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Fandom The New Avengers- a superhero RP

Don't you worry. I have plans. How bout a blind swordsman who "sees" everything. Mild telekinesis and mind/ illusions powers
Really. If the mind/illusion powers will be a problem I'll deal with it. But I'd like to have telekinesis at least.
Face claim: Isla Fisher

Name: Kari Beck

Age: 21

Alias: The Strangler Vine

Race: Mutant

Gender: Female

Personality: Kari can be rather fiesty towards people she either doesn't like or doesn't know. She is the type that doesn't take lies from anyone. Although, her stubborness can get the best of her since she will be bent on a certain action that may or may not result in the best circumstance, and it takes a lot to talk her out of anything. She is quite motherly towards those she is quite close too, and very protective, and maybe a little possessive of them as well in fear that they all may one day abandon her.

Kari Beck grew up in New York City in the slums, and her parents unaware that Kari was a mutant. Needless to say, she had to learn how to fight at a very young age. However, and incident with a knife armed criminal changed her life forever. She had no control over her mutant powers, and they had been unleashed right then and there, and she ended up killing the criminal without even realizing. Her parents abandoned her in fear that she would accidentally kill more people. Needless to say, Kari was devastated. She then met another kid on the street whom she befriended since he was a mutant too. They vowed to gain control of their mutant powers. One day her friend was killed by a villian, and Kari vowed to avenge him, thus she started practicing her mutant powers on various street criminals at the age of ten. As she grew older, she learned how to survive on her own by studying and becoming observant. As an adult she became rather successful in the business world, starting up her own shop of herbal medicine. She hadn't forgotten her vow, so when her taking down of different criminals and a few super villians got her an offer from Tony, she gladly accepted.

Hero stuff-
Due to being a mutant that somehow connects her to plants, she can control any plants around her, and even grow plant like attachments, especially vines which she can use to strangle her opponents. She also can project wood bullets from her fingers, and make defensive barriers with iron wood.

Martial arts: When she was a kid she was taught aikido and Tai Kwan do. She has perfected these techniques with plenty of practice.

Kari hopes to fulfill her vow to her childhood friend, and in that she has developed a sense of Justice for bringing those who threaten the lives of children to Justice.

Fears: Kari is very afraid of being abandoned, and getting close to people in fear that they will abandon her. She also has an subconscious fear that she may loose control of her powers and kill those close to her.
I have a question. Is Thanos still alive and in charge of his empire while Gridix leads his own unit? Or is Thanos dead and Gridix is now in charge of the empire?

Name Gali

Age: N/A

Alias: Galacta

Race: lesser cosmic being

Gender: female

Personality: Well lets see see Gail is a caring person who at least respects life somewhat, at least enough that it has more worth than as food. She is also protective of earth even if not the status quo. She is a genius when it comes to tech but not exactly a fast thinker when it comes to new toys or strategy. She is also a big eater even if it does little to fill her true hunger. When starving and on the edge of life and death gali can become almost a beast and will do anything to gain the life energy she needs it is when she is her weakest but also most dangerous. Also she can be a bit arrogant and detached but only a bit .

Backstory: Gali is the daughter of the world devouring cosmic being Galactus, even she is a little confused as to how she was born, but well she didn't get along with her father and his planet devouring ways. thus at some point in the past she left him and took up residence upon earth which she has taken as her home for the time being and has thus taken to defending it from the background. That was at least what she used to do stopping cosmic rays and getting rid of alien bio weapons. Still she like her father is plagued with unending hunger that can only be satiated by life energy, though unwilling to eat worlds she instead ate microbes, mostly alien bio weapons but some humans ones. in recent years with the change in powers she has taken a more active role in the defense of her home even if it is a bit tough for her. it is also noted she is the keeper of the ultimate nullifier after the fantastic four died.

