The Mythical Land [Inactive]

Eseld continued to gaze around the area of the town that was visible to her sight. At the mental message she didn't completely listen. Though she did step closer to the door. The huldra was bored of being inside the building alone, and was now more curious of this 'evil cloud thing' hence why she didn't obey the command. She saw no danger coming for her. And her emotions were more of a mix; boredom, stubbornness, curiosity and the like.
"Here, I got something better, Come forth Al-Meissa-Mercury! Destroy, his mana field!" he instructed his Dragon, as it made its way to Rudolf, "That should do it!" Byakuya said as his familiar ate and dissolved his protective layer.

"You're useless, Rudolf destroy these three already and get me my crystal" Giada did not sound happy, "Oh shut up already 1st and go die somewhere in a sound retirement! Wait, sound thats it!" Byaluya said to the primogenitor as they all attacked the mound of stone behind him, "Come forth Al-Nasl-Minium! Tear him apart atom by atom!" the Blazing horse started to emit a sound wave at a high frequency, and as the sound started to ripple through the air Rudolf started crumbling. "TAKE HIM, KYAAAAANT!"
Kyant not waiting a moment leaped forward after Rudolf, the vampire's neck was the only thing in his eyes. 'This is where I test you.' Kyant thought as his fangs sunk deep in Rudolf's neck. 'This won't kill you but it's going to hurt... A lot!' The wolf biting down harder injecting his lycanthropy venom deep into his veins. "Lets see what happens when you put a vampire and a werewolf in the same body Rudolf!" Kyant yelled as he began to back away from Rudolf, "Starting to burn a little?" Kyant jumped forward again sinking his claws deep in the back of Rudolf, who was now screaming in pain. Leaning forward the wolf got close to the vampires ear whispering only five words."Your kind will never win." And with a another bite of the wolfs massive jaws the vampire's body fell limp to the platform floor, his head rolling some three feet away. Backing up, and licking the blood from his teeth, Kyant stopped for a minute to regain himself. 'She doesn't listen!' The young wolf stretched out letting out a howl at the sky, 'Eseld!' And with that the young wolf jumped in the cloud back towards the inn.
Maya heard the wolf's cry distantly, as if she were underwater. She wanted to respond, but she had already begun casting... for another purpose. Maya watched the tag team attack between Kyant Shawdo and Byakuya as they took out the main body. He was dead, for now. Maya directed the enormous amount of mana building up inside of her towards the floor, the grayness from around her eyes spreading to cover her entire body and shooting into the floor. Here came the tough part. Maya braced herself against the floor as she battled with the remnants of the mage's will inside the floor. "As if I'll let you..." She growled as her feet stared to crack the stone floor beneath her. The grayness enveloping the floor began to turn a shiny metallic color as Maya pushed her mana forcibly into it. The edges of the platform began to crumble but were held in place just as Maya's mana reached them. With the last of the mana she had saved up for this spell, Maya let out a loud cry of rage, and the metal enveloped the entirely of the platform. She panted with the effort it took to keep herself from falling over, but it wasn't over yet. She closed her eyes and focused on moving the monstrosity she had just created away from the town. Slowly, the platform began to shift forward, in the opposite direction of the inn. "Please..." She panted as sweat dripped down her face. She didn't seem to be directing the words in any particular direction. "...Don't let this fall."
Eseld stayed in front of the Inn's door, eventually watching Kyant approach swiftly. She would blink innocently, as if unaware she had done anything wrong. Her tail would swish against her ankles as she awaited for Kyant to reply.
Kyant was making his way to Eseld, the wolf's feet barely touching the ground as his speed began to pick up. 'What is that sound?' Thought the wolf as he came to a stop just a few feet from Eseld. The wolf turning around looking up at the cloud starting to make its way away from the town. 'How is this possible?' Kyant didn't give it another thought before turning around picking up Eseld in his mouth placing her on his back. "You know what to do," Kyant said back to Eseld. "Hang on tight!" The wolf taking off towards the cloud like a bullet leaving a gun. "We have to finish this!" The wolf yelled one more time before letting his anger flow free with in himself once again, doubling his size and increasing his speed as he ran full force at the black mass floating in the sky.
"H-- You said it was evil up there though!" Eseld exclaimed, frantically getting a grip on the wolf's pelt. She was curious to see what was up there, though if it really was evil she didn't want to be hurt. After all, she couldn't defend herself.
Maya struggled to maintain consciousness as swarms of black invaded her vision. Her perspiration dripped down her nose and onto the floor, which creaked as a gust of wind blew into it from the side. The platform continued it's agonizingly slow movement towards the edge of the town. Maya's breathing came in ragged gasps as her knees began to shake. Any hint of a smile was gone. Now, all that mattered was her focus on this task. "...Just a little more..." She said as the front edge of the platform began to creep over a patch of open land outside the village. "Please hold out, body."
Chickadee was still in the inn with the children. She had literally passed out a few minutes ago from not getting any sleep for an extended period of time. Some of the kids were trying to wake her up, but her eyes refused to open until she had had enough sleep, or was experiencing a large amount of pain, neither of which was happening.
Kyant looked back and smiled at Eseld as he picked up speed toward the cloud. "We have to make sure Maya gets out, that's all. No danger." The wolf spoke in some what of a worried tone as the cloud was not just over there heads. "Hang on!" Kyant jumped on the roof top with out slowing down and into the cloud once again. The wind had increased and Kyant struggled a bit to keep a hold of the platform, but digging in his claws he began to make his way towards Maya. "Don't let go Eseld. We just have to grab her." The wolf slipped as he took another step, the wind increasing as he got closer to Maya. "Maya!" Kyant yelled as soon as he got in with in ear shot of her. "Maya let go!" The wolf could feel the energy increasing as Maya struggled to hold on to the platform. "Let go and jump on my back!" Kyant sat for another minute, hanging on was becoming impossible. 'She can't hear you.' Came a voice in Kyant's mind as he studied the platform. 'Here goes nothing. Hang on!' Kyant thought in his mind before jumping forward taking the force of Maya's energy in his face. The energy began to burn at the wolfs skin as he pushed harder trying to reach Maya. 'Just a little further. Keep hanging on Eseld!' Kyant thought again before making on last effort for Maya grabbing the tail of her shirt the wolf jumped back. 'Hold tight!' Kyant began to run towards the edge of the platform jumping into the cloud with Eseld and Maya on his back. Landing on the ground with a hard thud the young wolf came to a stop after tumbling down a small hill, where he lay motionless.
Maya was suddenly yanked away from the platform, her feet swept out from under her as she tumbled through the air and onto something furry. 'No!' She wanted to scream, but she had no energy left. Without her to control it, the platform began to crumble, large chunks of metal falling over the empty field. She hadn't realized that the platform had already made it's way over the town. If Kyant Shawdo hadn't grabbed her, she would have put all of the mana inside her body into this, and as a result would have likely died. Instead, Maya felt her vision fading from her as she was tossed through the air. It's warm... she thought as her vision turned gray. Feels like I'm floating. She heard Bobby's voice in the back of her mind, but she couldn't quite focus on his words. She knew there was something she had to do... something she had to say, but she couldn't remember. It was warm. The darkness... so close. Maya's eyes drifted closed, then opened again as she mumbled something under her breath. "...You again..." She seemed to be looking up into space. Maya's eyes started to drift closed again, until they were only half open.

