Name: Darian Prince

Gender: Male

Age:17 Years Old

Talent:Magic (He majors in Firebolt, Lighting Bolt, and Blaze.)


Darian is somewhat cocky and show-offy, although this is because he has supreme confidence in his abilities due to his vigorous training and studying. Darian never backs down from a challenge, even if it endangers his life.

He is very loyal to his friends and allies, although his past has caused him to be very hard to befriend. His past also led to him having a soft spot for orphans and young children. To his enemies, he is cold, calculating, ruthless, and difficult to trick. He has a terrible mean streak and is vengeful of those who cross him.

Background History:

Darian had a good life as a young child. His mother was known throughout the land as a kind and caring women. She took great care of him. Although he never knew his father, Darian was assured that he was a great man by his mother. Then, one day, his life shattered.

On a normal day, when Darian was 5, his mother was dragged away and executed for adultery with a Dark Elf, which most claimed was Darian’s father. Darian was left on the street with nothing but a small picture of his mother to remember her by. He was rejected from orphanages, ridiculed, and even beaten for his heritage. Soon, he was almost dead from malnutrition and injuries.

However, luck would have it that on that very day, King Calaer’s Chief Magic Elf was wandering the town, searching for a muse for his endeavors. There, shivering, shaking, and withering away from hunger, lay Darian. The Chief Magician took the young child under his wing with permission from the gracious King Calaer, who is still somewhat of an uncle-type figure for Darian.

Thus, since the ripe age of 7, Darian has been practicing in the magician’s arts, training his body and mind. He has studied studiously, read libraries worth of books, and trained to top physical condition to make himself as strong as possible, all because he never wants to go back to that feeling of being on the streets. In those years, his appearance changed to seemingly confirm his heritage. Due to his years of experience, he rocketed up to become the Chief Magician’s best protégé, and he currently serves King Calaer as a close helper and auxiliary advisor of magical matters.

Darian’s fascination with the dark elves began after he began reading about them during his studies. Add to that his supposed lineage with them, and you have a reason for Darian’s obsession with dark elves. He has readied himself, through training and preparation, to leave Fayland and find the Dark Elves.


Darian has messy white hair and deep gray eyes that seem to see right through you. He is known in the King’s Court for his steely gaze and near-constant scowl. Darian has markings on his chin, neck, and upper chest that seem to originate from the Dark Elf side of his lineage, and that lineage also seems to make him a few inches taller than most Light Elves. He is lean, yet muscular and athletic from years of constant, rigorous training.

Darian wears grey, metallic armor, which he crafted himself by magical means with help from the Chief Magician. He has gauntlets with runes on them to help channel magic energy. His shoes are also full of runes. In a sheath on his back, Darian carries a long blade that is etched with runes to facilitate magic flow, and he carries a pocket notebook in which he remembers magic spells and takes notes.

This is just an interesting idea I had, especially with the background, so feel free to make changes or flat out reject it. XP
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I don't know when we start. I read that Nami wanted to wait until 3 or 4 more people joined, and from that time, I think 3 or 4 people did join. So, hopefully, we will begin soon.
Wow, this is great! So detailed, it's wonderful! Love him already! ≧^◡^≦

Thank you so much for joining! :D  

[QUOTE="Lysander Priest]I don't know when we start. I read that Nami wanted to wait until 3 or 4 more people joined, and from that time, I think 3 or 4 people did join. So, hopefully, we will begin soon.

Yus, we shall start soon~

I'll let you guys know when!
This sounds like it would be a fascinating roleplay. Mind if I join? If so, then I will reserve this spot for my character :) .

Name: Roslyn Amberra

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Talent: Archery

Personality: Driven, Ambitious, Prideful

Background History: Roslyn's mother died during childbirth, so she was raised by her father and two older brothers. Being the only female surrounded by men, she learned quick to hide her feminism traits and become "one of the boys". She learned from a young age how to hunt and fend for herself.

