkway and make sure they don't fall through that hole.." she said to Varexes, completely aware that it was risky, but seeing no other way to get them out.

I thought for a few moments, looked down at my forearm and sighed. I took off my bow and handed it to Faye. "Hold onto this for me. It's new." At that I took a few steps back and jumped onto the railing. Taking two seconds to balance, I then sprinted along the railing and leaped over to the floor, landing on a half-steady piece of flooring. I rolled to distribute my weight across a longer distance and thus preserved the floor. Coming up onto one of my knees I turned and let loose the breath I'd been holding. From there I stood perfectly still. "Nobody move. If you move too much, you'll cause more problems." I told them all in a firm voice. "One at a time, come over to me. We'll get you all across here." I held my hands up to show that they should all stop what they were doing. "If we do this carefully, we can get everyone across quickly.
Juniper ran after Varexes trying to keep up, but fell behind anyways. She came to a stop surprised when he ran inside the flame filled house. Realizing she had stopped she ran over to the entrance and stared at the fire wondering how it had started. Something told her it wasn't a natural fire and magic had something to do with it. Maybe that meant her shield could protect her from it. Only one way to find out, she pulled her shield up around her and walked inside slowly. "Varexes?" she called trying to see through all the smoke. 
(I spent hours trying to get my schedule changed and then they scared me and said oh you need to email the head of the department to do that. I was like NoooO! Then my councilor was like, nope I'll just do it right now. There you are in honors english. WOOOOT! Kay that's what I spent the morning doing.)
(( Ah, I think you have to edit your post a bit, Dreamer xD The fire has already been put out, but a lot of the house is burnt and collapsing now. Also, the floor boards easily break off now, the door's missing, and there's a massive hole in the floor in front of the doorway due to missing floor boards. That's why they had to jump through. Somehow, Varexes managed to not have the floor collapse.. xD ))

Faye's eyes widened as her jaw dropped, startled to see Varexes carelessly jumping into the house. "Varexes!" she exclaimed, settling his new bow against the railing. "That could have made the whole floor collapse! We're trying to save them, not kill them!" She was clearly getting frustrated now, not wanting to see all her friends fall to the ground with the house and break bones. Not to mention, since there was still a roof over them, if that had fell along with the floor they'd all be crushed to smithereens. "They need to jump over here. I'll do my best to catch them if they don't make it." She cringed at her own words, rushing to rephrase them. "I mean--I will catch them."
(When did this happen? Varexes just ran into a burning house, that's what I read. I didn't see anywhere where it was put out. If there is a hole in the doorway, then how did he get into the house???? What is happening? dear dark lord of all the rings. I don't understand life.)
(Well when you roll your weight is distributed more, and it's a "softer" landing, hence people who do parkour who can jump from 20 feet and not break their legs. By doing this, Varexes avoided breaking the floor.)


I turned back to Faye and looked at her with a straight face. "I know what I'm doing. I'm on a relatively solid section, and I knew it wouldn't break. I'll give them a boost so there's a better chance. That's why I'm over here. Also, I might be able to find another way down. Calm down, because when you get frustrated and angry you stop thinking. Calm yourself and just get ready to catch." I looked behind Faye and saw Juniper. "Juniper, good. Look around the base of the tree, see if you can see another way down. Back door, hand-holds, rope, anything."

(When I jumped into the building, Blake had already put it out. I mentioned the glow going out, I think.)
(( Blake put out the fire a while ago. And there was a door there, but it burnt down. So now there's a big space where the door was, which you can obviously go through since nothing is there but air lol xD A wall didn't just magically grow where the door was xD ))

Faye eyed Varexes for a moment, finally choosing to take a deep breath. "Well, I'm ready. It's best we get them out of there as quickly as possible before the rest of the floor gives out. So, let's go," she told him, moving closer to the edge of the walkway and bending her knees a little. She held her arms out, showing she was ready for the first person to jump.

