[The North] The First Snowfall

Ace scoffs, "Oh, they are close by, alright. Listen. They want to be close by to have their fun at our expense." He casts his eyes about, hoping for some illumination from the dim glittering of his caste mark.
Alek looks to the rest of his companions as he comes up with something like a plan. "Is someone capable of playing or singing? A little bit of counter music might interfere with their own music and frustrate them enough to make them either leave or get closer to make us stop. It would have to be fairly loud, but I believe it might be enough."
~The dark skinned youth, buried under snow-crusted fur, spoke~ Our holy patron did not exalt me for my singing skills. If he had, then I would be worried about his wisdom...or his humor. I could have my companion howl if you think it would help.
A smile lights up Triumph's face as he launches into the work of protecting the ship from the storm with renewed fervor. As he moves, he begins to sing an old Haslanti

about, appropriately enough, a bird surviving the winter, "Krummi svaf í kletta gjá / kaldri vetrar nóttu á / verður margt að meini / verður margt að meini~"
As he matches the pace of his work to the music, Ace looks to his countrymen among the crew to take up the song as best they can and drive away the malicious spirits.

What, if any roll would I need to make for this?[/url]
Yu's face turned pale for a while. Sing? He never thought before in his entire life that singing can be a plausible solution to get people out of trouble. For him, it has always been clanging of blades and blood, and occasionally motivating speeches. He gathered his focus and allowing the words and rhythm to absorb him in imagination. He moves his body appropriately to the tempo and melody. When the feel of the song escalated into chorus. He open his mouth...

Good try. No luck... sorry...

At least no botch. could have been worse. : p
~Fang looked at Onyx when he was told to howl. He looked at the others chanting like lunatics and then looked at the snow fall. Without skipping a beat he turned around and walked back into the warmth.~

Fine. Be that way.

~Onyx then tried to join this motley crew with his own tone deaf voice~

Whew...glad it wasn't a 1
Helped, for certain definitions of help, by the other solars Triumph sings his ancient song into the teeth of the wind. It gets sucked aloft and carried away. The crew are hesitant to start with but by the end of the first verse they're going strong. Then comes the silence of a short, subdued refrain. In that silence you can hear that the lilting song has gone quiet. He begins the next verse with accompaniment.

He gets about half-way through when the mountainside roars with snowfall and a tremendous avalanche comes barrelling downwards, smashing into the ship and sending it spinning across the valley floor. Everyone tries desperately to hold on until it lurches to a halt.

Then there are eyes all around you. Angry, spiteful eyes that glow with cocky pride, and the lilting song begins again.

Anyone with a dot in sail is fine. Anyone else must roll Strength to catch a hold of something and stay aboard. Failure means you're thrown from the ship.

The spirits are now just beyond the ship, roughly twenty yards away. If you can get to them within a single tick, you can make an attack.
Yu saw it all coming and warned, "Hold on to something!" In the split of second, Yu grabbed firmly on the ship's railing, leaning the weight forward to compensate the momentum of the throw. As the vessel spin, he appropriate his weight to maintain balance.

I am saved...I suppose.
Without further delay, Yu channel essence towards his lower limbs, and spring like a cannon ball towards the adversaries. In mid-way, he rest the golden blade on his right shoulder, two hands firmly gripping the hilt, ready to launch arc of cuts in all directions. Eyes glaring like a hawk, Yu look for best possible way to cut down his foe.

Monkey leap=3motes, one scene, x2 horizontal (10x2=20yard/tick)

committed: 3 (monkey) + 8 (Grand Diaklave) + 2 (Armor)

Join Battle: 6 + 2 stunt= 2 successes (Oi...where's the divine assistance)


Primary Essence: 17-13= 4

Peripherals: 38
For all his strengths, Alek had some admittedly large weaknesses. One of those came into play when the avalanche hit the ship. He was thrown from the ship with little fanfare, and hit the snow with a muffled thump.

"Well... We got their attention at least." He mumbled to himself as he attempted to shake off the impact.
Noname was listening the song. He remembered the days he spent in brothel while he was a kid. During those times and even after that there were all kind of entertaintment in his life. That is one of reasons his quick reaction against avalanche when it occured. First thing he learned or rather integrated into him was not getting distracted by anything good or bad. He was already grabbing a ledge but he strengthen his grip since this was a hard shock.

