[The North] The First Snowfall

Kiara had always been a sound sleeper - the windy northern nights ensured that. However, she was well attuned to the sounds and peculiarities of her ship - the creaking of the timbers, the flapping of the sails and gas bag, and more. While the blizzard did little to upset her, the rumbling and keening was out of the ordinary, and quickly intruded on her unconscious mind, stirring her to wakefulness.

Pulling on her insulated boots and overcoat, she strides out onto the deck to assess the situation. While she doesn't have Alex's sorcerous vision, she still has a canny insight and long experience with northern storms, and quickly realizes something is amiss. Striding over to the railing, she leans over and looks around, surveying the area for a moment, then starts moving around the ship at a half-sprint, calling out directions to the other newly-awakened exalts to perform the various tasks necessary to secure the ship against the incoming danger. As she moves, golden sparks of essence seem to arc from her fingers into the wood of the vessel, as though she is imbuing some part of her own Exalted resilience into the airship.

Using Storm-Weathering Essence Infusion, for 6m and 1 wp, and recovering the wp with the stunt. 6m spent so far in the scene.
"The local elementals are having some ill placed fun!" Alek called out to the rest of his party as he attempts to analyze the spell they are using. "Petty storm spirits like to freeze the unwary. It looks like they are causing the storm."

With the way the snow is blowing it's near impossible to see with real sight. It's fortunate that Alek has a bit more than real sight to work with. "I see two options. Somone hunts them down, or I attempt to dispell it." Alek curses softly to himself as he peers. "Give me a moment and I will see if I can do the dispelling."

Perception+Occult to analyze the storm. Spending 5 to give 3 auto successes. Personal Pool now 8. If possible for me to dispel, I would like to attempt emerald counter magic for 10
On the valley highlands a groan echoes, and the first slide comes tumbling down. This one is small, weaker than those which will come later, and rocks the ship without greatly damaging it. But the waves of cold are almost tangible, and soon you'll need to work on the posts. Snow must be swept off and animal fat applied, lest they freeze solid and grow brittle. It will be dangerous work, for there are more avalanches impending and the frigid chill is terrible.

Alek does not think this storm is sorcerous in origin. It could be an emenation of the storm spirits' inherent powers, or it could simply be a northern storm. You've all heard stories of such gales. He does think the spirits are using charms of some nature to enhance the snowfall, speeding it up. It also confirms his fears that going aloft would be catastrophic. Above you the air is only colder, more tempestuous, and full of blowing ice. It would shred the balloon in a heartbeat.

Also, he does not think the faint glow is related to the storm at all. It looks like an anima banner.
"Huh." Alek made a note of comprehension as he took a step back and looked to everyone else. "I think the ones we are to rescue have an Exalt among them. Either that or there is another one wandering this accursed area."

Shaking his head Alek dismissed that line of thought. It would have to hold until later. "I can't stop the storm. The Spirits are likely enhancing it with their own natural talents. We are going to have to hunt them down and force them to stop."
"No time to waste then. Let's head towards the source in two groups. Me, Alek and Kiara in one group, and the rest the other. We will take the left route and you take the right route. Hopefully, we could gather some tactical advantage by surrounding the source. We attempt to make conversation first. But if we see any bright daylight bursting through the snow, that is most likely us in some sort of skirmish. Then get ready for battle, if possible make it unexpected!"
Noname looks at situation with a calm head than turn to Yu. "That won't work Yu. Some of us need to handle these avalanches otherwise ship will capsize or worse get destroyed by snow and Kiara may the only one who knows what to do in this kind of situations. Especially if this weather is not magical but only enhanced by those spirits natural ability it means it may not get any better even if we defeat or subdue them."
Kiara thinks for a moment. "I can rouse the crew, to help out here. But we'll still need to leave at least one person behind, to help them, and two would be better - my first mate knows what's what, but there's some things he just can't do in these conditions. Anyone prefer to stay here and mind the ship?" As she asks, she moves over to the hatch down to the crew quarters, poking her head in just long enough to call out for them to be up and kitted for full blizzard conditions as quickly as possible. That done, she visits a storage locker on the deck near the access ladder, removing four pairs of wide woven-leather snowshoes, and a coil of rope. "Have to tie ourselves together out there... even for us, one person getting separated in these conditions is close to a death sentence. Loop it around your waist or pass it through your belt - leave 15 feet or so between people to allow for mobility. Even so, we may not be able to find our way back to the ship until the storm passes."
Triumph lets out a growl of frustration. Spirits, huh? Acting like petulant children with mild cosmic influence. He slings his bow back over his shoulder and follows Kiara's path to the locker, retrieving several empty skins and filling them with snow. He places one between some layers of his furs and holds the rest out to his companions. "If we need shelter, will will want something to keep us hydrated until morning. Keep it away from your skin, but keep it warm." He scans the horizon with an eye to the weather instead of foes, "And it would be best to avoid a fight, if possible. A skirmish in a blizzard is to be avoided even when your foes don't have control over and immunity to the weather. If we can show them what we are, they may back down. And splitting up will be little help if one group gets caught in a snowdrift and can't communicate with the other."
Yu contemplated their opinions and suggested,"The elemental summoning that Alek proposed earlier may find it's use right now. We have the choice of bringing the elemental with us to investigate what lies ahead or we can leave it here to protect the ship from avalanches." Yu paused for answers.
"Four hours to summon it." Alek shakes his head at that. "Too long to stay in the storm. Our best bet is probably just to hunt down the elementals. Once they have been stopped the storm should become manageable. If we do this right we should be able to catch them quickly. This is my suggestion in this matter."
Noname looks arounds one more time. "Okay who have experience to catch elemantals or spirits or whatever we are dealing in here? Also how long it takes to instruct other about how to do it? Because I don't plan to go a wild goose chase in this storm where I can barely see my nose."
"I know nothing about spirit or elemental hunting. If anyone can educate us, do so quick and crisp. The wind and snow seems to be gaining strength. I fear the further we delay, the greater risk we are exposing ourselves to. Perhaps, as suggested by Kiara, leave one of us here, and the rest of us go investigate. When we are at a closer proximity to the source, we may then make more reliable and appropriate course of actions. Alek, you seems to be the expert on such matter, anything to say before we go."
Noname's assassins emerge, almost comically bundled up. In silent determination they start prepping to work when the mountains groan, and another slide, slightly bigger than the last, comes barreling into the ship. This one washes over the side and sends snow drifting down through the hatches. The ship sways like on a high sea, and sounds from the hills tell you that more avalanches with greater power are building.

