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The Mysterious Play: Hierophant of skies OOC

I'm really happy that I found it! It's very entertaining, and it's not too much of a commitment to the point where my brain gives up on it!

Thanks so much!

I'm glad, I try to have these posted about once every week so that you guys will, like... Still be invested in the story but I ALSO know I write a lot per "chapter", so really anything other than once a week would be a bit much for EVERYONE @A@;

I'm glad I found the balance and you guys enjoy this!
I'm so sorry (again). I've posted now, but feel free to skip my vote the next time this happens so that everyone else doesn't have to wait forever for me when my time management goes out the window yet again. :closedeyesfrown:
ALRIGHT, KIDDIES! I am approaching the beginning of the end of this next post... And: We FINALLY MADE IT TO THE NEXT PART!

I haven't actually been looking forward to this as long as I have the Cornelia segment (and her BIG REVEAL IN COMIC FORM!!!) BUT, as I have stated, I HAVE had the crest-bearers and certain POSSIBLE segments of theirs planned out (funny enough, 50/50 on their segments going just as planned and a WHOLE NEW OTHER SEGMENT of theirs I didn't expect) that makes Crest-Bearer #6 NO EXCEPTION!!

And it looks like you guys walked right into Ms. Minas WILD RIDE!

Give me a few days to finish up and get ready!


But in all seriousness, This upcoming character is... complicated. His intention and relationship have been my most ambitious developments and I've been nervous about introducing them since post ONE!

I really hope you look forward to this next bit and enjoy and I hope you aren't disappointed when this is all over!

Thanks again for you guy's support and I'll see you all in a few days!
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I am approaching the begging

Ah I see the problem. You need to draw and write, just asking nicely won't do the trick :P

I really hope you look forward to this next bit and enjoy and I hope you aren't disappointed when this is all over!

You sure haven't disappointed so far, and I doubt you will in this upcoming one. I look forward to this hype moment XD

Best of luck out there!
Ah I see the problem. You need to draw and write, just asking nicely won't do the trick :P

You sure haven't disappointed so far, and I doubt you will in this upcoming one. I look forward to this hype moment XD

Best of luck out there!


I'm preparing the next post RIGHT NOW, SORRY IT TOOK A BIT!
THANK YOU, YES, YOU WILL SEE WHY THIS TOOK SO LONG IN A SECOND (aside from depresso and me Ma had a minor accident LOL)

I was about to press "like" but then my brain processed that you said your ma had an accident. Hope she's alright!
I was about to press "like" but then my brain processed that you said your ma had an accident. Hope she's alright!

She's fine, for the most part! Looked like she decked but good though LOL

Nothing like being with your parent on their doctor's appointment to make you really realize how finite they are! D:



I am not good at that talking and audio mixing and my friend had their lines recorded mostly like a week ago LMAO

Betcha didn't think I would somehow combine Rosie and Corny segments, huh? Didja? Didja?


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I hate riddles uuughhhh.... And I have to solve it? UUuuughhhh... jkjk XD
Alas, I can't open soundcloud. Is there some way to get a transcript so I know what's going on?
Alas, I can't open soundcloud. Is there some way to get a transcript so I know what's going on?

Oh no! Of course:

???: I found you!
Rosie: What? Wh-who is it? Who’s there??
???: I can’t tell you yet, but please… I need your help!
Rosie: I want to help you, but I don’t know how… what should I do?
???: "Amongst people, I’m first,
In fate, I’m fourth,
King among kings
There can only be one,
Yet my father and son are the same"

There ye are! 😎
alrighty, Thanks! So still riddling! Got it! (sheesh why are riddles so difficult when you don't know the answer?)
Lol! You’re welcome!

Sorry! Corny segments are supposed to get harder and harder as we reach the end of the story! XD;;;;

Cause you probably shouldn't be, if you knew what was comin', a-hyuck~!

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