Name: Selina Daryn

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Talent: Tailoring

Personality: She is loud and confident around friends, but she can be a bitter enemy. She is very creative and can make just about anything from simple materials.

Background History: Selina has Dark Elven heritage. She knows it. Her father died when she was too young to remember, and her mother raised her. People always gave her strange looks and whispers. She didn't have to ask why, somehow she just knew. She didn't feel like it was as bad of a thing as people thought, she didn't feel the urge to kill all Light Elves, for example. Selina is determined to find the Dark Elves and prove everyone wrong about their nature.

Appearance: She is tall with black hair in messy braids of different sizes, woven in with beads and bright thread. It reaches down to her lower back. He mother, a cook, often jokes that she has licorice hair, chocolate eyes, and cinnamon skin. Being a tailor, she wars a variety of outfits. She prefers baggy pants and loose shirts with corsets and ties. I have a drawing of her I just need to scan it.
[QUOTE="Page O'Hara]
Name: Selina Daryn
Gender: Female

Age: 15

Talent: Tailoring

Personality: She is loud and confident around friends, but she can be a bitter enemy. She is very creative and can make just about anything from simple materials.

Background History: Selina has Dark Elven heritage. She knows it. Her father died when she was too young to remember, and her mother raised her. People always gave her strange looks and whispers. She didn't have to ask why, somehow she just knew. She didn't feel like it was as bad of a thing as people thought, she didn't feel the urge to kill all Light Elves, for example. Selina is determined to find the Dark Elves and prove everyone wrong about their nature.

Appearance: She is tall with black hair in messy braids of different sizes, woven in with beads and bright thread. It reaches down to her lower back. He mother, a cook, often jokes that she has licorice hair, chocolate eyes, and cinnamon skin. Being a tailor, she wars a variety of outfits. She prefers baggy pants and loose shirts with corsets and ties. I have a drawing of her I just need to scan it.

Hai! Sorry for the late response! I love the character! The only thing is, all the elves come from Fayland, which is where all Light Elves are from, therefore your elf would have to be a Light Elf. However, it says she has a Dark Elven heritage, which would be okay! As long as she only has some Dark Elven blood in her from somewhere down the bloodline, but she'd have to be keeping it a secret from the higher ups of the village, such as the King because if Dark Elves are in Fayland they have to be terminated, as well as if a Light Elf was caught in Reddell, where the Dark Elves live. Sorry if that was a lot to process! Hahah, but other than that the character is perfect and you look like you'd be a wonderful addition to the roleplay! We've already started, but I'm sure you could jump in! We're still at the beginning! ^^
Name: Vex Azulphis

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Talent: Shapeshifting

Personality: Adventurous, Bold, Dynamic, Fierce in battle

Background History: Vex was born with his shapeshifting ability, and his talent to transform into such a fearsome beast made him one of the best protectors of Fayland. When in his normal form, he is spirited, swift and thrill-seeking, but when in battle, he shifts to beast form and becomes...well... a beast. He enjoys his job as a Fayland protector, but Vex thirsts for greater thrills, and dreams of one day leaving Fayland to seek his destiny.

Appearance: (normal form)

(beast form)
Hello, nice to meet you! It's great to get someone else for our role play! We've already started, but Nami will catch you up on whats happened! ^.^
I love it! :D You look like you'd be a great addition to the roleplay! ^^ We've already started, but we're still at the beginning so it should be rather easy for you to jump in! c:
Yes, that's what I was thinking, just a little tainting of Dark Elf blood somewhere a few generations or so back. But the darker skin is more from her Fathers side (I'm thinking Dark Elf from her mothers side) and she just loves being out in the sun and tans easily as well.

