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Fandom The Next Generation of Wizards (OPEN)

Alice smiled behind her pacifier, and lightly slurred, "Ith wasss good. Bether zen lass year."

Alice had friends, but not many of them were old enough to attend Hogwarts. Many of the students didn't understand her, and therefore didn't like her. Ironic as it may be, Polaris was one of the few people to show her kindness, and, at the minimum, tolerance. The only real thing they had in common was the dislike of bullies (specifically a one James Potter), and an innate talent to attract stares. Occasionally, when no one else was around, they had matched wits at wizards chess, but Polaris was not one to take loosing to a girl in footie pajamas too happily, so these occasions were few and far between.
Azrael had a yearly tradition of sleeping during the train ride to Hogwarts at the beginning of the term. He awoke to the familiar sound of a train coming to a stop. But as soon as he had stepped off the train it had seemed the fiery hatred between one Polaris Lestrange and one James Potter had not died in the slightest way over the summer. The Le Fay scion resisted the urge to sigh and pinch his nose. Nevertheless he ignored the two as much as he could before making sure that he had all of his items together. He was one of the last ones off of the train and hopped into a carriage. One occupied by a male he was watching argue earlier and a rather peculiar witch who insisted on having a pacifier in her mouth. "Lestrange, Finnigan." The cordial greeting came with a smile that revealed white, pristine teeth and a seemingly joyful expression. "Hope you both enjoyed the break."

Simply put, he did not like Polaris Lestrange for a variety of reasons. The wizard was the sole reason he deigned to quit the Dueling club and instead decided to get by in that category by his Aunt's instructions and his parent's journals. But Slytherins did not show outward opposition towards each-other. Three quarters of the school were against them for the most part. And for that they had to stick together outside of the common room.

Inside, was of course a completely different story.


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"I did." Polaris said quietly, brushing his messy but attractive black hair behind his ears. What the hell was Azrael doing, smiling at them? It was almost insulting, this happiness. It was so evidently a lie, the truth shone through, Polaris lived in the same way. He knew Azrael disliked Polaris and he was why he quit the Dueling Club. A lot of people did not like Polaris's teaching methods. He was brutal and harsh, it's what kept them on top. Another polarity. Polaris had thought at first that he was only like this externally to please his parents, that he was a good kid inside. However, maybe all that Dark Magic had already done it's work. He lost his ability to be kind to those who did not return it, which scared him. He wanted to end this, but if he quit it would be Ruri next. He was her big brother, he couldn't let her become tainted, he was supposed to protect her from harm, all the harm in the world. It's why he didn't go after Lily. The hatred was between him and James and no-one else. But Azrael was right, they couldn't show they disliked each other whilst outside the Common Room. Everyone else hated them. They helped fuel the Dark Arts he practiced, gave him more sadistic intent. He had become a monster, a suicidal monster. It was the only way of restoring any honor to the family name. He knew Ruri didn't take in all the hatred like he did, he was proud of her for that.
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Adelaide sat silently and no one seemed to eager to notice her either. It was as if she were merely another shadow in the carriage, but she was fine with that. She observed her fellow school mates curiously. Recognizing the other Ravenclaw witch as the rather odd, but very witty Alice Finnigan and, of course, the Malfoy boy and Lestrange, who she really only knew for their legacy and Polaris and James' notorious rivalry that went beyond the rivalry between their houses.

Adelaide found herself frowning, her eyebrows forming a crease between them as she fell into a deep thought, as she watched the exchange between Polaris and the other Slytherin boy. She had a knack for reading people and the odd amount of false kindness and underlying hostility she felt radiating from the two left her quite confused. How odd for two people from a loyal house such as Slytherin to feel such darkness towards each other. She accidentally bumped Pakston's carrier with her heel and he let out a hiss followed by a low, angry growl and she snapped out of her pondering, snapping back at him with a quick mumble, "Oh, shut up, you grumpy old furball."
Ruri quickly got off the train and saw the last carriage hadn't left yet. She scowled and ran towards it, Stardust flying behind her quickly. She got her stuff on the carriage and sat next to Alice, who she thought was pretty interesting. "God! That's so rude, leaving me behind." Ruri said testily, pointing at Polaris. "Since my brother is too rude to even wait for me, I'll introduce myself. I'm Polaris's sister, Ruri."