...Not yet... She heard from somewhere as the darkness started to eat at her. ...I can't go yet...

She remembered something...

"Maya, that was really reckless." The comment was accompanied by a relieved smile.

That's right... I've already seen this play out...
She thought.

And Maya closed her eyes.
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Eseld would shift slightly to give Maya more room, though she kept clinging tightly to Kyant, afraid of falling off. When they were finally clear and back on the ground she would quickly dismount and when seeing Kyant motionless on the ground she would kneel down and place a hand on his large, fluffy shoulder and push, hoping to wake him up. "Kyant?Are you ok?" She asked nervously.
Maya somehow managed to stay on Kyant Shawdo's back while they flew through the air. Only when they reached the uneven ground of the hill did she fly off of him with the force of the impact, tumbling and landing a few feet from the wolf. Small, shallow breaths escaped her mouth, but nothing else. Maya's sweat mingled with the rain on the muddy ground. She lay on her side, one arm pinned under her with Bobby still grasped tightly in it, the other flopped carelessly out in front of her. She whispered something under her breath - a name, maybe - her eyes shifting under her eyelids.
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Byakuya woke up in a forest but he wasn't sure if it was even a forest near Mythic, all he knew was that he had died again and it had taken a little longer to regenerate. "Subject-Byakuya Status-condition moderate" said a cute but monotone mousy little voice, "Damn Astarte, next time jump off with me and not save yourself" he said to the little girl sitting over him. Byakuya wanted to have a good feel of his position but he had no way to check, "Damn, why does this have to happen at a time like this! I really should have been more careful, Astarte can you tell me our exact location?" he was confused and angry but he had to stay calm.