I nodded as she assumed her position and glanced at Juniper before turning. I saw a new elf I hadn't seen before, Ava, Jess, Ruineth, Nova (who was still unconscious) and Blake. I glanced over them and decided on Ava. "Ava, come on. Let's get you across." I said in a soothing voice to hopefully guide her through the motions of jumping across the gap.
Ava nodded quickly, stepping closer to Varexes. She gripped onto his wrist as her eyes landed on the giant gap between her and the end of the walkway. She gasped quietly, unsure of how she was supposed to make that jump.

"A-Are you sure this isn't too risky?" she asks, not tearing her eyes away from the large gap.

I turned her gently but firmly towards me and looked into her eyes with a soft smile. "It'll be okay. Trust me, k?" I took a few soft steps back, testing my weight before committing to the step. "So what we're going to do is you're going to run and I'm going to give you a boost, k?" I explained. "Or I can throw you." I said casually, despite knowing that if I did I knew she would fall. I tried not to think about that.

"When you jump, I'm going to give you a little push is all." I told her to reassure her of my 'boost.' "Just hold out your hand and Faye will catch you, okay?" I said with a calm voice.
(( Ohmaigosh, I'm on my porch and this Hummingbird keeps flying around my head and it's wonderful. xD ))

Ava nodded, swallowing the lump of fear in her throat. She carefully stepped to the edge of the gap, her heart beating a thousand miles per hour as she moved her right leg back and peered down at the ground. Deciding that would just frighten her more, she looked back up and eyed Faye instead, who was holding her arms out just in case. However, just because Varexes was giving her an extra boost and Faye was ready to catch her if she didn't make it, that didn't mean she wouldn't fall through to the ground.

She shook the thought from her mind, narrowing her periwinkle eyes as she breathed quietly. After a few moments of building up courage, she thrusted herself forward, gasping as she flew across the gap. As she was falling again, she noticed that the back half of her body wasn't going to make it to the other side.

Fortunately, Faye reached out and grasped onto her wrists, pulling her back forcefully. In the end, Ava's legs were hanging off the walkway and she started to panic, throwing them forward as she tried to latch her legs around one of the beams holding the walkway up.

"Ava, relax! I need to pull you up, but you're pulling your weight down instead of helping hoist yourself up!" Faye exclaimed, using all her strength to hold herself up.

Ava was breathing heavily now as she looked down at the ground that was far down. Finally, she reluctantly released her legs and did what she could to help Faye. Faye then forcefully pulled her arms back, pulling her entire body across the wooden walkway. Ava's arms were aching as she laid there, trembling a little still.

"Good job," Faye told her with a warm smile, looking back up to Varexes. She flashed him a thumbs up.

I gave Ava a slight push and saw her going down too early. When Faye caught her I let out a sigh of relief, but a moment of panic flooded through me when she almost fell again because she was kicking so much. Luckily though, Faye managed to successfully pull her up. Letting loose a second breath I didn't realize I'd been holding, I flashed Faye a thumbs up back. "Ruineth, come here. You're next. Tread lightly." I told her, beckoning her over.
Jess watched as all of this happened when a small sliver of panic seeped into her body. 'Crap! My pouch with my water, knives, jacket and any other important things is back in the corner.' She let out a groan and turned her head from Nova to Varexes. "How are we going to get Nova out of here if he is unconscious?" She said to Varexes and Faye, her eyes trailing back over to her pouch. "If someone can, try and get him out." Jess muttered as she lightly and slowly traced her steps back over to her pouch, being careful so she wouldn't fall through a hole or the floor. She knew it was probably stupid to everyone else for her to risk her life, or some bones, to try and get something so small but it was the only thing that she took from her house before she left Fayland, the only real and personal reminder she has.

I saw Jess walk carefully back away from me but could do nothing else without losing concentration but yell, "Tread lightly Jess! If you get into a bad position, yell for me." I beckoned to the new elf while I thought about how to get Nova across... and realized it was impossible. I'll have to figure out a different way... I thought to myself before shaking my head. "You!" I said pointing. "Come on, we're going to get you out of this dangerous position. What's your name?" I asked her.

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