the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

"I dont do catch..if Iam going to give you and offer i will and if i need you for something i'll just say it . Now eat geez..oh but be careful the reason why we sit in the far back is because eating is war. Once their done with their prayers and the pledge ...well you'll see."
Flash shrugged his shoulders as he looked down at his phone,"Anything that falls on my plate I guess,I'm not that picky."He seemed really tired now as his head bobbed slightly,seemed the drug was wearing off and he had a feeling he'd fall asleep soon. He hated being tired,it wasn't fun and it was annoying cause things would get blurry. He shook his head trying to focus on the screen of his phone at the moment.
Mia smiled a bit, not sure how to take the statement. It could be for face value or it could be he was lying. Either way, she was the one who approached this group. “I am sure haha. So who are your friends?” She asked, eyeing them and preparing herself to witness a battle royal. She might pass on the food eating this time around, or at least try too.


“Here, some sugar.”
She said, handing him her sweets after she noticed his bobbing head. “So why did you get a shot?” She asked, taking another bite of her potatoes. She stirred the noodles on her plate, examining them.
He took a bit of the sweets after looking at them with slight confusion,he didn't know what it was at first so he figured he'd try it to find out."Umm...."He chuckled."I think to calm me down,that's the only reason I get them I think." He sighed as he ate what he was given,he really liked it though still didn't know what it was.
"shhhh...."Dante and Nero's eyes snapped open as they charged for the food. Both throwing punches that landed. Shane laughed as nero came in for a punch but missed dante and was heading for Mia. Shane jumped from the table and hugged her allowig the punch to hit his back. Dante took the chance to go for the sweets till shane stepped on his hand takeing the whole plate. He then kneed nero in the stomach takeing another plate and handing it to Mia"
Mia burst out laughing after she was handed the plate.”Hahahaha! That was fantastic and I was not as prepared for that as I thought I was.” She gushed with a smile. “Thank you Shane, though I am afraid to join in the brawl because I don’t personally know any of you. How I feel about eating your food too.” She motioned with the plate of sweets, though she was pretty hungry and the food was tempting. She had a feeling they will be surprised that she could dish as much as she could take, though they all may be stronger then her, mostly because they were guys.


Sage smiled at he ate the cake,
“What class do you have next? Or will you get picked up? It’s strange to be sent to school high on drugs.” She said, Flash really looked liked like he was dying. “So is Flash your real name?” She wondered out loud.
Flash once again shrugged his shoulders as he rested his head on the table in front of him,his eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep yet."They don't know I'm here I think,"He chuckled."I just took off since no one was in the room and I knew there was school today so...and yea,it's my real name.Or at least what my dad always calls me so I would think it was my real name..."He seemed very unsure of everything now,he was getting tired.
Name: Shiru Kurasara (core-la-sa-la)

age: 15

gender: male

grade: freshman

looks: pale skin, fair physique, always wear jeans, a shirt andba unzipped hood that covers my face

personality: silent, kind, but quick to turn aggressive

sexuality: bisexual

background: Shiru's patrents were murdered, and the murderer was killed by shiru. when the police came, they assumed shiru was the murderer. He ran away and now lives in an alley right by the school. He works as a paid assassin, and sells weapons he makes at the black market
Sage was beginning to want give Flash a pillow and a teddy bear and watch him sleep. “You don’t sound like you like where you live or who you live with.” She said. she heard some of the beats coming from the headphones and nodded. Part of her was thinking Flash was not going to recognize the next day, another part of her thought flash sounded like he wasn’t coming back to school tomorrow.
"I don't."He smiled."That's why I like it here...I like the people here..."His voice trailed off as it got softer,he did know he hated his place and everyone in it. That was something he couldn't forget,usually he wouldn't go home after school and just stay here till the next day. He liked school,and unlike for most it was a safe haven for him.
Sage frowned a bit, “Do you really not have a favorite food?” She asked, wanting to do something to make him smile like he had gotten up from the floor. “I really am a good cook, trust me, I cook 50 times better then the stuff here.” She said with confidence, pushing her food away. She did not know him well enough to offer him to come over to her place, but perhaps she could hang out with him on some days so he was not stuck at home.
Flash chuckled,"...Jambalaya....I like that....And Gumbo."He smiled at her."That's my favorite food." His mom used to make those two to eat for diner all the time and he loved it,he really missed it too. The way his mom made it was always the best and he could never make it as good as she did,but he still tried and he wondered if this one could make it.Or even knew what it was,since it was pretty much poor food.
"Alright then join the fight" He stepped back for him allowing Dante to throw a punch hitting her in her left shoulder. Nero jumped up and head butted. Shane's head went back the he pushed it back up headbutting Nero harder.
“Cajun food.” She said happily. “So do you like yours with chicken or shrimp?” She asked. She had to admit she was best with sweets and main dishes. She was not much for spicy foods like curry or gumbo, but she was a really good cook so she was sure she might be able to do it. “Count on some gumbo tomorrow.” She said. “So make sure you eat with me tomorrow, Ok?”


