The Misfits [Inactive]


Boink Bean

Alicia heard the final bell of school ring, she sighed and stood up as she picked up her backpack slinging it over her shoulder. The rush in the hallways always made her roll her eyes, everyone was so excited to get home and be bored or hang out with their friend. Personally, she just wanted to get home and sleep. She exited the class slowly as her classmates followed her eagerly towards the exit of school. Alicia walked down the large hallway, some teens shoving and tripping, in a major hurry, Eventually she reached the exit of the school and as she pushed her way through the two heavy doors, her eyes met Victoria's. She let out a soft hiss through her teeth as the priss smiled an almost evil grin. Alicia walked past her and all her ankle biters, The group followed her quickly. "Hey, Alicia." Victoria said in a soft, almost taunting voice. Alicia ignored the blonde, careful not to start a fight. "Whats the matter?" She spat slightly before shoving Alicia's back, pushing her forward. Alicia caught herself and let out a growl before she regained her footing. She shot the bitch a glare, and was merely given a pearly white smile. "Oops." The snob giggled, her group of clones giggling as well. Alicia felt her stomach tighten with anger, she continued to ignore the girls as she continued to walk, "What's wrong Alicia?" The blonde continued, "Still upset about your parents?" Alicia's eyes grew wide and a strike of pain throbbed in her heart, She gritted her teeth hard, until her jaw began to ache from the pressure, "Still running from the fact they ran from you, And died because of you?" Alicia winced and the knot of anger in her stomach now turned into a raging tornado of hate, She stared dead ahead, no longer walking. People walked around the five girls, Staying out of Alicia's way, Victoria let out an almost menacing laugh, Alicia balled her fist, her nails digging into her palms. "Face it, Alicia." Tears welled in Alicia's eyes slightly, "You murdered your own parents." Alicia lost all control, She whipped around and flung her fist back, Victoria's eyes widened in shock and fear, before Alicia plummeted her fist into the teens face. She could feel the skin on her knuckles rip as her fist came into contact with the blonde's perfect face. Victoria let out a scream as she collapsed, onto the hard pavement below her. Blood dripped down the blonde's upper lip and a massive welt was forming on the bridge of her nose. Alicia stood over the girl, her face twisted in rage, She held her balled fists before leaving the blood girl on the ground. She walked quickly, ignoring the blood dripping from her torn knuckles. Her heart pounded and throbbed from sadness and rage.


Nathan stood beneath that two large oak trees that overlooked a pair of tomb stones, He sighed softly, the thorns of the bloody red rose in his hands poking into the skin of his fingers. He clutched the flower in his fist as he knelt down, looking down over the polished rock, the engraved writing making him smile slightly, He was haunted with the thoughts of his parent's slow, painful death. He ran his sore fingers over the smooth stone and gave a half smile. He thought of his mother, and her beautiful, white smile telling him goodbye before the departed to their trip, unknowing of their death waiting for them, silently, stalking the couple. He exhaled before gently resting the red rose on her tombstone, he gliding his fingers over it again. "Its okay, Mom." The trees rattled and blew in the wind above him, His voice wavered slightly with sadness, his throat was tight with attempted bravery, and holding back the unshed tears in his beautiful blue eyes. "I'll take care of her...i promise." He whispered, A single tear gently glided down his slightly stubbly cheek. He didn't let another fall, before he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his broad shoulders. He walked away from the two grave's. He walked along the windy stone path, as he exited through the black steel gates, he stopped. Feeling the warm gust of spring wind blow his dark hair from his blue eyes. He inhaled deeply, almost tasting the sweet air, he walked down the street, past the school before he spotted his sister just in time to see her slam her clutched fist into a girl's face. He gasped before almost jogging towards his steaming sibling, "A-Alicia." He called to her, but she refused to look back at him.

