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Fantasy The MPC Rushes Story, Cont.

Ok folks! We have some good momentum going, but it's midnight here on the East Coast, so I'm going to call it a night and request that no one post until tomorrow.
It's cool, this thing quits telling you there are new posts if nobody says anything for a while. Super strange.
UPDATE: I had to switch a shift with a coworker, updated schedule is below.

Gonna post my schedule for the week really quickly before I go to bed. Times in EST as usual:

Monday 2/8: work, 9:30am - 1:30pm

Tuesday 2/9: work, 9:30am - 1:30pm

Wednesday 2/10: off, therapist appointment at 2:30pm

Thursday 2/11: work, 9:30am - 1:30pm

Friday 2/12: work, 9:30am - 1:30pm

Saturday 2/13: off, taking my friend to a hair appointment at 1:30, gaming in the evening

Sunday 2/14: Valentine's Day
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2/8/2016 Monday: 7:20 - 2:15 School; 3:00 - Evening, Family affairs

2/9/2016 Tuesday: 7:20 - 2:15 School; 2:15 - 4:30 PM Extra Curriculars

2/10/2016 Wednesday: 7:20 - 2:15 School

2/11/2016 Thursday: 7:20 - 2:15 School; 3:00 Appointment; 4:30 - 10:30 or 11:00 Volunteer Work at the Bingo Hall

2/12/2016 Friday: 7:20 - 2:15 School; 3:00 Appointment; 4:30 - 10:30 or 11:00 Volunteer Work at the Bingo Hall

I would most likely put together a response throughout the week and either post it on Wednesday, or during the evening, or leave it in my drafts and make sure to post as soon as possible.
Happy V-Day everyone! My schedule for the week is as follows:

Monday, 2/15: off, therapist appt 4:30

Tuesday, 2/16: work, 1-5pm

Wednesday, 2/17: work, 1-5pm

Thursday, 2/18: work, 9:30am-1:30pm

After work on Thursday, UCBooties and I will be leaving to go visit friends in Pittsburgh for the weekend. We will be there Thursday evening through Sunday, coming back Sunday afternoon/evening. (UCBooties is my IRL husband, btw. I don't know if that was ever mentioned.) I will still be checking in when I can. Hope everyone has a great week!
Happy Valentine's Day! And my apologies, I hadn't realized there were any posts this week due to other overly-active role-plays.

My schedule this week is busier than ever.

Monday - Feb. 15th - OFF supposedly, unless family makes some plans.

Tuesday - Feb 16th - 7:20 to 2:15 PM School; 2:15 - 4:30 PM ExtraCurric. ; 5:00 - 10 or 11:15Pm Training/Work hours

Tuesday applies to Thursday and Friday, however on Friday I am available between 2:15 to 4:30 PM.

Wednesday I am not free due to family plans; I am in the process of moving. On Saturday, through out the day I should be available 'till 4:30 PM due to Training/Work hours. Sunday I am most likely free, I am not sure if I have any plans on that day.

Sometime between now and tonight, I should post a reply, hopefully more tomorrow afternoon.
I'm heading out Thursday through Sunday evening as well, for a dance workshop in Atlanta! I'll be around some Thursday--I'm just going up a day early to save myself a super-early drive on Friday morning. But once things kick off Friday I'll likely be mostly unavailable until I get home Sunday.

Happy Valentine's Day, all!
My schedule for this week (in EST):

Monday, 2/22: therapist appt 3:30pm, work 8:00-11:30pm (evening inventory at work)

Tuesday, 2/23: off, lunch with my dad, Date Night with the hubby

Wednesday, 2/24: work, 9:30am-3:30pm

Thursday, 2/25: work, 9:30am-1:30pm

Friday, 2/26: work, 9:30am-1:30pm

Things have been quiet with people traveling, but hopefully we can get things picked up again! Have a good week, everyone!
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Oh, jeez. I haven't posted my schedule in weeks >.< Sorry. Here's what I have for this week:

Monday, 3/14: work, 9:30am-1:30pm

Tuesday, 3/15: dog's vet appt, 9:20am, dentist appt, 2:00pm

Wednesday, 3/16: work, 1:00pm-5:00pm

Thursday, 3/17: work, 9:30am-1:30pm

Friday, 3/18: off, possible online meeting in the evening

Saturday, 3/19: off, possible online event in the evening

Sunday, 3/20: off
Schedule for this week:

Monday, 3/21: 3:30 therapy

Tuesday, 3/22: work, 1-5pm

Wednesday, 3/23: 2:15 dentist appointment

Thursday, 3/24: off

Friday, 3/25: work, 9:30am-1:30pm

Saturday, 3/26: off, evening gaming

Sunday, 3/27: Easter
I have a fairly light schedule this week. All times in EST, as usual:

Monday, 3/28: work, 9:30am-1:30pm

Tuesday, 3/29: off

Wednesday, 3/30: off

Thursday, 3/31: off

Friday, 4/01: work, 9:30am-1:30pm, online meeting at 8pm

Saturday, 4/02: I may have plans in the afternoon; will definitely be gaming in the evening

Sunday, 4/03: possibly gaming in the afternoon
As I'm certain is fairly obvious at this point, we have decided to end The MPC Rushes Story, Cont. At least for now. There is always a chance that it will be revisited at a later point, but, to be frank, that's an eventuality that seems rather slim. It has been an honour and a pleasure to collaborate with all of you, and should the opportunity arise I would be most pleased to do so again.

Warmest Regards,

Lisbeth Elaine Nerissa Walpurgis

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