Byakuya and Astarte started walking for a few miles before he got a familiar smell, magic and metallic substances mixed together as well as singed or just rutty fur, "They have to be this way, come on Astarte!" he said to the short little girl as he and she ran through the forest to a very small and almost nameless town, Mythic. "Alright now all we have to do is find the alchemist and the werewolf and we will be solid!"

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Bobby tried to yell at Maya as she lost consciousness, but it was no use. When they tumbled to the ground, Bobby had to turn his blade away from Maya so she wouldn't get hurt with it in the fall. After they had landed, he tried to get out of her grip to go get help, but that too proved fruitless. Her grip on him was too strong for him to yank his way out of her hand, even in her unconscious state. He poked his pommel at Maya's side, trying desperately to get her to wake up. He knew what was going on. He'd been with her long enough for this to have happened before. Maya's eyebrow twitched with his poking, her eyelids fluttering a bit but staying closed.

"Maya!" He yelled at her, hoping she would respond. "Maya!"
Bykuya made his way through town to the clearing on the hill where everyone had landed, "Unknown talking inanimate object detected" Astarte said as they got close to the group lying there unconscious. "Hey, Astarte can you give me the ability to listen in to what the object is saying?" he said to the girl as he looked around for the inanimate object, "Confirmed-Patching 4th Primogenitor into objects mental frequency". Suddenly Byakuya heard a lot of shouting and all for someone named Maya, "Hey what ever you are can you tell me what needs to be done to help Maya" Byakuya was going to help in anyway possible especially if that means he will have to give every ounce of blood left in his body. "Just tell me what you need me to do and I will do it just tell me please so that no one dies today!"
"Hey what ever you are can you tell me what needs to be done to help Maya" Bobby heard a voice inside his head. But it wasn't the voice he had been expecting. No, it was that of... that Vampire guy! The one named... uhh... Well, in any case, it didn't matter now!

"Just tell me what you need me to do and I will do it just tell me please so that no one dies today!" The man said, and Bobby kicked his brain into action.

"Okay." He said. "The most important thing is that she needs to wake up. If you have anything that can cause a shock without putting her into danger, that'd be preferable..." He hesitated to talk about the method that had been used the last time this happened, which left an awkward moment of silence in his speech before he continued. "In any case, she's in a very fragile state right now, so please be careful."
"Body analysis complete- internal organs from her lungs to liver are ruptured beyond repair" Astarte says after checking Maya's body, "Well can my blood heal her?" Byakuya said to Astarte.

"Positive- 4th Primogenitors blood is the strongest out of all vampires that exist on this world" Astarte states as she changes her hand into a chainsaw, "NO! God no not like that, if anything I'll just cut my wrist and give her some but then again that would be ineffective, so i guess this is the only other way" he says as he bites his wrist and sucks up a little blood into his mouth. "Thiff wehher herk"(this better work) he said as he leaned over Maya's face with the blood in his mouth, "Mow ror frever" (Now or never) he said as he kissed Maya and pushed the blood into her mouth. He continued the process hoping she would wake up.
Bobby stayed silent as this went on. Maya's body remained motionless until almost a minute had passed. Then, her eyes fluttered beneath her eyelids. Her fingers on the arm not holding Bobby twitched, and her grip on Bobby loosened a bit. Her eyebrows crinkled together, and she let out something like a 'umph!' through her throat as her breathing hitched and her eyes flew open. This was... Byakuya. Well, more precisely, his blood. She could feel it flowing through her, accelerating the healing process way faster than it should have been able to, and leaving a tingly feeling behind.

Oh, and he was kissing her, at the moment.

Oh. Oh yeah, she'd... the platform... and then...

Maya clenched her free hand into a fist and pounded it on the ground near her with whatever strength she could muster to let Byakuya know she was conscious. The ground next to her made a large squelching sound as her hand hit the mud, which luckily was dry enough not to fly everywhere.
Byakuya sat up as quickly as he could, "Oh thank god you're awake" he said to Maya as he looked at her with her eyes now open. "So how bout you never do anything that crazy again, okay?" Byakuya was relieved to know that she was okay and with that he hugged her, "Never do anything that reckless again, leave being a reckless idiot to me, I can regenerate, you cannot". Byakuya looked around at the others as they lay unconscious "What do we do with them? Should we leave them or should i wake them up the same way too?" he asked in a half joking manner, "Confirmed analysis- Werewolf lycanthrope, Status- injured-minor-normal first aid required" Astarte said as she gets up from checking on Kyant and Eseld. "Huh, you gotta love having a hummunculus as a familiar!" Byakuya says letting out a sigh of relief, "So now that we have that settled how bout we get you some new clothes" he says gesturing to Maya's lack of coverage on her more delicate areas.
Maya let herself be embraced in the warmth of his hug, though normally she would have rejected such a thing immediately. There were a lot of things she wanted to say, like how she could regenerate, only it was slow, and how she couldn't make that promise, but she found herself just silently nodding, her cheeks that should have still been deathly pale tinted a slight pink.