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When the bell rang, Gemma waited for everybody else to leave the classroom so she could silently exit. She weaved her way through the crowd, avoiding attention. She was shoved into a stream of people, who proceeded to follow everybody else, knocking her into inanimate and animate objects like a rag doll. Finally colliding with a wall of lockers, Gemma's impact was rough, making her fall onto the ground. She could feel a bruise forming, making her rub her arm. She then proceeded to pick up her stuff that was sprawled across the hallway, various papers and books randomly astray. She wished Kaylen was here. Although he was like her, a misfit, she always felt somehow he could protect her. He had been her only friend since they were very young, being there for her through thick and thin as most say. She felt a sharp kick to her side, and yelped out inaudibly to everybody else, looking up, her eyes meeting no others than Ian's. Only the biggest d*ckhead there ever could be. "Please, leave me alone you big brute." She hissed at him, not in the mood for his bantering and harassment. She just wanted to exit the school, and go home, assessing her wounds. Her eyes scanned the hallways for Kaylen, who she did not see. Glancing back at Ian, Gemma saw his eyes only flickered an evil flare, and his lips curved into a smirk. He grabbed her ponytail, closing it in his fist, and whipping her against the lockers. Defenseless, she struggled to defend herself, feeling vulnerable. She hated this feeling and thrashed against Ian's muscular grip, keeping her exactly where he wanted her. He spat nasty remarks at her she'd rather not repeat, making inappropriate references and gestures towards her. She spit on him, only angering him further. Arms length away, he threw her backwards with such force that she collided horribly with the lockers, making quite the ruckus. Nobody seemed to care as usual. Lying crumpled on the ground and in pain, Gemma sadly had no strength left to fight this beast today. She let him laugh at her, again spitting provocative things at her.
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||| || | Sergeant. | || |||

It was best time of the school day, the end of the day! The vortex to new possibilities, new discoveries, but most importantly, showers and sleep! It was also a favorite time for Sergeant Conner Daniels, he was most likely to be 'challenged' at the end of the day and able to get a good fight before going home to relax like a complete bum.
"Ah, jeez, you coulda put up a better fight, mate!" Taunted Sergeant, grinning evilly at the stumbling bully in front of him. The guy decided to jump one of the more dangerous misfits to see if he could prove to everyone that he indeed had beaten up the notorious Sergeant. Multiple bullies have challenged him to fights, bringing a few others just for show or for cheap wins, but they have yet to get to truly pummel Sergeant. There's been ties, but the other guy always ends up more banged up, broken and bloody than the misfit. The stony eyed male popped his fingers with his thumbs, having a bruise on his cheek and a small cut on his forehead above his brow. "You little piece of ****... I'll ******* kill you..." The supposed bully spat through bloodied teeth, scowling and on the floor. Sergeant shook his fists happily, darting over and giving him a nice kick to the head. The bully yelped hoarsely, rolling over in pain. "!!" "The only reason ya not like those guys that put up an actual fight, is because I don't like abusin' the weaker ones, ya'kno? Consider yourself lucky I'm not shoving my foot up ya rectum." He quipped, spitting on the bully's mangled and humiliated face before trotting off as he normally does. Doing his beloved victory walk with his head held up high. He didn't mind his injures, even though he would love to clean up right now. He was just too lazy, he'd rather have some one else do it for him. He heard a shrill shriek, making him noticeably cringe at the high pitch of it. If anything, he could have assumed it was a dying cat wail! He glanced over just in time to see a certain blue-eyed person give a prissy bimbo a nice jab in the face. Sergeant chuckled, walking over to the girl with her minions huddled by her. Decent damage, he could admire the effort. He nodded in approval, spitting at the minions when they hissed at him for lingering, raising his fist as if he was about to make them all a carbon copy of their leader knocked senseless right there. "Shut ya traps before I punch 'em so hard, they'll be surgically stitched closed!" He yelled, enjoying their flinches as he broke into a light jog. He didn't usually travel in support groups with other misfits, he liked to keep to himself, win himself an honest fight. He managed to catch up to Alicia, a girl he barely knew. "Nice handy work, never knew those small paws of yours could leave a mark to remember." Complimented the misfit. He was feeling nice today because he had a swell day. Ah, the joys of possibly maiming ignorant bullies!