Except this time there's something in the snow. At once the crew brush the snow aside and soon reveal that there's a man in there, curled up around a great dog. On his brow shines a brilliant rising sun with the light of the Unconquered Sun.
Yu heard the commotions by the crews and rush towards the source of light and was more than relieve to find another Anathema, and he sighed, "This is must be a cruel joke!"

Without delay, he helped the crews to bring the man and the great dog to the vessel.
~The young man opened his eyes, almost blinded by the walls of white that surrounded him. He looked down at Fang and nodded in relief that he found his trusted companion. His anima had died down at this point, yet the shimmering sign of his destiny still lingered, yet strange hands gathered around to assist rather than hurt.~

You....do not fear me?
Yu gave wry grin and extended his hand to the man, "You. I fear not."

Shivering in cold, he pulled the man up on his feet and help him to the vessel.

"It is the weather I fear more. Now let's get to somewhere cozier. I think my friends may have some questions for you"
~Onyx accepted the strangers hospitality and went along, Fang not too far behind~

I thank you. ~he said as he pulled his furs around him more tightly. He still kept alert as much as he could, the cold weather somewhat dulling his senses. He looked around the vessel, taking it all in~

You must have had some dealings with....my kind before.
Yu increased his pace towards the vessel, eager to get out of the cold.

"Surely...I have dealt with a handful of them" While pressing forward through the snow, without turning his head, Yu replied and raised his five fingers as if he mean it literally.

Then he halted and turn around to make an impressive face, "You are looking at one now, actually"

"And you can call me Yu. And our God label me Zenith caste."
"As adorable as the meet and greet is, we have a few bigger problems right now." Alek pointed out at the snow. "If we are to actually go beyond greetings we need to stop the spirit elementals from enhancing this storm. "

The man turned back to the newcomer, and though his face was covered you got the feeling he was smiling. "Know that you are among friends, and that we should probably work together if we are to survive this storm."
Kiara nods to the newcomer, helping pull him onto the deck. "Welcome aboard the Dreamer." At his question, she simply jerks her thumb towards her own forehead, where a pair of concentric golden circles shine through her heavy insulated hat.

Turning her attention back to the matter at hand, she frowns for a moment, then turns to Alek. "I'm not especially familiar with spirits... do you think they would be able to see or hear us here? I should be able to ensure that they agree to negotiate, but they have to be able to hear me first."
~ Onyx looked at the trio, but the fellow that mentioned Spirits enhancing storms made sense in cutting introductions short. While they were demi-gods amongst men...the gods of nature cared not for their divinity. He knelt down to Fang and whispered in his ear. Fang looked at him then went to seek a warmer climate.~

So how do you suggest we handle this? ~he stood as he spoke.~
"Tch." Alek frowned in thought, though the movemnt wasn't visible. "I believe they know we are here, but cannot actually see or hear us. Negotiations will probably not be possible, but we could hope."

Thinking further Alek wondered if there might be a way to lure the things in. That they were causing additional trouble was obvious, but that they were around and watching through the snow was less so.

Rolling to see if I can think of a way to lure the spirits closer, or at least figure out a way to pinpoint them. Int+Occult+Stunt. If this isn't the correct action apologies
The storm sprites are capricious and impatient. If they don't get what they want almost immediately, they won' have the patience to lay another scheme. This can be sued against them in a number of ways. You could interrupt their song, or interfere with their plan to capsize the ship.

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