~The Other Side: An Original Urban Fantasy Adventure!~


Sad Shroom
Hello and welcome to the OOC! Here is the place to discuss characters, links, plot, ect. It should be on topic however!
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I'm wonderin' how many characters we're allowed to have, 'cause I'm thinkin' of making two. I'd be fine with goin' a single char though, and plannig a second's kinda just a plan, not somethin' I'm guaranteed to do if I'm allowed multiple characters.
I'm almost done with the basic requirements of my char. Might edit in a few things as well, but it's pretty much done to the point one could fully say yes or no to it.

@cloudyblueday, I wonder what'd happen if Belle and Cammy were to talk... I know Belle'd get frustrated by Cammy's inability to stay awake, but other than that, what do you think'd happen...?
Hmmn. I don't exactly know what might happen, @UltraYuseke She would certainly be frustrated but also find Cammy incredibly intriguing and pester her with questions about why she sleeps all the time.
I doubt Cammy'd even realize she's being pestered with questions. She'd be able to help Belle with her homework though.
I'm hopin' I can make a second char, 'cause I have this great idea waitin' in the back of my head, and I'm tryin' not to lose it in the event I'm allowed two chars.

Anyway, I'm not sure who to really try n' get as people that know Cammy n' all that. Don't think Cammy's really the kinda character to have people know in person, but I want some people to know her.
Ginge mentioned that later on we'll be given the option to make another character.

We shall have to see who Cammy meets. All in due time!
Cammy's probably going to be the only character that doesn't have some kind of pre-plot relationship with any of the others.
Why is it that when I see Belle and Cammy, I see Cammy hugging Belle and taking away the pains of Belle's past by giving up her own? It feels both like the natural way thing'd go, and the least natural thing to ever happen with Cammy.

Especially seeing that Cammy didn't even seem to care when she lost all of her family.
Quite an interesting vision. That would be fun yet weird to play out, but it may take just a little more than a hug. Neither of us are accepted yet though, so slow down! xD

I'm off to bed now, night!
G'night. Also, I'm kinda one to jump the gun on everything. Kinda became a habbit when I had to jump the gun to avoid so many of my older sister's perverse ideas.
@UltraYuseke : Hello! Unfortunately for you, it does say in the Character section that to start with I'm only allowing one character each. Then, as Cloudy rightly said, a little way in when all the lore has been laid down, you will get the option to create a second character should you so choose. This will be around the time that our characters get their powers.

However, if you think you can handle two within the activity requirements I'd like, I'm more than happy to make a special dispensation for you as you've impressed me with your enthusiasm. So yeah, if you can handle it, go on down, feel free!

As a general notice to everyone, all character should have at least some kind of link to the other characters, even if that link is that they've maybe seen them a few times around school and that's it. Think of it more as what your character thinks about the other characters. Links don't have to be uber deep as we can establish more stuff in RP, but they should still there.

Thank you to everyone who has joined so far! Over the next hour, I'm going to be looking through the characters and then writing up some links for Leon that you guys are free to agree/disagree with. :)

Oh yeah, literally just forgot to add in, your character is far more likely to know someone in their own school year (Year 13/Year 12) than someone in the other year. :')

UPDATE: I've been through all the characters and provided you all with handy PMs full of required edits! I've also added my fabled character database to the OP of the Character Sign-Up section, to make those Links easier. Speaking of Links, Leon's are complete for now, so head over to his form if you're still confused over what exactly that section is for. Feel free to debate them with me too; if you think your character would act differently to Leon from the way I've portrayed it then either PM me or tell me here and we can edit together. However, I wouldn't worry too much about Links: they needn't be particularly deep.
@SkyGinge How would a handicapped or disabled person fare in this roleplay? I was thinking of creating a person either bound by a wheelchair (unable to physically walk) or a person who was blind.
@WritingMan : An excellent question and that's already a brave and unique character concept so props to you! For the first bit, they'd struggle as you'd imagine but upon the acquirement of powers they'd function just as well as the rest. I encourage you to go through with this as it could provide quite an interesting dynamic at a certain plot point! :)
@SkyGinge : Thank you the compliment. I'm hoping I just don't completely bash-up the character by trying to go too far outside of the box. I'm fine with them struggling, as adversity will be something they are very used to. I did have a few follow-up questions then, namely what sports does the school have and how far has wheelchair technology advanced by 2030?
@WritingMan : The school would probably have its own sports facilities as it is a new build, namely a few fields, an AstroTurf, a few courts, sports hall and a swimming pool. They'd probably play a variety of standard sports like football(soccer), tennis, hockey, swimming, rugby, basketball, badminton, ect. As for wheelchair technology, I'm afraid I'm not too knowledgable on the subject. Nothing too advanced but probably a little bettered, I guess? Write down what you have in mind on the form and I can always ask you to edit it of it doesn't quite fit in :)
Got some fuuuun characters I see! That links thing that you've added, Ginge, that's genius, really helps everyone figure out what everyone thinks of everyone and offers many opportunities for connections like I've done with Allcure. Especially Ambre, @Pasha that'll be fuuuun.
I should have my CS draft done today (or tomorrow depending on your American timezone). I hope all the spots aren't full by then.
@cloudyblueday : Thanks, I'm glad you think that! :D

@WritingMan : Don't worry about spaces and whatnot. I never like to limit my RPs to a number of roles seeing as you never know who's going to stick around and who's going to disappear after a few posts. I'll eagerly await a post!

Regarding the start of this RP, I'm probably going to start things on Friday. Simply because I know of a few people now still making characters an also because I have some coursework I'd like to get out of the way before then. I'll still have coursework for Friday, but it'll be essay stuff that I can take breaks from every hour or so to post if needs be :) The hype! I'll see to the new characters in about an hours time :)
I'm working away at a CS, I'll try to have it up today.

Excuse the double post, just got a CS up. @SkyGinge Hope everything works ok. Guess I need to start thinking about links.

@M4K3SH1FT bro bro bro, they need to be bros

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