||| || | Bunelia | || |||

The bell rang and as her eager class mates flooded from the classroom, Bunny stayed for a moment to swiftly get out her materials. Combing her hair back and tying it into a tight bun, then wrapped her hands. She never liked fighting, but in this type of school, you either beat or be beaten, and Bunny didn't ever tolerate being disrespected. Giving a good sigh, she straightened her sense out as she slung her book bag heavily over her shoulders. She took one step out the classroom then another, then a few others, until she began walking in a steady pace. Her eyes wandered, learning the hard way never to keep her eyes on one place. A thrown punch and small jostle, just a small play fight between two boys. Bunny avoided the attacked easily, getting the feeling that it wasn't just intended for his opponent. The misfit was good at being an stealthy, small freshman, weaving through crowds were one of her strong points. No problems yet, they came occasionally, but she was always ready for each and every one of them.

Alicia glanced over at Sergeant, then to her brother. "Thanks." She muttered, still upset from the girls hateful words about her parents. She pushed her sore hands into her jacket pockets. she smirked slightly before muttering a compliment herself. "I never knew the beast could actually give compliments.. or speak." She teased, her brother walked beside her, giving her an almost fatherly look once in a while. "I am Alicia, By the way." She said as she gently rubbed her bloody and bruised knuckles.
Sergeant was some what surprised by Alicia's compliment. "Jeez, a beast? How harsh!Looks like ya word sting too, haha." He said knowing that it was actually a compliment, but just joking around. "I'm Sergeant. Call . me anything but a coward."Sergeant said grinning.

Sent from My Pride andJoy s3.

He let out a heavy sigh,his first day had not treated him well. The moment he stepped inside the school gates a feeling of doom has been lingering around him. As he scuffled out during the loud frenzy due to the last bell ringing, he remembered how nobody had helped him find his locker. Nobody gave him directions, nobody smiled or waved at him,this place made him feel compleat my and utterly alone. "You know,some brand new would help" he thinks to himself as he clips on the small metallic headphones to his ears. As the sweet sounds flowed into his ears he felt a small wave of peace flow over him. "Well,it's not all that bad" he thinks to himself. The school itself was large, it was well kept,and the study's were intriguing. He smiled. "It's my first day anyway,all kids feel like this" a positive outlook was a good way for him to cope with life's hardships,and it hadn't failed him yet. When he reaches the exit he decides to sit down at the benches in the schools courtyard. The birds were singing and the sun was out. Not to cold and not to warm. Perfect. He sat down and allowed himself to recover from the day. He had time to kill anyway, his sister won't be out of school for a while anyway. While he was in the middle of changing songs on his mp3,he headed something rather disturbing. Two students walked side by side together rambling on about something. "Did you know that some chicks got in a fight?" The other turned to him. "What? That's like the third fight this week." As they casually strolled of grey couldn't help but think "w-what the hell?" Third fight,this week? He shivered and spoke to himself "what sort of school is this?"
Hikari and Kurai

Hikari messed with his cat ear headband, and sighed. He didn't think people liked it, and he had been hoping for no fights on his and Kurai's first day as transfer students. He looked over at his older twin sister. 'Well the day is almost over. We're almost outside. Almost home. Maybe my wish will come true.' He thought. He smiled a bit, as he thought about a day without a fight. He was sure Kurai could hold back her fists. Twenty nine precent of the time... It looked like she was going to stay out of fights, or at least try to.

Kurai had held herself back from slugging several people in the nose, because she knew her brother didn't want any fights. But, she also knew she couldn't hold in her rage for long. For now, all she could do was try to get her mind off of the jerks. So, she set her hand on top of Hikari's head, but tried not to mess up the headband. "How was your day, Neko?" She asked, calling her brother by his nickname that she had given him. She thought it fit him, with his obbsession with cats, and his headband.

