[The Murder Game Series] OOC Section

Its a special kind of camera. They are small and they can attach to shit.

I'm moving out of the weird part of youtube now.
[QUOTE="Willow Blackthorn]I still wanna know who I'm paired with. As I'm super excited to begin!

Hm, I'd suggest pairing up with people who don't have a partner. Btw, when I say "pair up" I mean it's the people you'll first be interacting with during the RP event. It's your job to remember 'em!
There's gonna be a lot of references in this, aren't there? Such as...

Obligatory "Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"

Obligatory "Shot first."

Obligatory "I know."

Obligatory "wookie noise."
Darkangel666 said:
I interact with the ghost of Kit Fisto (Cuz hes 6 feet under) and commander Wolfe
-_- fisto is not dead. This universe he left when Ole Palp attacked them. He hid from planet to planet for years before getting caught.
[QUOTE="La Muerte]
-_- fisto is not dead. This universe he left when Ole Palp attacked them. He hid from planet to planet for years before getting caught.

What if he was actually killed in Order 66 and what's happening in the roleplay is actually just a dream that he is having while he dies?

SuperChocoMilk said:
What if he was actually killed in Order 66 and what's happening in the roleplay is actually just a dream that he is having while he dies?
Fuck some inception shit going on
SuperChocoMilk said:
What if he was actually killed in Order 66 and what's happening in the roleplay is actually just a dream that he is having while he dies?
Whelp, good night. Thank you for the important addition to the RP. People will flock to this thread like moths flocking to a street lamp.

See, this is why I shouldn't stay up until 5 am.
So I got told I should post a thing here about who I'd like to play as in this RP, and like anyone who spent too much time subjecting themselves to Blizzard's RTS plots, I of course went with

Tychus Findlay (Starcraft 1&2)

He's a criminal! A space criminal! Who is trapped in a huge, bulky metal suit that can't be removed under penalty of exploding death because it's easier to keep a leash on him that way! Except he won't be such a huge... personality, to put it politely. I'd obviously tone him down a bit because he's a bit rude. Also the suit would be more of an encumbrance than anything because he is seriously trapped in it. Space criminal! Woo!


Also hi people!

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