The Mythical Land [Inactive]


Lady, running down to the riptide
Lizzy submitted a new role play:

The Mythical Land - Anything can live here: Mermaids, humans, vampires, anything.

Anyone and anything can live here. Vampires, mermaids, fairies, centaurs, Shape shifters, werewolves, literally anything.
Also, anything can happen! Fighting, parties, relationships, and anything else a mythical being would do.
Read more about this role play... 
Eseld was standing in the outskirts of a forest, looking over at a town which she thought was called Mythic. The huldra brushed a long blond lock of hair away from her face, taking a few steps farther out of the forest and closer to the town. She hadn't been in any sort of village for quite a while. She remembered being followed by crowds, both wanting to be friends with her, and ones that didn't seem to like her there. The girl just stood there, pondering over her plan to enter or stay in the forest.
Kyant stand a top a hill just north of the village Mythic. He had been here before. In fact he had a small room rented in an inn just on the south end of town. This was used as his HQ for his quest to find his father. Kyant had only left the monastery and began to look for his father a few short months ago. So his progression into the civilian world has been interesting to say the least. The young wolf stood for a moment before a he smirked about a memory he had about first moving to the village. Pulling out his bag of candy he popped a lemon head in his mouth before making his way down towards the town.

Mythic wasn't a large city to say the least. But it had what you needed. There was all the essentials. A local general store for all your simple needs. A jail for the criminals and unwanted. A few inns where travelers gather and tell stories of great adventures. And a large park in the middle which houses a large willow tree with branches that stretched all the way to the ground. Kyant enjoyed it here. It was simple but had everything he needed.

Shawdo made his way down the main street of Mythic. Stopping to admire a new box of books that the librarian was putting out on her selves. After finally making his way to his room, stopping a few more times to check out a few more store windows, Kyant walked in closing the door behind him. The room was bare. Only housing a small bed and a table for him to set his papers and books. A candle on the bed stand showed signs of midnight use and a small burner in the corner has evidence of meals past caked on the side. Kyant didn't need much. He wasn't worried about it. All he wanted was to find his father.

After stopping to make a few changes to his attire Kyant stepped out onto the cobblestone side walk and began to make his way down the street. Looking around he spotted one of his favorite restaurants ran by a older widow whom lost her husband the year before to a illness. Kyant felt close to her for some reason. But he never questioned it just as long as he got a hot meal and a good conversation. Kyant sat at his normal place at the end of the bar, told his favorite lady his order, and waited patiently for his food to arrive... Stomach alive with the joy of meal that was about to be consumed!
Eseld eventually made up her mind. She would go into town, look around, and than leave before sunset. It was only about noon by the looks of it. The girl began to walk into town from the south side, her bare feet making no obvious sound on the cobble sidewalks. She didn't speak or hum either. But even then people looked over in her direction, both men and women. Luckily Mythic wasn't a huge, bustling city so it was easier for Eseld to silently walk alone the cobble streets alone and peer into windows to curiously look at things the storekeepers were selling.
Chickadee flew into the city with a bag of various packages and letters in in. She had come from a trading city far away from there, and wanted nothing more than to rest from her long journey, and maybe get some food to eat. She walked around then went into the first resturaunt she saw and sat down with a tired sigh. Thank goodness. She took off her messenger hat from her head and leaned back in her seat wearily.
After a meal fit for a king Kyant, after having some trouble, got up wiping his face and made his way towards the door. The quietness of the tavern was quickly replaced by the sound of people as they carried on their conversations on the street as Kyant made his way back up the street towards his room.

The smell of mildew hit the nose of the young wolf as he made his way up the narrow stair case to his room. Once inside he closed the door and windows, shutting out all sounds of the outside world. After putting a kettle of water on the burner and lighting his small candle, which provided just enough light to barely read, Kyant sat himself down at his small table and began to look at his maps. 'I looked there already.' He thought to himself as he looked over a map that showed the land around Mythic. 'They said it was a magic land.' 'Maybe they where wrong?' 'Will I ever find you?' The questions continuing to circle the mind of the young wolf like water in a drain.

