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Fandom The Next Generation of Wizards (OPEN)

Rose pursed her lips, all ideas of emotional complexity banished from her mind. There were three things in the entirety of the grand expanse that was the world that she truly despised, and those things were personal mediocrity, others insulting her family, and carrots, the most disgusting of all vegetables. Being simply 'acceptable' was absolutely unacceptable in the eyes of Rose Jane Weasley and she was sure her twin was by this point aware of the quirk. Her eye twitched, as she responded with attempted sarcasm,

"I'm exceptionally good, and acceptance of this fact is hardly necessary." Her lips curved into what was almost a smile, before continuing,

"Though, coming from you," she hesitated for a moment, before continuing, "That isn't much of a high compliment. I have heard that you can be just terrible. Is it true that you that you jinxes the littlest Brown's hair a shade of emerald? It seems fitting, I must admit, foretelling of a change of house colors, even." She smirked a her sister in triumph. The year previous, Lola Brown, Lavender Brown's daughter, had woken to find her hair a hideously verdant shade of green. It lasted for a month, and even then her blonde hair had a turquoise tint. While the true perpetrator was never found, Rose had suspected it had been her twin, who had a truly astounding talent for color changing charms.


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Harmony smirked in triumph. She knew her sister hated being only moderate, much like her mother perhaps. At that thought, Harmony mentally rolled her eyes. One thing her mother didn't like about her, was that she either got her way or made her way. She never took a 'no' for an answer. Rebellious is also one thing. Harmony did everything she could to break the rules she didn't like, which Ron had found absolutely amusing. Speaking of, Harmony smiled at the thought of her father. She got his straight, ginger hair, that shaped her face. Side bangs were also their thing.

Rose broke Harmony's train of thought. She looked up, looking confused for a moment, then her witty self was back. She chuckled and sighed. "Don't you know its rude to make false accusations?" Harmony faked a frown, then brightened up, her eyes glinting sarcasm. "I'm so proud of you! Goody Rose has finally learnt how to be rude!" Harmony clasped her hands, pretending to be excited, before returning to her previous, nonchalant form. She let out another wry smile before shrugging. "Anyway, thanks for the compliment, Twinny!" She forged an insincere smile, stifling a coming laugh. She didn't know if it was an insult or a compliment, or both. As far as she knew, it didn't affect her at all.

Rose's expression returned to it's increasingly typical scowl, 'twinny' was in her opinion, an abomination of a word, not that she'd say so. And Harmony, she thought, in her current state of irritation, was an abomination of a sister. Rose leveled her gaze to meet her sister's stare, before replying,

"Oh it's no trouble at all, Freddy." Suppressing a grin, Rose waited for a
response. It was no secret that Harmony was not her sister's first name, but her companions had learned quite quickly that it was never advisable to call the younger twin Fredica.
How sad, James faded into his thoughts as his cousins began to bicker back and forth with each other, that Rose and Harmony could find no way to respect their differences and were constantly going at each other's throats. Of course, this was usually due to Harmony's lack of a filter and lack of caring who she offended or made upset in the process and also her strange love for chaos and unrest. Sure, James was one of the known troublemakers in his family to a fair degree but Harmony was, in most cases, much more malicious and ruthless in her pranks and offenses. Like Harmony and Rose, James and his younger brother Albus were almost exact opposites and it wasn't to say that they never disagreed or got on each other's nerves, but they never went at it like their cousins. And he most certainly did not bicker with Lily. His siblings were two of the most important people in his life and, quite possibly, his two dearest friends. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to never get along with them, and, as twins who shared everything including their mother's womb, he couldn't understand how Rose and Harmony could be so bitter to each other. Some things were a mystery James would never figure out.

