The Orphanage

"Dang it..." Winter said under her breath. Not only had Matt gotten away, all three of the boys were there as well. Crouching on her knees, she crawled over to her axe. She didn't dare look up at Shades, he might see her out of the corner of his eye. Shaking she grabbed her axe and jumped up. Turning aroun, she rushed through the trees. her foot caught on a tree root and she face planted the ground.

Spitting out the dirt she pushed her self up, only to feel pain shoot up through her leg. There was a big gash on her ankle and her foot was twisted the wrong way. I cut myself with my own axe! Moaning she dropped back to the ground. She couldn't fight anymore, her only choice was to hide and wait. Grabbing her axe she dragged herself to a tree and sat. Leaning her head on the bark, she held the weapon close to her chest and regained her breathe. Hopefully, everyone would die by morning, she would win, which was an unlikely chance. Wiping the dirt off her face, she closed her eyes and listened. When it was morning, she was going to take a nice bath, and give her clothes a nice big wash.
((Hey guys, sorry I didn't get online yesterday; I was kind of busy being too lazy to write anything...))

Mori was now officially confused. From what he could gather, the game was about hurting people; so why'd his brother run away? Didn't he want to play with all the other kids?? And now they were both stuck in this empty room, away from everyone else. 'Well... might as well find something to do!' he thought. If Niro wasn't going to let him play the game, he'll just have to find another way to entertain himself.

The young boy walked throughout the room, looking at all the toys and stuffed animals, but none really caught his eye. That is, until he saw something twinkle in the corner of the room. He quickly ran over to see what it was, and pushed the other toys out of the way. When he finally saw the whole thing, he couldn't quite remember what it was. Though, he was sure he'd seen something like it before: a sharp, curved object with a handle. He tried to pick it up, finding it to be surprisingly heavy for its size.

Since he couldn't figure out what it was, Mori decided to go ask his brother. "Hey, Niro!!" He called, running over with his hands gripping the strange object tightly. "What does this thing do?" He asked, swinging the blade in the air aimlessly.
Niro's eyes went wide, blood pouring down his chest and torso. Mori's aimless blow had sliced right through his neck, it was impossable for Nori to breath now. His limp body collapsed to the ground an after a few minutes the life from his eyes fades, leaving the boys body dead in a pool of his own scarlet liquid.

(Sorry it so short, kinda hard to make a long response just to say he died lol)
"... Niro?" Mori asked, and sat down beside his brother's lifeless body. "Hey! Hey, Niro?" He tried again, poking his shoulder. Was he...? Nah, that couldn't be! He probably just got tired and fell asleep! With that innocent thought, Mori saw this as a good thing. Now, with Niro out cold, he could go play with all the other kids! He quickly ran out of the room with a childishly happy smile planted on his face.
Sorry for taking so long.... I was busy with many things and I'm supposed to be doing homework at the moment....))

Seiko had been a bit surprised when the second boy came in and pulled Mori behind him. She quickly got over it and smiled at the two boys. When Keira came into the house, Seiko looked to her and was about to answer her when Mori answered so energetically. He seemed a bit too innocent for his own good but she liked that about him. It made him seem more childlike yet less like the children here.

When Keria glanced at her Seiko began to smirk playfully, having thoughts about the game with new people. At that point, a wondrous thought entered her mind. We found them first~ With that, her smirk grew and her eyes gave a twisted look.

She was glad that she had, once again, began keeping her swords with her instead of just in her room. The last time she had done that, she had lost and her life had been taken. But now, she could just take her sword out at any moment. Seiko was ready to slice them. To see their blood flow from their bodies would be a delight at the moment.

Seiko had quickly changed her expression when Niro asked to see the house. She was very good at being optimistic and keeping her anger to herself but the game allowed her to be a bit more terrifying. To some of the others it had been a time of survival. It was her play time.

Azeel had surprised her a bit but her smile only grew. Another newbie~ Her mind was going through all the ways to kill the four in front of her that she hadn’t noticed that Keira had even made the first move. Her mind was visiting all the possibilities of killing in every order. She didn’t come back into reality, more like fantasy come true, until she had noticed the blood.