" was okay..." Hikari replied, remembering the people who had insulted him. Luckily it was just that though. Luckily... "What about your day, Lilly?" His sister's nickname was her middle name, and usually used by people who couldn't pronounce her first one. But, Hikari enjoyed calling her it, when she called him by his nickname.

"It felt weird not getting into a figh-" Kurai stopped, when she noticed someone standing in front of the twins. She looked over at Hikari, as he hid behind her. "Get out of our way." She said. "And, no one gets hurt."

Hikari peeked out from behind Kurai, and shivered. He listened to the talk that was sure to turn into a fight.

"Hey, Kitty." Came the mocking voice of the boy who'd been teasing Hikari earlier, as he ignored Kurai. "Why don't you come out you little scarridy cat. Not man enough to face me, gotta hide behind a girl?" He reached to grab at Hikari but Kurai slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch my brother, or I will make you wish you had someone to hide behind." Kurai threatened. Her voice impling a trip to the hospital as she held to the last threads of calmness keeping her from beating him up.

The boy ignored Kurai yet again and reached for Hikari a second time. Smearing distastful insults through the air again. Kurai said a quick mental appoligy to Hikari as she grabbed the jerk's hand tugging him forward as her knee flew up. His nose connecting hard with her knee. There was a crack assuring Kurai that the boy's nose had just broken. Releasing him Kurai took Hikari's hand and ran.

Hikari stumbled a bit, trying to keep up. He was kind of surprised Kurai ran, but then again the school yard was a bigger, more open space. So, it would be easier to fight there.

Kurai stopped for a minute, and straightened Hikari's cat ears. "Are you alright?" She asked. She hoped he wasn't to upset about all of it.

Hikari nodded, but he was kind of dissapointed that they went that long, but had gotten into a fight anyway. "I'm fine."

Touching a hand to her own forehead, Kurai sighed in relief. "Good." She said. "Now let's go home."


Cinder couldn't help but think that that had been the worst day ever. She had no friends, She knew no one, and people were making fun of her. She exited the school, feeling rather down, and sighed. She thought the school year would be amazing, but this is what she got instead. She sat on the cool steps, just to take off her school shoes, and put on a pair of sandals she had in her bag. She saw a boy sitting nearby, but didn't try to talk to him. Several times, she had tried to speak to someone, and make friends, no luck.

So, Cinder had decided to let people approach her, even though it was weird for a social butterfly like herself. She stuffed her school shoes into her bag, and stood up again. She began to hop down the steps.

She didn't like ignorring people, but it was the only thing she could do. She didn't know who was going to insult or fight her, and who would be her friend. And, since she had run into so many bullies, trying to make friends that morning, she decided not to take the risk. She messed with her small purple glasses, before continuing to walk.


Silvanas exited the school building, and sat down. He layed out his cards, and began to read his own future. "Will I have a safe journey home?" He whispered to the cards.

Just then, a group of snobs came along, and almost trampled his cards, messing up his reading. "Well, that answers my question." He said, as he carefully gathered up his cards, making sure he had all of them.

He stood up, and walked off, looking around cautiously. Then, he heard barking and growling. He turned around, and saw a dog.

As the dog began to chase him home, he shouted, "The cards are always right!"

Another fight...another fight. Grey was astonished, what sort of terrible school is this. He had saw the whole thing go down. "Why..." That's all he could say. "Why?" He sighed heavily and approached the cat ear boy and his companion. "Hey...umm...I-I saw that whole thing go guys ok?" The words came out rugged and choppy. He was half scared that the girl would want to fight him. With shaky limbs he smiled trying to be friendly to the odd cat boy and fighting girl.
Hikari and Kurai

Hikari ducked behind Kurai like he always did when, he was approached by someone he didn't know. "H-hi." He said quietly. "I'm fine." He spoke for himself, not wanting to say we.

