the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

(lol me dante nero and mia are talking and fighting) " Lets just say my father can be a bit of a keep a good eye on him alright...ah yes he has two lovers, a woman and a male."His expression was plain as he took a sip of his soda.
Mia laughed a bit, expecting something else. She only nodded at the lover information; not really knowing if that was supposed to be an important piece of information. Watched the two wrestle some more and smiled, “So if I do say yes,” She started, moving her gaze to look at both sides of the card he had handed her, “What would that mean? I am your lackey?” She asked. That would not agree with her, she was not keen on becoming someone’s lackey. Shane had not completely earned her respect as a person, and he should know that too. Being heir of some big gang only meant he was not meant to be messed with. Nowhere did it mean he was a man worth following.
Dante shot up along with nero slamming their foot on the table as they ended their fight. The both clenchd their fist and said together in sync. Shane if a leader worth following. He picked us up from the ground and showed us a new light. He helped us gain strenght and fight back. He gave us a reason to look forward in life. YOu wont be his lackey you'll be you. Simply when a job is needed he we call you or someone else."Dante broked from his stance and kneeld down toward Mia. "Simply saying you can do your own thing, go anywhere at anytime, we will have family meetings but thats really just to celebrate things..other than that we chose to follow him."
Mia smiled and leaned in much like Dante, “Sounds too much like a too good to be true, but sure, I’ll accept. I don’t own a cell phone though.” She said with a drop of sarcasm. Glancing at the group. “My name is Mia by the way.” She said as an afterthought, introducing herself to the other two guys.
Dante was the one that looked more thug like after shane."I'm Dante."The one that had a piece of candy in his mouuth and pointed to himself."The names nero...and dont worry about a phone..we have ways of getting the message out."
[QUOTE="akane-chan13]Kyo was panicking not knowing what to do. He started paising and thinking.

"What are you doing?" Alex screamed at Kyo. "Get the nurse! He's having a panic attack!"

((I'm really just trying to give you something to do. I figured it would be boring for you to just watch as my three characters handle things.))
(lol ok)

"I'll go get the nurse!" He runs out of the caffeteria and to the office. He told her what happened and leads her to David. "There!" He points to David.
((I guess I'll control the nurse.))

The school's nurse ran over to the hyperventilating boy. "What happened?" she asked, the question not directed at anybody in particular.

Alex answered. "I don't know! He just started breathing like this out of nowhere."

"Has this happened to him in the past?" She seemed to be trying to help him calm down. It did not appear to be working.

"He gets these panic attacks sometimes, but nothing like this!" Alex shouted. She felt bad for revealing the secret in front of Vera and Kyo.
Mia nodded at the two and snatched another bit of food up. She was pretty hungry and never ate that much because her family can't afford it. Mia thought about getting a job soon to help with the finances around the house. "Thanks for sharing the food." She said after a few moments of eating some of it. Eating their food gave Mia a sinking feeling of debt and she kind of hated it, so she put down the roll in her hand after she tanked them. They were still acquaintances, but she does hope tomorrow will be much like this. She would love to have friends like these, they seemed like good guys.
Shane took out a cigar and began to smoke as he looked over toward Mia." Don't have no debt with us so don't be afraid to ask for something."
Mia glanced at him, she watch him light the cigar. She hated the stuff, not in the way most people hated it, she hated it because it was the biggest money waster next to fancy cars and jewelry. Both her parents waste several hundred dollars a month on the expensive habit. “Sure, do you know where I can get a job that pays actual money? I really don’t want to flip burgers.” She asked, deepening the imaginary hole in her stomach.
"Being in our gang is a job..technically. I guess you can say it's buisness wise. There is no right sum of money nor is there a job that pays real money. If you think about how this world works, there is no real money. Wether the money is fake or blood money. But im straying off topic here. Tell me how much you need then drop by my place after school and I'll give it to you. This gang also provideds health benifits as well. FAmily is family and we protect our family. But because of the rule we have people sometimes take advantage of this but i make it very clear to them and let me make it clear to you."His voice was stern and the playfulness left. His voice sounded as of a true leader, a boss , But his voice hold threat and cold to it. "If you are not willing to lay your life on the line to protect your family and i find out...I will not bare my fangs toward you I will just eat you whole."
Mia smiled, this was the kind of stuff she wanted to hear from Shane. This was the kind of stuff she wanted to know he was capable off, being a leader. Not just barking orders and hiding behind the strong. The fact Dante and Nero seemed like two whipped puppies was proof enough, but Mia was always the one the likes actions over words.

Mia contemplated everything in a much deeper level, deciding if she really wanted to step back into the life of fighting again. She had left it and never found anything to fill the hole. Regardless if she said yes or not, it sounded like she needed to get a job, because she sure as hell was not going to take money from Shane. She was not going to be a charity case, besides; she would work for it before she took anything from them. She knew the moment she gave a definite for sure yes, they would probably find as much as they could about her and the threat was not an empty one.