Seiko’s normal happy self now became the one that would torture relentlessly without killing. She quietly walked away from Keira and Azeel thinking of the other new children. Seiko and Keira had lost their truce ages ago but they still knew better then to attack each other right away. They had many years to practice with each other before others had begun to appear.

Following the trail of blood she came upon Mori and followed him for a moment before speaking up. “I am sorry for not introducing myself earlier, Mori~” She smiled with a glint in her eye that any murderer would have when finding their victim. “I am Seiko~” She held out a hand with her left placed firmly on one of her katanas.
Mori turned in surprise when he heard Seiko's voice. He wasn't scared though, as he smiled up at her. "Hi, Seiko! Hey, do you know what this thingy is?" He asked her, swinging the blade in the air. His brother couldn't answer him, so maybe it would be better to ask someone who had lived there longer? That made sense, anyway. Maybe this kind of thing only existed in this building.
Seiko hadn't been ready for Mori's blade to fly past her but she moved out of its path successfully without getting any injuries. Her hair, on the other hand, had gotten cut on one side. "That is one very sharp sword~" she said without her tone or expression changing. "Where did you find that?~" Also wondering where Niro went but glad to be able to play with Mori for a bit without any restrictions.
"Oh! I found it in that room down the hall!" Mori pointed. "I tried asking Niro what it was, but he fell asleep on the floor." He said nonchalantly. "But that's a good thing, though! That means I can play the game with all of you, now!!"
Seiko's smile grew. "Really?" Excited, she giggled a bit that to many that knew her was a warning to stay away. It was her sign that she had found her victim and wasn't about to allow it to be stolen. "Well then, would you like to know how to play?~" She asked drawing her katans slowly in a crossed motion. Her lust for blood grew rapidly and her restraint was thinning to almost nothing.
Mori looked between Seiko and her katanas, then down at his new sword. "Is it like sword fighting?" He asked, not quite understanding why Seiko was looking at him like that. This was definitely a new expression. He suddenly wished that Niro was still with him, right now.
"Yes but this is much more fun~" She told the young boy as her lust devoured her and she could not hold back any more. "Much~" Seiko repeated and swung one of her katanas at Mori's empty hand wanting to drag this out before she killed him. She rarely killed this early into the night and it was uncommon for anyone else to as well. Some wish only to play until death but Seiko always had more fun playing with several people before returning to kill them. That way they had time to run. Or at least attempt to.
Ten years... ten long, sleepless years had passed while Johnathan had been frozen. He was forced to stare at the same formation of frost for ten years, before something finally happened. He felt something. At first, he thought that it was nothing but his long dormant body spasming, but he realized with distant satisfaction that his frosty tomb was thawing out. He could hear again, laughter, screams, the air... It was time. Time for him to be free again. One thought was burned into his mind, the thought of his little sister. He had to protect her. The drill that is his right arm revs, jerking, before finally spinning full speed with a roar. The vibrations shake the ice from his body, and begin furthering the thawing process. He puts his hand to the glass of the cryogenic chamber. He smashes through the reinforced glass, into a room with similar, yet empty chambers.

John takes his first, lumbering, thudding steps towards the solid steel door that stood in his way to freedom. He slams his hand into it, causing it to bulge outwards. He revs up his drill, and slams it through the door, tearing it off of its rusty hinges. He steps out of the room, hitting his helmeted head on the door frame, and takes a look around, the lights in his helmet illuminating the dark hallways. He could hear children, laughing, and screaming, but two of them talking excitedly. He makes his way down the hallway, and out into the night, his slow thudding steps reverberating through the house. As he nears the sound of talking, he spies two children, a boy and a girl, both brandishing spectacular swords.