Once realizing his candle was spent Kyant licked his fingers, put out the flame, stretched and got up. Making his way over to the window with his hot cup of tea in his hand he slowly sipped the hot brew while he changed his focus outside. 'What do we have here?' He thought to himself as he peered out his small, dust covered window. Outside of his small one bedroom apartment on the street was someone Kyant had never seen before. The site of her was odd to say the least. Never seeing such a creature before the young wolf turn around, threw on his cloak, and made his way outside. 'How to get here attention?' Kyant finally said to himself as he closed in on his new interest. Looking down he noticed a small pebble. Picking it up he took aim at the girls back and tossed the small rock, hoping it would hit its target.
Chickadee picked some dirt out of her wings then politely ordered what she would like to eat from the server. After the server left she glanced around. She had never been to this city before, but the people seemed nice enough...except for those group of men arguing loudly in a corner. She rolled her eyes. Men. Chickadee yawned a little bit and rubbed her face.

How long had she been traveling? She thought for a moment. About a week. Maybe a bit more. Her wings were used to long trips, but they were still sore and stiff. As Chickadee waited for her food she started making sure she had not lost any packages along the way.
Eseld has just been walking, her long tail swaying and only the white, furry tip was visible from the bottom of her dress which only reached her ankles. As something small hit her in the back she paused, hesitantly turning around to first look for what had hit her -a pebble-, pick it up, then look in the direction it had come from. A word never left her mouth. Though she did look a bit confused; why would anyone hit her? Maybe an accident. Or for attention...? Eseld ignored the thought, waiting for some explanation to why she had been hit. She didn't know who was responsible however which is why she just silently stood there.
The young wolf watched curiously from behind the building. Kinda of enjoying his little game with the young girl. 'She has a tail.' Kyant thought to himself as he picked up another pebble and taking aim. 'She's cute though.' He thought again before throwing the second pebble only this time with a flirtatious smile forming on his face.
Eseld would flinch in surprise as the next pebble hit her arm. "How rude," She murmured to herself, casting a suspicious glare in the direction of the pebbles. Then she began to carefully back up, planning to just walk away. This was why she didn't venture into towns very often; something bad or annoying always seemed to happen.
Sitting for a moment watching the young girl Kyant noticed that his actions where beginning to back fire. 'You can't talk to her. You're to scared.' Said a voice echoing threw the wolfs mind. 'Just walk away. It's all you know how to do.' The voice echoed again. Kyant turned to walk away but stopped. "I know what I'll do!" The wolf blurted out looking around to see if anyone accidentally heard him. 'I hope I don't scare her.' Kyant thought one last time before jumping around the corner turning himself into a massive dog.

Kyant now pleased with his new found courage as a wolf stepped out in full view of the girl and began to walk towards her...
Eseld thought she heard a voice around a corner though wasn't sure and paused to see if the voice would speak again. She should have kept backing away though, because now a massive wolf leaped around that corner and began approaching. She had flinched at first, surprised by the huge canine that popped out of no-where. Though she didn't run, just stood there, watching the dog with uncertainty in her eyes. If she hadn't been a huldra she would have ran, but her race was normally able to ride or keep wild animals, a sort of magic or charm apparently, so Eseld wasn't very afraid.
Kyant felt strange about the new girl standing in front of him. Something about her made him feel comfortable. Like she new how to be around creatures like himself. The wolf made his way closer to the girl standing in the street, careful not to alarm her. "I'm Kyant." The wolf said smiling. "Are you not afraid of me?" He asked again before resting down in front of Eseld never taking his eyes off of her.
Chickadee was pulled out her thoughts when her food came. She thanked the server and paid for the food before eating it quickly. Thise men in the corner were becoming increasingly rowdy, so she didn'twant to stay there for too long. After she had eaten she quickly headed out the door with her bag and hat. She placed her hat on her head and looked around.
"So you speak?... I'm Eseld." She mused, curiously eyeing Kyant. At his question she answered simply, "Not really, no."
Kyant continued to keep his eye on the girl standing in front of him. Only flinching to the sound of a door opening up near by. 'Another new person?' Kyant thought to himself quickly. 'All of this can't be coincidence.' The wolf stood up approaching the girl with a little more force. "Why are you here?!" The wolf demanded.
Eseld followed with her gaze, uncertain if she should try getting Kyant to leave the new girl alone, or if she should just observe. she decided to do the latter for now.
Chickadee looked towards the scene not to far away. A talking wolf and a girl with a tail? The girl was not too surprising to her, she had wings afterall, but the wolf, that was weird. She stood there to watch them, not being able to look away. Chickadee tilted her head to one side as she quietly observed them in curiosity. Hopefully they did not notice her.
"Damn where am I?" said Byakuya as he walked out of the forest. As he walked out of the forest he came to notice a small town at the bottom of the cliff he was on' "So how do I get down there, I need answers" he said trying to figure out a way to get down without destroying the land below.