4 from strength, 2 from stunt a total of 6 die roll if stunt not work for this roll ignore last two one.
~Studying the martial aspect of the Way of the Open Hand lets one get accustomed to the intent of harm. Being a Child of Dawn heightens this ten fold. Onyx started to feel his feet leave the surface of the ship as it bucked from the impact. He lets the momentum take him, allowing his body to float in the air. He arched his back, twisting, almost serpentine like, til his feet found themselves firmly fixated on one of the large swaying masts. He blasted off of it, the snow bursting off his furs, to land exactly where he was before. His eyes were intense in his intent has he unfurled his gilden weaponry.~
Noname stabilised himself than saw angry eyes in the storm. A smirk placed on his face it will be his first time fighting against spirits and if nothing else this will be a good opportunity to see his capabilities as an exalted and an assassin. Thoughts of tactics flow through his head as he prepared for combat.

I didn't know JB can be stunted so I will add two more dice to my JB roll if it is not appreciated ignore last two dice please.
As the avalanche hits the ship, Ace drops to his knees to avoid being thrown off his feet. He uses the snow and ice on the deck to kick into a spin as he falls and in the single revolution he manages before hitting the rail allows his supernatural vision to highlight the most tactically important things in the area, giving them a soft golden backlight.

Just before he would hit the rail and topple off, he flicks up one leg to brace himself against the rail. As his foot hits, he uses the sliding momentum to bring himself to a standing position and draws his bow. Radiant solar essence dances around his fingers as he pulls back the string, but he makes no move to fire. Instead he locks onto the closest spirit with one eye and keeps the other on Kiara. She might still be able to end this peaceful. Who knows?

Spending 4m peripheral on Second Awareness Excellency to buy two successes on Join Battle.

Edit: First action will be to Summon the Loyal Steel (Bow) and Aim at the closest spirit until Kiara goes.

14/14 Personal

33/35 Peripheral (four spent and four recovered this action)

Peripheral spent this scene: 9
Kiara sees the avalanche coming, and channels her essence into keeping herself balanced and stable. Grabbing onto a nearby rope, she rides out the avalanche as easily as she would a gust of wind in the air. As the ship plows to a stop and the other exalts start readying for combat, she starts to raise her hand to call everyone to wait. Then, looking around, she simply shrugs and sighs, dropping slightly into a crouch and placing her hand on the hilt of her artifact rapier, observing the proceedings before she acts.

reflexively activating Graceful Crane Stance before the avalanche hits.

Essence: Personal: 15/15

Peripheral: 24/29 - 3 spent, 4 recovered this action
Within a breath, Yu appeared before the howling spirit. He has never battle such beings before, but it doesn't matter. Humans, monsters, the dead, spirits...They all suffers the same fate when they face the wrath of a demi-god.

Instinctively, he planned for 6 strikes. The initial waves are intended to wear down defense and the final waves for the kill. The caste sign between his brows glow brightly as he exerted relentless will to execute that furious flurries of cuts. The massive golden blade hummed through falling snow, leaving 6 obvious trails of golden arc, delivered within a heartbeat. Yu etched a sinister smile.

PDV= 7-1= 6 or DDV= 6-1=5

Orichalcum Grand diaklave:

Sp 5, Acc 13 (with stunt: 15), Dmg: 14/4, Def 7,

Iron Whirlwind: 5 motes, 1 WP

WP balance= 7-1 = 6

Primary essence =4-5+4(recovery from stunt) = 3


1st: 7

2nd: 4

3rd: 5

4th: 4

5th: 9

6th: 6
[Tick 3]

After balancing himself while keep holding the ledge he grabbed, Noname much like Yu started to gather essence in his legs as his anima slowly appear as a golden ring between his brows. By stepping on the ledge he was holding Noname throws himself towards a pair of eyes that is behind others.