John peers around the corner, illuminating the area with the glow from his helmet, and stares at the two of them, uncomprehending what was occurring between them. He continues onward, searching for an exit.
Shades had heard Matt and looked his direction but then he heard something else,oh he heard even more fun,A girl.He had crept over to the tree and peeked at Winter from the other side of the tree behind her with a large evil grin."You just made my day."He giggled as he now had something to do,thankful that something came to him faster than he would have made it to them.Blu had stopped about 5 yards away seeing that Shades had found someone and planned on keeping Xade away from it.
Chess had retreated behind a line of trees, but stayed there to watch Spades, she was just too curious as to what he would do to leave. He seemed... More normal... But her paranoia had not worn off yet, so she stayed as still as possible, her knife clenched in her shaking fist. With nothing to do, her sanity had come back a bit, but not completely. She couldn't leave him, cause she hadn't killed him yet, but if he was normal again, then it wouldn't be as much fun to play with him. All this thinking and the cold made her antsy again, and she began shifting her weight from one foot to another. She let her free hand glide up her arm, it traveled over bumps, bruises, cuts, and gashes, dried blood flicking off onto the ground. She was still significantly light headed, but that little part in her part was still telling her she could win...

|| Sorry for late-ish reply... Day-light savings is messing me up x_____x ||
Azeel ducked away from the drops of blood flying from Keira's scissors unsuccessfully, some of the dark red liquid landing on his cheek. Wiping it off, he grinned and rubbed it between his fingers, feeling the pain and fear that had spewed from the boy like the blood. It felt good to Azeel, like a warmth spreading through something he had long since froze. When the blood had dried and been rubbed away, Azeel reached into his pocket and pulled out a sucker, which he promptly shoved into mouth, and his small blade. It felt right in his hand, and a better right then usual because it was his own feeling and not someone else's. He smiled at Keira. Her insanity was triggering Azeel's own, like contagious laughter. "Yeah, seems like a fun game to play." He grinned again, the stick of the sucker moving over to one side of his mouth. "Would you mind letting me meet some of the other players?" Adrenaline was flowing through his veins as his senses were overridden by the feelings of fear and pain and morbid joy filling the air around him. 'This is going to be a fun night,' he thought to hisself, trying to pinpoint children in the house based on their feelings.
John walks past the two children, leaving them to their business, and continues to walk throughout the house. He becomes frustrated, not finding any way out, and smashes through walls until he finds a door leading outside. He pushes it open, breaking it, and lumbers out into the moonlight. His helmet illuminates a short area in front of himself, and he spies small footprints in the dirt and mud. He follows them into the woods surrounding the place, eventually hearing something that draws him closer.

He spies two more people, a strange, chained cat person, and a little girl fighting in a small clearing. John turns off his lights, and hides behind a few trees, watching the fight between the two. When the little girl carves something into the cat-thing's arm, John grins behind his helmet. It was funny, the girl reminded him of... Anabelle...

When she hides behind the trees, watching the cat thing, John takes a few thudding steps towards her, coming to a stop just behind her. He turns his lights on, and stares down her, the urge to protect her coursing through him. He reaches out a hand, and smooths down her hair in a caring way.

"Annabelle... She's alive! I'll kill them... Those damned scientists... They'll never hurt her again... I have to keep her safe, I have to protect her!" John thinks to himself, still smoothing down her hair.

The footsteps were coming closer, and her foot was hurting worse. Winter cursed herself under her breath, the whole reason she took off her stockings and jacket was to get rid of the blood, yet here she was, her ankle a bloody fountain.

Her axe looked was starting to look dull. It would be hard for her to get a clean strike at him like this. She picked up a rock, and ran it across the blade, make a sharp slice ring throughout the woods.

Never mind that.
Throwing the rock as far as she could, She laid her axe on her lap and lifted her legs. Winter pushed herself backwards and started to scoot towards the creek.
((Oi, Bounty Hunter, stop breaking my house. O______O *Is kidding*))

Matt quickly rounded the corner and stopped at the front porch to catch his breath a little, though he wasn't very winded, and so he could see if the three boys were still chasing him. Fortunately, they were not, but he had to wonder just where the others had gone. 'And Winter's not after me anymore, either... Maybe they found each other,' Matt pondered, but ultimately turned away from his questions and toward the front door. In the open doorway stood yet another boy Matt didn't know, but the figure standing just inside the house was someone he knew well. 'So she's started the game, too,' he deduced, and a smiled turned his lips upwards, despite his lack of enthusiasm for the nightly events. It was always kind of fun for him to watch Keira play in the games; she was truly in her element when spilling blood.