"Ah well, I guess i have no choice....Al-Meissa-Mercury, come forth!!" he had to get down somehow so he summoned his familiar, his dragon so that he could ride her down, "Okay girl I just need to get down there" he said pointing at the town. Al-Meissa-Mercury nodded with both of its heads and let him get on, "Alright now lets fly girl" Al-Meissa-Mercury took flight but about halfway down she dropped Byakuya, and he plummeted down into the the village below.

"Ow, that hurt, okay now where am I and how do I get back home" he said to himself before spotting a young looking girl and a larger than average wolf. He wasn't going to let her get hurt and so he decided to strike before it got her "Come forth, Regulus Aurum!" he said aloud as he launched his familiar's lightning just passed the wolf.

"Get away from her if you know whats good for ya Fido!"
Kyant stood with his eyes still fixed on the young girl. Just as he was about to demand an answer again he felt the heat of the lighting as it passed over his neck. With out a second thought the large wolf jumped back and fixed his target now on the new creature, Byakuya, that had enter town. 'Shoot at me will yea!' Kyant said angrily to himself. Looking back at the young girl the Wolf gave sort of a half smile before running full speed toward Byakuya fangs ready to meet his new foe.
Byakuya started running at the wolf at full speed ready to greet it with his own attack "Take this!!!!" he said as he jumped up off the ground and propelled himself at the wolf from 10 feat in the air landing on the wolf with his fist aimed at the snout.

Byakuya was not going to lose to a K-9 he knew he had to win, "Come forth, Regulus Aurum!!" he said sending his familiars lightning through his fist into the wolf.
Eseld shifted on her feet nervously. There were a lot of people now and Kyant was in a fight with one of the strangers. "Guys, don't fight!" She tried to command half-heartily. She doubted they would listen to her, so she didn't try very hard to stop them. Her tail swayed uncertainly at her heels and her eyes were wide, blankly watching the fight.
Kyant laughed as he was met with the lighting. Letting it pass threw his fur and into the ground. The massive dog jumped back and was about to send in another attack before his ear turned to the sound. "Guys, Don't Fight!" The sound of Eseld voice was like a lease on Kyant's anger and he stopped. Looking forward to Byakuya the young wolf growled as he ran back over by the young girl perching himself behind her almost has if to protect her from all the new strangers that have made there way into town. "Who are all of you!" Kyant yelled out over the now very confusing looking group of new strangers. "Why are you all here in my city!" He demanded again never taking his eyes off of each of the new adventures.
Eseld was greatly surprised by this act of obedience from the large wolf and just stared over at Byakuya as if waiting for his reaction now. Otherwise she was motionless and silent. Towns were definitely something she didn't plan to visit much after this. As another voice was heard Eseld turned her head to stare at the hawk. Talking animals? This town really was crazy.
"Huh so you can withstand Regulus's attacks, thats a new one" he said to the wold as it jumped back toward the girl. Byakuya was confused as to why hell he was even in this odd town, "Hey can one of you tell me where we are and if there is a way to get out of here" he asked looking all around the streets at all the people that were witness to his power. "I'm the 4th primogentor, Byakuya Togami and I am wondering where a vampire lord can find a way back to his home"
"This is Mythic I believe. And I know nothing about Vampires." Eseld would say with a feeble shrug, glancing around at the others nearby uncertainly.

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