While pactically flying in the air Noname's anima banner started to burs with a golden light surrounded with a violet ring as two golden short daiklaves suddenly cut through air from Elsewhere and find their way into hands of dagger of heaven. One hand caught the blade over his head in a normal holding as if he was drwaing the blade from his over shoulder and other one hold its blade with a reverse position on the hilt at his waist side as if he was drawing it from same side out of a sheath.

By holding one daiklave reversely in his hand and other in normal position, Noname's weapons drew two golden arc in the air as he was atthe striking distance to his target. First the daiklave he was holding normally come down from above with a lightning speed and as it finihsed its track other blade which was hold in a reverse manner rose with the same lightning speed from below.

There was a bug in anathema, I was using, about mobility penalties I corrected it with new one.

Noname activates monkey leap technique for 3 peripheral mote. Duration scene long.

Noname activates call the blade for 2 mote (1 for each sword) to call his paired orichalcum short daiklaves from Elsewhere which ends attunemend to summoning the loyal steel's 2 mote.

Noname's normal horizantal jumping distance is 12 with his armor (according to anathema mobility and wound penalties substracts twice for H jumping) by doubling this with monkey leap technique it becomes 24 yard.

Noname's short daiklave stats are identical: speed: 4; Acc (+4) +dexterity (+4) +melee (+3) +specialty (+1) =12; damage (+5) +strength(+4)= 9L/2. Tags O,Th (current attacks are normal ones not thrust ones) rate: 3

Noname's base DV's:

Parry DV: weapon (+2)+dexterity(+4)+melee(+3)+specialty(+1)/2= 5

Dodnge DV: essence (+3)+dexterity(+4)+dodge(+3)+specialty(+2)+bracers(+3)/2=8-mobility(1)=7

Noname's essence, willpower and virtues:

Personal Essence: 14

Peripheral Essence: 35 (13 attuned to artifacts, 3 attuned to Monkey leap technique)

Willpower: 5/5

Compassion: 1

Conviction: 3

Temperance: 3

Valor: 2

Anima: 3 for monkey leap technique, 2 for call the blade before attacks Noname's anima banner is burning.

Noname makes two attacks in a flurry with his paired daiklaves. This means First attacks accuracy is 10 (12-2) and second one is 9 (12-3). Noname spends 5 mote from his personal pool for first melee excelency for his first attack and 6 personal mote for first melee excelency for second attack making both attack's accuracy 15.

I assume Noname gets 2 die stunt for both attacks (tick long stunt if applicable) so his attacks are at 17 dice.

For attacking twice Noname gets -2DV so his current DV's (jump was move action so no DV penalty)

Parry DV: 3

Dodge DV: 5

Soaks: 14B/11L/10A (11B/10L/10A from armor)

Hardness: 6B/6L

Personal Pool: 3/14

Peripheral pool: 15/35 (2 was attuned to summoning loyal steel before combat now free, 2 spent on call the blade, 13 attuned to artifacts, 3 attuned to monkey leap) Current available max is 19

[nextTick: 7]
[Tick 2]

~Onyx closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, gathering and tempering his essence to call upon the powers of his patron. He exhaled harshly and suddenly as he shuffles his feet in circular steps on the ships deck, snow kicking up with each powerful sweep. His weapon moves as one with his fluid strikes and movements. Everything looks practiced and with purpose. Essence began to caress his entire body, unnaturally blurring his movements as he swayed and moved hypnotically yet distractingly back and forth. He embodied the movements of the serpent, poised to strike at any moment!~

Leave us and grant us safe passage and we shall forgive your disrespect! Stay...~ He then points one end of his staff at one of the glowing eyes as he swayed in the other direction~ and you will leave us no choice but to evaporate you!

[Next Tick 5]

Activating Snake Form, spending 5 personal Essence.

Onyx Combat Stats:

Attack 11(13 w/specialty), Damage 12/2B, rate 4

Parry DV 8 (7 right now)

Dodge DV 9 (8 right now)

Soak 9B/4L

Opponents dicepools are at -3

Personal Essence 10/15

Peripheral Essence 27/27

Willpower 6/6
[Tick 5]

Muttering curses to himself against Wind Spirits and other malevolent creatures, Alek dragged himself out of the snow. He wasn't hurt, but it still made it impossible for him to join the battle with anything that might be considered timeliness.