He snapped out of his thoughts as the carriage began to slow and he let out a loud sigh of relief when he gazed out the window to see the worn stone walls of Hogwarts looming in front of them. "Finally," he muttered as he began to gather his belonging, "I can stop listening to the both of your obnoxious voices." He grabbed Merline's cage last, careful not to jostle her around too much, before he all but tossed the doors off their hinges as he made a hasty exit out of the cramped and crowded space, happy to get away from his loving but suffocating family for little while. He followed the throng of students in through the great oak doors that had the Hogwarts motto carved above them.
Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus. James found himself chuckling as he read the words to himself as he did every year since he started school when his father had told him about the motto and what it meant: Never tickle a sleeping dragon. He was back to his normal clean, cool self as he waltzed into the castle like he all but owned it.
Rose, in her state of irritation, might have considered sustaining the verbal brawl, had her conversation not been interrupted by the ear-splitting scrape of wheels grinding on gravel. With a small huff of indignance and a venomous glare across the carriage, she began to gather her things, first the unwieldy trunk, which contained the majority of her belongings. She then grabbed her second bag, with which she held some snacks, a few books, and a bottle of pumpkin juice for the ride. Finally she hoisted up a small blue crate which contained an large, fluffy feline that went by the name Penelope. All objects of importance enclosed in her arms, she climbed carefully from the carriage and onto the ground. Marching at a quick pace, she approached the castle. Her eyes were wide and her lips formed a small smile, despite her recent argument. Any lingering annoyance was replaced rapidly by a familiar sense of awe. Rose took in the sight of the castle with a greedy gaze. It was all brick and ivy, ancient, yet timeless, beautifully elegant, yet whimsical in it's own way. The window's were aglow with a beatifically warm, golden light. The air was thick with magic and smelled of spice, spruce, and new quills. The school beckoned and welcomed her like a second residence of some kind, blissfully bright against the rapidly encroaching inky darkness of night. She was ever so glad to be coming home.

@NightFlame @indiedarling @Raina
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Harmony was about to turn red from rage. She hated that name. Even her family learnt to stop from it, or else she would throw a temper tantrum, and Harmony's temper tantrums will put you through hell. Harmony was about to go, when she saw the castle. With a huff on James' comment, Harmony grabbed Chairman Snuggles' cage and her black trunk. Purring came from the white Persian cat. Probably the closest thing she had to family here was him. Hell, probably in the whole world, with a few exceptions. With a smile, she looked at the purring cat then headed for the door. "Little Rosie, call me whatever you like, but you'll always be second-best" She said on a malicious voice and left. Harmony referred that to the fact that most of the time, Harmony would be awesome at it first, then Rose would just follow. The majority of the times Harmony was better than Rose at it was about 60% to 100%.

Stopping at the archway, Harmony smiled at the motto. It was like describing her. Never tickled a sleeping dragon, Never mess with Harmony Weaseley. She let out a noiseless laugh. Harmony, of course, new that would be impossible, considering that motto is a century old or so. Harmony happily entered the place she called home. The smell of old stone, the chandeliers, the amazing structures. At first, she thought, stuff like this only happens in fairy tales, but she was wrong, mostly.

@indiedarling @KeyKitten13
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Name: Scorpius and Aria Malfoy

Location: Entrance of Hogwarts

Interacting with: @anyone


Seeing as how the carriage seemed to slow down, the twins glanced at each other one more time and got off at their own time. With their hands, they stayed silent, something one would find odd if they knew the Malfoy twins. While most students went off into Hogwarts, the Malfoy twins went in a different direction, towards the left of the entrance. There, a brick wall seemed to block another side, but that didn't bother the two.

Grabbing his
wand, a replica of his father's, Scorpius muttered a spell under his breath, "aparecium." His voice was smooth and flawless as he spoke the spell, and soon the bricks seemed to move, one in particular revealing a few words written in some kind of ancient dialect. Turning to his sister, Aria then cleared her throat as the boy stepped aside.

Aria bent down and took the brick out of its place before turning to her twin,
"you sure you wanna do this?" The boy just nodded as she let out a sigh. Her cat seemed to be meowing quite loudly and the girl hushed it before continuing with her work. As she placed the loose brick aside, she then pulled out a golden chest. Setting it down, she closed her eyes and pointed her wand, her grandmother's, at it and spoke another spell, "cistem aperio." The box seemed to unlock itself and the contents were rather peculiar. A potion. Taking it, Aria stashed it in her bag before placing the chest and brick back. Muttering a final spell to cover her tracks, she and her twin grabbed their belongings and headed back towards the entrance of Hogwarts. But the girl seemed cautious, "Scorpius, this is my last one. Best we use it wisely, got it?"

"Don't worry, we'll be fine."



