The New World Asylum [Inactive]

An explosion of flavor hit Purrs taste buds sweet and sticky. A hunk of chocolate got caught in her throat and she coughed, spitting the rest of the foreign substance out and trying to dislodge it. After another paroxysm of coughs the little chuck had melted enough to be forced out by her violent coughs. All the flying objects fall undiscriminating to the ground walls cease to crack and the earth stops trembling lights come back on outside the cell (The ones that weren't destroyed in the chaos that is), and: her energy spent, Purr lay curled up on the floor in the corner of her cell tears still streaking down her cheeks "go 'way." she whispers in a tiny, terrified, desperate, exhausted voice, then she falls asleep.
Bells ringed everywhere. It looked like a war with all the guards and uncharted fighting. Rose watched as the guard she burned struggled the get away. However, she didn't do anything further. "Everyone needs a second chance," she thought out loud. Some guards shot tranquilizers at her, but she quickly dodged them. "I don't want to miss this for the world." She grinned and sat down on one of the walls in the courtyard, watching the scene. Ready to burn any guard who tried to interfere in what she called her front row seat to a show.
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Gordon turned on the holocommunicator, only to find that and ERROR 294583: NO SIGNAL message popped up, great, the wires must have broken. What was he to do?
As Daniel stares straight at his cage he starts to go half invisible and lays on his invisible side half above the ground other half under ground 
Daniel stands up then leans against the bars "Meh." he said with bordem clear in his voice
"Ah, but the better question is where would we not?" In all honestly, he had little idea of where to actually go, but he did know one thing, there was no forgiving what had happened here. Not for the redefined, not for the uncharted, and certainly not for Settoku. He wasn't going to let anything like that happen again, at least not to those he cared for in the slightest. If they stayed, they would be even more ruthless with their experiments until they found ways to break everyone of them.

"We'll just h-" his voice was drowned out by the tearing and rumbling of what seemed to be the entire asylum, or at least what was left of it. The place went back as he stopped moving and planted himself firmly to keep from losing his balance with Settoku. How inconvenient . . . It wasn't so much for him, he simply enhanced his sight to serve as a sort of night vision, but he wasn't so sure about Alvia. She had her electricity, which seemed to constantly spark around her at this point, but he still reaffirmed his presence. "You want to hold on to me?" He asked with a hint of teasing. He'd have offered to carry her, but Settoku's still unmoving body occupied his arms at the moment. Then, almost as quickly as it had come, it was gone and the sky above gave light to their way once more. He could only logically, well somewhat logically, apply this feat to someone with a black category. The girl seemed likely to be the case and he simply hoped she wasn't going to have any more tantrums.

"We've stuck around long enough." Viktor jerked his head towards the hole and finished making his way there. They had a few options at this point. Become wanderers, never settling in one place, pay a visit to the city and perhaps try to blend in, or carve a place out for themselves from the remnants of the old world. None would be easy, but when had his life ever been? He decided to leave the question for now and take a vote at a later, safer date. He paused at the opening to the outside, simply waiting for a bit. Any Uncharted that wanted escape he would provide it to. Even if they didn't stick around, which he wasn't entirely sure he wanted, they would keep the Redefined off of his, Alvia, and Settoku's tails.