"Sorry, I was in a rush." Polaris replied. He had no idea until today that Ruri was coming to Hogwarts, already sorted into Slytherin.


Name: Scorpius Malfoy

Location: The Carriage

Interacting with: Everyone


Was the Slytherin boy tired? Yes, but was he going to show it? Absolutely not. For most of the trip, he seemed to be either writing something in his journal, talking with the Lestrange boy, or making sideways glances at his twin, silently judging anyone who walked in. His owl would occasionally let out a hoot of resistance, after all he had been stuck in a cage for quite some time now. Ever since the second wizarding war, his family had migrated out of Britain and into Ireland, where one of his family's estates were located. As the blond looked up, he let a sigh, not even bothering to butt into the hatred between Potter and Lestrange. His strategy was to battle it out on the field.

Name: Aria Malfoy

Location: The Carriage

Interacting with: Everyone
@Gabriel Leko [mentioned]


The youngest Malfoy was most certainly not amused. Having taken a train for so goddamn long, her body ached and she needed a stretch. She was already changed into a Slytherin quidditch outfit that showed off most of her toned body. Letting out a yawn, the black cat in her lap seemed to copy her motions before letting out a cat yawn. When she heard a familiar voice talk, she closed her eyes and smiled to herself.

When she spoke, one would assume that Bellatrix was somehow back from the dead. For some odd reason, Aria seemed to talk, act, and almost look like the infamous Bellatrix Lestrange. "You seem to have forgotten someone Le Fay." Letting out a giggle, her accent only highlight the young witch's snobby like behavior.


Alice had never been a huge fan of the Malfoys. The girl scared her, and the boy was downright irritating. They were intriguing none the less. Alice tried to be civil to them for the sake of her own interest in them. Like the gross part of a scary movie, that makes you want to vomit but you can't look away.

She watched the other students file in and slurred, without removing her pacifier, "Zees zings are bigger zen zey look..."

Alice squeezed closer to Adelaide to accommodate Ruri.
Ruri smiled at Alice and sat next to her. She was unlike her cousins and her brother, she despised Dark Magic. The odd one out, thankfully despite the pacifier Alice looked like she might be fun to hang out with, the same going for Adelaide.

Polaris had grown bored of dealing with everyone, so he pulled his hood over his eyes and decided to sleep, Yuri following suit.
Alice looked at Ruri carefully. She took her pacifier out and said, "have we met? I feel like we should have, but I'm not sure...."

Alice had never been good with names and faces, so this was not an uncommon question from her. Often times she would ask this of her own house mates, which was often followed by any of her house mates in the area groaning loudly. Alice's wishy-washy memory was a bit of a pain really.
It seemed there were more people in the carriage than he originally thought. Perkins, the two Malfoys, and what seemed to be Lestrange's little sister.A rare lack of of observation on his part. Then again, it was fair to say that Lestrange and especially Finnigan could command attention at times.Nevertheless, the mistake was pointed out by one Aria Malfoy, albeit directed towards her rather than the entire group.

Truth be told, Azrael quite liked the Malfoy twins. Despite what most may consider undesirable traits he respected Scorpius's determination, and as for Aria's propensity for cruelty....well considering his aunt's own sadistic tendencies, who was he to judge? As for attitudes towards people of "diluted" blood, he could care less unless they made it his problem. This was a stance he held towards most in his house. The only ones he disliked were ones who made it his problem or had a character and did actions he found deplorable.

Like Lestrange for example. His high temper and outburts were almost insulting. While they were far and few in between, to have that little control over your mental and emotional state.... It was almost disgraceful.

Were it not for that, the Italian born wizard was sure they would've gotten along swimmingly.