Steps echoed off of the stone walls, booming like thunder across the crevices and courtyards of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Chipper chatter filled the air, enthusiastic and emphatic, creating a constant buzz like that of an insect. The engine of the train emitted shrill shrieks and groans, preparing for the long, strenuous journey back to King's Crossing. And yet, the sound of her sister's voice still reached the ears of one red headed Ravenclaw. The typically cold croon was ablaze with barely withheld anger at Rose's previous comment. The sound was unfamiliar to Rose, but the words it carried were just the opposite, Her smile sagging slightly, she pushed forward towards the gates. Her mind was near monosyllabic as a battled was waged between the persistent chant, "home, home, home, home, home" and the reverberations of '"Second-Best" bouncing about her skull. It was only as she read the Hogwarts Motto, "Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus" that new thought began to cut through the cacophony between her ears. It was certainly a curious proverb, "Never tickle a sleeping dragon." While on the most literal level, it did seem a tad aggressive for the academy, from a more meaningful position, it was quite telling of how delightfully strange the inhabitants of these grounds were. And this was a strangeness that Rose had grown to adore. Propelled by this surge of positivity, She sped forward and in her haste walked directly into a pair Slytherins who were reentering the crowd from who knew where. Rose stumbled backward, then fell, just barely catching her cat who had tumbled down with her. Her face a violent shade of red, she squeaked a hurried apology, and scrambled to collect her things.

@Pyromaniac @NightFlame @indiedarling @Raina
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Name: Scorpius and Aria Malfoy

Location: Entrance of Hogwarts

Interacting with:


As the girl seemed to tumble, Aria couldn't help but let out a laugh. But Scorpius seemed a bit more serious, casting the girl a who the hell are you? Saying nothing, he watched as she muttered an apology, but said nothing and didn't bother to help her. After all, she was a Weasley, or the blood traitors, as his father put them. Of course, that only made Aria a bit more, seeing her apologize and gather her belongings in a hurried fashion. Pulling her wand once more, she muttered a spell, "locomotor," as she pointed her wand to one piece of luggage. It slowly began to hover as the girl crossed her hands and smiled at the young Weasley. "Well well well, look what we have hear." Letting out a laugh, she continued, "blood traitors and filthy half bloods." Twirling the baggage slightly whilst moving her wand, she placed one hand on her hip, "I'll set it down if you grovel for it."



Polaris quickly stepped off the train with Ruri in tow, walking into the warm halls of Hogwarts. It felt comforting, but he was worried. He had a horrible feeling of dread and he did not know why. He saw a few girls wink at him, for some reason he was popular with the Slytherin Girls. He also got a few insults, he reacted to both with a cool air of stoicism.
Harmony turned her head to see her sister scrambling for her things and muttering apologies. With a smirk, she watched from behind, far enough to fit with the scene, close enough to hear words clearly. Malfoys were always one of the bullies. Even so, she and Aria had developed some kind of rivalry. The kind of rivalry that ruined each others' lives. Harmony started walking forward. She didn't mind that her sister was being bullied. She could fend off herself good, but Harmony would never admit it. Truth be told, Harmony thought Rose was good, and coming from her, that was extremely nice of her, considering their circumstances.

Aria's words broke Harmony's train of thought.
Half Blood? Filthy? Blood Traitors? Insulting Rose like that meant insulting her too, no matter how much she wanted to change that fact. Turning her head, Harmony's silky, red hair whipped as she looked at her sister. Grabbing her wand, she poked half of its body out and pointed it at Aria, specifically her head. "Colovaria" Harmony cast the charm as it immediately shot up into Aria's hair and turned it into an ugly color of neon pink. Hiding her wand instantly, Harmony walked over to her sister. "Nice new hair Pinky, it sure makes you, um... Stand out.." She said putting emphasis on her words. Nobody insulted her, or her dad. In that case, if anyone insulted the Weaseleys. Well, if it were specific, maybe she could let this pass, but insulting blood lines does not count.

@Pyromaniac @KeyKitten13
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As he walked with an air of superiority, winking at a few girls who were notorious easy targets for his charm and making them all but pass out from excitement, he heard a clatter sound from behind him and instinctively turned back to look at what had happened. He almost turned back around to keep walking until he saw the deep shade of red that could only be one person: Rose. He apologized to the people who were trying to talk to him and excused him back as he weaved through the sea of people to make his way back to where Rose was standing before none other than the Malfoy twins. It seemed as if Aria had a magical hold on one of Rose's bags and he reached them just in time to see Harmony turn Aria's hair blue. Seeing as both Harmony and Aria were known for their tempers, he knew this would not end well and with Rose being the victim, he would have to step in as the mediator in her place. He just hoped he could keep his own head cool.