Any low velocity round, like the tranqs and stun grenades the guard employed would be rendered ineffective by his shield. He looked to the window once more and the figure was pointing at something. He didn't like that. Slowly, he turned his head towards where they were pointing. What . . . in the world . . . Was all he had time to process. His sense of danger reeled, demanding him to move, and move now as a bright blue light began to from in front of the machine. He had a split second to react. Thankfully, a split second was longer to him than average, as he enhanced his perception of time and speed to an incredible amount. He shoved Alvia through the hole in the wall, throwing Settoku after her with a hasty, "Catch!" He didn't wait for a response, or reaction, that would take too long. They were both in a safe, safer than he at least, location now and he turned to face the light. Every enhancement he had ever devised, realized, or even thought about he applied to himself, unsure it would even matter, but if there was one thing he wouldn't do, it was go down without a fight. The area his shield had covered filled with a murky blackness, making any concept or notion of what was happening within impossible. The earth surged, molten metal leaped, even the bodies of nearby fallen launched themselves between Viktor and the energy. A moment later the world flashed white with an ear splitting noise as the light was fired. The resulting shock wave was so immense it sent anyone close enough flying backwards, breathless and dazed with lashing burns simply from the wind alone. As the smoke and debris cleared slightly all that could be seen was a disfigured, blackened mess of an object that now blocked the hole in the asylum wall. No sound could be heard from within other than the constant ringing of the alarms . . .
pbtenchi was now away from the asylum on his way home, but when he got to the site of the village, he found not the warm welcome he had imagined, but a barren wasteland with a few graves spilled around, he got un his knees, and cried. after crying for some time he headed in the direction where he felt the most energy distortion (where the most uncharted are) after awhile he caught up by using kinetic energy to boost his speed, he figured he would build up some sort of group with this lost and declare full out war on the redefined, of which he had come to the opinion where the real monsters, even if the uncharted were mad, that was just their species right? the redefined had no right to imprison them. The revolt of today was the spark of revolution. suddenly in the distance he saw a bright beam of light, some sort of energy distortion, coming from the direction of the asylum 
(ah you posted yours while I was writing mine)
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Gordon had left camp now and was running, he didn't know why and it was very stupid of him to do so. But without his pills he had no idea what he would do, his thinking wasn't straight and without the holocommunicator he had no idea what to do. He'd just have to find the nearest settlement and try to find reinforcements there.
Cat was blown away in the explosion. Her head made solid contact with a steel surface, and she blacked out.

((gonna be gone for a while.))
(Technically I did defeat a black as they collsapsed from choking on some chocolate I shoved down her throat, do I get a rank up lol?)
"What the hell is happening?" Alvia yelled out over the noise of the crumbling of the asylum. Looks like when you try to save a friend from being experimented on, you start a whole freaking revolution against the other side! She pushed Settoku higher up her shoulder, making sure to not let her touch the ground.

Everything Alvia has ever known is either dust, non-existent or dead. How did it even come to this? What now? she was moments away from a panic attack, all these thoughts ramming against each other in her head creating a storm of anxiety. Alvia couldn't understand how and why. Weren't the Redefined basically the same as Uncharted? Maybe not as gifted, but still, weren't they all the same?

"Damn it..." Alvia looked around her, nothing but forest around her and a small road, probably the road that led to the city and towns. She didn't know if that's where the road led, she never left the asylum.
Noah was sitting against the wall of the asylum watching as some of the guards chase or fight other uncharted while some escape through a large gaping hole in the wall across from him. However he was content on sitting where he was now. The Uncharted were hunted down and brought here before, so they could do it again. Noah just didn't want to go through the trouble of having to be wrangled and brought here again. Plus, he was still watching Siv's unconscious body. He looked and saw the Asylum shaking as if there was an earthquake. It was a good thing he was out in the open courtyard, otherwise things might topple onto him.
Jackson had opted to follow Cat feeling more useful out here. Plus, there were plenty of Meds. back already helping the wounded. When they came to the whole in the wall he stood gazing at it, when the smell regestured to him he was snapped back to his senses. His eyes belay an angry light. He recognized the chemicals and figured out what they had been doing. But he hadn't known or he would have stopped it. The fools who did this, didn't they see there were different, better, . . .cleaner ways to do things? And taking those powers . . . Jackson turned away in disgust. But soon realizing that he'd lost Cat he simply ran down a random hallway. After making several turns he found himself at the court yard. He was shoved to the ground and soon lost sight of what was happening. It was all going to fast. There was shaking and chaos that was all he could make out he stayed where he was watching, unsure what to do next.