"Apologies...." His eyes trailed to her form, which was accentuated by the Quidditch robe and he couldn't help but both raise an eyebrow and have a smirk start to form on his face. "Already craving to get out on the pitch?"

Truth be told, neither could he. The Slytherin team was not only strong, but experienced at well. This might have been one their best shots at winning the cup since his second year.

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Name: Scorpius Malfoy

Location: The Carriage

Interacting with:
@Ariettie [mentioned] @GimmickPuppet [mentioned] @Gabriel Leko [mentioned]


Letting out yet another sigh, the Malfoy boy seemed to clench his jaw, a sign that he was either extremely peeved or annoyed. There was no in between. He kept side glancing at a young girl with a pacifier in her mouth, then back at the Lestrange spawn. Where they even blood related? Not by a chance. Shaking his head, he heard Azarael begin to speak about Quidditch and he let out a sigh. Sure, he loved Quidditch, and would eventually get on the team, but he didn't love it. It just wasn't his passion.

Name: Aria Malfoy

Location: The Carriage

Interacting with: Everyone
@Gabriel Leko @GimmickPuppet [mentioned]


The girl seemed to let out an arrogant laugh as she rolled her eyes and nodded her head, "what gave you that idea Le Fay? Was it the obnoxiously green outfit I was wearing, or my coat with my name and status?" Folding her legs, she let out a sigh before watching a few people in the carriage and letting out a laugh. Of course the Lestrange kids were in here. Not that she hated them or anything, she was just indifferent about them. She was indifferent about most Slytherins, but any other house? She just couldn't stand. Gryffindors were oh so bothersome with their "heroic" deeds and better-than-everyone-else vibe. Which she wouldn't mind, if they could back up their attitude. Ravenclaws were easy targets to push around, and Hufflepuffs? Didn't even need to explain herself when she was called up for jinxing one of them.


The air was delightfully cool and crisp as Rose stepped carefully from the Hogwarts Express, pleased to be free of it's stuffy interior. Her shoes clicked quietly as she navigated the surging sea of black robed teenagers that had swarmed the station. Her eyes scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces. Spotting her cousin's messy mop of inky, black hair she sped forward, already opening her mouth to greet him. Unfortunately, her salutation never quite escaped her lips, as she was interrupted by one of his own teasing jibes, obviously directed towards Polaris, who was just a few feet away. She frowned, glaring at James, despite the fact that it was unlikely that he would catch her look of disapproval. While, she disliked Polaris on account of his blatant hatred of anyone who's blood was as he put it, 'impure', she did not believe that an unprovoked attack on the boy was at all necessary. Despite what her cousin might claim, she had the feeling that he was capable of greater good than he maintained. Though, she hadn't the slightest bit of evidence to support this theory. She was about to tell James off when Polaris' reply sounded through the station. Rage boiled through her veins, searing her face a livid scarlet and burning her eyes bright. She could hardly believe her ears! How dare he say such a thing? Her Aunt was perfectly lovely. Why she could- Not bothering to listen to any more of the absolute garbage this snake had to say, she stomped towards the nearest carriage and climbed in.
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Azrael took the sardonic remarks in stride, unfazed by the seemingly mocking laughter and responded in kind. "You know, I really had my doubts with the coat. But it was definitely those horrid green robes that sealed the deal. As a matter of fact I should start making a petition to switch our house colors with Ravenclaws' " A petition that very, very few people would sign, but it was still worth a shot. No one should have to spend seven years being met with that horrific hue. In his personal opinion of course

The carriage continued to move, and Hogwarts just came closer and closer. In the spirit of making conversation until they arrived, yet another query few from the Le Fay scion's lips.
"So, any of you learn anything new over the summer?" While Azrael was aware there were people who were not a part of Slytherin in that carriage who heard that question, he wasn't worried at all. What could they do if one of them decided to talk about a new "Dark" spell they learned? Tell the Professors? Their head of house would cry stereotyping and that would be the end of that. "Anyone?"