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Man, I can't wait till this starts. I feel like Roslyn will either create friction with Darian, or she might like his attitude. Let's see what happens!
[QUOTE="Lysander Priest]
Name: Darian Prince
Gender: Male

Age:17 Years Old

Talent:Magic (He majors in Firebolt, Lighting Bolt, and Blaze.)


Darian is somewhat cocky and show-offy, although this is because he has supreme confidence in his abilities due to his vigorous training and studying. Darian never backs down from a challenge, even if it endangers his life.

He is very loyal to his friends and allies, although his past has caused him to be very hard to befriend. His past also led to him having a soft spot for orphans and young children. To his enemies, he is cold, calculating, ruthless, and difficult to trick. He has a terrible mean streak and is vengeful of those who cross him.

Background History:

Darian had a good life as a young child. His mother was known throughout the land as a kind and caring women. She took great care of him. Although he never knew his father, Darian was assured that he was a great man by his mother. Then, one day, his life shattered.

On a normal day, when Darian was 5, his mother was dragged away and executed for adultery with a Dark Elf, which most claimed was Darian’s father. Darian was left on the street with nothing but a small picture of his mother to remember her by. He was rejected from orphanages, ridiculed, and even beaten for his heritage. Soon, he was almost dead from malnutrition and injuries.

However, luck would have it that on that very day, King Calaer’s Chief Magic Elf was wandering the town, searching for a muse for his endeavors. There, shivering, shaking, and withering away from hunger, lay Darian. The Chief Magician took the young child under his wing with permission from the gracious King Calaer, who is still somewhat of an uncle-type figure for Darian.

Thus, since the ripe age of 7, Darian has been practicing in the magician’s arts, training his body and mind. He has studied studiously, read libraries worth of books, and trained to top physical condition to make himself as strong as possible, all because he never wants to go back to that feeling of being on the streets. In those years, his appearance changed to seemingly confirm his heritage. Due to his years of experience, he rocketed up to become the Chief Magician’s best protégé, and he currently serves King Calaer as a close helper and auxiliary advisor of magical matters.

Darian’s fascination with the dark elves began after he began reading about them during his studies. Add to that his supposed lineage with them, and you have a reason for Darian’s obsession with dark elves. He has readied himself, through training and preparation, to leave Fayland and find the Dark Elves.


Darian has messy white hair and deep gray eyes that seem to see right through you. He is known in the King’s Court for his steely gaze and near-constant scowl. Darian has markings on his chin, neck, and upper chest that seem to originate from the Dark Elf side of his lineage, and that lineage also seems to make him a few inches taller than most Light Elves. He is lean, yet muscular and athletic from years of constant, rigorous training.

Darian wears grey, metallic armor, which he crafted himself by magical means with help from the Chief Magician. He has gauntlets with runes on them to help channel magic energy. His shoes are also full of runes. In a sheath on his back, Darian carries a long blade that is etched with runes to facilitate magic flow, and he carries a pocket notebook in which he remembers magic spells and takes notes.

This is just an interesting idea I had, especially with the background, so feel free to make changes or flat out reject it. XP

Want our characters to be bros?
[QUOTE="Lysander Priest]Man, I can't wait till this starts. I feel like Roslyn will either create friction with Darian, or she might like his attitude. Let's see what happens!

Hmmm, either one would be a definable possibility. Can't wait to see how things unfold.
Hey, do you guys mind if we start in 45 mins or so? Maybe less? Sorry for the delay! 
Oh, and I love your character! Thanks for joining! ^^
Yay! Thanks! Can't wait! :D  

Berace said:
We should probably make a list of accepted characters to keep track.
Oh, and I sent you all a message for our roleplay's website, all character profiles are there as well as enemies. As we proceed through the roleplay, if we run into any new enemies or minor characters they'll be put up on the site! ^^ 
And sorry about the messed up link, rpnation isn't being my friend today xD

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