Kurai tilted her head, the boy who had approached didn't seem threatening. "I'm fine as well." She said. She set a reassuring hand on Hikari's shoulder, and whispered in his ear. "It's okay, Neko. He doesn't seem threatening." She then spoke up. "But, if he hurts you in any way, I'll punch him so hard..." The rest of her threat was hardly understandable.

Hikari was hesitent, but he stepped out from behind Kurai, and smiled. "H-hi." He said again.

"Hi..." He did his best to come off as a friend rather than a foe. "You guys got in a rather bad situation" he smiles at the boy in cat ears. "But I'm glad your friend could handle it." He then nods at the fighting girl. " oh,my names grey. I just moved and today was my first day" he then holds out a shaking hand. "It's nice to meet the two of you"
Hikari and Kurai

"Actually we're siblings. Twins to be exact. My name is Kurai and this is Hikari." Kurai introduced them both as Hikari gave a little nod. "Today is our first day as well." She said feeling a bit better about the day, now that they had met Grey. He seemed pretty nice, and her brother was happy to meet someone who hadn't made fun of his cat obssesion. So, she was fine with this Grey person.

Hikari smiled, he looked up to his sister, in a simalar way a young child would. He was rather shy and quiet, so Kurai voiced most of the twins' opinions.

"Well it's nice to meet you guys" he smiles and quickly looks over the both of them. They certainly do look like twins. From the eyes straight down to the way they are attached to each other. He took a few small seconds to examine Kurais...unique...accessory. Grey found it odd for a boy his she to dress in that way,but he didint feel like he had the right to question it just yet. As for the girl twin she looked intimating to say the least. Moments before grey had saw what she was capable of. He maid a mental note not to get on her bad side. After realizing that he had just bee staring at them he scrabbled for something to talk about. " I-I see that your names are...foreign no?" He swallows harshly.
Alicia hesitated before nodding, "Yeah." She sighed as the three walked down the street, silently. She cleared her throat before looking towards the boy, "So, uh..." She thought of something to ask the boy, but her mind came up blank. "What are you planning to do today?" She asked awkwardly, Nathan smirked, before letting out a soft chuckle.
"Well, yes." Kurai answered. "They're Japanese names." She was actually enjoying this talk quite well. But, she wondered if Hikari was actually going to say anything.

Hikari just nodded, as he messed with his cat ears. He looked around, to see if there were any stray cats around. He loved cats.

Cinder walked forward slowly, without picking up her feet. She wondered if she would meet anyone friendly that day.

A spark flickers in greys eyes. "I figured so! I myself take heritage from japan as well" he smiles. " well I think...I was adopted in japan but I know the culture." Grey relaxes a little, feeling happy to meet somebody who he had things in common with. "I lived in shibuya up I tell a week ago." grey felt like talking forever when it came to japan.
Kurai smiled, "It's been so long since we were last in Japan." She said. "But, we remember some stuff... Right, Neko?"

Hikari nodded, he acted quite young for his age. Someone may think he was a five year old trapped in a sixteen year old's body.

But, that wasn't the case. He was just like that.

Kurai laughed a bit, it was nice talking with Grey.

Greys mouth was about to open. He has so much to say,but as soon as he took a breath he felt his phone vibrating. Shoot. Shoot shoot shoot! " e-exuse me for a second" he shoved his hand in his pocket and looked at the screen. " shit!" He had compleatly forgotin what he was waiting for. "Sorry guys! I kinda need to go!" Grey grabbed his bag,slung it around his shoulders, and bolted out. He felt bad for just getting up and leaving. But he needed to be somewhere.
"Oh, someone wanna go home and cry to their daddy. Wait, daddy's." The attacker laughed harder at Gemma's crumpled form on the ground. Her jaw clenched, as she slowly scrambled to get up. "Ooh, look, she's gonna fight me," he teased an evil smirk playing on his lips. She stared at him, bringing her fists up. He swung at her, but Gemma dodged and aimed for his throat. At a loss for breath, he doubled over giving Gemma enough time to knee him in the groin, and in the stomach sending him tumbling to the floor. Scooping up her stuff and walking off, Gemma heard one more thing emit from his mouth before she got out of earshot, "You'll regret this." Scoffing, she continued on, her hand quickly grabbing her wounded shoulder rubbing it. She hated the people here. She hated that they hated her because she wasn't afraid to be different. She hated how she couldn't protect her dads.
Kay and Mia

Kay and Mia walked into the school. Right away Mia walked off to make some friends, leaving Kay behind.

