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Fantasy The MPC Rushes Story, Cont.

Lucky. Also, at this point I'm going to start typing a lot and not really saying anything of import. I'm at my favorite pizza place and have attracted creepers. I know them by reputation, not personally. The infamous "Nice guys" of lore. They talking about my boobs like they aren't one booth across from me. I'm angry and nervous and embarrassed.
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@Alaster Von Grim : Because we were trying to be subtle and polite, but You clearly did not get the message. When I told you that we would consider reinstating you after you imposed your exile, it was a sincere gesture. However, when the rest of the group decided it would be better for you to not return, given how you left and how you so arrogantly asked to come back, you had a fit, which just showed how immature you are. Now, here you are again, Arrogantly asking to come play, under the assumption that we are here solely to appease YOUR boredom. Sorry, but that is not how this works. You were one of the original members, yes, but you have exhibited nothing but childish and immature behavior. SO since you CAN NOT come rejoin the story, we're going to request that you cease posting to the threads. IF you can not abide by this, I WILL be forced to contact the ADMIN, whom will ban you. Are we clear?
[QUOTE="Genevieve Moulin]UGH! Want us to come take care of them for you? I think this group could be pretty terrifying if necessary.

Drive fast please. I may talk to the owner or his wife, I saw one of them drifting around...
I'm going to start throwing things. They're betting on me now. Golly gee, what fine gentlemen society has produced
Summary for anyone who missed the event, there were many hand gestures, lots of firm but quiet talking, they were banned, I got free food, and they walked me to my car after. I still need a nap.
I missed so much drama... Sorry you had a shit time Blott, but I'm glad the owners took care of you. Hooray decency! (The owners, not the creepers)
Well, the mpc gift was a success thus far, and it's now Tuesday. Only three days until christmas, two days before extended families come in, and one day to buy groceries before things get scary out there.

I'm also outsourcing funny reasons to explain my overwhelming single-ness, so if you have some, feel free to share.
ArtBlott said:
I'm also outsourcing funny reasons to explain my overwhelming single-ness, so if you have some, feel free to share.
You bit all of their heads off? Things seem to go great, but then they always refuse to join your legions of the undead?

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