Maya propped herself up on one elbow, trying to give Byakuya some space as she fumbled together an answer to his question. "Uh, I think... I'm fi-" Maya looked down, expecting to see her torso as it had been since she'd left home and been cursed with this male body. But that wasn't what was down there.

"What the-" Maya sat up quickly, feeling around her body for an explanation to why the hell she had turned back into a woman, all of a sudden. She realized that it was no longer okay to be half-naked, and quickly covered her chest with one hand as she untied the drawstring on the small bag at her waist with the other, and stuck her arm inside, rummaging around what seemed like a much larger space than what could fit inside the bag. After a while, she pulled out a long tunic that would function as a dress, and pulled it over her head. She then turned to Byakuya, sudden recognition crossing her face. "You..." She said, then stopped, looking away. "Thank you for saving me." She half-mumbled, almost as embarrassed by the apology as she was by the kiss. She bit her lip, then mumbled some more words under her breath, her eyes still averted.

"...not if I can help it..."

Maya felt the rain on her face even though it had stopped some time ago. She put the back of her hand to her cheek, which came away wet. She... hadn't cried in a long time, and she didn't want to now, but it looked like it was too late. Maya wiped off the single tear and put Bobby away in his sheath as she stood up. She... would need time to consider this.
"Uh huh, ok then, Astarte can you get the location of the dragon stone on this island?" he said as Maya started acting strange. "Affirmative, locating the stone should prove of little difficulty, but some rest is required before searching process can be started" Said a tired looking Astarte, "Okay well don't push yourself, we need you to find the stone so that we can renew the seal on it".

Byakuya then looked back at Maya, "Are you sure you're okay? I can have Astarte give you a once over if you like, just to make sure you're really back to working condition" he said to the distraught girl standing in front of him, "Oh that reminds me, Thank you for the help Sword-san, it really helped to know that there was someone more level headed than my self to help out the situation". Hoping to get a response from the talking sword he also says, "Oh and I might be able to introduce you to a very nice lady spear back where I live!"
Bobby chuckled through the connection that the one called Astarte had maintained. "Heheh. Sounds good." Maya rolled her eyes at Bobby and shook her head to clear it, looking back at Byakuya again after she had taken a deep breath. "I'm okay." She said, grinning. It wasn't the time to think about these things, and Maya had come to a conclusion. "I just needed ta think about somethin, but it's over now. Ya see, ya reminded me of a friend I once had, and that just made me sorta weary." That's right, she already had her answer. Maya gave herself another firm nod, putting her hands on her hips and stomping one foot straight into the mucky ground. She re-tied her belt over her tunic, making sure the contents were firmly in place before she turned back to Byakuya. "So how're the others?"
"Well this friend must have been very special to you? Sorry if I bothered you with the kiss and the hug and stuff...." he said to the girl with the talking sword, "and yea they're okay, they just need some easy first aid to some scratches and scrapes" Byakuya was glad Astarte was here otherwise he would have been freaking out. "Man i'm glad Natsuki let me borrow you for this situation, thanks for coming along Astarte" Byaluya said to the shorter blue haired mono-tone girl now wearing a maids outfit, "Uhm so how should we deal with the 1st Primogenitor? He is going to be a problem if he keep going like this" he said as he wondered what the Primogenitor he had hated so wanted so badly here on this Island. "Well we can figure that out later, lets just get everyone to wake up so that I can finally hit Kyant for the way he's been treating me for the last few hours" it was time for some sweet sweet payback even if it was only a slugger to the head.
Maya stayed silent, working instead on getting her belongings back in order. She had no intention of answering to what Byakuya had said, at the moment. The task kept her busy for a bit, but she soon finished straightening out, and turned to Byakuya. "Do we have more enemies?" She asked, unsure what this Primogenitor thing was. She'd leave the other topic aside for now, but she still needed to tell him something, after all. "I should have said this earlier, before the battle, but I do regenerate. It's slow, though. A whole lot slower than whatever you have." She paused. "And I can't promise I won't be reckless."

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