@KeyKitten13 @Pyromaniac @NightFlame

"Whoa, Harmony, that's a really neat charm and all, but maybe we should keep the hair dying for another time." James piped in, grabbing Harmony's wrist and gently lowering her wand. "We wouldn't want to get a detention before school's even started now, would we?" he murmured softly, more to Harmony alone, giving her a meaningful look. He didn't bother to wait for Harmony's stubborn reply before turning towards the twins, a forced smile on his lips. "Now, Aria, Scorpius, how nice to see you again. I see my clumsy cousin here managed to bump into you two and you've kindly picked one of her bags. You can hand that over now." He stuck out his hand, waiting for Aria to give him the bag.
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Name: Scorpius and Aria Malfoy

Location: Entrance of Hogwarts

Interacting with:
@KeyKitten13 @NightFlame @indiedarling


The girl let out a sigh, but the other halfblood didn't seem to bother her. Swinging her hand around her back, the bag followed her movements and the girl let the spell go, watching the bag swing to the back, making a rather large noise as it crashed to the floor. Looking back, the girl just shrugged before turning her deadly gaze back on the girl who seemed to challenge her reign on the school. "Oh, Weasley knows how to play. Itty bitty baby Fredrica." Smiling she muttered a spell under her breath, "colovaria." Her color seemed to revert back, but the girl made a swishing movement with her wand, the spell ended with the tips and a few hair chunks still a blueish color, "you really did do me a favor Freddie, saved me a few galleons. Not like I need to. Speaking of, how are your dear parents?" Her train of though was wrecked by Potter, but her brother stepped in, as he finally spoke. He had a small smirk on his face, "Potter, can you kindly shut up. It's not your fight, it's theirs. Let them duel it out. Unless of course, your dear family member needs some assistance?"



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After quickly grabbing her purse, Rose reached to the side for her trunk and found, to her confusion, that it seemed to be absent. For a moment she simply sat, gazing blankly at the precise spot where she was sure she had heard her baggage land. Then, slowly, as if from a distance, the girl's taunt reached her. She had intended to rise quickly, hoping for once in her life that she might be as bold as her twin, but she was afforded no such luck. Her movements and reaction were terribly sluggish, and she stood as if moving though water, unable to believe her ears. Mentally, Rose kicked herself. She was supposed to be fast, sharp! She was supposed to be a Ravenclaw. And now, as she searched for a retort, it felt as if she possessed a Hufflepuff's wit. She was about to inquire what on earth had possessd the Malfoy, when her sister's voice cut through the silence. A jinx shot from her wand and landed on the instigator's hair, dying it a blinding shade of bright, bubblegum pink. Rose gasped and found herself stumbling backward again, this time behind her two protectors.

@indiedarling @NightFlame @Pyromaniac
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As the bag came crashing down onto the floor with a rather cacophonous noise, James dropped his hand to his side and felt the handle of his wand where it stuck out from his pocket. Sighing with mock disappointment, he shook his head and turned to Scorpius, his green eyes meeting him with a barely suppressed anger. "Shame you had to go and do that. I was going to be kind, for once, and let you get away with this. But... Now, you've really pissed me off. And no, my dear cousin doesn't need any help. But, clearly, two against one wouldn't be quite fair." the last few words came out in a growl as he pulled his wand from his pocket, pointing it between the two young purebloods. "You should know not to mess with us. Our family has a knack for sending your family to their knees." this time his voice came out as a taunting jeer, his eyes glinting with the excitement of conflict.
Scorpius' next words struck Rose as if they were bullets, ashamed of her cowardice, she darted between James and Harmony's battle-poised figures and speedily scooped up her luggage, scrutinizing the other pair of twins carefully for any indication of possible aggression as she did so. She was about to return to her previous position, when she heard James' retort. Upon hearing her cousin's threat, she finally found words,

"James, absolutely not," Casting a glare toward the Malfoys she continued,

"I won't have you losing house points to that sort," Turning to Harmony she added, "And I'll ask that you cast no more jinxes."