The bickering and the exhausting conversation between the siblings and cousins and others in the carriage was almost too much for Adelaide to bear. In fact, more than once, she considered actually jumping out of the moving carriage and walking the rest of the way to Hogwarts. Even if only that didn't mean that she'd be late for the sorting and dinner. She didn't really mind Alice or Polaris or even Le Fay really and she was still unsure about the other Lestrange. But the Malfoy twins were a different story. It wasn't necessarily that she or her family had a deep rooted hatred for them like the Potters or the Weasleys, at least not that she knew of. She just never liked the aura they gave off. One of superiority and, in the case of Aria, spoiled rotten selfishness. While most people didn't like Slytherins for their legendary ties to dark wizards and dark magic, Adelaide disliked Slytherins simply for the attitudes and their lack of character and morale.

She was just about to nod off into a short lived nap to try to survive the rest of the ride, her head leaning against the frame of the carriage, when Le Fay's question hit her ears. Finally, something that might actually be interesting. Sure, Adelaide didn't come from a legacy of dark wizards and she surely didn't consider herself to be one, but dark magic was powerful and she respected any magic as complicated and strong as the dark magic her fellow classmates' parents used to practice (and most likely still do). And, not that she'd ever admit to it, but she'd done a fair amount of dappling in lesser dark magic herself. She sat up a little straighter, listening keenly for everyone's answers.
After stepping quickly and a tad loudly into the carriage, she slumped into one of the seats, still fuming. Polaris, as much as she wished to see potential in him, and most of the other Slytherins, if she was being quite honest, could be ever so infuriating at times. They were careless with words, throwing slurs about as if they were tossing quaffles. It was often terribly difficult to find the humanity in the lot of them. But they could be good. They had to be kind or quirky, somehow. Otherwise, how could they remain members of the Homo sapient species? Rose narrowed her eyes, gazing pensively at the seat across from her, it was times like these where she really wished Albus was around. He had always had the quiet wisdom to solve these sorts of conundrums. With far too many questions and far too few answers, Rose pulled a novel from her bag, a violently blue one with the title, 'What Every Body's Saying'. She listened to the author's lively writing style for quite a while, allowing it to lull her into a sleepy trance of interesting information and new nonfiction. Following a few minutes of blissfully silent reading, a cacophonous thump signaled James' arrival, followed by a slightly smaller one. Setting her story on the seat beside her, Rose inquired,

"James Sirius Potter, what on Earth were you thinking?"
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With a rather obnoxious and dramatic huff, James threw himself onto one of the carriages benches, his lanky body draped in a slightly awkward way causing him to take up more than his fair share of the seat. He took one look at Rose and then rolled his eyes, snapping at her, "Oh, shut it, Rose. You're not my mum. Besides, I was just having a bit of friendly fun. Lestrange was the one out of line." He glanced back towards the still open door of the carriage, waiting for the others to reach the carriage so they could be on their way. He was a young, growing boy who had just been stuck on a train for hours without a decent meal and he was all but starved to death at this point, which might have had some part in his rather grumpy attitude at the present time. He ran a hand through his dark locks, stretching his arms out to drape them across the back of the bench he was seated on. Unlike Albus, James was blessed with the ability to tame the unruly hair he and his brother had inherited from their father and their paternal grandfather and it stayed neatly and sharply slicked back and to the side. "You know, Rosey, if you weren't so busy being an uptight stick in the mud you would understand just how fun it is to be the James Sirius Potter." he sent her a joking jab, his words definitely more lighthearted than his previous statement, a clear example of his unpredictable mood swings.
Rose's frown remained firmly in place, though her hazelnut brown eyes were alight with laughter and mischief. Struggling to keep her tone serious, she replied,

"Don't call me Rosie," with something akin to jubilance seeping into her voice towards the end. Without pausing for breath, she continued,

"And I have plenty of fun, you just aren't present to witness any of it." Her fingers found the corner of her book, fiddling and folding it with quick precision,

"And I'll have you know that I am the very-" her stomach interrupted her statement with a loud rumble, and her cheeks were once again red, though this time with a faint blush,

"Pardon me, I'm just ravenous. I hope they include a tub of ice cream in this evening's pudding." Her mouth began to water at the thought, perhaps this year they'd even have her favorite flavor, Mint Chocolate Chip. Her stomach made yet another noise. With a roll of her eyes, Rose began
rummaging around her purse. She had really hoped she would last until the feast this year and preserve her appetite. But, no such luck. After a bit of searching, she fished out two packets of biscuits, tossed one to James, and opened her own bag before popping one in her mouth.

