The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((That awk moment when Faye's just chillin' on the balcony as well xDD )) 
"Oh, uh, maybe I should go, aha," Faye stammered awkwardly, the realization that the two wanted to be alone finally sinking through her thick skull.
Juniper nodded "sure, we can start." she agreed. "Here?" she added after a second of thought. It didn't seem like the right place, but she didn't know much about what she was getting herself into.
(Now I know how it feels to be gone for a while and have the RP fast forward like, 10 or 15 pages. Can I have a summary. I'll try to post more often)


I looked around and shook my head. "No. Not here. Follow me." I said, walking towards the town center. This late at night I didnt' want to risk going into the woods, especially with my broken arm. The center of town was deserted when we arrived. Thank goodness. I thought to myself as I strode into the middle of the open area. Turning, I looked at Juniper and held out my hand. "Clasp my hand and stick your finger out, then place your other hand behind your back." I told her.
(Obviously you've never played this game in PE >.> it's a dexterity/strength game. You clasp hands and the goal is to poke the other person without moving your feet. It's a test to see how strong Juniper is.)
((Hooolllly crap on a cob, I lost internet connection for a while and then COMPLETELY forgot to post here. o_O Really sorry, is it possible for me to introduce my character in now?))
(BTW, I believe VampiricPotato got accepted, but she totally sorta forgot about the rp and has internet issues, so is it too late for her to hop in?)
(( But it's still an excuse to hold hands with her.. xD

ANNND everyones always welcome to hop into the roleplay whenever they wish! :D ))
Juniper followed Varexes into the center of town. She stayed close to him not very comfortable with wandering around the town at night, especially if there were others like Cerah around. She followed his instructions unsure of what the reason behind it was. She searched his face confused. "Is it like tug of war?" she asks.
((If you want, Vampiric's character can be outside Auchertown's wall and Ava can come out and find her and bring her in and go through the stamping process and what not with her~

OR she can already be a resident of Auchertown~

Or whatever you wanna do xD Just some suggestions ^^ ))
((Alrighty, thanks. :) If it's not too much trouble, could someone please fill me in on where everyone is? Last I remember, everyone was in the forest. O.o ))

I shook my head. "No. Your goal is to touch my chest with your finger. Like this," I said as I demonstrated by touching her chest just below the hollow of her throat. "I'll just defend and see how strong you are and how dextrous you are. It's not just a game of strength." These were the instructions and all I could say without giving it away. Not only was it a test of strength, but also of agility. Someone who was athletic enough could simply twist their opponents arm in such weird angles that their body doesn't push anymore, thus scoring a point.
((Ah, nevermind, sorry I didn't see your post. That'll work. :D I'll just figure out what she would be doing out there, and then I'll post away. ^_^ "))
((Yeah, we're all at a place called Auchertown now xD

It's a secret village in the deep of the forest full of Dark Elves, Light Elves, and Dihart Elves (Light/Dark Elves) but they all get along. They're all those who escaped their main villages, Reddell and Fayland. )) 
(( Okai!! c: )) 
((Oof >.< Headaches are the worst...brb guys...maybe eating cookies will make it go away..))
(Yep Alc...test of strength..poke a girl in the chest...yep just keep telling yourself that xD )

" so?" Nova asked, conpletely clueless as to what she meant.
Juniper nodded "I think I get it" she replied staring at him a moment. She took her other arm and punched his wounded arm. Using his moment of weakness she shoved his arm poking him in the chest and released his hand. "What's next?" she asks. Then entire time she kept her straight face.
(( Yeah, I've never played that game before.. xD ))

When Nova and Ruineth continued to ignore her, she decided to take that as an approval of her to leave. Faye scratched the back of her neck nervously as she stepped between the two in order to get to the doorway.

"Uh, 'scuse me, sorry," she muttered awkwardly, feeling a bit rude for slipping right between them in the middle of what seemed like an emotional conversation.

Faye then headed into the house, frowning as she came to the main room and found herself standing all alone in there. Where is Birch? she wondered to herself, slowly moving over to the mahogony table where she'd yelled at Ava earlier. She sighed reluctantly, slipping into one of the chairs and leaning back. She stared up at the ceiling, unable to find herself tired enough to sleep.
Lanli stared at the walls ahead of her, from the lights that she could see leaking from over them, it was probably a village of some sort. Well, running into this was unexpected... Although I'm not sure exactly what I was looking for out here, anyways." She muttered to herself. She decided that now would be a good time to search the outward perimeter of the walls, and see if she could find an entrance.
(And since I was left alone I don't know what to post xD )

Jess began to squint at the wall in front of her, willing it to give her some form of entertainment. "Oh what the hell am I doing?" She grumbled to herself as she looked away from the boring wall, seeing if there was anything else to do. Once she came up with nothing she stood up, walked over to a random couch, and stared at it to see if it would magically sprout legs, or at this point anything the would make her occupied. When it did no such things she sighed and flopped down onto the piece of furniture with an audible thud, groaning as her stomach growled. Her next words that came out became muffled by the cushion that was somehow lodged in her mouth, "Fooooooood."

I twisted my body to avoid her low blow. Her knuckles scraped my arm however, and I gasped in pain as agony flooded my left arm. She poked me and released my hand and asked that question with such a straight face I couldn't help but laugh through my watery eyes. "That was certainly resourceful." I muttered, standing upright and holding my arm gingerly as the pain began to fade. "While that wasn't the point of the exercise, you did well." I told her. I thought for a moment. "Let's do something different." I looked around for a moment and saw what I was looking for. Moving quickly and using my right hand, I gathered a group of relatively hefty crates and placed them in front of Juniper. "Individually those are pretty light. As a group, they get heavier. I want you to pick up as many as you can."
"Because you use magic, I thought badly of you. I made assumptions based on past experience and stereotypes. I do it with anyone who uses or is associated with magic, and it is wrong of me to do so." Ruineth replied, her voice getting quieter. Cerah had put Rune in such a state of anger that she realized how easy she was to hatred. She'd done it to Nova and Juniper. She'd done it to her aunt. was why she really left. She couldn't stand being around her aunt because she used magic. It was why they fought so much. And she took it out on Nova earlier. She had to apologize.
Nova cracked a smile. "I acknowledge your flaw in reasoning , but I think your conclusion was correct and therefore I am not upset. " He hugged her, " All is forgiven."
Ava was walking silently down the dirt path of Auchertown, her lanky arms swaying beside her with every step she took. She needed some air after the previous incidents, trying to convince herself none of it was her own fault. It wasn't Faye's either--it was Cerah's fault. Cerah was the one who started it. Yet, if that was the case why did Ava still feel so guilty?

She sighed softly to herself, allowing the cool breeze to blow her pink hair across her thin, freckled face. Walking made her feel a bit better, but going outside of the wall surrounding Auchertown and settling herself down in the leaves made her feel relaxed and able to focus on the forest rather than the events going on around her. She always had to take the blame for others' actions...and it was tiresome.

Finally, she arrived at the large stone wall surrounding the village. Of course, there were no entrances in the wall, so she reached her hand out and placed her palm gently against the cool stones. After a moment or two, a massive hole formed in the wall, allowing her to see the beautifully eerie forest ahead of her. She smiled a little to herself and stepped through the entrance, the hole closing up behind her.

When she turned, she gasped a little, surprised to see a lone elf walking around. "Oh! Hello!" she said to the girl, her periwinkle eyes still a little wide.

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