@indiedarling @NightFlame @Pyromaniac
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Name: Scorpius and Aria Malfoy

Location: Entrance of Hogwarts

Interacting with:
@KeyKitten13 @NightFlame @indiedarling


With wands out, both Malfoys were about to cast a spell, but stopped as Aria put a hand on her twin's shoulder. "Scor. Stop." Her eyes glinted with a bit of mischief, but with a solemn tone to it. She couldn't afford to lose points, not this early in the year. As the blond turned to his sister, he let out a sigh, but didn't let his smile of danger fade. "Seems like we won't be dueling this time, I'm afraid to say. But mark my words Potter, we'll have our chance, whether it be field or...elsewhere." The female Malfoy seemed to let out a chortle before turning to Harmony and Rose once more, "once again, thank you for this hair. Saved a lot of time. Who knew halfie blood traitors could be so useful." She and the boy walked once more into the entrance of Hogwarts before the female Malfoy turned once more and giggled, "oh and Weasleys, I think I see another ginger here, hanging out with a few of the new students." She let out a pout before continuing, "too bad he's just a ghost." She went off, before letting out a cackle that oddly resembled Bellatrix's laugh.



"I don't mind at all..." Harmony glared at James. She attempted to wriggle her wrist out of James' grasp but to no avail. She pointed her wand towards Aria's head, just in case. "James, let go of my wrist... I won't use my wand.... mostly.." She mumbled. His meaningful gaze bore into her. She wanted to stop, but she had a rep to keep up. She turned her head to Aria and smiled. "Oh, your welcome... But you didn't have to change it, you looked way better, if you'd kept it, I would've had less temptation to puke when I see you... And their fine, thank you very much..." She shot back, smirking all the way. Scorpius had fought off James. "You should say that to dear old pinky over there.."

Harmony felt excitement and rage fill her up as Aria dropped the bag. Letting James' speak first, Harmony let a laugh. "Now, now... We don't want to embarrass them
too much..." Harmony sent a smile full of pity to Aria. She pointed her wand again and chanted the hot-air charm. It blew on Aria's face and made her sweat instantly. "Pinky... Is that sweat?" Harmony asked, stifling a laugh. Aria hated heat. It was revealed during their Quiditch practices under the sun. Honestly, Harmony hated the heat as well, but she didn't mind, if it was for Quiditch, at all. Shrugging at James, she sent another smile, one full of challenge this time. "Welcome to the fight..." She said smiling genuinely, for the first time.

Hearing Rose, Harmony waved her off. "Not your fight twinny, don't interfere, its already enough for
me to battle, James just joined making it more unfair, we don't want to make it so the whole wizarding world knows what happened to the Malfoys' after they messed with us" She stated, staring at Aria with an oh-so-sweet smile.

Turning to a retreating Aria, Harmony laughed. "You know, it also saves energy to just say,
'I back out, your all too great, I surrender to your greatness'" She mimicked Aria's voice.

@indiedarling @KeyKitten13 @Pyromaniac
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Rose nodded her approval, disregarding Aria's final jibes. So long as curses were not sailing, she was satisfied. Pleased to be rid of this inessential conflict, she took several steps back, her eyes continuing to scrutinize the pair across from her. She smiled entirely insincerely, and spoke,

"Glad that you've seen sense, I do hope you enjoy the feast." She then snatched up her baggage, brushed the remaining dust and dirt from her stockings, and tugged at James and Harmony's hands, signaling that it was time to make their departure. She wanted nothing more to do with those twins and was really, quite ravenous.

@indiedarling @NightFlame @Pyromaniac
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Alice climbed off the carriage and skipped into Hogwarts, merrily. She ignored the stares of the other students, as she made her way to the great hall. Her pacifier was firmly in her mouth, and her purple and black pigtails bounced, as she skipped down the halls. She did tend to be quite the spectacle, especially when her robes slid off her shoulders, resting on her elbows. Under the short sleeve, button down shirt, a small fraction of her many tattoos could be seen on her arms: a pink birthday cake, a merry-go-round horse, a baby bottle, and a teddy bear. Those were the only ones she had on her arms, above her elbows, anyway. If one looked closely they could see the blue puzzle piece on the back of her neck, just between her pigtails.

Alice entered the great hall, and sat at the far end of the Ravenclaw table, ignoring the whispers of other students.
Harmony let herself be dragged, winking at Aria before they left. She's turned her head around and glared at Rose. "Let go of my wrist! Whats the thing you guys have with my wrist!" She half shouted and wriggled her wrist out of her hands. Rubbing it, her wrist was quite sore from the way Rose held her. "And besides, what makes you think you can just grab me like that? If you haven't noticed, were not close! " Harmony's eyes twitched. Her temper was boiling right now. It was one of those times when she had mood swings. "What makes you think you can just interfere with my fights like that? If you we're worried about points, you should've known I wouldn't risk it.. At least in front of so many wizards!" She half-shouted again. Harmony couldn't stop even if she wanted to. Her temper was uncontrollable, but usually easy to calm down with the right words. Grabbing her luggage, Harmony stomped of to the hall.