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Alice's ears perked up slightly at the general question, and took her pacifier out to answer. "I learned that you should be really careful when playing with the younger Lovegood children. I got blasted through a wall, with accidental magic, because one of them thought she saw a nargal, and got excited..."

The Lovegoods were an odd bunch. Alice's father had been good friends with Luna Lovegood after the war. Her husband even liked the name so much, he broke tradition and took it. They had a comparatively large family, and the magic running through them was some of the strongest Alice had ever seen. When a toddler can blast you through a wall, because she got excited, then you know there's some powerful juices flowing through them.


Name: Scorpius and Aria Malfoy

Location: The Carriage

Interacting with: @everyone


The twins seemed to exchange glances towards one another, as if they were sharing secrets with twin telepathy. With a flick of their hands, they both extended their wands, but did absolutely nothing with it. While doing so, the Malfoy heiress's sleeve seemed to raise slightly, only to reveal a tattoo on her wrist. For a flash second, almsot everyone could see it in it's large bold letter: Imperio. It was a lesson the Malfoy's learned over the summer, something that seemed so distant.

Their father was a tortured soul, that Draco Malfoy. The spell was forbidden to use outside, or anywhere as a matter of fact, but Draco wanted the
best for his children, even if it meant harming them in the process. The imperio curse was a dark one, and the process in which the twins learned the spell was a difficult one that costed a lot of their sanity. As a scar to remind herself of the consequences of the spell, Aria had it tattooed permanently onto her body, along side many of her favorite spells.

Scorpius cleared his throat, "I'm sure we'll have much magic to talk about once we reach Hogwarts. For now," his face twisted into a grin, "let's talk about family matters. Those topics tend to be
oh so juicy."



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Harmony remained silent the whole time. From staying at the train to leaving it to the carriage. Of course she got amused by James' and Polaris' fight, but Evelyn just had to interfere when she was about to make it worse. She never really like James. Sure, she admits, her uncle was off the hook, not just because she was also his favorite, but he was damn powerful. Harmony's eyes showed boredom as she rode with James and Evelyn. She wasn't too fond of her cousins and their friends either, exception of Albus who was the only one she could play with from time to time. Harmony grabbed her wand and started playing with it, letting it go through her fingers. Harmony closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "A fight was going to happen Evelyn, why'd you have to stop it? I'm sure James would have loved to have a fight with Lestrange.." Harmony faked a frown at Evelyn. She looked at James and looked sympathetic, too sympathetic. With a smirk, she leaned back. Hopefully this would start something.

@indiedarling @Raina
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Alice shrugged and put her pacifier back in her mouth. This was a conversation that she wasn't technically welcome to join. Her blood status had only come up a small number of times in civilized conversation, though she was not ashamed of it. As far as she was concerned, your blood didn't really matter. It might when trying to pick a spouse, as it could influence the children, but as for the children, they can't choose their parents. Alice didn't much care what the Slytherins thought of her, simply because her grandfather was a muggle, and her mother was a squib. As far as Alice was concerned, it was impressive how powerful she actually was.
Her gaze fixed on her blindingly brightly colored bag of biscuits, Rose rolled her eyes. It was hardly uncommon for her twin to attempt these sorts of tricks and games, but she always found it terribly obnoxious, despite how recurrent this behavior had become. Her voice taking on a tone of icy control, she spoke,

"No, I think it was quite kind of Evelyn to help our cousin out of conflict. He could have gotten a detention or worse had the fight continued. But, because of her swift action, such consequences were easily avoided. Would you rather James have had detentions for a week?" She peered at her sister, a frown settling once again onto her features.

