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Fantasy The MPC Rushes Story, Cont.

For some reason I was not getting my alerts, where did the favorite colors thing come from? Did I miss that somewhere, if so, I can easily tie that in to my character and the story.
[QUOTE="Mr Nope]For some reason I was not getting my alerts, where did the favorite colors thing come from? Did I miss that somewhere, if so, I can easily tie that in to my character and the story.

That was something to pass the time, awaiting a response from you. back in the alley, Lisbeth and Genevieve had an outburst and the question of favorite colors popped up, driving at the point that the characters don't know anything about each other really, due to being together for only two days in game time.
Pause granted! I uh, need to burn off some of the yuletide spirits I've been having before I try to write anything serious anyway
And again I forgot to post my schedule yesterday. As usual, these times are EST and are when I will be at work and so generally less available/unavailable.

Monday 12/28 (today) - off

Tuesday 12/29 - 9:30am-5:30pm

Wednesday 12/30 - 9:30am-1:30pm

Thursday 12/31 - off (New Year's Eve)

Friday 01/01 - 9:30am-1:30pm (New Year's Day), I have an online meeting in the evening at 9pm

Saturday 01/02 - off

Sunday 01/03 - off

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