@indiedarling @KeyKitten13
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Strange. That's what it was, it was strange that for a moment, for a second, it had seemed that Rose had been, for once in her life on her sister's side. But, this was an impossibility, she supposed. At least it seemed like an impossibility, when her sister was shrieking her disapproval of Rose's pacifism. It seemed terribly unlikely when she shouted that they would never be close. It didn't seem attainable, viable when she marched away, a storm of rage and fire. And this, she might remind anyone watching, was why she felt it necessary to restore order, to scream back, to fall into a role than had become frighteningly typical. This was why it was necessary to to become the brown nosing villain, the tattle-tale, as Harmony put it 'Goody-Rose'.


Harmony, she vociferated, shared her upset, her concerns, and Rose responded in kind, speaking over the girl's roar,

"What on earth?! How could you-" She took a long, slow breath, watching the oxygen float from her lips in an icy cloud of condensation,

"You claim to have the common sense, the good sense not to risk losing house points? Right. Well, then I assume it was your," she formed air quotes using her fingers,

"It was your good sense that informed you that it was an intelligent idea to transform Aria Malfoy's hair into a bloody, pink monstrosity." Rose found herself rubbing her temple again, this was like speaking to a toddler,

"What if she hadn't been able to modify it? What if the color had stuck? We would have had a mysteriously pink haired student and a dozen teenagers testifying that they had witnessed Harmony Weasley jinxing her. You would have had detention for weeks and lost more Housepoints than James could in a week-" She turned to her cousin, "No offense James." When she spun back to face Harmony, her twin had disappeared into the crowd. With a weary sigh, she followed her into the swarm of students, and then into the Great Hall, dropping onto the Ravenclaw bench beside a peculiarly dressed housemate with a pacifier, feeling suddenly weighted with exhaustion.

@indiedarling @NightFlame @Ariettie
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Alice removed her robes, as they became scorchingly hot, revealing more of her tattoos. The rest of her arms were adorned with a white rabbet in a waistcoat (with red eyes and a watch), a top hat (with a label for size, and sewing pins sticking out of it), a wolf (driving a van), and (her personal favourite) the word "CryBaby" adorned the bottom of both her wrists. Alice was often called a cry baby, and that's why she put it there, turning a negative into a positive.

Alice smiled at Rose, and waved. "Hello!" She slurred, not removing the pacifier, "haf we meth?"

(That's "have we met?" In case you were wondering.) Alice knew the girl, obviously, but couldn't remember her name at all.
Pulling a lock of auburn hair from her eyes, Rose tilted her head, properly examining the Ravenclaw for the first time. She certainly recognized the girl, her two-toned hair pulled into thick pigtails, numerous tattoos, and dangling pacifier all pointed towards her identity being Alice Finnigan. Alice was, as her mother was so fond of putting it, the 'Luna Lovegood' of Rose's generation. She was terribly peculiar, at least at her exterior, and favored more juvenile pursuits over those befitting an adolescent. Rose had never had much of a problem with these quirks, though then again, she hadn't encountered the girl much in her time at Hogwarts, as she was a year below Rose. Taking all of this into account, she decided she was far too drowsy to attempt polite evasion of conversation and stuck out her hand,

"I don't believe we have met properly, I'm Rose Weasley. And I do believe your name is Alice Finnigan, if I'm not mistaken?"

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Harmony took no notice of her sister shouting back, blinded by rage. She put a raging aura around, signaling not to mess with her if you valued your life. Stopping at the entrance, Harmony took a deep breath in, in an attempt to calm herself down. This was one of the few things that put her temper low. The ancient timeless scent of Hogwarts always managed to put Harmony in a state of awe and tranquility. Stepping in, she headed to her usual spot in the Gryffindor house, stopping by to greet a few hello's and hey's. Harmony sat down on the benches, replying to the many greetings of ghosts and people. Setting her luggage down, Harmony stretched her arms and stood up. "Feels so good to be back home! Isn't that right Gryffins?" She shouted out loud, receiving cheers all over the table. Harmony grinned childishly. She sat down, earning pats on the back and praises. Honestly, that was one of the many things she also loved about Hogwarts. You were actually noticed if you tried.


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