[Next Tick 10]

[Dodge Value = 3]
[tick 0]

Kiara, recognizing that violence is about to erupt and quite unsure of her ability to stop the other solars from attacking, draws her sword and moves to a position where she can keep a good view of the unfolding combat - while she is unwilling to strike the first blow and unsure of launching an attack in the first place, she won't hesitate to protect herself and her crew against a spirit that sets foot on the ship.

[Next tick 5, Guard action; Dodge DV 6, Parry DV 6]
With the first impact of steel on flesh, the tittering laughter vanishes. No Name and Yu savage among the spirits, and few of their adversaries are prepared enough to give serious resistance. In an instant half of them flee, running scared, and you doubt they'll return.

The other half withdraw as well, but not to run away. The lilting singing resumes, angry and distant. With it comes the roar of the hills, and the mountains themselves attack, sending waves of thunderous snow tumbling down. Ice and boulders come as well, and sweep you under.

Behind the initial rush of snow is the roar of the winter bears, elementals spirits of the wind and frost who guard the storm spirits. They're rushing down behind the snowslide.
Yu felt a sense of relief his impulsiveness helped the situation a little. At the very least, 2 spirits threats were put down. He did not know the correctness of his actions, but his experiences taught him that indecision had cost more than wrong decisions, especially in urgent circumstances moments ago. "All wrong can be made right almost immediately, but indecision only fuels further delays hence presenting greater opportunities to enemy and aggravating casualties and damages... " Yu reasoned to justify his actions.

As fresh waves of snow tumbled down, Yu's eyes flickered over the culprits to size them up. 11 of them...He noticed.

In an eagerness to cease further damages to the ship, he rest his big blade on his right shoulder, and sprinted up the snowy slope towards the bears. As Yu neared the beasts, he scanned that area to track for other spirits and readied himself to take out the bears.

perception(3)+awareness(3) roll to track spirits= 3 successes

Yu could travel additional 45 yards until tick 8. Don't know if he reaches the bears. But if he does, he will launched his new waves of attacks on tick 9.
[Tick 5]

~The ship rocks again from the impact of the second wave. The snow crashes against it, sending sprinkles of snowflakes in the air in which Onyx explodes through its glittering shower as he jumps down into the snow, landing three point stance in the sea of soft white. He swayed as he stood up.~

So you've chosen destruction then? So be it!

~He called upon his inner Essence to fortify and harden his body for war as he made his way toward his enemies and concentrated on one of the 11.~

[Tick 8]

Spending 6 personal Essence to activate Essence Fangs and Scales Technique, Aiming and moving each tick to get closer

Onyx Combat Stats:

Attack 11(13 w/specialty) + any aiming dice, Damage 12/2L, rate 4 Piercing

Parry DV 8 (7 right now)

Dodge DV 9 (8 right now)

Soak 9B/9L

Opponents dicepools are at -3

Personal Essence 4/15

Peripheral Essence 27/27

Willpower 6/6
As the field explodes into violence, it becomes clear that a peaceful solution is unlikely. Ace lets out half a breath as prepares to shoot and a part of an old warrior's song enters his head.

Aim with the hand . . .

He tracks his target calmly as chaos erupts all around.

Shoot with the mind . . .

His raw focus solidifies the rising glow around him into a shining golden frog crotch arrow, pointed directly at his target.

Kill with the heart . . .

He releases the bolt of light in a flash that seems even more disorienting than normal with the falling snow to reflect off of. Then, almost as if his flashing anima really could attack others, he sends out another identical arrow toward the bear closest to Alek.

Flurry of two attacks with the longbow. First one at 15 (9 base +3 aim +2 stunt -2 flurry +3 excellency), second at 13 (9 base +2 stunt -3 flurry +5 excellency).

14/14 Personal

27/35 Peripheral (eight spent and four recovered this action)

Peripheral spent this scene: 17

So his anima also flares iconic and automatically activates his anima effect. Ergo the -2DV for the two attack flurry is cancelled out by the +2DV from the anima?

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