Kay stood there shyly. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest. She quickly dropped her arms to her sides and strided down the hallway trying to look confident. She walked up to a few students. She heard one say his name is Grey, "hey..." She said to them. Her voice was rather shaky but she tried to hide it.

Mia walked around the school for a bit then found her locker. She looked at a few students walking past and went to go socialize. Walking up to a girl and a boy (sergeant and alicia). She was new so no one would know her. "Hey! I'm Mia" She beamed. She looked a bit energetic, but in her eyes you can tell she's angry, angry about her sister making her go to this school.
Kaylen had been awfully late and he felt bad. He didn't mean to wake up late but his dumba** mom didn't wake him up so he was forced to wake himself up. He drove to school as usual and when he got inside he spotted Gemma but he couldn't get to her quick enough, all the people pushing him back farther and farther. At one point he nearly tripped but he caught himself against the locker. He finally caught up but Gemma was walking away and the dude was on the floor. Kaylen knew him! He couldn't get his finger on the name but she sent him to the ground and Kaylen grinned. Kaylen picked the dude up and slammed him against the locker. I don't care how tough you think you are fighting a girl and I certainly don't know if you are crushing on her but if you lay one more finger on her I will need to shove some metal into your face. Kaylen pushes him back and runs up to Gemma, touching her neck slightly when he came up. Hey, Gemma.

Gemma flinches and brings up her fist as someone touches her neck. Swirling around, she sees Kaylen, and sighs. "I needed you back there." She leans her head on his side, falling into step with him. "I may have sent him to the ground but I also got thrown into lockers...twice." She rubbed her shoulder, wincing as she reminisced. She looked up painfully at him, his brown hair quiffed up as usual. Tearing her eyes away, they landed on the tiles in front of them, as she opened and closed her mouth, letting him reply.
Kaylen sighed lightly, rubbing the back of his neck. Hey, everything will be okay. I got him under control and if he does something else, just tell me and I'll give him a good whooping. He grinned putting his arm around Gemma as they walked perfectly, their steps falling in line. He walked towards his first class with her, since they took the same on together. There's other people that get bullied like us....It's going to be alright, we aren't alone.
Riley rushed into school, late. She knew she shouldn't have stayed up reading, but she just couldn't put her book down!

When she realized she was late for school, she jumped out of bed, quickly slipped a drop arm vest over her tank top and pulled on the first pair of shorts she could find. She ran down the stairs, grabbed a poptart and wore her Vans on her way to her car, hopping from one foot to another. She was sure her neighbors had seen one of the most entertaining sights they could have ever seen.

In her hurry, she ran into another girl. "Ohmy! I'm so sorry!" She squeaked.

@BubbleDiamondz (she's crashed into your char bae :P )
Gemma nods slightly, "Yeah, I know. but well," She laughed when he said he'd give him a good whooping. As he wrapped his arm around her, she smiled up at him, butterflies in her stomach. She always got this weird feeling when she was around him, but shrugged off considering they were best friends. Suddenly a girl crashed into her, knocking Gemma into Kaylen. She heard her quickly apologize, and waved her hand, regaining her balance. "It's fine, my bad." She smiled brightly, seeing how flustered the girl was.
"No, no, I wasn't looking. I thought I was going to be late for class." Riley smiled sheepishly at the girl. She is really pretty, she thought to herself. "You're Gemma, right? I think we have the same English class." She mumbled.

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