Sivas jumped from body to body, mostly guards having them shoot each other was quite amusing. Eventually he jumped into a strong guard deciding it was time to leave. He would never be caged from touching those around him again he loved gobbling up the memories of people. Each person he possessed was linked to him he knew who they really were deep down. Each one of them even the dead ones. He ran and picked up his body, knowing it would move to slow to escape in time if he returned now. "Grass, and trees, and things!" He smiled at Noah waving to him, not knowing if he would see him again. Then he ran shoving past a medic. The rest was a blur. Shaking, running, redefined, uncharted, the outside, freedom, crashing, crushing. His way to freedom blocked he ran searching for another.
(I feel like dying right now IRL.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU---- It didn't alert me again.... I'm going to punch a wall)
"So where do we go now, sir Viktor?" she said, attempting a big grin and then settling with a smaller smile. She couldn't get the fact out of her head that she might never see anyone else she's known ever again.

Well, at least you have Settoku and Viktor. Hmm, that is true... Alvia laughed and shook her head, she's gone nuts. "Ah, stop talking to yourself Alvia," she laughed halfheartedly.

She turned back to find no one else there, just a few random other Uncharted walking away injured and burnt. You know what happened, stop telling yourself it didn't. Alvia was close to tears when she finally accepted the fact he was gone. "What a goddamn lovely day it's been!" she growled out, tears streaking down her face as she took off into the forest where most of the others were heading. She slowed her pace from a jog, to a walk, and then to a slow walk and then stopped. "Damn it, damn everything," she almost dropped to the ground but remembered she had the girl, Settoku, with her. We can cry later, Settoku first, she told herself, determined to get Settoku to safety.
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The sun was starting to set and Gordon still hadn't found any form of settlement, but then he saw it; a thousand city lights all gleaming at once, the great city of Ayena. Here he was bound to find reinforcements. But as he got closer to the city he felt a slight twinge, this got stronger the closer he got, "radiation" he thought. He turned around, immediately knowing that the radiation would harm him more than anyone else, but it was too late. Gordon felt himself get weaker and weaker, until, he lost consciousness.
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Cat woke slowly, her leg felt like molten lead had replaced her blood. She bit her lip and cursed silently. A large hunk of stone was pinning her leg. "Bloody leg just can't stop gettin' itsel' hurt." She levered herself up on one arm and realized that her entire body was bruised and aching, then she twisted around and worked on removing the stone from it's position. She gritted her teeth on the shooting pain, and rolled the rock away, leaving a twisted, torn bloody mess with shards of bone sticking out here and there. She scooted to the wall, a steel sheet, barely still standing, with shards and tears and missing chunks, and used it to hoist herself to her feet. She considered attempting to put weight on her injured foot, but decided against it. "Blast." She muttered sliding back to the littered floor. She'd just have to wait for someone to come by and help her. Cat cursed, she hated needing help.
Aaralyn had patched up hhis shoulder with bandages he found in his backpack. It still stung like hell, but it was better than nothing. He had taken luckily been outside when the building fell to ruins. Going back in to the asylum he looked around; he saw a guard leaning against the wall, her leg looked injured. Walking towards her he whispered "c...can i h-help?' (@Guardian Angel) 
Haral had come running out of the asylum as soon as the ground starting shaking. She was now following the small dirt dirt road that cut through the forest. The sun was starting to set, gathering twigs and leaves she started to make a fire. The fire had become more established and was now giving off a good amount of heat and light. Sitting down she aimlessly stared into it
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after a surprisingly quick time the band of uncharted pbtenchi had grouped with established a small community, and pbtenchi found he could do things that didn't include destroying things, like making walls, now all was left was to get some weapons build some walls find other uncharted and declare war on the city. (who wants to join me in the annihilation of the redefined :P )
Slowly a form seemed to rise from the rubble. it was Issler but now in normal personality. "hah, im liquid, rocks can't kill me, but that did take a lot of energy and im knackered" starts walking in a random direction. all that he's going on is gut instinct. (he is going to 'accidentally' find blood)
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pbtenchi and a few other red uncharted created a search party and headed back to the asylum, it was almost sad seeing the place they spent most of their life in ruin, they did hate the place but still. pbtenchi felt some energy distortion and headed towards it only to find issler shaking rubble off "hey water boy, wanna come with us?" he said hopefully, he was still sad about purr staying in the asylum,
"hell no, even when I was unconscious I could hear what you said, I'm going to go find some nicer uncharted"
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