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As Rose defended the two, Harmony could only laugh wryly. Of course she would do this, she had a nickname for Rose when she had done this. Rose The Goody Defender. Sounds cheesy right? WellI, Harmony found it right to call her twin that. "Well, you can't say James would be able to avoid detention..... At all.." Adding those two words casually shrugging as if it we're nothing. "So, why not make it as cool as you can?" Harmony more like stated in a matter-of-fact tone. She leaned her back once again on the carriage. Silence was set for a while. And silence from Rose was good. As bitter as it sounds, Harmony hated Rose's voice and found it annoying sometimes. It would always interfere or tattle on her. One of many reasons why Harmony disliked Rose was because she wouldn't keep her mouth shut. "I mean, I'm pretty sure Lestrange is better to fight with than Twin B. Malfoy.. After all, Lestrange is more... let's see, Slytherin-y" Harmony referred to the heir of the Malfoy house. She always had a nickname for anything and anyone and a word for the same things as well, one of her strange habits that appeal to the bad and the good. Harmony let a wry smile appear on her face once again. "But of course, you can't understand that, your too goody.." She sounded as if she was going to add something about their mother, but she hated involving her so she kept her mouth clamped up. Other thn that, Harmony actually sounded as if she we're actually sympathetic, but of course, Rose knew her. She would never be sympathetic, welll, to her that is. With a sigh, Harmony closed her eyes. if you were on James' point of view, you would actually think that she was defending you, but really, making conflict just relaxed her veins.

@KeyKitten13 @indiedarling @Raina
Rose's fiddling fingers ceased their feverish movement and instead rose to rub at her temple, a headache already forming from the prolonged contact with her insufferable sister. Harmony could be horribly difficult at the best of times. She was brash, impulsive, and often hotheaded which contrasted terribly with Rose's more collected, law abiding attitudes. And her voice, why, it was near intolerable when they they were squabbling. It was permeated with the permanent 'Devil May Care' coolness that was so often associated with Slytherins, and was infuriatingly nonchalant in even the most serious of situations. It was a voice that Rose had come to associate with a surplus of trouble that she could not afford. Her cousin, however, had different opinions on the matter. Albus had once confided in her that he believed this unconcerned tone was some sort of shield, a facade or something of the kind. Rose wasn't entirely sure what he had meant by the statement. What could her sibling have to protect? Her brow furrowed and her lips turned farther downward still. What in the name of Merlin did the girl have at stake? Her sister's last jibe reached her murky mind as if through water, and her repose to the question lacked any trace of venom, and was instead thoughtful, as she queried,

"And what might be so terrible to you about simply being good?" It was really more a musing than anything else. But, out of the insatiable curiosity that had landed her in Ravenclaw, she watched her sister carefully, awaiting her response.

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Harmony spread her arms around the rim of the carriage, reaching Evelyn's side as well. The position they we're in was Rose to Harmony and Evelyn to James. The sound of her sister's thoughtful voice irritated her, not that it was the only time it did. "I find it awfully boring, not that it matter to you, but nothing really... That is... if your good.." Harmony added, emphasis on good. She made eye contact with Rose and smirked. Harmony pursed her lips firmly as if to suppress a laugh. "But you aren't good, your goody-good-good. Your level of Goodiness is way past normal, the fun you have is on 0... Your also known as the the Tattletale.." Harmony smiled at Rose. She crossed her legs and closed here eyes once again. "But I guess that's who you are, and I wont judge.. I've accepted that already.." For a moment, Harmony sounded genuine. But it didn't last long. She opened her eyes, her brown eyes showing a nonchalant glint. HARMONY grinned then let put a dry laugh. "True, I've accepted.. I've accepted the fact that my sister is a goody-two-shoes... Were twins, you'd think you'd have more fun.." Harmony sighed and then smirked. "Say, James, how long would it take you to meet me in detention?"

@indiedarling @Raina @KeyKitten13
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