“Ok Shane, consider me a Silencer.”
Mia said, looking up to Shane and meeting his fierce gaze with her determined one.
(guess ill chat with Sage and Flash then -w-)

Bit walked lightly along the cafeteria. There was a fair amount of people, but he didn't pay to it much attention. He saw two people whom were slouching against the side of the building. Bitter wasn't usually this open, but what else was he to do? "Ah, hello," he did a polite wave and squatted, blinking curiously.
Sage opened her eyes and then smiled, “Hi!” She chirped. “Don’t mind my friend here he’s asleep. Need a place to sit? This place is packed so there is not very many places to sit.” She said, offering the seat. As the guy sat down, Sage reached over to Flash and graved the plate of half eaten cake and began to eat it, “yuck… even the cake is mediocre.” She said.

Glancing at the new boy, said asked herself her usual question, what gender would this guy guess she was, a boy or a girl?
“My name is Sage by the way. This is my friend Flash. Please to meet you. Oh and help yourself to the food on the tray here.”
He smiled returnning to his kind side. He laughed a bit as he bit into his sucker. "You'r background looks alright, i see you were a fighter thats good to hear, glad to have you in our family."
"Bittersweet Elliots, nice to meet you Sage," he now sat down," Bit for short,"

Bitter smiled and swiped up a glob of icing from the tray, tasting a sweet thick mass of cream. He sat there in dead silence, examining the person he had just met. It looked like this Sage person was thinking too, but he had no idea what. Sage looked like a boy, or maybe a girl. A she-man? No. Maybe a prettyboy or simply a girl who didn't like to dress fancy. Bitter blinked a few more times before speaking," You're nice, Sage. But if I don't sound too rude, are you a male or female?" Bit spoke as polite as he could, fearing he might offend Sage.

Bittersweet jolted up, holding his hands up defensively," N-not that you're not a cute girl-- or handsome guy--or--- uh..nevermind," he slouched over in defeat. Greatly embaressed.
Sage immediately smiled when Bit asked wondering if she should tell him she was a boy. She still wasn’t sure if Flash knew what her gender was. “Don’t worry I won’t be offended. I was raised like this. I want to know what gender you think I am though. It makes me happy for some reason when people ask.” She said, the smile still placed on her face. She leaned forward and placed both her elbow’s on the table and rested her face in her hands.


Mia frowned a bit at the statement,
“Yeah, I faught quite a bit when I was in middle school. It got kind of bad at one point, I was involved with some stupid people.” She said. “I started fighting around that time, I have to say I am a decent fighter.”
Flash groaned as he stretched his arms out over the table and then relaxing again after,he hear a lot of talking but his music drowned it out as he slept. Though he seemed un-eased as he did,he pulled his arms back and crossed them around his head like a pillow as he sighed.

(Can't do much since he's sleeping for now xD )
Bittersweet shrugged," Well, I don't think it matters, really," he spoke softly, eyes glooming down a bit.

"Being a certain gender doesn't mean your body controls who you are. It's yourself that tells people who you are. Not if you're a man or a woman or a sheman."

He spoke, staring off into the distance, mumbling random thoughts. He quickly looked up again," You were raised like that? How so?"
Sage laughed and smiled at Bittersweet’s honesty and shyness. When Flash moved and yawned, Sage gently poked her drugged friend. “Flashy, we have a new friend.” She said, seeing if he would wake.

Turning to Bittersweet she started to answer his question,
“I was raised as both a girl and a boy. As a Lady and Gentlemen, I like to say. I suppose I am a boy or a girl when it is convenient.” She said truthfully, which was odd because that was not as fun as lying, but Bittersweets small speech made her smile, “Biologically, I am a girl. When I date girls, I am a guy. When I date guys, I am a girl. I am not sure how else to describe myself. Most say I look like a pretty boy, because I like to dress in guy dress cloths, like suits.” Sage said, slightly babbling.

“But your first statement, it doesn’t really mater; the thing is it does mater. You had to ask me because knowing someone’s gender is one of the most powerful things that define a person. Your gender can mean a lot to other people. The definition of my gender has so far affected ever relationship and friendship I ever had.”
She said, it sounded kind of sad when she said it, but she said it with a smile. “Not that it bothers me, it is just a fact of life!” she said cheerfully. Maybe that’s why Sage hit it off with Flash so fast, Sage mentally shrugged and poked Flashy again.

“I like how honest you are Bittersweet, you are adorable.”
She said with a smile. Sage seemed like she was always smiling.
Flash w=once again groaned before peeking his eye open and looked around,and once again stretching his arms out in front of him. He raised his head and looked at Sage and seemed he was right on time for her little speech,which he was completely confused about and saw it as random. Then he slightly glared at her and he thought,who was this? He didn't remember this person at all,he didn't remember anything that happened while he was drugged. He knew it'd come back to him but he had no idea who this person was at the moment so it kinda freaked him out since she acted like they did know each other."Umm...."He really didn't know what to say so he just sat up,and now all he knew was he had a major headache at the time.
"Che. I guess you could flirt with both of the species!" Bitter laughed. He then darted his attention to Flash.

"Oy, um, Sage, is your friend okay?" He narrowed his eyes and took another chunk of cake, before shoving it into his mouth and chewing throughly.

He shrugged," Hmph. If you were a boy right now, you would be a pretty one, though," Bitter said down-to-earthly. It was true. Yawning, Bit stared blankly at Flash, waiting for the sleepy man to wake up. Or at least something to wake him.

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