[The North] The First Snowfall

Because of heated attack that oname and Yu launched spirits are now scattered. Noname swear silently to his own lack of patience. If this was in a city he would surround spirits first before attacking to ensure no escape will happen but in here open space with a blizzard it was too hard to try that.

[tick 4,5 and 6]

Noname walks towards one of the bears that is coming to greet them. He especially choose one that is isolated from other bears or can be at least get into a one-on-one and circles around if necessary since Noname does not have any information about these enemies battle potentials.

[Tick 7]

Noname jumped high to suprise bear that he was targeting for a while. After Noname reached the peak of his jump he positioned his body in such a way that he was dropping down to bear. As the name implies hidden sun suddenly appeared in blizzard from above of bear and brings down his identical short daiklaves into beasts flesh leaving two arcs that cut through even thick blizzard for a brief time.

Tick 4,5,6

Parry DV: 3

Dodge DV: 5

Soaks: 14B/11L/10A (11B/10L/10A from armor)

Hardness: 6B/6L

Personal Pool: 3/14

Peripheral pool: 15/35

Noname Moves at 3 yard per tick for tick 4, 5 and 6 (any penalty from weather or terrain didn't included) towards closest isolated bear and/or circling around bear in such away that to make it a one-on-one at least for a few ticks.

Tick 7

I use previous 3-die stunt for getting 6 personal mote which rises peronal pool to 9.

Noname jumps as a move action for 14 yards vertically and a little forward to get on bear. (monkey leap technique)

Noname's short daiklave stats are identical: speed: 4; Acc (+4) +dexterity (+4) +melee (+3) +specialty (+1) =12; damage (+5) +strength(+4)= 9L/2. Tags O,Th; rate: 3

Noname makes two attacks in a flurry with his paired daiklaves. First attacks accuracy is 10 (12-2) and second one is 9 (12-3). Noname spends 3 mote from his personal pool for first melee excelency for his first attack and 4 personal mote for first melee excelency for second attack making both attack's accuracy 13. These attacks are normal ones so their DV penalty is -1 for each.

I assume Nonmae gets 2 dice stunt so his attacks are at 15 dice.

Parry DV: 3

Dodge DV: 5

Soaks: 14B/11L/10A (11B/10L/10A from armor)

Hardness: 6B/6L

Personal Pool: 2/14

Peripheral pool: 15/35 (14 attuned to artifacts, 3 attuned to monkey leap technique.) Current available max is 19

[Next Tick 11]
Tick 9.

Yu leaped toward the nearest bear, his knees tucked in mid air like a ball, and arms lifted the blade over head, as his eyes flickered over his opponent to determine where he land his strikes.

"Rays of Penance", he called it. A proven maneuver that put many of his adversaries down. The underlying principle was simple, overwhelm the enemy with flurries of blows in all directions until the defense gets comprised and let the final blows take care of the finale.

In mid air, Yu became a ball of light as he channeled his will and essence into deadly golden arcs of fatal punishments, determined to take down yet another adversary.

Yu activated another round of IWA. Cost 5m and 1 wp


1. 7 sux

2. 8 sux ( sorry rolled one more die)

3. 4 sux

4. 8 sux

5. 6 sux

6. 2 sux

Primary: 3-5+4(stunt)=2


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