Hero stuff
powers: The power cosmic
  • levitation: Galacta can make herself float and move through the air
  • Energy Control & Manipulation: Galacta can control, manipulate and channel pure energy of a wide variety of forms, such as diverting a cosmic-ray burst similar to the one that created the Fantastic Four and using her power to redirect a large asteroid on course for earth.
  • Molecular Restructuring: The ability to physically alter persons or objects through the manipulation of their comprising molecules.
  • Cosmic Teleportation: The ability to teleport beings and objects across space and time. This ability also allows her to teleport herself.
  • Hyper-Acceleration: The ability to speed up her perception, effectively making normal-speed events appear drastically slower to her and allowing her to act at a similarly rapid rate.
  • Cloaking: The ability to hide herself or just her equipment from the senses of others.
Weakness: Hunger every power she uses makes her hunger grow and the more hungry she is the weaker she grows and given she is very unwilling to kill sentient creatures to live this means her power is rather limited and pest used in burst or very rarely. Her hunger also makes her a bit unstable as if she is pushed to far and is to hungry she may lose control of herself, the results are nasty.

  • Sensor Array: A highly advanced sensor array, claimed to be the most advanced in existence, used by Galacta to find suitable biomass for consumption. Galacta prefers use these sensors instead of her own cosmic awareness because it uses less energy and doesn't fuel her hunger.
  • Feeding beams: Part of her suit's array includes beam emitters Gali refers to as her 'utensils' that allow her to feed on bio-mass with a great deal of precision and from a distance.
  • Special Glasses: Galacta uses a wide range of glasses to hide her unique eyes.

Goals: find an end to her hunger (like father like daughter), protect her home.

Fears: starving, killing to feed, her hunger growing worse, people knowing who her dad is.
I have a question. Is Thanos still alive and in charge of his empire while Gridix leads his own unit? Or is Thanos dead and Gridix is now in charge of the empire?
Yes thanos is dead. Gridix killed him to take over his empire.
Like something we could use.

Each avenger is filling a role. Galacta is our Scarlet witch (big power that we dont fully understand.)

Keri beck is our thor comanding the powerful forces of nature and holding alliance to the environment.

Aaron green is our hawkeye, bringing experience accuracy and unparalleled fighting skill.

We need a hulk (big physical warrior.)

A black widow. (Super stealthy.)

A captain america (leader)

And a iron man (tech and strategy.)

Cassius Skaalson
Background story:
Cassius grew up in s small village called the Skaal. This village was located somewhere in island and was secluded. Untouched by outsiders for centuries. Then a mysterious group called The Eye came and whipped out the village. All except cass. The experimented on him. Making him blind. But with a cost. He now has the Universe's eyes for his eyes. He easily broke out but couldn't take revenge. He then when to a Nepal monk hood called the Shambala. These monks had ties to the Skaal. He learned how to manage his Powers, and how to properly see everything. He now travels the world as a champion for good. Offering his services for free.
Hero stuff-
Swordsman:Extensive use with a sword has made him an expert
Retina of the universe: Due to experimentation, Cassius is now able to see absolutely everything, but he doesn't actually see them. He knows where it all is. In addition he has learned how to use and manage Psychokinesis (telepathy + Telekinesis)
Water Bending: Cassius tribe has a natural affinity with water, able to mold and manipulate water based structures.
Revenge on those who Experimented and destroyed his village
Not being able to see something coming. Failure to protect his comrades.
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Cassius Skaalson
Background story:
Cassius grew up in s small village called the Skaal. This village was located somewhere in island and was secluded. Untouched by outsiders for centuries. Then a mysterious group called The Eye came and whipped out the village. All except cass. The experimented on him. Making him blind. But with a cost. He now has the Universe's eyes for his eyes. He easily broke out but couldn't take revenge. He then when to a Nepal monk hood called the Shambala. These monks had ties to the Skaal. He learned how to manage his Powers, and how to properly see everything. He now is a champion for good. Offering his services for free.
Hero stuff-
Swordsman:Extensive use with a sword has made him an expert
Retina of the universe: Due to experimentation, Cassius is now able to see absolutely everything, but he doesn't actually see them. He knows where it all is. In addition he has learned how to use and manage Psychokinesis (telepathy + Telekinesis)
Water Bending: Cassius tribe has a natural affinity with water, able to mold and manipulate water based structures.
Revenge on those who Experimented and destroyed his village
Not being able to see something coming. Failure to protect his comrades.
I like the character but cant use the universes eye. Sorry but a few of these missions require us to search for things. Im all for enhanced perception or other things but not cosmic vision.
It's not like cosmic vision. It's more like he can see normally, but like all around him. He can't see through objects or specifically find things.

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