Keira looked beyond Azeel and spotted Matt as he climbed the porch steps. Smiling, she glanced back at Azeel and pointed her left pair of scissors behind him, to his right. "There's another player. Well, maybe. Are you going to play tonight, Matt?" she asked with a calm, patient smile. It was easy to tell that she wasn't feeling calm nor patient by the look in her eyes, though. 'It's always the eyes that give you away,' Matt thought as he passed Azeel and stopped beside Keira.

"I'd consider it, if you would be so kind as to cut these strings off," he bargained and Keira rose a brow as Matt raised his bound wrists as if to ask, 'what happened here?' Keira cut through the binds with one swift upward slice from her double-edged scissors. "Thanks," he muttered and rubbed his wrists which were painted with little red lines. He glanced back at Azeel, wondering absently what the new kid on the block was like.
Spades flicked his tail, licked off some excess blood from his arm. It was black. The color of a wicked abyss that swallows everything up. He stood and smelled the air. Two. Except one smelled different. Was it metal? Or something else? Spades swished his long tail. As if he were sane yet! Spades' ears flicked up as he caught the scent of Chess. She was still here, but why? She could've chopped him up like little sliced pueces of sushi. Yet, she didn't. She had simply carved strange words in his arm. It wasn't very deep, but it stung a little. He picked up his long eleven-footer with the poison and swung it like a sideways lasso. "Miss Ches~sie!" He rung sweetly," Where in the world has my bloody thorn rose gone~?" Spades slitted his eyes. He wasn't going to let his delicious prey escape, now would he? But the same thing tickled his mind. He still sensed another --metal-- being. What might that be?
Chess was watching Spades carefully, when she felt vibrations coursing through the ground. Her whole body locked, her shaking halted as she stared blankly into the distance, her sanity pushing her to make a decision. Run or face, run or face, run or face. Lights illuminated the trees in front of her, and she fell fell forward, her foot catching on a root when she decided she would run. Her mind was creating all sorts of insane and twisted things that could be making those lights, and to be so large it could make the ground rumble. Then, all of a sudden, it touched her. It stoked her hair and she began to tremble again. Whatever this thing was, it could crush her at any moment, and she secretly wished for her insanity to come back faster. But the amount of fear had almost temporarily shocked her out of it. She swallowed, finding her inner confidence, she had to turn around to see what was behind her, and she did. She turned herself slowly around, picking herself up off the ground a bit. She couldn't quite tell what it was in the darkness, but she could see the general size and shape. Nearly seven feet tall, and wider than a line-backer, it was a metal contraption. She let out an ear piercing scream and began to scoot backwards, her back slamming against a tree. Her eyes took hold of the drill in his hand and tears filled her eyes. She had experienced painful losses... But this one... This one seemed like it would be the worst.
Spades heard a scream. It was Chess'. He darted off rapidly toward her direction if she had been caught in a bloody ttap like Blu's secret room. But to his surprise, Spades saw a big... metal thing. Then his thoughts cleared. So this was what he had smelled earlier. What was it? He had never seem something so interesting as this-- even if he had just gotten out hours ago. He stifled a catlike hiss, but not very loud. Was this alive? Or was it simply a big metal robot? Spades walked up cautiously and touched the shinig metal. He leaped back suddenly. It was so cold! How could something that freezing live? Since he was a cat, he was much more sensitive to temperature... but it still shook him to his roots. Spades coughed up," What are you...?" His eye twitched. All of a sudden... this big metal thing looked at like... a big cold scratching post. Would it mind him attacking it for fun for a bit? He didn't know, but it was awfully tempting.
Mori had been too distracted by the giant metal thing that just walked by to register what Seiko was trying to do. He had turned away for only a second, but the next thing he knew, he felt a sharp pain on his hand. He backed away in surprise, and like any other sane eight year old would do, he shrieked from the sudden sting and sight of blood dripping from the back of his hand. He looked back up at Seiko in terror, thinking that it would be a good idea to start running. After just a few seconds of standing there, he took off down the other end of the hall, still carrying his sword.
"This is it!" ​Nora sighed happily when she saw the large dilapidated manor looming ahead of her. It might have looked frightening to others, but to her it looked safe and inviting. Somewhere she could get away from the monster she lived with. Excitedly, she tossed her flashlight to the side, as she wouldn't be needing it anymore, and ran full speed for the house. She wondered what the other children would be like. Would they accept her right away? Where they all young, or would there be some her age? She had no idea but at that moment she didn't care. She was just so happy to finally be free!