When dark hair boy hit Mia I the shoulder and staggered back a bit, again not prepared. She had to admit the guy could hit hard. Shaking her head she to put her head into the game, she turned around and landed and punch back on the other guy’s (Dante) chest. She did not put all her strength into the punch, but he did hit him rather hard. She felt like she was not sure what to expect from the guys, but she was already feeling a bit at home. Feeling the decision to talk to them she was a good one.
Dante laughed as he smiled puching her to the shoulder once more as Nero pounced onto Dante tackiling him to the floor. Shane stood atop the table eating his sweets as he looked down at them. He then turned to MIa and smiled. " well can hold yourself well...would you like to join the silencers" He smiled a cunning and evil smile.
Flash nodded."Sure thing..."He said before falling asleep,his music had changed and was a bit harder to hear since it was a soft quiet song. But Flash could hear it and smiled as he relaxed,right now to him the table was like the comfy bed they had at the doctor's. He had no intention of waking up for anything at the moment,it didn't matter even if the world would blow up under his feet. He was happy now and that's all he was focused on,since it was rare for him to be now a days even though he seemed to be happy all the time.

(Be back a bit later xD )
(wwwoooah I feel like a butt for being so inactive. Can someone gimme somthin about what's goin on? TT.TT no need for entire summary. Just right now)
(um what i know so far is everyones in the cafeteria, my group is haveing a food brawl idk about the others, i think there getting lunch)
(it’s lunch time right now. :D You can come talk to Sage and Flash, Flash went to sleep and now Sage has no one to talk to again xD poor sleepy Flashy!)

“The Silencers?”
Mia asked after she was punched again, she turned around and kicked Dante, trying to push him away from her a good bit. She was feeling awesome; it’s been a while since she even play fought with anyone, though this was barely considered since they actually were hitting to bruise to some degree.


Sage smiled at Flash as she observed that his breathing slowed. He sounded like he was sound asleep and quietly finished a few more bites of the potatoes and quietly laid her head down with Flash. She was not really tired but it was better than just looking around like she had nothing better to do, even though she didn’t. She had to admit though, it was pretty relaxing. Looking around the cafeteria, she glanced around and watched people eat and chat.
"The silencers are the second highest gang. My old man right now is the leader but im the heir." Dante jumped ontop of Nero shoving his head away with his right hand. He uses his left hand to elbow him in the side. Nero headbutted Dante knocking him back off of him. As Dante flew off he kicked Nero in the face.
Mia nodded, surprised. That was not what she was expecting, “so you are asking a strange girl you just meet to join the second biggest gang around?” She asked, obviously questioning his logic, but then again she was very skeptical and she was sure he already figured that out. Taking a step back Dante and Nero flew by her wrestling while she took a piece of bread and bit into it, feeling like she actually deserved it now. “Do you usually pick up random people who show up at your table after a rival gang threatens you?” She joked with Shane.
"heheh nope this would be the first, i picked up those guys freshman year. Besides your pretty strong." He wrote down the adress to his house. The not also says the clothes they wear when there not in shcool. "if you want you can live there to. Dante and nero are although they didn't have much of a home to begin with. And when you come by be aware of my dad."He was talking as if she had already said yes.
“Date and Nero.” She repeated, memorizing the name of the other two guys, not that she knew which is which. Neither one of them knew her name either. “Haha, you weren’t punched by me. You must have some kind of instinct when it comes to this kind of stuff.” She said, coming up with the only explanation she could think of. “and I would love if you could explain in greater detail what you mean by be aware.”
Blunz said:
"Great!" Alex said. Searching her scattered brain for a new conversational topic, she sat in silence for several seconds. Finally, she spoke. "So, um—" she began, being cut off by loud, panicky breathing coming from David. It sounded insane, tiny little stressed breaths, no pause between them.
Vera's eyes widened. "He's hyperventilating!"

"Oh, God!" Alex ran over to him. Time almost seemed to freeze as she looked at him. His expression was abnormally blank, his eyes dead. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God." She froze, not knowing what to do next. "Someone—!" Her voice cracked. "Somebody get the nurse!"

Was the last post that involved your character, everyone else has just been chilling eith eachother around the lunch room.

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