The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Woah, woah, woah...when did Faye get hurt? xD All I remember reading was that he was holding a knife over her chest, but then Jane shot a fireball at him, pushing him off, so Faye stood up and shot his arm xD ))
Juniper looks at Jane "I can see that." she looks at Faye "His injuries are much more serious then yours. I might have to wait a few days to heal you." She states believing that the energy to heal him would wipe her out much worse then the first time she had used her holy arts with the group.
((Well then to clear this up, Faye isn't wounded xD Let's focus on the dude lying unconscious xDD))
Faye sighs, looking at Juniper, "I'm glad you're willing to heal him, really. Though, I think we should focus on getting a bandage around his wounds right now--to stop the bleeding too!"

Faye looks down, holding his bleeding arm in her lap. The blood was seeping from his arm all over her clothes.
((any moment now and Faye is gonna end up using her jacket as a bandage xD )) 
((On the bright side, Birch wasn't hurt. xD //slapped//))
(Alright. Clearing up my thoughts.)

Juniper looked at the wounds again taking in a deep breath. Once she started healing, she couldn't stop. This was a risk and she knew it. She had never healed something so severe. Gripping the arrow, she pulled it out and dropped it on the ground next to him. She placed her hands over the wound feeling blood ooze through her fingers. She concentrated and watched as the wound began to heal and then the burns.

Once everything was healed she felt her energy leave her body. It felt like a huge punch in the back, no a bolder hitting her. She fell onto her stomach suddenly feeling the urge to throw up. Her head was throbbing. She closed her eyes breathing heavily feeling herself loosing conciseness.
Caricon woke up with no pain. He looked at the group looking over him. He slowly backed away. Once he got far enough he got up and looked at his destroyed knifes. He picked up the one that was in the bear and looked at the group casually. "I will never lie again." He then sat down on a log debating wether to tell them or not.
Faye was utterly surprised as Juniper willingly moved her aside, going right in to heal the boy's wounds as severe as they were. Without stopping her, she allowed Juniper to work her magic, watching as the boy's wounds gradually began to heal. Faye was amazed at the astonishing sight, unaware at how talented Juniper was with Holy Arts.

"Juniper, wow, that's amazing!" she exclaimed as the boy's wounds were finally healed completely.

As she was observing the boy's arm and shoulder, which were good as new--other than his shredded sleeve--she heard a loud thud from beside her. Faye whipped her head to the side, seeing Juniper lying on the ground, her face all paled out.

"Juniper!" she cried, lifting her up into her arms. "Juniper, stay with us!" 
((I gotta wash the dishes uber quick, brb xD ))
Juniper watches the guy move away from her, but her vision was blurred. Hearing a voice far off in the distant, she looked up at Faye. She wasn't that far away. She was right there. It was her name. She was saying her name. But i'm right here she tried to say, but the words didn't reach her mouth. She licked her lips trying again, but her eyes began to feel heavy. Too heavy too keep open. She needed to close her eyes and sleep. Just for a minute.
Seeing the person that healed him. He wanted to do something but there was nothing he could do. He then patted the girl and the back awkwardly.
(Hey it's Hunnyhelp the dog lover. Read your last post and it made me laugh. Have no idea what's going on. Can someone do a short summary?)
(Well we set off again and Faye killed a bear that tried to attack. Everyone decided to use it for meat and stuff so it wouldn't go to waste. It was all so emotional. And this guy Hunnyhelp shows up and messes everything up. He and Faye got into a fight and Jane tried to kill him with fire. Juniper healed him and taa daa.)
((I hate dogs :u I love cats <3 meow =^-^= I bought cat ears the other day, so now I can be a cat as well. Huzzah! And yes, this has been an epic time here in the roleplay xD After Jane pushed Caricon(?) off of her, she got up and was like, B*TCH LEARN YOUR LESSON, and shot him in the arm with an arrow. o-o)) 
Faye watched as Juniper's eyes began to close, however she assumed she was going unconscious. She must've used too much energy to heal the boy's wounds. Faye remembered back in Bellford when she burnt her arm in the fire and how much energy it took for Juniper to heal it. She had looked exhausted after that.

"Juniper..?" she whispered softly, patting her cheek a bit.

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