The Misfits [Inactive]

Gemma laughed. "Yeah, I'm Gemma. You're Riley? You sit behind me," she smiled, and then made a look as if a lightbulb went off in her head. "Oh, and this dork is Kaylen." She was still leaning up against his side, with his arm wrapped around her. She grinned warmly at Riley, shifting her stuff to her right arm.
Riley nodded. "Yeah, I do. Weird, we've never spoken before this." She smiled back and then looked at the guy. "Hey Kaylen." She waved.

"Well, I ought to get to my locker and head to class." Riley said. "See you around, Gemma, Kaylen." She waved once again as she maneuvered around them to open her locker, since they were standing right in front of it.
Kaylen grinned as she got pushed into him. What a klutz the other girl must've been..He wasn't a bully, just slightly judgmental of some of the freaks around him. Not saying Riley was a freak or anything but it would be nice to pay attention sometimes. Oh-Uh, yeah nice meeting you. He smiled lightly off to the side.
Mia walked up to the group (Kaylen n such...just wanna make friends :P ) "hey! I'm names Mia" she giggled and looked at them all

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Gemma shifted, accidentally pulling Kaylen along with her as Riley maneuvered around them to get to her locker. Another girl walked up introducing herself as Mia, giggling. She was pretty, and Gemma felt a bit intimidated. She glanced up at Kaylen to see what he thought of her, but he was unreadable at the moment. She looked back at Mia, coaxing a smile onto her lips. "Hi, I'm Gemma," she greeted warmly. One of the negative things about Gemma was she gets intimidated or a bit jealous quickly. She hates it, and usually avoids Kaylen's, or her dad's eyes because they can all tell when she is. She decided to give Mia the benefit of the doubt, and hope for the best.

Gemma wasn't exactly friends with girls, due to the fact she judges them all the same. Not on purpose, it just kinda, happens. She prefers guys because she feels she doesn't have to worry about the annoying excess drama.
Mia smiled at Gemma, ignoring Kaylen a bit, thinking that Gemma and Kaylen are dating (idk if they are or not). She saw a bit of jealousy in Gemma's eyes, "I'm sorry, did I do something wrong?" She raised an eyebrow

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Gemma, embarrassed at being called out, adapted a tint of red to her cheeks and flustered, replied quickly, "no no no! It's just, I love your hair!" She smiled, laughing nervously. This was true. Mia had long blond hair while Gemma had dark brown-black hair. Another reason Gemma was an outcast? She was awkward. She often expressed the opposite emotions she was supposed to be expressing on her face, and it was obvious. "This is Kaylen, since he's too shy to introduce himself." She laughed, stealing a glance at Kaylen before looking back at Mia. "So, you new here?" She tried to direct the conversation away from her flustered, awkward self and to something else.
"Yea" she smiled and giggled a bit "so wanna be my friend?" She asked Gemma, "don't worry, I don't start any of that drama type bullsh*t" she smiled

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Kylen watched Gemma nearly speak for him. He cleared his throat and nodded. Er, nice to meet ya. He said less enthusiastic then he intended. He sighed, he felt bad that he hadn't been a fun friend to be with for the day. He looked back at Mia and smiled. Hello, yes like Gemma said I am Kaylen. She's a good friend of mine I bet you two will get along perfectly fine. He smiled, nudging Gemma.
Gemma almost frowned when Kaylen stated that she was a 'good friend of his,' but shrugged it off, and smiled. "Uh..sure!" She smiled, and hoped Mia was right. She really just wanted to exit the school as it was over and go hang out with Kaylen, but she willingly obliged to talking to Mia, as she wasn't flirting with Kaylen like Gemma's past friends did. She wasn't jealous of their flirting, it was just annoying. She'd just want to hang out with their friend, but they always springed the question, 'Is Kaylen coming?' He didn't know it but he was a true ladies man.

Gemma beamed brightly at Mia, and thought of having a friend that wasn't a guy again. she hadn't had one in so long, she had forgotten what it was like. She guessed it would be fun to have someone to talk to about guys with. You could do that with a guy, but It'd be a little awkward.
"Hi Mia! I'm Riley." Riley popped out from behind Gemma and Kaylen after gathering her books. "Just a warning, I can pop out from anywhere, so don't get freaked out." She grinned.

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Mia smiled and her sister started walking past but she quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back "this is my little sister Kay" she giggled as Kay lowered her head awkwardly.