It won't let me post a link yet because I have to have been a user for more than two days but it's done so I'll post it tomorrow. :P
[QUOTE="Page O'Hara]Yes, that's what I was thinking, just a little tainting of Dark Elf blood somewhere a few generations or so back. But the darker skin is more from her Fathers side (I'm thinking Dark Elf from her mothers side) and she just loves being out in the sun and tans easily as well.
It won't let me post a link yet because I have to have been a user for more than two days but it's done so I'll post it tomorrow. :P

hahah okay! ^^
Name: Jeya

Gender: Female

Age: 10

Talent: Martial Arts

Personality: Curious, Non-stop adventurer, free-style kind of life, and determined if she sets her mind to it.

Background History: She was taught Martial Arts by her aunt *O_O* who lived nearby in a bakery. She practices with her aunt behind the bakery while her older brother, Nook, practices with their dad behind the weapons shop. She helps run the shop with the rest of her family.



She wears a green tunic and skirt that reaches to her ankles. She also wears a small leather belt to hold the skirt.
Name: Valandil

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Talent: Martial Arts

Personality: He is serious and competitive,always striving for mental and physical perfection.

Background History: While he was still young his parents were killed when a fire broke out in their home. While in an orphanage he studied martial arts and focused also on learning anything from books he got from the orphanages library.He is set on fighting those stronger than him.

Appearance: Has black medium length hair that goes up in the front and down in the back. Typically wears a short sleaved shirt with

leather shoulder pads and pants with knee pads. He wears leather boots.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.f1a2ca0cf64656f1014cff6719ce5a6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2904" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/image.jpg.f1a2ca0cf64656f1014cff6719ce5a6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lovin' the character! I think you'd be a great addition to the roleplay! ^^ We've started the roleplay already, but we're still at the beginning of the roleplay, so it should be rather easy for your character to jump in c: Here's a summary of everything that happened:

A couple of elves around the village received an anonymous invitation to a bonfire behind the General Store, so everyone headed out there and currently Faye, Ivy, Juniper, Roslyn, Darian, Nook, Nook's younger sister Jeya, Leaf, Selina, Nate, andddd Vex are all at the bonfire. It turns out that Darian's uncle is King Calaer, the leader of all Light Elves. Faye wanted to tell everyone that she wanted to adventure outside of Fayland and see what's out there, but she needed all of them to go with for a larger chance that they survive out there. However, since it's forbidden to leave Fayland and it could lead to being imprisoned if someone (especially the King) were to find out, Faye got Ivy to pull Darian away from the bonfire so that he didn't hear what she was about to ask everyone. They planned this because they were afraid that he would tell the King, which would lead to them being in big trouble (possibly imprisoned). Therefore, everyone but Darian and Ivy are around the fire. Faye told everyone that they were going to adventure outside of Fayland and just about everyone has agreed to going on the journey. Also, Vex shape shifted into his beast form and made an interesting entrance, which startled Faye, causing her to stumble into the fire and burn her entire arm, but Juniper (Holy Arts talent) healed it. So, either you could've received an invitation as well, or you could just spot the bonfire and decide to approach it, anything you wish! c:

Sorry, that's quite a bit of words hahah, but that's really all that happened, which really isn't much! ^^
Name: Axel

Age: 15

Talent: Close Combat

Personality: Nice and is always

wanting to make new friends.

Background History: One day his parents went missing then he was placed in a orphanage then while in the orphanage he meets Athral and they become good friends.

Appearance: black long spiky hair

black and red jacket with long sleeves black pants with red boots.
Accepted! We're kind of in the beginning, but we've covered quite a bit. Would you like a summary?

p.s. Axel is like one of my favorite names like ever.
Tamura said:
Name: Axel
Age: 15

Talent: Close Combat

Personality: Nice and is always

wanting to make new friends.

Background History: One day his parents went missing then he was placed in a orphanage then while in the orphanage he meets Athral and they become good friends.