When she stepped on the orphanage grounds a strange feeling washed over her, almost as if there was a sense of gravity pulling her towards the house. She decided immediately that this feeling scared her, and wanted to take a step back to collect herself. She couldn't. When she tried to step back, her feet wouldn't move. She took a step forward. that worked just fine. She stepped back once, that time it worked, she took another step back-- stuck again. What was going on?

She decided not to dwell on that to much, she would figure it out later, right now she wanted to explore her new home. Suddenly, she heard a scream and took off in the direction of that voice. She came to a screeching halt when she caught sight of the strange scene before her. A large metal...thing....person....thing(?), a frightened young girl who seemed to be held hostage by the metal person....thing, and a weird cat-boy. She quickly held her breath to keep herself completely still, making herself invisible.

What was this place? What was that thing​? What on earth had she gotten herself into??
Spafes' ear flicked toward Nora. Another? He snickred evilly to himself. Prey was just popping up everywhere today. He wondered if this new girl knew it was the nightly games right now. Spades licked his lips. Smoot, tender.flesh seemed good right now. He also wondered if she had noticed she had become immortal. What a lovely feeling. Yet something made his fur ruffle. Playing with the new people just wasn't fair. They'd instantly lose at this fun liytle game, and wait a very long time until morning. He stood where he was, holding himself back from mauling this innocent looking girl. Uet looks can decieve. He learned the hard way. Chess had given him a bloody stab in the back with a knife earlier, and that wasn't fun at all. She had even sliced in NEPETA CATARIA, which ironically means 'catnip'. Oh-soany things captured his interest. His VERY fun 'mauling' buddy Chess, this big metal scratching-post looking morsel, and now a girl that looked delicious. My, he could've gone insane from this adrenaline if it wasn't for his terrible habit. He had just woken up, and the madness was slowly coming back. Sadly, it came it small quantities and he desperately needed his surging fizzle-feeling back right now.
John steps forward, and kneels in front of Chess. He turns off his light, and strokes the side of her face with his hand; he sees faint bruises around her throat, claw marks around her face, and a bite mark on her arm. The sight of the wounds infuriated John, and the lights of his mask began to glow a deep, burning red. He runs a finger over the wounds, his hand trembling. He turns to the cat-thing, and replies in a mechanical voice between raspy breaths, "I was first...First... you... die... monster!"

He stands between the cat-thing and Chess, revving his drill at it. He picks up Chess, and places her on his shoulder, backing away. He turns his drill on, a mighty roar of its engine sounding like the cry of some horrendous beast, craving blood; he charges toward the cat-thing, intending to bring the drill straight into it's stomach for harming Chess, who he thought to be his sister. He aims slightly too high, and merely rends a gash in the cat-things arm. John's momentum carries him forward, and into a nearby tree, where his drill becomes lodged. With little effort, he drills through the tree, splitting it the deeper his drill pushed.

With a tremendous crack, the tree begins its seemingly slow descent to the ground, where it comes to a rest with a small tremor. John revs his drill, clearing it of wood, and turns to the cat-thing. He lets out a mechanical shout of rage, and charges towards it, intending to impale it.

(((((Rev Rev)))))

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