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The influx of people that Gemma was meeting at once made Gemma's mind swirl. Since she was standing slightly in front of him, Gemma grabbed Kaylen's hand gently, just to know he was still there. "Oh- uh- er- hi," Gemma greeted awkwardly. 'Kay' kept her head down, obviously not wanting to meet people, and Gemma sympathized. Her dads were always introducing her to random people, and it was awkward.
Kaylen looked at the girls and backed into the lockers. He was super awkward in this situation and he didn't exactly know what to do. Oh um. Okay. I-uh. He bit his lip nervously, surrounded by 4 girls all of the sudden. He didn't know what to do because he'd never felt so wanted. Maybe wanted wasn't the right word...He couldn't find the right word at the moment.
Kay went to leave and Mia let her "sorry, she's a bit shy..." she shrugged and smiled slightly "or really shy...I just want her to make some friends..."

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Riley noticed how awkward Gemma and Kaylen looked. She smiled lightly. She knew what it felt like, she wasn't the most social person. She usually came across as friendly but you could only have a short conversation with Riley before she got so nervous, she would run off.

"Well. I'm heading to class. Anyone else got English early in the morning?"

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As students filed out of the building, Gemma cautiously remarked, "Well...I was just going to head out and go grab some ice cream." She glanced at everybody's faces, and her eyes landed on Kaylen. She knew he didn't like being in big groups of girls, so she said, "and then I have to go check on my siblings." Gemma didn't have any, but she was hoping saying the key word 'siblings,' would get Kaylen to speak up and give the excuse he has to go check on his siblings.
Kaylen looked at her quickly and then eyed her for a second. He ran his fingers through his hair and nodded, smiling to the girls. I gotta check on my siblings too...They are currently alone at home. Sick. He said, lying. Obviously his siblings were at school but he couldn't bare to go to school without making a quick stop at home once a day. His house was literally across the street, anyways. Never expected such sweet people to be in the school, although.
Gemma nodded, agreeing. "Yeah. I agree." She scuffed her feet on the floor, and then continued, "I really do have to go, but meet early tomorrow here?" She smiled at everybody, nodding slightly. She hugged Kaylen, quietly whispering, "meet me at the corner." The 'corner,' is just a block from school, and is a fork in the road, left to go downtown, right to go home. She said goodbye briefly to everybody, giving Riley and Mia a hug, and waved curtly before walking down the hallway. She pushed the doors open, getting hit with a breath of fresh air. A light breeze chilled her neck and gave her goosebumps. Happy school was over, she began the walk to the corner, smiling and humming her favorite tunes to herself.

She didn't mean to come off as rude or anything to the girls, but since girls were a major part in her bullying, she didn't open up very quickly. The same applied to boys also, though. She can be very secluded and/or nervous when she meets someone, and can often come off as a bit rude. She saw Evan walking home on the opposite side of the street, and debated yelling out his name. She expected him to wave, grin and cross the street to meet her. Maybe hug her, or take her in his arms and kiss her sweetly. But then she remembered their break-up and decided against it, staring down at her keds. She made small circles with them on the pavement, scuffing pebbles around with her toes.
Mia's phone started to ring and she looked down at her old flip phone. She looked at the number flashing on the screen then quickly ran out of the school and then around to the foot ball field. "What do you want?" She answered harshly to her ex and then started arguing over the phone. Eventually she hung up but collapsed onto the bleacher in tears

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Kaylen nodded to Gemma and walked out of school looking around cautiously. He then walked his own route towards the location in which she told him to go. He went through the alley, around the block and then hit the corner soon after walking for a bit more. He saw Gemma and smiled Hey you survived, walking here. He said. It was a joke but still, bullies were around every corner and Kaylen was often scared of the next attack he was going to receive. He got bullied by the sport jocks, who played all the big manly sports like football and basketball and some bullied him baseball.
Gemma looked up at Kaylen's voice, and glanced over in the direction Evan was going, but he was out of sight, gone. She turned back to Kaylen, smiling and laughing sarcastically. "Haha. Funny. Yes I did." As he approached, she sighed, thinking of the situation they both were in, and ran a hand through her black hair. "I really suck when it comes to social interactions." She bit her lip, feeling guilty for ditching Riley and Mia like that, but she couldn't be there any longer.
Kaylen shrugged. You know how you acted in there with the two girls. It was annoying and neither of us could take it being with more than 2 other people. I guess we just aren't meant for large crowds. He said, trying to make the situation a bit lighter. He felt bad that she had to feel that way, it wasn't his fault but he had felt the same way too up until last year when he had just gave up on social interactions.
Gemma nodded, agreeing. "I guess that makes sense. I've never been good in big crowds, so." There was a silence for a couple moments, moments that couldn't be filled with idle chatting, because they weren't those kinds of people. Eventually, it broke. "So, what now?" It was simple, but effective. She knew that for a second Kaylen would be perplexed, and then reply, or he would reply immediately, he was usually quick to respond to things, which was a plus to his personality. Gemma had actually wanted ice cream, but it could wait if he didn't want to do that.

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