Appearance: black long spiky hair

black and red jacket with long sleeves black pants with red boots.
Love it! Also love the name Axel! :D
Name: Birch Lanthium

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Talent: Cooking

Personality: Humble, Quiet, Stubborn, Helpful, Doubtful

Background History: Birch was born to a happy young couple of bakers in their home on the edge of Fayland in the cold days of winter. He grew up happy and healthy, always curious and trying to help his parents around their shop. He got along with other children his age and even made friends with an old elf named Vonthus, a friend of the family and self proclaimed master chef. Between his parents and Vonthus, Birch had a surprising amount of knowledge when it came to baking and cooking at a very young age though little practice. One night when he was nine, a fire started in the family home and all three fled just to find a small band of dark elf raiders waiting for them just outside. They slaughtered the family before beating a hasty retreat, leaving the parents dead while Birch lay there, bleeding and poisoned. The fire got the attention of some nearby homes and his neighbors managed to get him to a healer before his condition killed him but he was left in a terrible state. The poison that had gone through his system managed to claim an eye and a lung before it could all get extracted and his body was left weaker as a whole. With blood relatives to speak of, Vonthus took it upon himself to adopt the boy and raise him the best he could. Though his physical condition wasn't terrible, the happy, innocent part of him seem to have died that night along with his parents. He didn't go out anymore and he rarely smiled without occasion. In their time together, Vonthus has becomes a father to Birch and Birch a worthy apprentice to Vonthus. Though still not the happiest person in Fayland, Birch has been getting progressively better over the last few years, both emotionally and with his skills.

Appearance: Birch has well tanned skin and stands just a few inches below the height of most boys his age though his messy auburn hair sticking every which way adds the illusion of him being a bit taller. There's a very wide and long scar going from his cheek, down his neck and down to his torso. His right eye is golden yellow and bright while his left is more like a dark copper with black along the edges. He's completely blind in his left eye. Each ear is pierced twice and he often times wears small, simple bangles from them. His wardrobe is made up of simple and bland tunics and shirts with one old pair of worn leather boots.

Yay! I love, love, love the character! It's perfect! :D

We don't have an elf with a cooking talent, so I'm glad you chose that talent for Birch! Also, you can clearly type really well which is fabulous. xD

Well anywho, hahaha, we've gotten further into the roleplay, but we haven't actually left Fayland yet! Actually, we're all getting ready to leave. Everyone is meeting up in a clearing in the woods behind the general store (where they all met up the night before.) The elves are gathering supplies and getting everything ready as well. So, just find a way to jump in and introduce yourself. ^^

You'll be a great addition the roleplay! Hoorah! xD The roleplay is here: http://www.rpnation.com/index.php?threads/the-path-from-fayland-official-rp.10856/page-41#post-402060
Nami said:
You can never type too much! xD
If you insist. :P I had a lot of fun writing him up. I sort of make characters based around fitting pictures I can find and what became Birch was a good experiment in that. ^ ^ I had the idea of him being attacked when I saw his scar but I was halfway done with writing him up when I noticed his eyes were different colors and that added so much depth by itself.
PsycoWarlock13 said:
If you insist. :P I had a lot of fun writing him up. I sort of make characters based around fitting pictures I can find and what became Birch was a good experiment in that. ^ ^ I had the idea of him being attacked when I saw his scar but I was halfway done with writing him up when I noticed his eyes were different colors and that added so much depth by itself.
That's awesome! ^^ I love to find cool pictures and write little stories based on them :D

And your character turned out very wonderful! :D
Nami said:
That's awesome! ^^ I love to find cool pictures and write little stories based on them :D
And your character turned out very wonderful! :D
Daaaah. :3 I'm so glad you think that. I poured a lot into this character that I haven't in quite some time. I'm glad to know that work is appreciated. I hope I can add to the story in some way!
PsycoWarlock13 said:
Daaaah. :3 I'm so glad you think that. I poured a lot into this character that I haven't in quite some time. I'm glad to know that work is appreciated. I hope I can add to the story in some way!
You haven't even started roleplaying yet and he's already one of my favorite characters! Hahah xD So, I'm sure he'll be a great addition to the story! :3

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